MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 25 Miss

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Hua Yueling looked at the expressions of the two men and hummed coldly, "What are you guys doing, are you not convinced?"

"Sister, how dare we, now that you are the boss, we still rely on your sister for our arrests. --- End of the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance ))) "Hua Yujin rushed to make a fart.

"Huh, now that you know your sister?" Huayue Ling picked her delicate eyebrows that were as thin as a willow, with a sly light shining in Feng's eyes.

"Hey, that's, that's, before my sister was fascinated by the **** of the three kings, then let the **** look at the sister's power, sister, you don't know, the three kings counted you in front of the emperor, didn't you say that you didn't What is your qualification to be an adult? "Hua Yujin wants to inspire Hua Yueling's confidence in investigating the case.

"I rely, this dead man, he has great skills, let him check!" Huayue Ling really turned red when he heard Nan Gongyu's name.

The four kings' facial muscles twitched and said, "Linger, you are a girl. Don't be vulgar and indecent."

"Indecent ass! Is ya useful? Thanks to the dead man's blessing, I now have a broken shoe. What does the man want? What do you want yalai to do?" Huayue Ling glared scornfully at Nangong Yuxuan and went to the house. Walking inside, the two men glanced at each other and quickly followed.

"Ping'er, serve tea. By the way, add more honey. Recently, the anger is too strong to vent the fire." Huayue Ling sat on the main post and explained to Ping'er.

Hua Yujin and Nangong Yuanxuan twitched again.

Huayue Ling was sitting like a boss, looking at the golden sign, the smile on the corner of his mouth was getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly grinning at the two beautiful men, "What do you call me after that? Adults?"

"Sister, shall I call your sister?" Hua Yujin looked embarrassed, and then looked at Nangong Xuan.

"Linger thinks how do we call it?" Nangong Yuanxuan was obviously more careful than Hua Yujin.

"Well, you're still smart, dead boy, you have to let your sister be majestic and die. You will have to call me Miss after handling the case in the future! Do you understand me?" Huayue Ling's mouth was evil and indescribable.

"Yes, Miss!" Hua Yujin was striking this time.

"Cut first and play later, hey, good guy." Huayue Ling was enjoying himself, and the two men who looked at them with a smile were cold, not sure what she wanted to do.

"Linger, although the emperor gave you the right to cut first and then play, but the relatives of the emperor must be careful." Nangong Yuanxuan was afraid she would rise and chop Nangong Yan.

"Of course, do you think I'm so impulsive? Rest assured, Miss Ben naturally runs the business!" Huayue Ling looked at Nangong Yuxuan with contempt, and treated her as someone. She could be a special policeman.

Nangong Xuan Xuan blew his nose again and could only sneer. Then he took out the note in his arms to Huayue Ling and said, "Linger, then look, what is written on it?"

Huayue Lingbian flatly despised his mouth and said: "You are really making the best use of it, even if you don't rest, just work."

"Sister, please forgive us." Hua Yujin has been completely defeated by this sister's poisonous mouth. I don't know why she once married and stimulated her completely. Is love really so great?

Hua Yueling looked at the two helpless pleasurable handsome faces, and raised her eyebrows proudly: "Well, this time I spare you, look down on the woman again, be careful I cut off first." Staring at them fiercely.

Two beautiful men can only smile bitterly again.

"Brother Xuan Xuan, what clues did you find in the three places of Lord Three?" Huayue Ling looked at the note and asked earnestly.

"Linger, except after you found that Jingfu in Guihua Tower, I didn't find any spies in Xihe Tower and Yuemanlou, and none of those pigeons were found." Nangong Xuan Xuan embarrassed.

"You idiot!" Huayue Ling scolded him politely. "How could there be no clue? It must be that you are not serious. Take me there tomorrow!"

Nangong Xuan Xuan flushed, except that he was never scolded by the emperor and his mother.

"Sister." Hua Yujin quickly winked at Hua Yueling.

"What is it called? I was very strict when handling the case. The last note clearly pointed out that these three places are out of phase, and Jingfu Building also successfully found Jingfu. How can there be no movement in the other two places? It must be that you have not thoroughly investigated. Careful! "Hua Yueling's voice was cold and sharp.

"Yes, yes, Linger makes sense, it may be that I was negligent." Nangong Xuanxuan was persuaded by Hua Yueling's momentum, and there was a strong breath that made him afraid to refute and willingly convince.

"Keep your eyes open when handling the case in the future! This note says that they will be assassinated to you at Yuemanlou tomorrow night!" Huayue Ling was not angry, she was so angry that she was afraid that he would be killed. Not today they came to her, then he will be in danger tomorrow.

"What?" Both jumped up from their chairs, looking horrified.

"Why are you going to Yuemanlou tomorrow?" Hua Yueling ignored them and continued to ask.

"Tomorrow is, yes ,,," Nangong Yunxuan became tense, his face turning red.

"What's so grandma! Want to die?" Huayue Linghuo Avenue.

"Sister, tomorrow is the 18th birthday of Ouyang Ruyan, the third emperor's beauties, and the third emperor has posted a lot of invitations to invite friends to celebrate the birthday of Ruyan Girl." Hua Yujin looked in horror at Huayue Ling's shame Little face.

Huayue clung tightly to the paper in her hand, her face turned from red to green.

"Sister, don't be angry, now you and the three kings are okay, aren't you?" Hua Yujin comforted.

Huayue Ling shaved him coldly and said, "Huh! What kind of anger is he? He is the first stallion. Women are more concerned about my farts. I was only suppressed by a ghost, but now that I am an adult, then Sorry, handle the case tomorrow night! Give me a secret encirclement of the whole month, do n’t let an assassin let him run away! Hear no! ”Hua Yueling said with a small hand and slaps the gold medal on the table. , Making a loud noise.

"Yes, Miss!" Both men were taken aback by her, sweating from his forehead.

"Also, this matter is only known to the three of us, not to the fourth person. If you dare to divulge it, don't blame me for not giving face, how can the life of a little prostitute be comparable to the rise and fall of the country!" Ling Qiao opened her eyes and shouted sharply.

"Yes, miss!" The two spoke in unison again.

"Well, let's drink tea, but don't blame me for not reminding you that if you can't catch an assassin tomorrow, you will wait for the **** to bloom!" Hua Yueling said after taking up the nectar tea from Ping'er, graceful The ground drank.