MTL - The System Asks to Uninstall: The Male God is Poisonous-Chapter 1984 The Strongest Dragon Race, The Rise of the Scrap Summoner 72

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The abnormality of the body shocked the black dragon.

"It's so possible" Hei Long muttered, as if feeling incredible about his defeat.

Luo Bai still held the black dragon's long sword in his left hand with the fine dragon scales emerging. The sun was shining from the sky, and the white jade-like dragon scales reflected amazing magnificence.

Left hand jerked hard.


The ancient weapon that drank countless blood was crushed by Luo Bai with his bare hands.

As Luo Bai let go, the black shards fell, and a white flame ignited around the shards in the middle, swallowing them like a greedy beast.

"If you don't come to me, maybe you can live a few more years." Luo Bai smiled.

When the words ended, a magic circle burning with white flames wrapped Luo Bai and the black dragon at the same time.

The first group of magicians who realized the danger had escaped a certain distance in their flying monsters.

And when the group of magicians wanted to turn back, there was a loud noise that seemed to shake the world.

The eardrums seem to be bursting.

This sound shocked many magicians, and no one turned back for a while.

"Boom~" was another loud noise.

The cracks cover the city like a large net, and there are rubble falling from the edge of the city.

It starts out as some smaller stones, but over time, the volume of dropped stones gradually increases.

"The city of the sky, the sky, is about to fall"

“Legendary Warcraft fights are terrible, especially dragons that are at their peak”


The huge sky city is divided into two, and then divided into four, randomly scattered into a group.

The floating mysterious spell seems to be effective only when the boulder remains intact. Now, after the 100,000-square-meter boulder is split, the entire sky city falls like a shooting star.

Below, is the sea.

When Luo Bai and Heilong fought, countless flying monsters in the city of the sky were already shocked.

So in the end, even if the entire sky city fell out of balance, it did not cause too many casualties.


After half a year

"They say that the fall of the city in the sky is related to the dragon race, is this true?"

" Of course I was in the 30-year competition half a year ago, but you can't imagine how huge that white dragon is, it's not an exaggeration to say that it covers the sky "

"Hey, hey, I haven't seen Dragon Race yet, I really want to see it"

"Tsk, don't talk about you kid, I've lived a long life and haven't seen the dragon clan"

"They say that the white dragon has a master, and his contractor is a woman"

"What kind of dragon has a master, are you kidding me, that's unheard of"

There was an endless stream of discussions in the restaurant, most of which revolved around the dragons who appeared in the Sky City half a year ago.

In fact, this situation is very common. The topic of dragons and the city in the sky has become a permanent topic in various restaurants, and it has endured for a long time.

No one noticed that there was a woman in her early twenties sitting in a corner of the hall.

She was dressed in light gray armor, and beside her was a long sword wrapped in cloth, the color of the cloth at the handle was dark red.

It is a very common mercenary costume.

And this person is... Gong Feixue.

Since half a year ago, after the fall of Sky City, Gong Feixue has not seen Luo Bai.

Luo Bai left a space ring and left.

Gong Feixue still remembers the white-haired, black-eyed young man with a smile: "When you are famous in Qianxiao Continent, it is when you and I meet again."

At this moment, Gong Feixue, who has not yet experienced the scorching world, still believes in Luo Bai.

She would not have thought that twenty years later, when she became famous, she did not wait for Luo Bai.

She also did not expect that fifty years later, when everyone in the entire Qianxiao Continent did not know about her husband Feixue, that person still did not appear as if he had forgotten about it.


Luo Bai really don't remember?

No, she remembers, but she just let it go.

When Gong Feixue became a magic teacher, she felt that she should let go.

She can help her learn to walk, but she won't stay by her side all the time for fear of her falling.

Besides, with the space ring she gave, Luo Bai believed that there would be no problem with Gong Feixue's promotion.

So she went to play everywhere with no conscience.

This wave is fifty years.


Little fans: Ding~ The side quest is completed, and the reward is 10,000 points. The current points of Baba are: 107913.

Little fans: Baba, I think you are always lying to the little girl

Luo Bai: Oh

Little Fan: Isn't it?

Luo Bai: How do you know that I only lie to little girls, maybe I also lie to little boys?

Little fans: ... I'm going to jump to the new world, Baba, get ready~