MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 178 Case repeats two more

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Master Liao said solemnly: "Linger, Miss Xi has just died. She should cut the throat and die in a matter of an hour!" After that, people opened Baibul, who covered the body. (((Catino Novel Network ))) Please search for (�ahref = \ "/ cdn-cgi / l / email-protection \" class = \ "__ cf_email __ \" data-cfemail = \ "7e003e \"> [emailprotected] Book ¥ Net) See the most! Newest Fastest Novel

Hua Yueling saw that Xi Xiaodie's eyes were severely congested, and they all seemed to stand out. It was like seeing something very shocking. Maybe she didn't think that person would kill her. The arteries around her neck were cut off. It became dark red.

"An hour ago, the sky was already bright, and no one saw it in this yard?" Huayue Ling squatted in front of Xi Xiaodie's body to look at, while inquiring.

"The girls here said that they didn't see it. The second master Xihao who first found the body," said Liao.

"Have you not seen anyone?" Huayue Ling turned his head strangely to Master Liao.

At this time, Tang Lu distantly came forward and said, "Miss has not been in a good mood since last night, and she does not want to see people, so she told the minions to retreat. After the morning meal is over, the lady will not be disturbed. Practice in the study. "

"Oh? Where were you then?" Huayue Ling looked at him coldly.

"The general will accompany the general in the early morning!" Tang Lu's eyes were very red, making Huayue Ling feel that he may be in love with Xi Xiaodie, and he could talk or maybe want to find the killer.

Huayue Ling choked and said, "What other clues?"

"Back, you will see Miss her when you come back ..."

"Master Liao, can we find the weapon or suspicious place around?" Hua Yueling had already looked around Xi Xiaodie and found nothing. The only thing she felt sure was that it was the hands of someone who was very familiar with her.

"The brothers are searching in each room and every room. Looking at Miss Xi's expression, the old man thought he should be a familiar person."

"Yes! Maybe the murderer is still in the house." Hua Yueling stood up.

Master Liao nodded and said, "General Xiren is so distressed that his wife is unconscious, hey."

"Let them change their grief, the most important thing now is to hope that he will help find the killer." Hua Yueling went out.

The brothers of the Ministry of Justice are everywhere, and every slave is being questioned. Nangong Xuan is in charge of this.

Huayue Ling and Master Liao went to the front yard together and saw that General Xiren had been seated on a stone bench in the yard by the second son. Both were in tears and eyes were red.

"General, second son, grief changes smoothly." Lord Liao stepped forward.

General Xiren stood up and looked angrily: "Which animal is actually attacking Kocho?"

"General, the killer is very cunning, killing himself and running away. There is no clue for the moment. I hope the general can provide some clues." Master Liao's face was not good-looking.

"Hmm! There is no clue to tell you! What the punishment department is doing!" Second son Xi Hao was also angry. Xi Hao has a thin figure, a face that is a bit thin and looks good, but Huayue Ling does not like his eyesight, a little triangular eyes, and is looking at them arrogantly.

"Second son, you have raised the Ministry of Punishment too much. The Ministry of Punishment is not a fairy. You must rely on clues to solve the case. Why is the General Punishment useless? Why should the general call us?" Huayue Ling sneered, and it is not for a loved one to insult others.

Xi Hao froze, triangular eyes aimed at Huayue Ling, and just wanted to answer, General Xi Ren reached out and stopped: "Master Liao, I'm sorry, the dog was stimulated by his sister's tragic death. Xiao Hao, don't go to tea! "

"The general speaks heavily, please." Lord Liao shook his head, and the three sat down. Xi Hao wiped away his tears and walked away.

"General, what did you tell Linger to come to the house yesterday morning related to Kocho?" Huayue Ling opened the door to see the mountain. Although she knew it, she couldn't say it. Besides, she must know why General Xiren didn't say it later. .

"Yes, I blame the old man for not being good, and it hurts Kocho." The general seemed to be a lot older, and blinked a few times, letting the overflowing tear peanuts blink back.

"The general may wish to talk about the specific circumstances of the matter." Master Liao looked at Hua Yueling and asked again.

General Xiren's voice was a little choked, and he calmly said, "In fact, it's a bit weird. Kocho returned to the house under the **** of Tang Lu the night before, but Kocho woke up the next day and Tang Lu slept together. "General Xiren's eyes were puzzled." The old man was annoyed and wanted to kill him, but Tang Lu said that he didn't do that, it was in the ecstatic incense of others. You too Knowing that Tang Lu is a relative of the old man, the old man chose to believe him, and wanted to ask your penal department to look it up, but after all, it was ugly and could not be advertised. Later, Kocho decided to marry Tang Lu. Although the old man was surprised, he thought it was so good However, so I promised, and did not expect this to happen this morning. "

"Marry Tang Lu?" Huayue Ling shuddered, and did not expect Xi Xiaodie to choose this way.

"Little Butterfly and Tang Lu have always been good with each other. Furthermore, Little Butterfly is kind and cannot bear to watch Tang Lu go to jail, so they decide to marry him."

"What about Tang Lu? How do you say?" Huayue Ling anxiously.

"Tang Lu naturally agrees that he has always admired Xiaodie, and everyone believes that Tang Lu is not the kind of person. The old man planned to do their marriage at the end of the month, but the old man did not expect that the emperor would be young today. Butterfly goes to kiss. "Xiren shook his head, feeling that everything was too exciting.

"Now the emperor should know, hey." Hua Yueling was also very depressed and tangled in her heart. Does the death of Xi Xiaodie have anything to do with her?

"The old man had a few words with the emperor for this, but Xiaodie didn't expect her ..." Xiren's old eyes became red again.

"General, mournful." Lord Liao encouraged.

"What kind of enemies does Kocho have on weekdays?" Huayue Ling's face was straightened and he began to question.

General Xiren yelled: "Should not have, the husband is not very clear, it is better to ask her close girl Su Su to ask, come!" The general recruited the next.

"Dad, you are confused, Xiaode is so kind, how can there be enemies, and she will not go out, where is the enemy?" Xihao, the second master, brought tea.

"Dad thinks the same way, but after all, she is a girl's family, maybe there are enemies in the servants and guards," Xiren said.

Huayue Ling nodded and said, "Thank you, General, for understanding."

"It is not easy to investigate the case, these old husbands still know that Ling Er is the emperor's commissioner, and even the 10 cities of Jimo Zi can't go away, and the old husband is very impressed."

"The grand general has won the prize, and Ling Er has also done his best, and has not made much progress to this day, ashamed of his love for the emperor." Hua Yueling's complexion was a little red, and she was not exaggerated in this scene, and she was not kissed. Anyway, there are relatives in it.

"Linger, don't say that. Lanyue's spies have caught a lot. Our brother is also much safer in Lanyue. This has to be said to be Linger's credit. Come, please drink tea." Xiren smiled, Although it is very hard-hearted, after all, people who have participated in big scenes can restrain themselves quite.

Xi Hao-bian flat his mouth and stood behind his father watching Huayue Ling, who was speechless and felt like a monkey.

Yasu Susu was soon called, scaring her to kneel in front of the four of them, a young little face with eyes narrowed like a white rabbit, it seemed that the master and servant were affectionate ...

"Linger, this is Su Su, Xiaodie's personal girl, you ask." General Xiren said, "Su Su, you have to answer Miss Hua's question honestly, can't you have reservations?"

"Yes, yes, Susu knows."

Huayue Ling first observed this little girl, to see that she was still normal.

"Su Su, why don't you wait for the lady this morning?" Hua Yueling began to ask.

Su Su looked up and cried to Huayue Ling's cold eyes, "It's all because Su Su is not good, wow ..."

Hua Yueling had a black line, and she cried before she started.

"Su Su, don't cry! Miss Qi's enemies still need you to provide clues!" Xiren Shen said.

"Woo, yes, yes, the lady used breakfast to tell Su Su to make a pot of Longjing before the rain. I didn't expect Su Su to leave for a while, and when I came back, I saw ... wow ..."

"Isn't it the second master to see it first?" Huayue Ling looked at Xihao strangely.

"Master Ben and Su Su are front and back." Xi Hao said immediately.

"Yes, when Susu came back with the tea, she saw Master Er standing motionless at the door, and when she looked forward, she saw that the lady had fallen into a pool of blood, and Master Er was already terrified, hum, no Knowing which animal was to be treated so cruelly, oh ... "Su Su cried again.

"Second Master, Su Su left for a while, then you didn't see any suspicious people when you went in?" Huayue Ling asked Xi Hao again.

"If I had, would I let him go?" Xi Hao's eyes quickly became red.

Hua Yueling drew a corner of her mouth and continued to ask, "Su Su, there is only one lady in the whole yard in the morning? No guards?"

"No, there are guards patrolling outside Qingfeng Pavilion, but at that time, the others were dismissed by the lady, all in their own room." Su Suji said.

"Then none of these people saw anyone or heard anyone talk?" Hua Yueling felt strange, it was almost impossible.

Lord Liao called in the inquiries, and they all shook their heads, and the interrogated girls said that they had not seen anyone else.

"This is really weird. Can there be no ghosts during the day?" Huayue Ling sneered.

"The young lady thinks someone is panicking?" General Xiren asked suddenly.

"Su Su, how long do you leave there?" Huayue Ling asked without answering.

"This, about a cup of tea, Su Su went to the canteen to get tea, and added honey, a little slower than usual." Su Su thought about it.

"This time is enough for a master to jump in and kill someone and run away." Xi Hao frowned.

"Master Er has no confidence in the guards of his home?" Huayue Ling was a little funny inside.

"Is it impossible to kill by yourself? But there is no guard in Qingfeng Pavilion, who can kill Kocho?" Xi Hao said badly. "The greatness of the world, such as the master, is not that our guards are not good. Martial arts is too high, and this is not impossible. "

"Really? What about Master Wu's martial arts?" Hua Yueling smiled at him with a faint smile.

Xihao changed her face and said, "What do you mean, Miss Hua? You wouldn't say I killed my sister!" The triangle eyes were about to startle.

"I didn't say that. Didn't you say that the second master was one step ahead of Susu? So the time should be shorter? The second master is martial arts high and strong, but didn't see anything?" Huayue Ling said that he Kung Fu sucks.

"You, you!" Xi Hao flushed with anger, this woman said that his martial arts were bad.

"Oh, do n’t worry, we might as well repeat the case, sir, call Brother Xuan Xuan, Su Su, you can do it again like in the morning, Master Two, I want to know how short the time is, this Important for the entire case! "Huayue Ling suddenly stood up seriously, looking at General Xiren with a frown," The general will not object? "

Off topic:

Second, look for flowers, hee hee ... it's cold, keep warm ~