MTL - The Sword Named No Way Out-Chapter 14

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"Wait." Meng Yunfei suddenly pressed Gou Chenjian, "That's not the real Fahua Immortal."

Yu Chixiao stared at Gong Weiyi, not daring to move: "He is! Look at what is embroidered on him!"

Gold is one of the important raw materials for Juzong to smelt various institutions. Therefore, the Xianmeng stipulates that no Taoist family can hide a large amount of gold privately. Ying Kai, Fahuazun Gongwei, Jianzong Yuchi Changsheng, Yizong Mu Duozhu, and Juzong eldest Sun Chengfeng can use gold thread to embroider family crests on the school uniforms of their disciples to identify their identities. Only direct disciples can.

The four sages, six families and eight sects below this, such as Meng Yunfei, the disciple of Le Sheng, mostly embroidered with silver thread on their robes.

This is not a hard and fast rule, and besides the official school uniform, no one cares about what clothes to wear in private. But the woven golden red maple in front of me is so iconic, even if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, you can still hear about it from various fairy tales of Fahua Xianzun that are popular in the streets and alleys of the people. The second thought.

"...No, I'm not saying you're mistaken." Meng Yunfei also stared at Gong Wei, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "He's the man in the mirror!"

One word awakened the dreamer, not only Yu Chixiao, but also Gong Wei suddenly realized: Yes, this is Xu Shuangce's conscious world, and I am just a projection reflected from his memory, which makes perfect sense!

Gong Wei blinked, and immediately stood still, looking at them calmly.

"The person in the mirror has no self-awareness, and will only act according to a fixed trajectory. As long as you don't provoke them, you will not take the initiative to attack outsiders." Meng Yunfei pressed the Gou Chen sword back into its sheath with a bang, and forced himself to turn his head as if nothing had happened, signaling to Yu Chixiao He also looked away and looked away: "Don't stare at him, don't make him feel aggressive... Very good, you see that he no longer pays attention to us."

Yu Chixiao glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and sure enough, he saw "Fahua Immortal" standing there for a while, silently tilting his head thinking about something, then slowly walked away a few steps, and stood by the river beach with his back to them , Looking at the village with green smoke curling up in the distance.

The Fahua Immortal Venerable of this period hadn't grown his hair yet, and the fine ends of his hair had just covered his neck, which was lined with black and white, and the skin on the back of his neck seemed to be glowing slightly. According to the folklore, Fahua Xianzun walks under the moon at night, his whole body is shining with brilliance, and he seems to be able to melt into one with the moonlight. Now it seems that it is not completely false. The dark red outer robe was covered with snow satin inside, outlining his thin and light figure, with an indescribable youthful look.

This is actually very contrary, because the actual age of Fahua Immortal Venerable is actually not that young. It is recorded in the Xuanmen scroll that when he was first brought into the Immortal League by Ying Kai, he seemed to be fifteen or sixteen years old.

He seems to be an existence that walks through the years alone. No matter how many years have passed, he is innocent and full of curiosity like a child, while keeping a very cautious and subtle distance from the world.

Yu Chixiao withdrew his gaze. Even though he knew that what he saw was just a phantom, he still had a sense of absurdity of life and death, and asked in a low voice, "Are we in the consciousness that Sect Master Xu fears the most? How can we get out?"

There are relatively many studies on illusion under Le Sheng's sect. Meng Yunfei thought for a while and said: "Generally, there are only two ways to break through the realm. The first is to try to make the realm owner realize that this is an illusion...but it is more difficult, and I don't know where to find it." Sovereign to go. The second is to dissolve the core of the illusion, for example, to prevent the disaster that was originally destined to happen. As long as the master realizes that the development of the tragedy is different from his own memory, he will be able to detect that everything is an illusion."

As he spoke, he stood up and patted the dust, frowning and looking around: "But this village looks very peaceful, doesn't it look like any disaster is about to happen?"

The corner of Gong Wei's mouth twitched slightly, thinking that the two young heroes didn't know something, and an epic disaster was already on the way...

"Village." Suddenly Yu Chixiao murmured thoughtfully, raised his eyes to look at the farmers in the distance, and suddenly enlightened: "—Village!"

Meng Yunfei: "What?"

Yu Chixiao ran to the village: "This place is wrong!"

Before Meng Yunfei could react, he subconsciously followed him and ran wildly. At the head of the village, he saw a stone monument standing under a peach blossom tree, with three large characters engraved on it, Taoyuan Village!

"It's broken!" Yu Chixiao's face changed greatly: "—"Nian Nujiao", this plot is "Nian Nujiao"!"

Meng Yunfei thought he had heard it wrong, and asked in amazement: "Is it the Nian Nujiao whom Sect Master Xu met in Taoyuan Village, who fell in love at first sight and fell in love when he saw her again?

Yu Chixiao covered his face with his hands and nodded.

"Then Fahua Immortal Venerable suddenly arrived and killed the bride with a sword at the wedding. Sect Master Xu was distraught, and finally gave himself—to that Nian Nujiao who did what?"

Yu Chixiao had bruised veins on his forehead, he gritted his teeth and nodded again.

Meng Yunfei turned his head abruptly, only to see a figure in red standing against the wind on the other side of the river, and Gong Wei looked at him innocently.


Meng Yunfei said with difficulty: "So Fahua Xianzun will appear in Sect Master Xu's memory, because he came to kill the bride?"

Yu Chixiao covered his face with one hand and turned his head, it was almost impossible to face this dangerous world.

After a long time of dead silence, Meng Yunfei finally asked a soul-pounding question:

"Don't tell me that the story is all fiction?!"

At this moment, there was a creak, and the door of a small courtyard in the distance was pushed open.

The realm master's world of consciousness started to work, and the two of them tightened their hearts for a moment. At the same time, they took half a step behind the peach tree to avoid facing directly with the person in the mirror. I saw a man in silver armor and white clothes with a tall silhouette come out, turned to the backyard and pulled out a horse, walked along the Qingshi Road to the gate of the courtyard, hesitated for a moment, turned his head to look at the hut, seemed to have something Reluctant.

It was said to be "looking", but in fact his eyes were covered by a white cloth, only showing a straight nose and a pair of thin lips, the outline was extremely handsome - it was Xu Shuangce.

Unexpectedly, in his memory, he actually has a lot more vitality. He doesn't look like the indifferent and ruthless fairy who lives above the world and is as cold and ruthless as ice for thousands of years, but like a normal person with emotions man.

Yu Chixiao said "ah" and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with his eyes, are they injured? The script didn't mention this part."

Xu Shuangce stood in the illusion for a while, then suddenly let go of his horse and walked towards the hut. Although he couldn't see things, he was able to move without hindrance. He didn't know if there were other ways to perceive Yin-Yang and Five Elements. He pushed the door and walked in. He stood at the entrance with his back to them, and said softly:

"Xiao Tao."

—The legendary Mrs. Xu!

No one knows what her name is, let alone what she looks like, but Mrs. Xu has been well-known all over the world for many years!

Meng Yunfei said inwardly that he was offended, and he didn't want to look away, but Yu Chixiao didn't have such a high moral standard, so he stretched his neck from behind the tree with a whoosh. However, the room was too dark, Xu Shuangce's back was blocked by the entrance, and he could only vaguely see a figure in a crimson dress in the room, but he couldn't see the specific description of his appearance.

"Although what I said last night was abrupt, it was from my heart." Xu Shuangce hesitated to speak, and said after a long time: "I don't know why, I have never seen your appearance with my own eyes, nor heard your voice, but When we meet for the first time, we feel like we have been waiting for a long time in the past and present.”

"I know you are hesitant, so you don't want to go back to Beijing with me, but it doesn't matter. I will go here for a few months, or a year; no matter whether I can recover or not after one year, I will definitely come back to pick you up with a dowry gift. "

He paused, and his voice became softer:

"Please take care of this trip. When we meet again in the future, we will be husband and wife."

There was a dead silence behind the tree.

After a long time, Wei Chixiao finally couldn't help asking: "Isn't Sect Master Xu really possessed by something?"

The mysterious Mrs. Xu in the room did not make a sound for some reason, but the crimson dress rustled, as if something was written on Xu Shuangce's hand. After a while, Xu Shuangce said softly: "Okay." He stood still reluctantly, and then went out of the room. Before leaving, he turned his head and smiled into the room.

It is reasonable to say that such a handsome and good-looking young man smiled so affectionately and silently, which made one's heart skip a beat—but this is Sect Master Xu.

Meng Yunfei shivered and covered his eyes, Yu Chixiao's five fingers clicked and inserted deep into the tree trunk, their expressions were distorted as if they had been struck by the thunder of the Nine Heavens.

Not far away, Xu Shuangce turned and straddled his horse, galloped away, and quickly disappeared at the end of the village.

There was a lot of noise in the room, and after a while, a graceful figure slowly walked out the door, standing on the stone steps and looking at the direction where the white horse disappeared.

She was facing the direction where the two were hiding. Her hair was thick and long, winding from the side of her slender neck to her chest, covering her face. Although the face cannot be seen clearly from this angle, but the figure is rare and slender. Just looking at a silhouette makes one feel fascinated.

Yu Chixiao couldn't help but "Huh": "Madam Xu is not like an ordinary peasant girl."

Meng Yunfei said: "Although it's just a phantom in the mirror, it's disrespectful to peep at a woman, so don't look at it. In my opinion, this illusion is quite weird. It may be difficult for Sect Master Xu to break through it on his own. On Mrs. Xu. As long as we ensure Mrs. Xu survives safely, we can marry Sect Master Xu smoothly..."

At this time, the woman in the distance turned around slightly, and Meng Yunfei's voice suddenly stopped.

She still didn't show her face, but this action revealed a section of her side neck and arms. On her arm was a gold ring with three wavy gold threads connected head to tail. Her skin was so icy white that it was rare in the world. A faint illusion of floodlight.

A strange sense of déjà vu suddenly appeared in Meng Yunfei's heart, as if he had seen a similar description just now, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Fahua Immortal on the other side of the river.

But there was no one there.

His eyebrows twitched, and he reached out to pat Yu Chixiao: "Fahua Immortal is gone, look around—" Then he froze.

There is clearly a cold and soft wrist in the palm.


Meng Yunfei turned around without a sound, and saw that another person had squeezed in between himself and Yu Chixiao at some point - Immortal Fahua was blocking the sunlight with one hand and holding the trunk with the other, looking into the distance slowly From the lady's back, undisguised curiosity flashed in the blood-red right pupil.

The next second, Yu Chixiao and Meng Yunfei drew their swords at the same time: "When did he come!" "Stop him!"

With a bang, the tree trunk shook violently, Gong Wei rolled on the ground with his head in his arms, got out from the cold light of the swords of Gou Chen and Su Qing, got up and dodged lightly, and tilted his head to avoid Gou Chen Xueliang's arc light.

Fahua Immortal Venerable is indeed as evil as in the legend. Without a sword or any weapon talisman by his side, he can defuse any offensive with four or two thousand catties. He can easily escape from any desperate situation when he is forced by Yuchixiao, just like a fish swimming in the sea. Gou Chen moved lightly under Jianfeng. Meng Yunfei knew that as long as he killed Mrs. Xu, everyone would be buried in the collapsed illusion immediately, so he summoned the guqin in desperation, and when it hit the ground, the sound waves rang out!

Gong Wei: "?!"

He just wanted to take the opportunity to see what Xu Shuangce's wife looked like, and didn't want to pay for his three souls and seven souls, so he immediately slipped in the opposite direction when he saw this. But how could Yu Chixiao let him slip away, and immediately approached him with his sword. Under the double attack of the sound of the piano and the light of the sword, Gong Wei finally couldn't relax so easily. He covered his ears with his hands and frowned, and was suddenly caught by Chen Jianqi. Knock out a few steps!

The damage directly applied to the soul made his throat sweeten, his eyes darken, and then his face darkened as well. He gritted his teeth and folded his sleeves on both sides, and grabbed the Gouchen Sword from Yu Chixiao's hand with his bare hands—

Meng Yunfei lost his voice: "Yuanju be careful! Stay away from Mrs. Xu!"

In the small courtyard in the distance, the woman in the mirror seemed to have finally heard the movement, turned her head to look at them, and finally revealed her true face.

Meng Yunfei was taken aback, Yu Chixiao was stunned, and even Gong Wei's hand froze in mid-air.

The atmosphere was terribly frozen, and the three of them couldn't take their eyes off the woman's face at all. After a while, they finally heard Yu Chixiao's stammering voice: "This...what's going on?"

There was nothing on the face of the legendary "Mrs. Xu", no facial features, no expression, not even any contour undulations.

She has no face.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely scary, and the three of them froze in place, looking at the blank and smooth "face" on the opposite side.

Then Gong Wei suddenly realized - yes, she really shouldn't have face.

When she "died", Xu Shuangce didn't even have time to lift her hijab. From the beginning to the end, he didn't know what the so-called bride looked like!

For a moment, Gong Wei didn't know whether to be funny, or feel guilty for being late. At this time, the woman turned around without any response, entered the room, closed the wooden door behind her back, and made a light click.

At the moment when the door of the house was closed, the breeze came from far to near, rustling over the treetops, and the peach blossoms all over the village suddenly flew away from the tops, blowing a hurricane of scarlet color all over the sky!

Gong Wei instantly realized what was going to happen, and immediately withdrew and flew back, following the woman into the small courtyard.

Yu Chixiao had a bad heart, and was about to chase him to stop him, but was pinned in place by an invisible prison. At this time, the peach petals that covered the sky and the sun suddenly scattered, and the maple leaves were golden and red all over the mountains and fields, and the fallen leaves flowed down with the gurgling stream; Snowflakes circled and fell one after another, and in an instant the whole village was covered in white.

The white north wind brought snow and fog across the valley, but before the two could feel the cold, they saw the ice and snow melt quickly, and spring returned to the earth in a blink of an eye. The yellow warbler flitted across the grass with a melodious call, and several carp jumped out of the water, splashing crystal waves; buds formed on the bare branches, and then thousands of flowers bloomed together, forming a grand scene of hundreds of miles of crimson clouds.

Time flies like an arrow in the illusion, and the four seasons pass by in a blink of an eye.

The villagers who couldn't see their faces clearly worked at sunrise and rested at sunset. As the afterglow gradually faded, the noisy village fell silent, and the sound of night insects rang out from the fields in the distance.

The moonlight sprinkled on the long stone path at the head of the village, and the surroundings were quiet and ethereal, and the sound of horseshoes suddenly came from the valley in the distance.

The two looked at each other and guessed what happened at the same time, Meng Yunfei whispered: "It's Sect Master Xu."

The one-year period in the illusion has passed, and Xu Shuangce is back to greet his relatives!