MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 189 Is he alone? Second more

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During dinner, everyone came back and discussed the plan at the dining table. For safety, only Huayue Ling, Mo Wushuang, Nangong Yuxuan, and Hua Yujin discussed in private, while Nangong Yu was injured. , Was left to take care of the house. (((Catino Novel Network )))

After dinner, everyone spoke in Mingyue Pavilion, and also spoke with Hua Xiaolong. At midnight, Huayue Ling in black clothes and black trousers appeared in front of everyone, and the other three were ready. They were all airtight, with only a pair of eyes closed.

"You each of these three white cloths." Hua Yueling took out three white cloths and handed each one.

"Sister, what are you doing here?" Hua Yujin said strangely.

"You put it down first, and if there are other people who are exactly like us, remember to tie it on your left arm. Now the capital is all dangerous people. It is hard to guarantee that this will not happen.

"Linger thought so thoughtfully." Nangong Yunxuan nodded.

"These are weapons, which are better than ordinary weapons, but they will not be recognizable." Mo Wushuang brought three swords, and he actually used a narrow knife. "There are hidden weapons in the rivers and lakes. Ordinary things can be used. "

"Okay! This way we won't recognize us from the weapon. In this way, sneak into the General's Mansion and find Tang Lu and give it directly to me. You pay close attention to the surroundings and understand that you don't!" Huayue Ling thought severely.

"Linger, why don't you let me come?" Mo Wushuang frowned.

"No, although your martial arts are good, Tang Lu's martial arts are not low. I wear soft gold armor on my body and can kill him at close range. I don't want to delay time." Hua Yueling felt that such a killing matter was easier for her. point.

"Sister, you must be careful." Hua Yujin cared.

Huayue Ling nodded and said, "Sister knows that her life is very valuable, let's go!" Huayue Ling took the way out of the house and leapt up to the roof. The three people behind looked at each other and found that Huayue Ling had been here for 20 years. Da Neitan's internal power seems to have been handy, and what surprised them more is that Hua Yueling seems to have full confidence, which makes them nervous and calm, and General Xiren General's House is not so easy to enter and exit.

The night was deep, the stars and moon were dim, and Huayue Ling was very satisfied with the sky tonight. A faint meniscus was not very bright, but the contours were still visible around her.

The four quickly leaped to General Xiren General's House. In order to test her own merits, Hua Yueling did not reserve anything. The speed made her quite satisfied, but thinking of the disappearance of the National Normal University this afternoon, she felt that her confidence had been hit. Ten times, I can only say that he is not a human, he is a fairy. I don't know how he can achieve his speed.

While Huayue Ling was depressed, the latter three felt that Huayue Ling made rapid progress, even if their internal forces were higher than Huayue Ling, but only Mo Wushuang was very easy. Both Nangong Xuanxuan and Hua Yujin must use them. Strength, both were secretly shocked, Mo Wushuang looked at the beloved woman secretly admired.

Soon, the four came outside the General's Mansion, and Huayue Ling quickly sneaked into the General's Mansion in accordance with everyone's previous plans. The four avoided the patrol guards. Because of the death of Xi Xiaodie, the general's guard was also strengthened.

Mo Wushuang nodded to the hidden three and jumped out first. The three waited quietly. After a while, Mo Wushuang waved his hands back, and the three immediately jumped towards a dark courtyard.

"He's in this yard, you have to be careful." Mo Wushuang whispered to Huayue Ling.

"Well, you are also careful." After Huayue Ling nodded and fell on the rockery in the courtyard, there was no shadow in the courtyard at this moment, but there were guards passing by from time to time.

The three watched Huayue Ling push open a door to enter, and they didn't know whether it was Tang Lu or not. The palms were sweaty.

After a while, Huayue Ling came out again and swept directly to the other side.

Hua Yueling immediately flew up to the second-floor window and just wanted to go in. A cold drink rang out, "Who?"

When Huayue Ling heard it, it was Tang Lu's voice. It turned out that she had entered a slave room just now. By the way, she found out where Tang Lu was, but she did not expect Tang Lu to be so alert.

"I." Huayue Ling answered her voice in a low voice, her head turned sharply, and Tang Lu was a spy, so she must not dare to call out loud because she might come from the same party.

Sure enough, after a moment of silence inside the window, the window was slowly opened, and the three of them saw Huayue Ling turn in, and the hearts of the three were immediately lifted again.

Inside, Hua Yueling knew that Tang Lu was fooled, and she would not miss the opportunity. As soon as she landed, she saw Tang Lu standing in front of her, and immediately wiped the prepared flying knife like his neck.

Tang Lu was surprised, his head backed up, and he avoided the sword of Huayue Ling, but he was still scared out of the Cold War. When Hua Yueling missed, he rushed to attack. Tang Lu Leng hummed, "Who are you?" The whole person rolled down to the ground, killing Huayue Ling in a series of nine, killing Huayue Ling secretly.

"Hum, don't you know who I am?" Huayue Ling sneered.

"You, are you Huayue Ling?" Tang Lu was surprised.

"It's good to know, you spy, do you think you can be safe by hiding near the general? As soon as Kocho dies, the general will start to doubt you. Although it wasn't you that killed you, it must be irrelevant to you."

"You, you said that the general wanted you to kill me?" Tang Lu was frightened by Hua Yueling.

"That's not true, but the pain of the general's bereavement is difficult, and the murderer is hard to find. Naturally, we must solve the old general's problems. Tang Lu, I can see that you have feelings for Kocho. Can you tell who the murderer is? Seeing her beloved woman killed, but not distressed? "Hua Yueling saw the pain in Tang Lu's eyes.

"Kocho, Kocho is innocent." Tang Lu trembled.

"Yes, Kocho is innocent, but you were killed because of you, wouldn't you know the killer? Are you worthy of Kocho?" Huayue Ling's right hand rested on her left.

"I, I don't know! Huayue Ling, if you want to kill me tonight, it depends on your ability!" Tang Lu suddenly glowed with a cold light in his eyes, hitting Huayue Ling with both palms.

At this time, Huayue Ling pressed the torrential pear needle.

When Tang Lu found that something was wrong, it was too late, and he leapt across the circle three times in a row, but still did not escape the eighteen hair-like silver needles, and he suddenly groaned, fell to the ground, made a gurgling sound, and flowers Yue Ling fluttered, and the flying knife in his hand stabbed at his heart without hesitation.

Tang Lu was hit with an anesthesia needle, his brain was confused, and he had no resistance. The knife penetrated his heart impartially, and blood spewed out.

"Little, little butterfly ..." Tang Lu looked at Huayue Ling's pair of killer and hateful phoenix eyes, and after finishing the last few words, his head whimpered, Huayue Ling got up and took back the rainstorm pear flower needle. Opening the window and leap out, the three of them were relieved.

"Catch the assassin!" The minion ran out after hearing the voice, and happened to see the dark shadow of Huayue Ling, and immediately yelled.

"Let's go!" Huayue Ling waved her hand, and the four quickly ran out of the general's house.

But they didn't expect it to be so fast, they still followed by two tails.

"Not good, it is Xiren's second son and apprentice Chaoyang!" Nangong Xuanxuan said quickly.

"Leave apart! Yu Jin and the four princes go first, and Wushuang and I lead them away!" Huayue Ling made a decision while the four were in a row.

"No, it's too dangerous." Nangong Yunxuan quickly opposed.

"This is an order!" Huayue Ling's invisible majesty could not be refuted by anyone.

"Yes! Go!" Hua Yujin was very obedient, and Nangong Xuanxuan immediately went to the densely populated dwellings below, while Huayue Ling and Mo Wushuang turned their heads and looked at the two figures following them: "Wushuang, We'll also come and go. "

"Okay, you be careful!" Mo Wushuang knew that to separate the two, he had to be separated, and nodded. Xinyue's eyes looked at Huayue Ling, all worried.

"You're also careful!" Hua Yueling looked at them getting closer, and quickly leaped to the left, Mo Wushuang went to the right.

The two people in the back saw the four people in the front turned into two people, and the two went away separately, and quickly and tacitly separated, Chaoyang chased the flowers and Ling Yue, and Xihao chased the ink.

An hour later, Mingyue Pavilion, Huayue Ling leaped into the body wetly, at this moment Mo Wushuang had already returned.

"Linger." Everyone was so worried that they had reached the throat. Nangong Yan flew over to help the weak Huayue Ling for the first time. "What's going on?"

"Damn! I almost didn't come back." Huayue Ling pulled down her black turban, her hair was wet, and she looked at Mo Wushuang who came up. "Wushuang, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, did you fight with Chaoyang?" Mo Wushuang glanced at Nangong.

"No, it's just that this guy has done a good job. I can't get rid of it for a while. I can't kill him, I can only hide and seek with him. Finally, jumping off the river is considered to get rid of him and exhausted me." Huayue Ling walked to the hall and sat down under.

Hua Yujin quickly asked people to prepare hot water.

"Then Tang Luke is dead?" Nangong Yunxuan they didn't know the result till now.

Huayue Ling Feng smiled at him and said, "Brother Yun Xuan doesn't have much confidence in Linger!"

Nangong Xuan Xuan smiled after a moment: "It's not that I'm not confident, but I'm sure. This time, Xiren House has more things to do."

"Well, you are also tired. Go to bed. I also took a bath and fell asleep. I guess there will be more tomorrow." Huayue Ling smirked.

"Linger, aren't you going back to the palace?" Nangong frowned.

Huayue Ling stared at him fiercely: "Do you think I can go back to such a big incident in my house? If you mind, you stay!" Huayue Ling somewhat convinced the man, but suddenly thought of the Master of Suffering, Frowning slightly, what can this guy do?

"How is Xiaolong?" Hua Yueling looked at him and asked.

"He fell asleep. Although it was fine, he had too many wounds and couldn't be too tired. He had been worried about when you would come back." Nangong said with a pout at the corner of his mouth, and it would be the same if he could stay.

"Linger, then I'll go back first." Mo Wushuang suddenly stood up and said.

"Wushuang, don't run around, just live here. There are plenty of empty rooms." Huayue Ling frowned.

"No, Hong Bo is coming back soon. I don't want him to be home without anyone." Mo Wushuang smiled mildly and elegantly.

"So, be careful yourself. Although you hurt Ximen Yu, there are three other killers." Hua Yueling was worried.

"Linger, rest assured, I have points." Mo Wushuang said and left after leaving.

When Nangong Yu saw Mo Wushuang leaving, he grabbed Huayue Ling and was surprised. "Linger, you said that Wushuang had severely injured Ximen Yu?"

Digression: Two more changes, hee hee, please spend flowers ~