MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 67 He is a traitor

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Feng Jing looked up coldly and said calmly to the four kings: "Wang, the result of the masterpiece has not yet come out. It is too arbitrary to make a conclusion so early. +++ Girls must go to the website (..)" means that the four kings are too anxious.

"Oh, yes, brother Yun Xuan, don't worry, Feng Jing, do you have anything else to tell me?" Hua Yueling smiled at Feng Jing.

"Miss, although only the subordinates and Master Xu are in the middle, this door has been opened several times." Feng Jing's eyes turned to Huayue Ling again.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Everyone looked at him curiously.

Feng Jing swallowed the sewer: "After the four princes left, the two of us looked at Lu Fei inside. In the middle, Li Yun opened the door and called for adults to go out, and some young ladies brought tea."

Huayue Ling's complexion changed slightly. Li Yun looked up at the door, Li Yun was frightened, hurriedly came in and knelt down, "Miss, the subordinate is called Lord Xu to ask about something."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Huayue Ling looked cold.

"It's Wu Liang's business. It's the Wu Gongzi castrated by the young lady, the grandson of the senior official Xiao Shang, and Xiao Xiao begging for mercy on the emperor's side. Don't dare to take the initiative, so ask Master Xu. If you don't believe it, you can ask Master Xu. "Li Yun's forehead dripped with cold sweat.

All eyes were on Xu Jie who was still scared. Xu Jie nodded and said, "Li Yun is right, but the subordinates did not dare to decide, and wanted to ask the four kings to make a decision."

At this moment, Master Zuo Zuo rushed in and reported: "Miss, Lord Four, the weapon has been found." He raised his right hand, and saw a silver needle in his right hand.

"This weapon was found from the dead's Baihui Point, and it was a fatal blow." Zhuo Zuo said affirmatively.

Huayue Ling's complexion changed slightly. To achieve such a killing tactic, that is not ordinary people, and must have high-strength martial arts.

Everyone looked at Hua Yueling's tangled little face.

Hua Yueling suddenly laughed and said, "What are you looking at me for? I am not a fairy, and I have to think about it. Whatever you think?"

"Feng Jing, can you do martial arts?" Hua Yueling still asked.

"The subordinate's father killed pigs. Since he was a child, he has followed his father to kill pigs. It is okay to play with a knife. If he is playing with needles, his subordinates are powerless." Feng Jing's explanation made Huayue Ling laugh.

"Well, you can go down." Hua Yueling believed the lad.

"Thank you, Miss." Feng Jing finally showed a smile on her face, looking at Hua Yueling as an admiration. He is not a murderer, so he is not afraid, because he knows that Miss Miss will not kill innocent people.

"Miss, he?" Xu Jie was depressed, he was not released.

"He's not a murderer, but you, I'm not sure yet. I'm a bit tired. You go down first, and I think about it." Huayue Ling yawned.

"Ah! Miss, injustice, not really a murderer, oh, how can you do such a traitorous thing next time." Xu Jie immediately wept and let Huayue Ling pull straight.

"Take it down!" Nangong Xuan Xuan sighed, letting Xu Jie pull down first.

"Li Yun, go and call the young lady!" Hua Yueling suddenly said.

"Yes, Miss!" Li Yun quickly turned and left.

"Four lords, follow him!" Huayue Ling grabbed Nangong Xiexuan's sleeve and said softly.

Nangong Yuanxuan froze and nodded.

Soon, only Huayue Ling and Mo Wushuang remained in the room.

"Linger, do you doubt Li Yun?" Mo Wushuang asked.

Hua Yueling smiled and said, "Everyone is suspect, isn't it?"

"You sell off again." Mo Wushuang shook his head with a smile.

Hua Yueling didn't speak, but she pulled her head to think about things. Mo Wushuang knew that she was organizing her thoughts and didn't bother to see her calf, which was thicker than the tree, and a black line. This time she was really going to be a mule.

Soon, Xiao Lingzi rushed in with a look of panic, kneeling in front of Huayue Ling, and burst into tears: "Miss, the little one did nothing."

"Xiao Lingzi, I didn't say what you did, you got up to answer, I just want to ask you a few questions." Huayue Ling stared at Li Yun with his head down at the door.

The four lords walked in slowly and winked at Huayue Ling.

"Miss, please." Xiao Lingzi trembled.

"Why did you send water to the execution room at that time?" Huayue Ling said.

"I was sent by Xiaolezi, saying that Xu Daren was thirsty and wanted to drink water. When I sent it, when I saw that Xu was not outside, I knocked on the door." Xiaolingzi replied extremely quickly.

"Who is the fun?" Hua Yueling wondered.

"Miss Hui, he is also a kitchen juggler. He usually runs around to see what the adults need."

Nangong Xuan Xuan sank and said, "Do you mean Xu Jie let Xiaolezi tell you that he wants to drink water?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Lingzi nodded quickly.

"How can this be true! It really is him!" Nangong Xuan Xuan turned and left.

"Brother Yunxuan, don't be impulsive, Xu Jie can't run again, well, Xiao Lingzi, you all go down." Huayue Ling explained.

Soon, all the rooms were empty, and Huayue Ling quickly asked Nangong Yunxuan, "How about, follow Li Yun and see if he is out of phase?"

"It's nothing, just pause for a while before entering the kitchen and call Xiao Lingzi." Nangong Xuan Xuan didn't quite understand. Listening to Xiao Lingzi, this traitor is clearly Xu Jie.

"Xu Jie is not a traitor!" Huayue Ling told Nangong Yunxuan very clearly. "Now pay close attention to Li Yun. I recalled that Ouyang Ruyan said something before the night of the operation, Li Yun was also present at the time."

"Linger, make it clear that Li Yun has been following your brother for a long time, and he has been the main force of the Criminal Department before. How could it be him?" Nangong Xuanxuan couldn't believe it.

"I said something that day, you can't go wrong with the action tonight, do you remember?" Huayue Ling sneered. "It happened exactly at night. The deployment of Lan Yue's spies was obviously stricter than ours, and I wanted to do another trick. Tiaohu Lishan, let me leave, it is obvious that someone knows that we have to act at night. "

"Linger, but Li Yun's martial arts were not so high that he could properly shoot the silver needle into Lu Fei's Baihui Point at the door." Nangong Xuanxuan was still surprised.

"People can be kept hidden, and do you remember how the spouse Wuyue died before? He drank **** tea and died." Huayue Ling slanted him.

"Yes, what does this have to do with Li Yun?" Nangong Yunxuan became more and more confused.

"Oh, I remember I asked you if any suspicious person had been to the kitchen, and your answer was that Li Yun told you that no one saw it, right?" Huayue Ling sneered deeper.

Nangong Xiexuan changed his face when he heard this.

"Don't hit the grass, close Xu Jie first, let Li Yun relax his vigilance, we have to catch a long line of fish." Huayue Ling Feng's eyes flashed with slyness. This time, she can't lose any more, otherwise she won't have face or lizi. Already.