MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 194 Pick my broken shoes

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"What kind of work?" Nangong Ai was more curious than Hua Yueling. --- End of this article, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan ))) Please search (品 # 书 ¥ 网) See the most! Newest Fastest Novel

"That's it!" Hua Xiaolong said that the figure suddenly disappeared, and scared Nangong yelled, "Phantom, you actually learned phantom!" After talking about Nangong yue, he rose to the sky, and Hua Xiaolong was standing In his original position, he laughed and watched him tumbling to the other side.

"Wow, this is good!" Hua Yueling exclaimed.

"Sister, this is really good, but there is no practice for forty years, unless it is a martial arts wizard." Hua Xiaolong appeared distressed.

"No wonder the master didn't teach me, Xiaolong, are you a martial arts wizard?" Nangong looked at Hua Xiaolong's tall man with conviction.

"Hey, I ’m not exactly that, but I fell into the valley before. When the master rescued me, I used a panacea to give me nearly 40 years of cultivation. But for this phantom, I ’m just a little bit There is Xiaocheng, the master is so terrific. I have n’t known several times that he is standing behind me, or he just disappeared in front of me. "Hua Xiaolong showed his worship.

Huayue Ling immediately thought that when the old guy ran away, it would take 40 years to cultivate.

"Don't I look like a martial arts wizard?" Huayue Ling was depressed, she should count it, she has always been sensitive to martial arts.

"Hahaha ... Linger, you, you are really ... my king dare not say that he is a martial arts wit, you, you are so eloquent, hahaha. He laughed at my king ..." Nangong ridiculed , Let Huayue Ling's figure flashed suddenly, slap on his head, and issued a crisp and incomparable: "Pop!"

Nangong Yu was beaten silly, and Hua Xiaolong looked at Hua Yueling in horror. How could that be?

"Sister, you, how did you do that?" Hua Xiaolong clearly saw Hua Yueling's ghostly figure flashing, and then came to Nangong Yu.

Nangong Kun was motionless, his expression was completely paralyzed, and his black eyes stared at Huayue Ling's angry little face in disbelief, not even remembering the pain in his brain.

"Huh! I said I'm a martial arts wizard, don't you believe it?" Huayue Ling stretched out his jade fingers, playfully holding up Nangong's stubborn jaw, small mouth evil hook, and evil face, in fact she I found that this phantom is like Japanese ninjutsu, and she has studied it. Now after looking at the two phantom fans' steps, and adding her own 20-year internal strength, I think it may be able to merge together. .

"Sister, this, how is this possible!" Hua Xiaolong also had a totally unbelievable expression.

"How is it impossible? Everything is possible! Hey! Then try again, in fact, I stepped on it randomly." Hua Yueling stepped out according to the phantom fan who saw clearly before, plus internal force, sure enough Very fast, but not just phantom.

"How?" Hua Yueling stopped in front of Hua Xiaolong.

"This is just like a phantom walk, not a phantom, and my sister was clearly phantom just now." Hua Xiaolong frowned, puzzled.

"Hey, is this it?" Huayue Ling suddenly turned around again, the figure suddenly disappeared, then appeared in front of Nangong Yu, and slapped him with a slap and smiled: "Dead man, return to the soul ! "

"Sister, you really learned!" Hua Xiaolong yelled in surprise, completely awakening Nangong Yu.

"Dead woman, you hit me again!" Nangong Yan's big hand suddenly grabbed Hua Yueling's arm.

Huayue Ling tried to hide, but in the confusion he was unfamiliar with what he had just stepped on and was caught by him.

"Ah, it hurts me." Huayue Ling was depressed. She was unfamiliar with it. After all, she had just watched their phantom fans walking a few times. How could it be done all at once?

"Master, you hurt your sister!" Hua Xiaolong flashed over immediately.

"Linger, are you okay." Nangong looked at Huayue Ling's face with pain, letting him go, instinctively, and asked with a look of concern.

For a moment, Huayue Ling thought that this man must have a broken head.

Sure enough, Nangong Yan himself was confused by himself, and immediately Jun face again fiercely said: "Dead woman, you actually beat the king again!" He raised his big hand and made a fight back.

"Oh!" Hua Yueling didn't hold back, and laughed, and found that Nangong Yan was really a little silly and cute.

"Don't you laugh!" Nangong was so angry that he wasn't hitting, neither was he not hitting, and the last slap was hit on Huayue Ling's **** again.

"Ah! You bastard! Don't think that I'm familiar with you, you will take advantage of the old woman!" Huayue Ling immediately reached out and pushed him away fiercely.

"The next time you hit me again, it won't be as simple as spanking you! Hum!" Nangong Nao touched his head with one hand and his face with one hand, but somehow he was very happy.

"Do you dare!" Huayue Ling stared at him.

"Master, don't bully my sister, I won't spare you!" Hua Xiaolong immediately took one and protected Huayue Ling into her arms.

Huayue Ling was so scared that his mouth widened. Are these two men taking advantage of her in the game?

Nangong drew his lips straight and said, "You are my younger brother, don't yell at your teacher!" He said, reaching out to pat Hua Xiaolong's arm.

"I'm not your brother!" Hua Xiaolong screamed.

"Well, don't you call my master a master? As long as you call, that is my younger brother, the elder brother is the father, and you have to respect the king." Nangong squinted at the corner of his mouth, his face insidious.

Hua Xiaolong opened his mouth stupidly, looked down at Huayue Ling in his arms and said, "Sister, now I finally know why you said he was despicable and shameless."

"He was originally, it's not too late to know now, but can you let go of your sister?" Huayue Ling rolled his eyes.

"Hey." Hua Xiaolong smiled quickly and let go of Huayue Ling.

Huayue Linglala said: "You guys are really worse than one!"

"Women, this is wrong. We are only bad for the women we like. Unlike some people, they are good people who seem to be gods. In fact, we don't know how many people have been cheated." Nangong said deliberately.

"Master Wang, I despise you if you say that, and Mo Wushuang is your friend." Hua Xiaolong's eyes flickered and his mature temperament was revealed.

"Hey, I knew you would say that. The king admits that he is not a good person, and now he is jealous of Mo Wushuang, but if it is not suspicious, I will never doubt my friends, just as I completely believed before. Like smoke, it is you who made your king believe in your eyes. "Nangong Yan looked at Huayue Ling.

Hua Xiaolong looked at Nangong Yan's serious expression, and suddenly grinned, "Master, Xiaolong admires you a little."

Nangong Yan said arrogantly: "Don't admire Lingering with me, be mean and shameless for your beloved woman, the king recognized it." Nangong Yan looked at Huayue Ling again, and there was a flowery moon in his black eyes. Ling understands seriously.

Hua Yueling was a little embarrassed. She looked up at the starry sky, and suddenly yelled, "Look! Gray machine!"

Nangong Yu and Hua Xiaolong looked up. If there was anything, then they lowered their heads, and there was still the shadow of Hua Yueling.

"Xiaolong, this is your sister. He still likes the King clearly, but he doesn't admit it." Nangong Ai looked at the back of the main house and Hua Yueling's back and grinned.

Hua Xiaolong glanced at him angrily and said, "It's getting dark, don't daydream!" The figure was gone.

Nangong looked up at the starry sky, shrugged her shoulders, the plan was not successful, she still has to work hard, stepped down on Mo Wushuang, and dangled in front of her all the time, letting her fall in love with herself again in the subtle influence, hehe. What about despicable women?

Huayue Ling returned to the room and sat down to pour water to drink, thinking about Nangong Yu in his mind, this man really became more and more frustrated. Think of Mo Wushuang again, suddenly a bit cold in my heart, I really hope that all the previous doubts do not exist.

This night, Huayue Ling couldn't sleep. Later, she practiced her special phantom in the yard by herself. Although she was not strong enough for forty years, she would use ninjutsu to make up for this deficiency and try to catch the illusion. Step by step, she is getting smoother.

In a strong enemy battle, speed is the key. Although she has all kinds of fast close-range nirvana, once it is seen by a master, it is very dangerous. So if she can have the speed of this phantom, then she will deal with any enemy in the future. , She will have full confidence.

Inside the Mingyue Pavilion, the white figure kept moving, changing, left and right, up and down, until the morning light began to brighten up, and Huayue Ling sweated back to the room to wash and sleep on the big bed.

At noon, Hua Xiaolong and Nangong Li waited for Hua Yueling to have lunch in the main house. As a result, her room door did n’t open. Ask Pinger, Pinger said that the young lady likes to sleep late, so she is generally fine Wake her up.

"Pinger, go in and see. Will Linger be sick? How can he sleep so long?" Nangong Ai cared.

"Will the three princes also worry about my lady?" Pinger never looked good at Nangong Yan.

Nangong Chen looked down and said, "Pinger, don't forget that you are just a girl!"

"Well, Miss said, you're welcome. If you dare to bully me, Miss will get justice for Pinger." Pinger grumbled without fear.

Hua Xiaolong laughed at Nangong's food and said, "Wang Ye, so no matter how hard you come, Linger still has two words to you: hate!"

"Yes, yes, Master Xiaolong is right." Pinger grinned for Hua Xiaolong and brought it to him.

Nangong looked angrily at Hua Xiaolong Road: "What's wrong with it, you have liked it, and you can only be a younger brother!" His poisonous mouth gradually strengthened after he was huffed by Hua Yue.

Hua Xiaolong's face changed, and she smiled bitterly, but immediately confident: "Master Wang, don't be proud, Xiaolong will come back!"

"What are you doing? Come back and grab Linger? Don't dream about it, let alone Wang, Mo Wushuang will eat your sister soon!"

"Sister said she would not easily marry again." Hua Xiaolong comforted herself.

"I said, what's so good about this woman, you have to scramble to pick up the king's broken shoes!" Nangong can't wait to shoot them one by one.

Off-topic: Yesterday's four more, actually very deserted, 蚧 髁 F 蚧 髁 玩 / div>

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