MTL - The Supreme Lord Donghuang-Chapter 322 Zhou Donghuang

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"I don't kill you, it's already a man..."

Seeing the white youth in front of him is still entangled in this matter, Fang Danming could not help but be annoyed. After all, this is not a glorious thing. Once something is too big, even if his father is covering him behind him, he will inevitably suffer some punishment. .

"You, it's best not to stir up!"

Fang Danming glared at Zhou Donghuang, and his eyes were cold and raging. If it weren’t for the sake of the person in front of him, he had a direct background to kill him.

"When you dispose of your son and yourself, I will go to the law enforcement hall with you."

Zhou Donghuang sneaked a glimpse of Fang Danming and said with a sneer: "Before that, I wouldn't go anywhere."

"Oh, since he is looking for death, you will fulfill him!"

Fang Lunjie looked cold and said coldly.

Fang Danming was a little angry, and his son ignited behind him, his heart was calm, and he continued to collapse. "Boy, give you another chance, follow me to the law enforcement hall."

"Otherwise, I will personally execute you on behalf of the Eastern Emperor!"

On behalf of the Eastern Emperor.

Fang Danming, now I have thought about the way back.

Today, in front of a group of foreign disciples, he said that he represents the people of the East Emperor Sect, even if the people in front of him really have some background, the background behind them should not dare to target him again, otherwise it is against the East Emperor .

And their Eastern Emperor Sect is the first recognized door in Ziyunxing. He does not think that the background behind the young man can compete with the Eastern Emperor.

In the end, it can only be lost.

"On behalf of the Eastern Emperor?"

Zhou Donghuang smiled and smiled very brightly. "Do you think that you are represented by the Eastern Emperor? In the Eastern Emperor, you are just a worm!"


When Zhou Donghuang’s voice fell, a group of foreign disciples, including Hong Yunfei, felt only a sigh of relief.

Some of them have suffered in the hands of Fang Lunjie, and even if they have not eaten, they are not used to see Fang Lunjie, and his father Fang Danming.

However, after the deflation, they once again looked at Zhou Donghuang's gaze, but it was a little more pity.

"you wanna die!!"

Zhou Donghuang's words, after all, let Fang Danming endure unbearable, after a burst of bang, suddenly shocked the right arm.

In the next moment, he did not see any movements. On his right hand, Sanzhang’s infuriating sky rose out, showing the cultivation of the innate polar environment.

Then, his body swayed and he was close to Zhou Donghuang in an instant.

boom! !

In the void, Sanzhang's infuriating condensed into a giant palm, and fell against the head of Zhou Donghuang. The sound of the explosion swayed, apparently wanting to shoot Zhou Donghuang.

As the elder elder of the Eastern Emperor, Fang Danming's strength is far from that of his son Fang Lunjie who has just entered the innate world.

However, for Zhou Donghuang, there is no difference.

Hey! !

When many of the foreign disciples on the scene subconsciously closed their eyes and couldn’t bear to see the **** scene of Zhou Donghuang’s murder, the giant palm of the three-legged infuriating body fell on Zhou Donghuang’s body, which was a strange disintegration. Open,

And Zhou Donghuang himself stood there unscathed.

The instinct contained in the giant palm falls on Zhou Donghuang's body, just like a stone sinking into the sea, completely disappeared.

This strange scene only saw people who did not close their eyes stunned.

The Fang Danming who shot was even a big pair of eyes, incredulously looking at the white youth in front of him. "How... how could it be?!"

The foreign disciples who had closed their eyes and noticed the strange atmosphere at the scene, and looked at the scene in front of them, looked awkward.

"what's the situation?"

"Elder Fang Danming has stopped in time?"


Under the eyes of the public, Zhou Donghuang looked at Fang Danming indifferently, and then he explored it with one hand and grabbed it.

The next moment, Fang Danming was volleyed.

The innate monk has not yet been able to rely on the physical body, which is the ability of the strongman above the Yuan Dan.

In other words, Fang Danming was bound by the white youth in the air.

"This... what is this means?!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hong Yunfei only felt that the scalp was numb, and this means, even if it is the Yuandan monk, it may not be there?

As for Fang Lunjie, who was standing behind Fang Danming, he was already scared to sit on the ground and looked at the scene in front of him. "How... how could it be!"

"You...who are you?!"

In the void, his hands clasped his neck, only feeling that his neck was trapped by something, Fang Danming, who was difficult to breathe, looked at the white youth in front of his eyes and asked with a trembling voice.


Zhou Donghuang's whole man came up in the air, and in a twinkling of an eye it reached the sky, overlooking Fang Danming who struggled to look up at him.

And this scene, naturally, makes people who are present only feel a cold air from the bottom of their feet.

Going to the air.

This is the means of the martial arts monks above the Yuan Dan!

In the Eastern Emperor Sect, there is only the existence of the elders of the inner emperor, and there is only the cultivation of the Yuan Dan.

"So young Yuan Dan monk?"

"Yuan Dan is repaired, is there his means? It is invisible to trap people in the void... It is the strongest Jindan monk in the Yuan Dan monk, and may not have this means?"

"Who is he?!"


Including Hong Yunfei, a group of foreign disciples present in the scene, all witnessing the shocked color of the white youth in front of them.

"He... he won't be..."

Suddenly, Hong Yunfei’s mind flashed in his mind, thinking that the other party had just found him, and raised the matter of Chen Dandan. Lei Light flashed up like a person.

If it is him, this ability is also normal.

Just as Hong Yunfei’s pupils contracted sharply, the face of the frightened color looked up at the white figure in the void.

A young man who wins the snow in white and wins the temperament, is a whispered tone...

"Zhou Donghuang."

As the voice of the youth in white fell, Hong Yunfei collapsed to the ground, while the rest fell into a dead silence.

Fang Lunjie, who had long fallen to the ground, was even scared and smothered.

"Zong... sovereign?!"

Fang Danming, who was bound in the void, shriveled to the extreme, revealing the color of fright and despair.

He couldn't think of dreams. The people in front of him were actually the lords who saw their gods in the East Emperor.

If it is normal, you can see this lord adult with your own eyes. It is a thing that is worthy of being happy and can be brazen.

But now, there is only regret in his heart.

"Zhengzi 跋扈 以 以 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 跋扈 以 以 以 以 以 以 以 以

Zhou Donghuang overlooked Fang Danming and asked in a whisper.

Fang Danming heard the words and showed the color of despair.

Then, the original living person burst into the void in an instant, turning into a **** fog, scattered with the wind.

Below, on the stage of the martial arts, a group of foreign disciples were not scared because of the scene in front of them. They looked at the white figure above the void.


This is the lord of their Eastern Emperor!

They finally saw it!

"Cold and cold wind."

Zhou Donghuang was volleyed, carrying his hands, and slowly spit out three words in his mouth.

The sound is not big, but it spreads all over the East Huangfeng.

Just a few breaths of time, a ghostly black figure, has come from Feng Xu Yu Feng, and turned into the front of Zhou Donghuang.

"Young Master... No, Zong, Sovereign."

Cold and cold wind looked at the white young man in front of him, and his body was shaking with excitement.

He knew that his young master had come back a few days ago, but he did not bother to know that the other party was recovering the real yuan after helping He Jin detoxification.

In these few days, he has been waiting for the summons of his young master.

Now, his young master has finally summoned him.

After nearly five years, the appearance of cold and cold winds has not changed much. The biggest change is still the temperament of the body.

The cold and cold wind replaced Zhou Donghuang in charge of the Eastern Emperor Sect, and was the deputy lord of the Eastern Emperor. After several years, the body gradually developed the temperament of the superior.

However, even if the temperament has changed, his loyalty to the young people in front of him has never changed.

In this life, he can go to this step, which is given to the young people in front of him.

If there is no youth in front of him, he may still be a pony thief who is bleeding in a remote place.

"Young Master."

"Young Master."

After the cold wind, Zhou Han and Zhou Feng also came. The former teenagers, nowadays, have grown up and become mature and stable.

However, when they saw Queen Zhou Dong, they showed excitement, but it was no less than cold and cold.

"Call the Sovereign."

As the cold and cold winds were corrected, the two men quickly changed their mouths to respect Zhou Donghuang as the ‘lord’, and the excitement on his face was hard to fade for a long time.

"Yes, no lazy."

When God read it, Zhou Donghuang explored the cold, cold, Zhou Han and Zhou Feng three repairs now, and nodded with satisfaction.

The cold and cold wind three, heard Zhou Donghuang's praise, like eating honey, grinning, laughing like a child.

A group of foreign disciples below, seeing this scene, are like ghosts.

Their cold deputy lords of the Eastern Emperor, as well as the two core elders of Zhou Han and Zhou Feng, are notoriously cold-faced people, but now they laugh like this?

is this real?

Many people doubt that they are dreaming.

At the same time, Zhou Donghuang's face was a smattering, and Shen Sheng said: "The elders of the elders, Fang Danming, and the sons of the ancestors, have been succumbing to the killer of this lord."

"Fang Danming's son, Fang Zongjie, a foreign disciple, is bullying the same door. The following crimes are not inferior to the lord. When you abandon it, you will be driven out of the sect!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Donghuang faintly looked at Fang Lunjie who fell to the ground and rolled his nose.

The latter, after hearing Zhou Donghuang’s disposition of him at the previous moment, was already scared to death.

"He seems to have a grandfather, is the elder of our Eastern Emperor?"

Zhou Donghuang looked at the cold wind and asked.


Cold and cold winds swept the fainted Fang Danming, and then responded to Zhou Donghuang. "The elders of the inner sect, Fang Kunli, is the father of Fang Danming."