MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 232 Enthusiastic second

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Mo Wushuang looked at Hua Yueling's serious face and nodded his head: "I will. When I follow the Canglong, I just use the Turtle Breath, otherwise I'm dead, but how does Linger know?"

"I didn't tell you, Canglong told me, and he told me that you were terrible, and Ximen Yu killed you!" Huayue Ling looked at his eyes. (((Catino Novel Network )))

"Linger, do you believe he doesn't believe me? If I didn't kill Ximenyu, why did I kill him if he didn't kill him? And he is our enemy. Even if I kill him, I don't need to. Hiding you! "Mo Wushuang's analysis made Huayue Ling dumb. He was right. What reason did he have to hide to kill Ximen Yu?

"Ximen Yu wrote a" double "underneath, didn't it refer to you? And his Jing Fei Sword was gone." Hua Yue Ling felt that this was the only possibility. Mo Wushuang killed and killed the Jing Fei Sword, others would not. Knowing that he took the sword, after all, it was disgraceful to rob someone.

"You see a scared sword in my Tibetan soldier's pavilion?" Mo Wushuangjun's face was a little angry. "Further, Cang Long said you have a double word and you believe it. If he wants to say it is a Ling word, then you can kill it. No? Maybe there is no word at all, Canglong is provoking you and my relationship. After all, I and you are their two goals. If they are not together, it will be much easier for them to move! "Mo Wushuang was a little anxious.

Hua Yueling was stunned by him, he was angry, and why is it so reasonable and reasonable that he really misunderstood him?

"You rest early, I'm going to sleep!" Mo Wushuang drank the tea and left without looking back, leaving Huayue Ling looking at the door alone and depressed.

At night, Wan Ye was silent, with no lights at all, and even the moon was hiding in the clouds, leaving only a few sparse little stars.

Hua Yueling's room was near the corner of the most western gate. At this moment, she was sleeping on the bed, looking out at the half-opened wooden window facing her bed. Although the big still tree could not be seen clearly, the outline of the tree could be seen. .

She couldn't sleep, remembering Mo Wushuang's words, thinking about Nangong's handsome face, which made her heart irritable. It would take at least three months to go back to the capital and go back to the capital. Although she told Hua Yujin that the news of the three princes immediately spread the news, but she was still very scared. After a long time without news, her heart was really broken.

Hua Yueling, who was thinking about her, suddenly found that the trees outside the window seemed to move. She couldn't help but think, her thoughts returned, Feng Yan's eyes narrowed, and she stared at the trees carefully. She didn't forget what was overheard in Cao Qing's room.

She was motionless, and the trees slowly cleared under her gaze.

Suddenly, the trees shook again, and she successfully saw a little silver light.

Hua Yueling was so excited that she stared again and found that it was indeed silver. What would it be except a mask? She didn't dare to move, for fear of moving, the guy would run away.

There was no movement on the tree, there was still so quiet outside, Hua Yueling was waiting, waiting for what he wanted to do? Why did he observe her? Except for one explanation, she couldn't find the second one, he was 'he'! Because it felt too strong, and she believed that if he were him, then he would not be content to watch this from a long distance, and he would surely take her asleep Come in.

And she started to sleep now, her breathing was steady, her eyes narrowed, she believed that no matter how high the martial arts in the dark, it was impossible to see her eyes closed completely from such a distance.

Huayue Ling slowly felt outside sight, it was a feeling of being peeped, and she was not afraid, and even excited. But one thing she didn't understand. If he was the three kings, why didn't he come to see him? Is it because his face became ugly, afraid she might abandon him? Or was he afraid that he didn't want him, and was still with Mo Wushuang, because what they said when they left the cave, out of the cave, no one should have happened?

Time continued to flow, and the night deepened. Huayue Ling was anxious. Why couldn't he come in? Isn't it him?

Just after thinking about it, I found that the trees were moving again, and a dark shadow hit her window like a lightning, stopped, and Huayue Ling quickly closed her eyes. She knew he was looking around, afraid she would find him.

After a while, Huayue Ling felt that he had jumped in, and slowly approached her bed. The breath was very light and light. He stood so quietly. She knew that he was watching her because she Little face is getting hot.

"Master Wang ..." Huayue Ling suddenly murmured in her small mouth, scaring the people at the bed and flashing to the bed immediately.

Huayue Ling naturally didn't move, and the talent came out quietly again, looking at Huayue Ling's small face lost.

"Linger." She couldn't help but yell softly in her mouth, but Huayue Ling heard it really, she was so excited that she didn't know what to do, and her eyes burst into tears, but she didn't dare open her eyes. Afraid of him running away.

This person is of course Nangong Yu. When he saw tears falling from the corner of Huayue Ling, his heart was broken, but he thought that Huayue Ling was dreaming, and he must have him in his dream. He wanted to wipe tears for her. , But did not dare, afraid to alarm her.

And he felt that it was not the time to recognize each other, but he really missed her so much that he would take so much effort to peek at her, even if he heard her voice, he was extremely happy. When I heard she said that he missed him, he couldn't help but was heard by Cao Qinger, but it made him miss her even more, watching her window was half open, he watched her sleep far away, also It was a thirst quencher, but he still wanted to see her up close, so he ventured in, and seeing her tears made him tremble, he knew he loved this woman too much.

Huayue Ling could feel his emotional breath and felt that he slowly knelt down in front of her bed, which made her feel very distressed.

"Linger, don't cry, I will always be by your side." Nangong Yan said softly, he wanted to enter Hua Yueling's dream to comfort her.

Huayue Ling suddenly opened her eyes, while the little hand leaning on the bed grabbed his arm, moving fast like lightning.

Nangong was shocked and wanted to run, but Huayue Ling would let him go and immediately said: "Master, don't hide."

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Nangong Yan could only slowly turn his head and looked at Hua Yueling's small, happy face, frankly, "Linger, you, didn't you sleep?"

"I overheard you before you got to the tree, and I knew it was you. You, why can't you bear to see me?" Huayue Ling looked at him and admitted, tears came down immediately.

"Linger." Nangong Yan was so heartbroken that he quickly hugged her into his arms. The two hugged each other tightly, and their bodies were shaking.

For a long time, the two people let go of each other, Huayue Ling got up quickly, closed the window, and opened the door to look at the aisle. The dim oil lamp was burning on the wall of the aisle. Everything was normal. Then they walked back to the bed and lit a light. Oil lamp, pulled the stool by the bed.

Nangong Aya still wore a mask and looked greedily at her little face.

"Linger, don't worry, they're all asleep." Nangong Yu held her hands, and Huayue Ling was dissatisfied, holding his hand, "Come up, it's cold outside."

Nangong Yu was so excited that he didn't know that Huayue Ling was so good to him, a little flattered.

"It's not too late to leave in the morning, I've locked the door." Huayue Ling threw a wink at his mask and hooked Nangong's soul away.

Hua Yueling stretched out her hands and pulled him, "Your face is disfigured?" Then he reached out and wanted to take off the mask.

Nangong was startled, and quickly held down: "Linger, it's scary, don't look at it."

"You think I care about these?" Huayue Ling looked at his eyes angrily and said, "No matter what you become, I don't care about Huayue Ling, because I love you!" Huayue Ling confessed for the first time, Because she hated herself for not seeing it before, and she was afraid she would never have another chance, so when she saw him, she wanted to tell him immediately that the person she loved was actually him!

"Linger! You, are you serious?" Nangong Yan was excited and didn't know what to do. He just felt that at this moment he was the happiest person in the world.

"Fool, can't you feel it? I was stupid before, and I didn't find myself in love with this nasty bastard, do you know, I'm so afraid I won't see you again." Huayue Ling said With tears falling, a heart was shaking in fear.

"Linger, I love you too, I love love!" Nangong Yan hugged her deeply, his heart was so sweet that if she loved her so much, he shouldn't have avoided her for so long before.

"Let me see, I'm not afraid." Huayue Ling sobbed for a while, then stretched out her hand again.

Nangong Kun instinctively backed his head, and Huayue Ling was angry: "Can you kiss me with a mask?"

"Linger." Nangong Yan was hot, staring at her little mouth, oh my god, he wanted to kill her.

"Show me!" Huayue Ling moved quickly on his hand, immediately lifted his mask, and then saw an extremely ugly mottled pattern running through his entire left face.

"Isn't it ugly?" Nangong asked her a little scaredly when she stared at her face.

"Not ugly, very personal, more manly." Huayue Ling spread a smile, stretched out her fingers and gently stroked the scar, then slowly touched his eyes, his tall nose, his **** Thin lips.

Nangong Ao did not dare to move, so she touched so gently, it was also a kind of sweet enjoyment.

Huayue Ling was deeply touched in her heart, but she did not expect that he had suffered such a great injury, but she was not beside him, and her heart was sore.

"Linger, you're thin." Nangong Ai felt her slenderness by touching her arm. Looking at her face, although her skin was still so beautiful, it was also reduced a lot.

"No, it's because you've lost weight. You've lost a lot. Sorry!" Huayue Ling looked at his thin face and figure, and his heart was sore and his tears fell again.

"Linger, don't cry, I'm really okay, don't cry, I'm so distressed," Nangong said without a word, and was suddenly kissed by Huayue Ling's little mouth.

Digression: Hee hee, two more birds, seeking flowers