MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 176 Poor man

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Huayue Ling smiled dumbly: "You really know me. +++ Girls must go to the website "

"Hey, anyway, we are husband and wife." Nangong Yan owed a flat road.

Huayue Ling suddenly became gloomy and Fengyan glared. When she wanted to scold him, Nangong immediately raised her hand and said, "Okay, being angry means that the problem is not big. Since you don't stay for dinner, I will accompany you to the Royal Mansion. , Lest you be bullied by the guy Jimo Zihan, wait for me to change my dress. "

"No need!" Huayue Ling drew a corner of her mouth and turned to ignore him.

"Linger, in fact, you warned Jimo Ziji to abandon you, right?" Nangong Ji hurriedly.

"I don't need to warn, no matter how hard he insists, it has nothing to do with me." Huayue Ling sneered.

"Linger, don't be willful or impulsive. This is not a game. It's a transaction between two countries. If the emperor really agrees, no matter how you resist, it doesn't matter if you have to go out with a kiss. Otherwise, what is injured is your family."

"My family is also his family!" Huayue Ling turned his head, Fengmu looked at him coldly.

"Why stalemate, why tear your face, as long as you say that you and the king have been recombined, I think that Jimo Zi will never dare to tangled again." Nangong Yan looked at her cold face with a frown, he felt Today's Huayue Ling is indeed a bit wrong. It is more indifferent than before. It is a disappointment. It makes him think that she doesn't matter. Why is this?

Huayue Ling turned and watched his normal face return, and suddenly a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he yelled, "I think this **** thing happened to me!"

Nangong Nian was startled by her sudden laugh and anger, wondering: "What the **** happened? You woman is very abnormal today? Is it Mo Wushuang?"

Huayue Ling turned her head and left.

After thinking about it, Nangong Yun called the dark cloud and dark wind, and must protect Huayue Ling's safety.

An hour later, Huayue Ling's blue suit appeared in front of the Royal Mansion. Jimo Zi went out to meet him in person and looked at Huayue Ling with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, you smiled so happily, did the emperor agree?" Huayue Ling stunned in her heart, her face inquiring gloomily.

Jim Zizheng strayed slightly and laughed, "Linger is so calm, does he know that the emperor will refuse?"

Huayue Ling laughed a moment later, this time she really smiled.

"I did not expect that ten cities would not be able to marry you back, only that Linger was more valuable than ten cities." Jimo Mo laughed at himself, "Prince Ben had to give up."

"You shouldn't have done this stupid thing." Hua Yueling suddenly found that the tall and handsome Jimo Ziyu was particularly pleasing to the eye.

"Indeed! Does Linger know what the emperor and your father are saying?" Jimo Zi smiled and let her sit down.

"Oh? I want to hear it." Hua Yueling was in a much better mood, and sometimes her family feeling was more secure than any relationship.

Jimo Zi sipped tea and said with a smile: "The emperor said that Ling Er is the baby of Dayue, and she is indispensable around her! Ten cities, don't bother! Your father asked me if you really like Ling Er, you should care Linger ’s feelings, Linger really marries you, do you think she will be happy? It ’s not the husband who makes a woman you love unhappy! ”Jimo Zi said here and smiled and shook his head, watching Huayue Ling said, "So I think, these two big men, one needs you and the other loves you, and although I like you very much, but if you really want to marry you, you don't love me, and we will be with each other. Hurt, I'm not my husband, haha. "

Hua Yueling was moved by his words. She didn't expect the emperor to leave her so resolutely, because her biggest task didn't help him. The spy of Lan Yueguo was still madly operating, and ten cities, then How big is the concept. Her father's words made her feel the love of a father, and she was even more determined to travel far.

"Linger, in fact, I am very selfish, knowing that you don't like me, I also mentioned it, I, I think you can help me, I hope there is a strong and smart woman around to help me, but I heard the emperor With your dad, I do n’t think I should impose unwilling things on you, so you can rest assured that I will marry Xi Xiaodie and go back! ”Jimo Zi looked at Huayue Ling ’s eyes and laughed and finished. .

Huayue Ling felt a pain in her heart. She knew why he gave up. The pain that Mo Wushuang's mother-in-law imposed on him, he didn't want to impose on her. This man is really a real man!

"Thank you." Huayue Ling opened her hands generously, and a brother-like bear hug with Jimo Zi, her eyes were a little moist, proud of her loved ones, and distressed by this man.

Jimo Zi hugged Huayue Ling tightly, and was very excited. He struggled for a long time before finally choosing to give up, because he really liked this woman and could not marry her back, like that woman treats him Treat her like.

Huayue Ling had indeed had the urge to quarrel and even kill, but now she only moved her heart.

At this time, Master Wen came out and was shocked to see the enthusiastic scene.

Huayue Ling also saw him, let go of Jimo Ziyan, and said blankly: "Master Wen, Wushuang invites you to talk to his sword on the 9th floor of Tian He tonight. I wonder if you are free?"

Master Wen said with a stunned smile: "The old man couldn't ask for it." Jimo yelled, "His Royal Highness, dinner is ready."

"Good! Linger, please!" Jimo greeted cheerfully.

Mr. Wen quit silently, and Huayue Ling came to the dining room of the mansion. It was a large room with windows on all sides. From the window, the surrounding trees and flowers could be seen, which made people feel better when eating. At this moment, the setting sun was just beginning, the lanterns were on, the flowers were fragrant and the air was pleasant.

The two were seated, and a plate of delicate dishes was served, and Hua Yueling was in a good mood, drinking with Jimo Ziyu.

"Linger, I'm about to inherit the throne next year, and I hope you will come to Damen to see my friend." Jimo Moo arrived at night, his eyes began to be a bit scary, but Huayue Ling felt that he was really very Poor, he didn't even know that he was about to be used up and abandoned by that cruel woman.

"Zi, do you want to inherit the throne?" Huayue Ling asked deeply.

"If I didn't inherit the throne, what I learned from a young age, I would suffer nothing." Jimo Mo looked deeply at Hua Yueling's small face, and there was a sharp flash of light in his eyes.

"Is everything you learned taught by your mother-in-law? In fact, I heard that you are the son of the third princess, why are you eligible to be a prince? Shouldn't it be the son of the great princess who took the throne?" I want to know more, but also for Mo Wushuang, she doesn't want the last two excellent men to be the targets of slaughter.

"No, the throne has always been the best of the father and son's sons to inherit. Last year I defeated two emperors in the samurai competition and won the first Samurai dumplings in Damon. The father and king were very happy and immediately established me as Prince, I was very surprised at that time, because Brother Wang and Brother Wang were excellent. I didn't expect my father would choose me. "Jim Mo's face looked reminiscent.

"Aren't you better?" Huayue Ling smiled softly.

Jimo Zi blushed a little: "Actually, you didn't know, my mother-in-law was very strict with me since I was a child. When I could n’t reach her back, I stabbed me with a needle, even when I was sick, she irrigated me with medicine. When I was a kid, I kept martial arts in a cage with a hungry wolf dog for a few days. After I was able to kill the wolf dog, I put me in a lion cage ... "Jim Ziyu said that he suddenly raised his glass and drank A mouthful of bitterness.

Huayue Ling's face was cold and cold, she found that her heart also developed a kind of hatred. If she was treated this way, she must also hate this person. Even though she has achieved his present excellence, the means are cruel.

"Have you thought of dying?" Hua Yueling's voice was a little unstable.

"Yes, but I am not even qualified to die. There are four samurai guarding me every day. Slowly I don't want to die. I know that I must be strong. I must do what she wants in order to have a way out. It ’s just that I do n’t understand why a mother-in-law treats her child this way. Is n’t she born of her? For power and desire, can she even treat her own son like this? Tears flashed into the brutal eyes.

Hua Yueling only felt that his heart was tightening. No doubt, this man is the poorest. He doesn't even know who his own mother is. In a sense, this is even more cruel.

"After you became a prince, did she treat you better?" Hua Yueling was still curious.

"Huh!" Mo Ziji blinked his eyes, drew back the tears, and sneered, "Linger, I have grown up, and I have secretly established my own power."

After a while, Huayue Ling nodded and said, "Are you going to avenge her?" This is what Huayue Ling wants to know most.

"I will give her supreme glory next year, but she never wants to control my everything! And I will let her know what kind of fear I have grown up these years!" Jim Zi bit his teeth and cut his teeth.

Hua Yueling knows his psychology very well. Now he doesn't know that this woman is not his mother-in-law, so he won't kill her. It is also a kind of filial piety, but if he knew, then this hatred would intensify and he would never stay she was.

Hua Yueling is tangled. If Mo Wushuang goes to Dameng, he still doesn't know how to deal with this tricky thing. Will he let his mother die in the hands of Jimo Zi? And the two conflict, who will be injured?

"Linger, are you scared?" Jimo Zi looked down at Huayue Ling gently.

"No, I understand your mood very well, Ziyu, how can I tell you a story?" Huayue Ling smiled and sipped at the glass.

"Oh? This is my honor. When I was a kid, my favorite thing was to listen to stories. What I used to be gallant, dangled beams, and thorns are all the motivations that have kept me strong." Jimo Zi smiled charmingly, his face flushed, "Linger is Do you want to tell any comforting story? "

"No! It's a story very similar to you, but he may experience more pain than you." Hua Yueling looked at his bright black eyes at this moment seriously, because she really didn't know if he knew himself suddenly Actually, it has always been a chess piece, and it will be a big blow that he can't get what he wants in the end. She just hopes to give him a more cruel story and strengthen his bearing ability.

At this time, Huayue Ling deeply loathed Mo Wushuang's mother from the bottom of her heart!

Off topic:

It's too cold, please pay attention to your body, right?