MTL - The Stepmother is Unkind-Chapter 32

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In the evening, the guests left with the setting sun, and Yin Mingyu and Xie Qin watched them leave.

Xie Qin said: "Go back."

Yin Mingyu nodded, turned around and walked to the house. There are servants to clean up the mess, and they can be the hand-to-hand shopkeepers.



The little lamb's cry was getting louder and louder, even a little hoarse.

When Xie Ce heard the voice, he remembered the little lamb and pulled Yin Mingyu's skirt, "Mother! Sheep!"

Yin Mingyu stopped, looked sideways, and saw that the little lamb had somehow wrapped all his ropes around the tree. He couldn't break free with all his four legs, and he couldn't lower his head. He was facing them. Call straight.

"Almost forgot about it."

Yin Mingyu turned around and walked towards the sheep, and Xie Ce followed behind her.

Xie Qin stood there and watched the two of them silently.

Yin Mingyu and Xie Ce walked back to it, stretched out their hands and tugged at its rope, laughing at it: "You are also a fool, living creatures can teach dead creatures to hang."

Jin'er was afraid of her dirty hands, so she said, "Miss, maid come."

Yin Mingyu waved his hand, held the rope connected to its neck, rescued it half-dragging, and then personally led the sheep into the gate.

Xie Ce followed step by step, and his little hand was also caught in the middle of the rope. When he entered the atrium, he was going to pull to the yard where Mrs. Xie and him lived, but his strength was naturally incomparable with that of adults, and he couldn't pull it at all.

Yin Mingyu noticed that the rope was stagnant, and when he turned around, he saw Xie Ce's movements and asked him, "What do you want to do?"

Xie Ce's little finger pointed to the main courtyard, "There, sheep, there."

Nanny Tong's face was a little embarrassing, and Mrs. Xie would never agree.

And Yin Mingyu didn't let go at all, and simply refused: "No, it's mine, so I will naturally take it away."

Xie Ce still wanted to, and begged softly, "Mother~"

Yin Mingyu still firmly refused, "You can come to find it tomorrow, but you can't force something from me."

As an elder, she cares about children like this, and teaches the servants around her, especially Xie Ce's servants, it seems that she is not loving enough, but she is too righteous, and Xie Qin, the father, doesn't seem to have any objections. People didn't dare to show it.

Xie Ce looked at her for a while, and finally determined that she would definitely not let him, so he let go of his hand reluctantly and said repeatedly, "Come tomorrow."

Yin Mingyu nodded, "Go back." After speaking, he took a step forward, pulling the rope forward.

After separating from Xie Ce, Yin Mingyu led the lamb back to her yard, looked around, and tied the sheep under the porch far from the bedroom.

She was tying up while talking to the lamb: "If you were left out of the house, you might be caught by wild animals at night. Why don't we eat you."

The little lamb bleated twice, turned around, and turned her tail towards her, as if angry.

Yin Mingyu was amused by it, and he didn't think it was dirty, so he poked his fingers on its back, "You dare to get angry with me. When you have more meat, I will let you go and make a whole sheep feast."


Yin Mingyu raised his eyebrows and grabbed its soft ears, "I'm going to eat you."


Xie Qin stood under the porch and looked at her quietly, with a very shallow smile in his eyes.

Yin Mingyu caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye, and it wasn't an illusion, Xie Qin did seem to have a strange blunt feeling.

When Xie Qin saw her look over, he returned to normal in an instant, and said, "I brought back the map you wanted earlier."

Yin Mingyu got up and followed him in. Seeing that there was a piece of paper on the table, he picked it up and looked at it.

On the map, only the periphery of the Longyu Mountain Hunting Ground is carefully drawn, and only a few places are roughly marked in the hunting ground, and there is no specific route.

Xie Qin said: "This is the royal hunting ground. The detailed map is inconvenient to spread, so I drew this map for you."

"Lang Jun painted it by himself?" Yin Mingyu was surprised for a moment, then lowered his head to look, "I just said it yesterday, so you can draw it so quickly?"

Xie Qin turned his eyes away, didn't reply, just got up and said, "Go to bed early."

Yin Mingyu buried his head in the map, studied where to go first for two days, and absently said "um".

Xie Qin instructed the maid to prepare water, turned to see that she was still looking, and walked over to take the map away.

Yin Mingyu didn't dare to pull, and watched the map being taken away, looking up at him suspiciously.

Xie Qin said lightly: "You have some sheep taint on your body, don't get it on the map."

Yin Mingyu immediately turned his head and sniffed, the smell was a little faint, so he went to the inner room to take a bath and change his clothes.

When both of them were lying on the bed, Xie Qin lowered the curtain of the bed, wrapped his arms around her waist, and slowly lowered it.

Yin Mingyu pressed against his chest, "I just found out that menstruation is coming."

"..." Xie Qin paused, turned over and lay back after a while, and said solemnly, "I will leave more guards on Zhuangzi. If you go out to play, bring more people and don't go far."

Yin Mingyu: "..." Sure enough, everything was blunt.

The next day, when Yin Mingyu woke up, Xie Qin was no longer in the house as usual.

Mrs. Xie hadn't finished explaining the matter yesterday, so after eating, she asked Yin Mingyu to talk in her yard.

Yin Mingyu doesn't plan to go to the hunting ground today, but there are many young ladies in the hunting ground who miss her and want to make friends with her.

The third lady Yin Mingrui and the fourth lady Yin Mingruo did not appear at the hunting ground in order not to cause trouble. The ladies who were kicking with Yin Mingyu had nowhere to ask Mrs. Xie Shao, so they went to Jiang Qiniang and Jiang He.

Jiang He broke up with Yin Mingyu that day, and was a bit bored. He didn't have much mood to deal with their questioning, so he reluctantly left the crowd and went to a remote place.

And the more remote the place, the easier it is to meet some shameful people and things.

She was distracted at first and didn't notice that she was getting farther and farther. When she found out, there was no one else around except her and her maid.

There are dense trees all around, and when I look at it, I only feel that the thick trees are gloomy, and I don't know that some unknown danger will suddenly come out.

When she walked back, she looked left and right, and she saw a familiar pair of dogs and men, just one glance, and immediately became annoyed.

But she only reflected on Yin Mingyu's words, remembering that she should not act impulsive, so she forced her anger down, glared at the two of them a few times, and then turned around to avoid it elsewhere.

But she walked in a hurry, and didn't notice that there was a branch under her feet, and her foot stumbled directly on the branch and didn't lift it up.

On the other side, Ji Saburo and Liu Erniang heard the voice, looked around, and saw Jiang He's maidservant, all panicked and hurried away.

"Miss, are you all right?" the maid asked nervously.

The two hands that Jiang He raised, from the palm to the wrist, all drew red marks one after another, and even a little blood appeared in serious places.

The maid panicked instantly, and hurriedly helped her up.

Jiang Heyi moved, and immediately showed pain, "My foot is sprained."

When the maid heard this, she was full of panic when she went back to be known by the madam, and she would definitely be punished severely.

She forced herself to calm down and asked, "Miss, you may be patient, will the maid help you out first?"

Jiang He's slight movement caused a sharp pain, so he put his focus on one foot, covered his wrist, shook his head and said, "Go ahead and see if you can find someone to help."

She usually has a few maids by her side, but today is annoying because she doesn't have a lover by her side, so she only brought one out. At this time, she was in trouble, but she felt a little regretful, but unfortunately it didn't help.

The maid actually didn't dare to leave the master here alone, but if she didn't go out, she couldn't take the master away, so she could only walk away temporarily.

Jiang He was alone, listening to the rustling of leaves around him, he couldn't help imagining all kinds of terrifying scenes in his mind, and he was so scared that he hugged himself tightly.

Suddenly, a loud rustling sound came from behind her. She froze and turned her head slowly, staring at the source of the sound, biting her lips in fear.

After a while, a dark red robe appeared, and Jiang He's heart fell instantly, only to realize that she was sweating profusely.

It was Han Jing, who was carrying two prey in his hands. When he saw a lady here, he subconsciously moved the **** prey to his back so as not to scare the girl.

After seeing her face clearly, Han Jing recognized that she was Jiang Qi Niang, who was kicking with Yin Mingyu, and looked a little embarrassed, so he asked politely, "Jiang Qi Niang, do you need Han's help?"

Jiang He had calmed down at this time, and when he heard his question, he nodded immediately, "Excuse me, this gentleman."

Han Jing approached and asked her about her situation carefully. After all, she was worried about the defense of men and women, and when she heard that her maid was looking for someone, she did not do anything else, but covered her prey and stood not far away to accompany her. following her.

With Lord Lang around, Jiang He felt at ease. Seeing how polite and careful he was, he took the initiative to ask his name.

Han Jing replied, looking at the intersection, and seeing someone coming, he said, "It must be your maid who brought someone here. It is inconvenient to teach people to know that the wife and the man are alone in the same place and affect their reputation. Han should go first."

After he said that, he raised his legs and left. Jiang He called a few times, but he didn't stop anyone.

At this time, the maid brought someone back, and when she saw her looking in one direction, she asked, "Miss, is there anything over there?"

Jiang He retracted his gaze and shook his head, "No."

The maid didn't ask much, and she and the others helped her leave.

Before they walked out of here, Jiang He glanced back and saw nothing, so he could only look back with some regret, and read Han Jing's name silently in his heart, remembering him.