MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 25

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"I heard that Sect Master Xu's acceptance of disciples is a great joy for the successor of Cangyang Sect, so I came here to congratulate him and prepared a few small gifts."

Yu Chixiao put down the teacup and waved. The four disciples who paid homage to the Golden Gate immediately bowed their heads and stepped forward, and the leading sword disciple bowed and presented the red sandalwood gift box to the table.


In the front hall of the Cangyang Sect's outer gate, several real people looked at each other, and Shaoqing's always amiable Jingxu real person finally coughed, and said euphemistically: "Young Master Yuchi may have misunderstood, our Sect Master Xu has never taken in any disciples. The suzerain's acceptance of disciples means that he will establish an heir for the sect. Once it is confirmed, it is a major event that will be known to the world. How could there be rumors about it? I think you should bring this gift back..."

"Sect Master Xu personally informed this junior."

Master Jingxu's voice stopped abruptly.

Yu Chixiao stretched out his hand to open the red sandalwood gift box, and said in a calm manner: "The real person presents the junior's congratulatory gift to the Xuanji Palace, won't it be natural to see the result?"

It turned out to be a girdle with crimson embroidered gold thread.

The girdle seal is only two feet wide and narrow after being folded. It is embroidered with cloud and crane patterns in gold thread. Although it is old, its texture is smooth and precise. There are only a handful of people in the entire Immortal League who dare to embroider gold thread on their robes. Everyone's first reaction was to think that it was something from a female family member of the Golden Gate, and then someone became furious: "Young Master Yuchi, what is the meaning of this?" , actually used his daughter’s old things as congratulatory gifts? It’s simply—”

Before he could say a word of joke, the man was stopped by Daoist Jingxu.

Jing Xu's face was very ugly, but for some reason, he forcibly restrained himself: "So, please sit down for a while, Eldest Young Master."

The man was stunned: "Jingxu you?"

But Yu Chixiao completely ignored everyone's reaction, and said with a smile: "Then I will trouble the real person."

Fortunately, it was the young master of Jinmen who came here, and the three direct descendants can't be offended. Otherwise, even if it was the head master of the Eight Sects of the Sixth Family, he would have been mercilessly sent down the mountain at this moment.

Unexpectedly, the real Jingxu didn't go for a long time, and the half-pillar of incense in the hall was not exhausted. I saw him returning from the direction of the Xuanji Hall with his sword, and put the luxurious gift box back in front of the case as it was, and bowed his hands politely:

"Eldest son, return to Zhao with complete jade."

Yu Chixiao raised his eyelids.

"The suzerain said that there were a lot of old clothes and things back then, and it's not surprising that they were often missed everywhere." Master Jingxu raised his hand as a sign to see off the guests, "Please go back."

What does this mean?

The qualifications of the few real people present here are not as good as Jingxu, and they are all at a loss at the moment. Seeing that Yu Chixiao didn't move, he didn't even seem to be surprised, he just said "Oh?": "Don't worry, the real person, this junior has not only prepared this congratulatory gift. There were a lot of old clothes and things back then, so what about this one?"

Another disciple of Ye Jinmen came forward with a gift box in his hand, only to see that this time the box was smaller, and when it opened with a click, there were actually two small golden coins inside!

Yu Chixiao was also very polite: "Please ask the real person to ask again. If you don't even need this old thing, then I will take it back and destroy it."

——Those two small gold coins were tied by a crimson silk sash, very delicate, like a waist pendant, but from the eyes of Daoist Jingxu, they were no different from the two death talismans soaked in poison.

Jingxu's face was gloomy to the bottom, but after all, he was a senior veteran, so he had better self-restraint, so he just snorted heavily, picked up the gift box and walked away.

This time it took more than twice as long as before, Yu Chixiao remained calm and drank his tea with his head down, but the seniors in the hall couldn't help but sink slightly. Just as the atmosphere gradually solidified, someone finally came with a sword in the direction of Xuanji Hall in the distance, but this time there was another figure besides Jingxu.

All the disciples outside the hall surged for a moment, and there was a subdued exclamation: "Ah, Senior Brother Wen?"

The person who came was Wen Xiuyang!

The disciples guarding the hall had a very high status in the Cangyang Sect, and several real people stood up to salute one after another. However, Wen Xiuyang didn't care about returning the gift, and strode forward as soon as he landed. With a local sound, he pressed the gift box in front of Yu Chixiao: "Young master."

Yu Chixiao cupped his hands: "Brother Wen."

Wen Xiuyang said coldly: "The suzerain said that these two coins were given by him himself, but there is nothing special about them, they are just made of ordinary gold. There are still many such gold coins in the Cangyang Sect's internal treasury. If Young Master wants to destroy these two coins, just take them back and destroy them, please!"

The hall was very quiet, except for Jingxu, the other real people didn't know why, and stared back and forth at them nervously.

But seeing Yu Chixiao nodding thoughtfully, Shaoqing suddenly asked: "Sect Master Xu's original words are really so understatement?"

Wen Xiuyang asked back: "Otherwise?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious." Yu Chixiao paused for a moment, then laughed: "It's so easy and comfortable, why did you, Brother Wen, who is the chief disciple of the palace guard, deliver the things yourself in the end?"

Wen Xiuyang said angrily: "You!"

Wen Xiuyang closed his eyes restrainedly and let out a breath before leaning over, every word was as cold as coming out from between his teeth: "I don't know exactly what happened last night, but I can make a rough guess. Yuchi Eldest son, Xiang Xiaoyuan has been a disciple of my Cangyang Sect for life and death, so I advise you to accept it when you see it. If you take that immortal venerable’s possessions and go crazy, I don’t guarantee that you will still be able to—”

"Brother Wen, calm down." Yu Chixiao interrupted him with a smile, and said, "The last congratulatory gift belongs to Mrs. Xu."

I saw him waving his hand in the air, it was a magic formula to spread things across thousands of miles, and then a white light flashed past, and a third identical red sandalwood box appeared on the table!

"..." Wen Xiuyang stared at him for a long time, and finally said after a long while: "You have read too many scripts, Brother Yuchi, Mrs. Xu in your dream?"

"It's true that Nian Nujiao has spread all over the country, but it was only after I came out of the illusion of Linjiang that I roughly understood the state of mind of your lord over the years. I really admire it." Yu Chixiao leaned back in the chair and made a request He gestured: "Brother Wen just submit it to Sect Master Xu. Whether it is true or not will be decided by ourselves, please."

Judging from Wen Xiuyang's expression, he probably really wanted to forcibly bring tea to see off the guests, and finally held back after a few breaths: "Then just wait!"

After speaking, without waiting for Yu Chixiao's answer, he took the last red sandalwood gift box and raised his sword. In a flash, he crossed the peaks of the vast Cangyang Mountains and landed on the edge of the peach forest. According to the sect's rules, one cannot walk with a sword once one enters the Taolin area, but Wen Xiuyang's cultivation is profound and his footsteps are fast, so he came to the Xuanji Hall in just a cup of tea and knelt down to present the wooden box:

"Sovereign, Yu Chixiao presents the last congratulatory gift, claiming it is Mrs. Xu's relic!"

Gong Wei took a sip of tea and choked into the trachea instantly.

The master and apprentice sat opposite each other in the main hall, but Xu Shuangce never said a word after Wen Xiuyang was ordered to return the two small gold coins.

From Gong Wei's perspective, only his motionless lips and chin can be seen, the lines are so cold that people dare not look up to see what his eyes are at the moment.

—What relics can a person who does not exist in the illusion leave behind?

Gong Wei lived in Daishan for a long time before his death, but every winter he would go to Jinmen to avoid the cold, and it is normal to throw clothes and girdles everywhere—just like Yuchi Changsheng was sent to Ying Kai to discipline him when he was a child, and Daishan Punishment Palace also prepared a small sword Zong's various daily necessities. The string of small gold coin waist pendants is also easy to explain. Gong Wei almost knows the process of burial after his death. Ying Kai and the others can't find Bai Taishou sword no matter what, so they can only keep his belongings well, hoping to find the whereabouts of the sword in the future clues.

But what can "Mrs. Xu" leave behind?

"What do you think Yu Chixiao is asking for today?" Xu Shuangce asked suddenly.

Gong Wei said timidly, "Brother...I don't know."

It wasn't all acting, he really didn't know. Last night, although he mouthed "ask your uncle for help" to Yu Chixiao, he didn't expect him to understand. Here came Yu Chixiao, who was insane from heaven.

Everyone knows that Fahua Immortal Venerable is the deadly enemy of Cangyang Sect Master, and he can't even mention his name, let alone send all his relics to Mr. Xu. Yuchi's eldest nephew came here today as if he was sick to challenge the bottom line. With Gong Wei's poor imagination, he can only suspect that he woke up this morning and found out that he was terminally ill, so he came here specially to risk his life to blackmail Xu Shuangce. A funeral expense.

"Young Master Yuchi must have gone crazy after practicing kung fu last night, and he woke up this morning and became insane." Gong Wei lowered his head cautiously and said, "Master, why don't I persuade him face to face, and send him down the mountain quickly..."

"Then being a teacher won't fulfill his wish?"

Gong Wei was stunned for a moment, and wondered what Xu Shuangce meant by this, did he think Yu Chixiao died just to see himself?

Xu Shuangce said coldly: "Bring it up!"

Only then did Wen Xiuyang quickly step into the hall, bowed to present the delicate and luxurious red sandalwood box, and cast a glance at Gong Wei with no clear meaning. The sight was hidden and complicated, it seemed to be mixed with condescending scrutiny, subtle and unspeakable pity and a trace of unspeakable disgust, but Gong Wei didn't have the time to think about it. He saw Xu Shuangce stretch out his hand to open the gift box, and the next moment, the veins on the back of his hand burst out.

Gong Wei's eyelids suddenly twitched -

It was a golden ring that they were all very familiar with.


Half an hour later, in the front hall of the Cangyang Sect, a meteor-like white light cut through the mountain stream and landed steadily in front of the hall.

All the disciples saluted together: "Senior Brother Wen!"

Holding the sword in his hand, Wen Xiuyang stepped forward quickly, and the first thing he said was:

"what do you want?"

Yu Chixiao calmly put down his teacup, raised his head and asked, "Where's the golden ring?"

The gazes of the real people in the hall turned to Wen Xiuyang's hand, only to realize that this time was different from the previous two times, the gift box was gone!

Wen Xiuyang repeated it with a more serious tone: "What exactly do you want?"

But Yu Chixiao didn't answer and asked instead: "Didn't the Cangyang Sect never have Mrs. Xu?"

"—Yu Chixiao!"

Wen Xiuyang's voice was almost stern, and Jingxu and the others stood up in surprise at the same time.

But after a few breaths, Wen Xiuyang forcibly held back.

Although I don't know what the meaning of the golden ring represents, I can still vividly remember the chilling look in the eyes of the suzerain of Xuanji Hall just now. He forcibly expelled the picture from his mind, then gritted his teeth and lowered his voice, and asked word by word: "What exactly are you asking for when you come here today?!"

Yu Chixiao moved a little closer, and said softly in the same low voice: "I just want Sect Master Xu to remember that the dead are already dead."


There was silence around, and Yu Chixiao raised his eyebrows for a while and said: "Brother Wen is indeed the disciple who has followed Sect Master Xu for the longest time, and he is not surprised at all. You have noticed it for so many years, right?"

Wen Xiuyang straightened up and said coldly: "I'm only surprised that you are so persistent in courting death."

"You think too much." Yu Chixiao said mercilessly, then leaned back to the back of the chair, looking around at the different expressions of the people around:

"Since the suzerain has accepted my congratulatory gift, please promise me another unfeeling request. I once left a jade pendant in the noble sect, which is a blood unicorn passed down from generation to generation in the Jinmen, but it was passed down by the suzerain last night. It was taken away. The family heirloom cannot be lost, can I trouble everyone and return it?"

Everyone couldn't help being surprised, he made such a big fuss, but he only asked for this?

Master Jingxu heaved a sigh of relief: "The jade pendant was a token given to the married couple at the beginning. Now that the engagement is about to be dissolved, the token should be returned. I'll just..."

But Yu Chixiao interrupted him: "Don't worry, real man, I haven't finished my sentence yet. How did you give this blood unicorn back then, and now I want to return it, understand?"

Jingxu was full of doubts: "What do you mean?"

Wen Xiuyang immediately said, "Yu Chixiao, I advise you not to seek death for the last time!"

However, Yu Chixiao turned a deaf ear to it, and saw the corner of his mouth twitch, which was clearly a sneer:

"Since the token was given to Xiang Xiaoyuan, a disciple of the noble sect, now I have to let Xiang Xiaoyuan return it in person. There is no other purpose, but Linjiang lived and died together. I want to witness his return with my own eyes. After arriving at the Cangyang Sect, he is still safe and has not encountered any accidents. Am I clear enough?"

What kind of accidents can a person encounter in Cangyang Mountain?

Master Jingxu hesitated and said: "Xiang Xiaoyuan is naturally safe and sound, but now he is fortunate to be taught by the suzerain himself, so he must not come out to see you casually, so..."

Yu Chixiao sneered: "Teach?"

"Young Master Yuchi!" Wen Xiuyang originally didn't want to bring this up, but now he was obviously really angry: "At the beginning, you went to Cangyang Mountain in person, and you made a firm statement and resolutely resigned. What do you want to do now?!"

Yu Chixiao confronted each other: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to make sure my friend is safe!"


"Sect Master Xu is known as the number one person in the world. He is so powerful that no one dares to speak out, but he can't ignore human relations and do whatever he wants. Brother Wen, do you think I'm wrong?"

Wen Xiuyang gritted his teeth and stared at him, and finally said word by word after a while: "Xiang Xiaoyuan will never come out to see you!"

Yu Chixiao said: "Then please return the belongings of Mrs. Xu just now, suzerain."

"doing what?"

Yu Chixiao also paused every word: "At the foot of Cangyang Mountain, destroy it on the spot!"

At the same time in the Xuanji Hall, Xu Shuangce suddenly got up, strode out of the hall and stretched out his hand, he had no choice but to come from the direction of the distant Tianji Pagoda in an instant.

"Master... Shishi Shizun!" Gong Wei couldn't care about the sudden onset of angina pectoris as the helplessness approached, and he scrambled out: "Calm down, Shizun!"

The next moment, Xu Shuang drew his sword out of its sheath.

Yu Chixiao in the front hall of the mountain gate in the distance suddenly turned his head, a sword light piercing the sky was reflected in his eyes, and rushed towards him!

The sky and the earth were shrouded in white light, as if they had suddenly fallen into silence.

After a few breaths, the loud noise came after a long time, blowing everyone away!

Yu Chixiao had already been pushed several miles away, and Gou Chen's sword spirit was urged to the extreme, before he could barely block the overwhelming sword light an inch in front of him, but the sword trembled precariously. In the distance, several real people came galloping with their swords, and let out inaudible anxious roars amidst the strong vibrations, but Xu Shuangce didn't give anyone time to intercede—

The second, more majestic and terrifying sword light came at the head, and it came in an instant. Almost no fairy sword in this world can block its unprecedented power.

Yu Chixiao's mind went blank, and he flew out like a cannonball, splitting the sea of ​​trees all the way in the rainstorm-like boulders, and his whole body crashed into the cliff, and the thousand-foot rock wall shattered in response!

The mountain peaks turned into dust, and the earth trembled continuously, covering the sky and the sun for a hundred miles.

In front of Xuanji Hall, Xu Shuangce raised his sword for the third time without moving his face.

But at this moment there was a splash behind him.

For the first time after being reborn, Gong Wei had no choice but to draw the sword in person, and could no longer bear the heart-piercing chest pain, and fell to the ground with one knee limp, with cold sweat pouring down, and almost exhausted all his strength to force it out. Keep a calm look: "Master...Master, calm down..."

Xu Shuangce's eyes fell on the top of his head, unable to see his expression clearly.

"Master's power is the most powerful in the world. If you have no choice but to strike again, I'm afraid it will hurt people's lives..."

Immediately afterwards, he was interrupted by Xu Shuangce's words:


Gong Wei's words came to an abrupt end, and Xu Shuangce had already risen into the air, and it was too late to stop him, and he fell into the violently turbulent world in an instant.

—In the front mountain in the distance, several real people blurted out: "Sovereign Master!" "Sovereign Master!"

Yu Chixiao climbed out of the broken cliff with countless dust and gravels on his back. Just as he spat out a mouthful of blood, before he had time to wipe it off, he looked up and saw Xu Shuangce coming towards the wind, his sleeves fluttering, condescendingly standing in mid-air: "Xian nephew."

His tone didn't change at all, but the dazzling cold light was reflected in everyone's terrified eyes.

"Remember in your next life, you can't get back what has been sent out."

Everyone didn't even have time to block it, Xu Shuangce had already arrived in person, but Jianfeng drank countless blood, instantly reflected Yuchixiao's deadly throat—

At the critical moment, the red gold sword descended from the sky like a giant dragon.

Someone blurted out: "Raksha Tower?!"

Jian Zong Yuchi Changsheng swung a sword from thousands of miles away, across the sixteen cities of Kyushu, and blocked the blow in a shocking manner!

"Wei, Chi, Rui," Xu Shuangce narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Rakshasa Pagoda tore through the sky. At this moment, the power of the sword was exhausted. With the helpless force, it instantly scattered into tens of thousands of red golden light spots. In that storm of brilliant halo, he had no choice but to point at Yu Chixiao again!

This time, even if Jianzong had the power to reach the sky, it was too late to stop him, but before he could slash with his sword, an extremely strong beam of light suddenly burst out from the distance, piercing through the sky and earth instantly, illuminating everyone's frightened faces.

Xu Shuang stopped his movements, and for the first time a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he said softly, "...Ying Kai?"

I saw a huge protective cover rising from the distant direction of Daishan, like a square wall, straight to the sky. Immediately afterwards, large characters that burned so violently that they were almost platinum appeared under the sky, and it was impressively - "Ying".

Ying Kai suddenly cast the Mahayana seal, sealing the entire Xianmeng!

"Then, is that Daishan?"

"The lord should cast the seal in person?!"

"What happened to Xianmeng?!"

Panic spread rapidly in all directions like a spark, and even Xu Shuangce stopped in his footsteps.

Ying Kai is the pinnacle of Dinghai in the entire Immortal League, and he never casts the Mahayana seal easily. Since he was young, he and Xu Shuangce traveled together, and whenever there was danger, Xu Shuangce would cast a seal to seal the city. What he was afraid of was that once the leader's Mahayana seal appeared under the sky, it would cause fear and uneasiness in the whole world.

What made Ying Kai suddenly desperate to seal the most important center of the Xianmeng—Daishan in front of the world?

"Sovereign!" In the distance, a disciple of the Cangyang Sect, Yu Jian, flew towards him, dressed in white and silver armor, and it was Sheng Bo who guarded the palace: "Sovereign master! There are envoys from Daishan Xianmeng! See you urgently!"

Xu Shuangce didn't answer, but stretched out his hand. Not long after, two monks in azure robes came with their swords. They were attired under the door of Xunshu Palace, but they were already dusty at the moment. When they saw each other, they immediately bowed and bowed: "It's urgent now, please return to Xuanji Palace quickly, Sect Master Cangyang!"

Xu Shuang's eyebrows were slightly pressed together: "Why?"

"Reporting to Sect Master Xu, there was a sudden change in the Immortal Alliance last night, and Sect Master Ying was trapped in it, but Master Jianzong failed to rescue him!"

"If something happens to the lord, the lord of Cangyang must act on his behalf. Please follow the laws of the Immortal League to guard Cangyang, the lord must not get involved in danger, and return to the Xuanji Palace immediately!"

Yu Chixiao lost his voice: "Uncle?!"

Xu Shuangce turned his head, and the burning platinum Mahayana seal under the sky was reflected in his eyes: "Where is Ying Kai trapped?"

A monk raised his head, and he could see his Adam's apple slid violently, before trembling and hoarsely said:

"...Dingxian Mausoleum."

—Dingxian Mausoleum, the mausoleum of the tombs of the various sects of the Xianmeng.

It's a pity that the dead souls of the masters who have passed away were not fixed, and they became chaotic.