MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 46 one more

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After ten days, the TV drama sounded again in the old small courtyard, and the cheerful voice dispelled the cold brought by the night.

Xia Mo and the others were close together, staring at the TV screen intently, even slowing down their breathing, for fear of missing the exciting plot.

Seeing that Zhu Bajie drank the water from Luotai Spring, his swollen stomach disappeared immediately, Xia Mo and Xiaolu showed disappointed expressions, "I thought I could sing a litter of piglets, but nothing happened. No."

Brother Chou groaned: It's inconvenient to take a litter of piglets to learn scriptures.

Xiaolu shook the leaves in dissatisfaction: But they often have no food to eat on the road, so eating slowly is better than starving, right?

Lin Ling, who was sitting by the side, laughed, Xiaolu actually knew how to support her family, congratulations!

"Don't talk." Xia Mo stared at the TV, "Look at them entering the city."

At this moment, it was broadcasting on the TV that Tang Seng and his disciples entered the Imperial City of the Daughter Kingdom, and were surrounded by a group of beautiful women.

Xia Mo and the others were watching with gusto, when suddenly a voice came from their ears: "Wow! So many beauties!"

Lin Ling and the others looked towards the stairs, and through the light of the TV screen, they could see that mynah was standing on a cabinet, his eyes were full of light, and he was squinting at the people in bright clothes on the TV: "There are so many beauties. .”

Starling looked at Tang Seng and his apprentice who kept avoiding him, and stomped his feet angrily: "Are you idiots? Why are you hiding? Kiss me!"

Lin Ling: "..."

Xia Mo, Xiaolu, Chouge, Dahei: "..."

The starling was excited for a while, didn't notice that he had been exposed, and still disliked the foolishness of Tang Seng, his master and his disciples: "Can you guys do it? Let me do it!"

Lin Ling said with a straight face, "You come here?"

"Yes, let me... come..." The starling realized that he had been discovered this time, his voice trembled, and he quickly changed his words: "...Let me see what you guys are doing again?"

Before Lin Ling could speak, Xiaolu jumped out first: Who let you in? You get out of here!

Starling: "You guys are so happy watching TV, let me see what's wrong?"

Xiaolu: You haven't done your homework, so you can't read it.

Dahei and Chouge, who were suffering from homework, also said to the starling with the same hatred: You didn't do your homework, so you can't read it.

The starling's small black eyes rolled around, "I didn't join you, and I can watch it without doing my homework."

Xiaolu shook the leaves: If you don't do your homework, you can't read it!

Dahei nodded in agreement: Only after writing the homework.

In order to write homework, it has written homework for many days.

Starlings are not interested in doing homework at all, and children need to read and do homework. "Beauties don't need to do homework." It means that they don't need to either.

"Except for me, everyone in this room wants to write." Lin Ling knocked on the table, "Do you know why?"

The starling said cooperatively, "Why?"

"Because I assigned them homework!" Lin Ling slapped an unwritten notebook on the table, a calculating light flashed in his eyes: "If you want to watch TV, go and make up your homework!"

Mynah flew to the table, "Why should I write?"

Lin Ling took the opportunity to say: "In the afternoon, you promised that I would listen to everything I said. Now you are not willing? Since you don't want to write, then you can go back to where you came from. I have a small temple here, and I can't keep you. Great Buddha."

This starling has a wild temper and is very aggressive, unlike Xia Mo's simple and honest temper. If it can't be cured at the beginning, it will be even more difficult to control it in the future.

If he didn't want it to fly high, see far, and be good at finding, Lin Ling really didn't want to keep it.

The starling was stunned, obviously not expecting Lin Ling to dig a hole here and wait for it.

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it. If you don't want to write, then get out of here now." Lin Ling didn't give Starling too much time to find a way to resist himself, and started counting down: "Three, two, one."

"Okay, have you figured it out?"

Mynah hasn't reacted yet: "So fast?"

"Hurry up!" Lin Ling urged the starling to give an answer.

The starling was a little dissatisfied, but after looking at the TV unwillingly, it changed its mind, and only by staying can it see more beautiful beauties.

So, after three seconds of deliberation, the starling decided to endure the humiliation and stay: "Is it okay for me to write?"

Lin Ling twitched the corners of her lips, Xiao Yang, can't he cure you?

Little Green: Let it write all the homework we did before.

Xia Mo's eyes lit up, then this starling must be exhausted to death.

The starling is not a fool: "I'm just here, so I have to take my time."

Lin Ling smiled, "Okay, you won't be allowed to write on the first day, and you can write from one to one hundred."

The starling who can't write was stunned: "How do you write from one to one hundred?"

Lin Ling handed the end-of-summer homework book to Starling, and pointed to the neatly written numbers, "1~100, copy slowly."

Starling looked at the densely packed numbers and felt that his eyes were going blind.

Xiaolu pointed to the door: go out and write.

"It's too dark outside, I can't see anything, so I'll just write here." Mynah took the pen in his mouth and started to do his modeling homework, but his eyes never left the TV screen.

Because she promised Xia Mo and the others to play a few more episodes of TV series today to compensate them, so after watching one TV series, she played a new one.

Originally, everyone watched the TV and didn't care whether mynah was peeking or not, but it was too complacent, laughing and making bird calls from time to time, which made Lin Ling and the others unable to ignore it: "Are you peeking at the TV?"

Xiaolu pointed at mynah: No peeking! Do your homework!

The starling pushed the homework: "I'm almost done."

Xiaolu glanced at the numbers on the homework book: Is it really almost finished? How do you write so fast?

The starling said proudly: I will watch TV while writing, of course it will be soon.

Xiaolu seems to have opened up a new world: Is it okay?

"Of course." Mynah shook its wings triumphantly, and began to teach it the secret of being lazy: "I'll tell you..."

Lin Ling saw that Big Black and Ugly Brothers were also listening to mynah's lecture, and knocked on the table to prevent him from distracting Little Green, "You guys continue to watch TV."

"As for you..." Lin Ling looked at Starling, "Be honest, if you say another word, I'll seal your mouth."

The starling immediately became honest, raised his wings and drew a line around his mouth to show that his mouth had been zipped up.

After a while, the starling pushed the finished homework to Lin Ling: "I finished it."

Lin Ling glanced at the homework book. Although the handwriting was ugly, the imitation and copying were all correct. It seems that the starling's innate super imitation ability helped it a lot.

After handing in his homework, the starling flew to the sofa and began to watch TV. Because the TV program was too exciting, it was so excited that its bird's mouth kept twitching: "Oh, I'm so mad! Why is this monk so stupid? "

"This Monkey King is really powerful, he can fly just like me!"

"Why is this Zhu Bajie so lazy?"

Xiaolu kicked myna off the sofa: Don't talk! Quiet!

The starling got up: "I'm going to say it, I'm going to say it!"

Xiaolu was so angry that he kicked mynah a few more times: You are so annoying! Stop blah blah!

Xia Mo and Brother Chou subconsciously glanced at Xiaolu, you know it's annoying, don't you?

"I'm not next to you, I'll watch TV next to the beauty." The starling who had been kicked a few times flew to Lin Ling's side, "Beauty, you must be lonely sitting here by yourself, I'll accompany you."

Lin Ling glanced at it in disgust: "Shut up."

Starling shook his head: "Beauty..."

Lin Ling picked up a piece of scotch tape with a sullen face, cut off a section and wrapped it around the starling's beak, "It's finally quiet."

The starling was so angry that he jumped up: why tie me up?

"Don't make any noise." Lin Ling tore off another piece of tape to tie up the mynah's feet, and then put it on the sofa: "Be honest."

Starlings are going crazy: Is there any bird rights?

At the end of Xia, the starlings who looked at their mouths were bound together and could only make a small sound like 'uh', they deserved it!

For the rest of the night, the house was extremely quiet.

Everyone finished watching the TV in peace, and then went to their respective rooms to rest. Only the starling with his mouth covered and his legs tied was lying on the sofa, fluttering his wings silently: You all forgot about me!

Returning to a familiar and safe place, Lin Ling slept well that night, sleeping until dawn.

After dawn, Lin Ling tidied up and went downstairs. She cooked some potatoes and shared them with Xia Mo and Brother Chou. There was no salt added to the potatoes, and the food was very bland.

It's been a long time since I ate meat, Lin Ling slandered, "Bring some to stew rabbit meat at night."

Xiaolu, who was wrapped around Lin Ling's wrist, immediately regained her spirits: Do you want to eat rabbit meat tonight?

Xia Mo and Brother Chou also looked at Lin Ling one after another, "Do you want to do it tonight?"

Lin Ling hummed, "Do it at night."

Xiaolu arched Linling's wrist: Then don't forget to give me an extra piece.

"I will never forget it." Lin Ling turned to look at Xia Mo: "You have it too."

Xia Mo's face flushed slightly, "Then I'll go water and dig the ground later, turn over more."

Lin Ling took a bite of potatoes, "Don't worry, go out with me later to find some bricks and tiles, and let's repair the collapsed place as soon as possible."

Excitement burst out of Xia Mo's eyes, and he gobbled up the remaining potatoes, "Go now?"

"Don't worry." Lin Ling ate potatoes slowly, "The place is not far away, four or five hours is enough to go back and forth."

When I just got the land and went out for the first time, I passed an abandoned village and found some bricks and tiles piled up on the side of the road. They should have been used by the people in the village to build houses, and now they just need to move back.

Xia Mo wiped his mouth, sat under the eaves and waited for Lin Ling to finish eating. While waiting, he was not idle, and took the first grade book he brought back yesterday and quietly flipped through it.

Lin Ling continued to eat potatoes, and after eating two bites, she realized that the yard was too quiet, "Where's that bird?"

Xia Mo raised his head: "Bird? What kind of bird?"

Little Green shook the leaves excitedly: It must have run away!

"Run away?" Lin Ling was taken aback for a moment, no!

She suddenly remembered something, and immediately got up and walked into the house, searched around on and off the sofa, and finally found the loveless starling under the dining table.

When Lin Ling pulled off the tape that bound the starling's mouth and legs, the starling immediately began to cry: "Wooooow, I'm so pitiful, I was **** for a whole night..."

Xiaolu clapped her hands happily: deserve it!

The starling raised its wings and slapped Little Green, "Short, you want to fight!"

Xiaolu was not to be outdone, and went back provocatively: Come on! See if I don't pluck all your hair!

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Lin Ling hurriedly stopped them: "Don't quarrel!"

The starling pitifully rubbed his head on the back of Lin Ling's hand, "Beauty, I feel wronged..."

"I forgot about you last night. I'm really sorry." Lin Ling looked at mynah's paws that were so white from the tape, and felt a little apologetic in his heart, "I'll give you a piece of the rabbit meat for dinner."

Little Green is not happy: why should I give it? You don't usually give it to us.

Lin Ling comforted Xiaolu, "I'll give you a lot of dollars, but only one for him, okay?"

Xiaolu calculated in her heart, ten yuan for herself, eight yuan for Xia Mo, five yuan for the ugly brother, and one yuan for the bald-haired monster, thinking that this is not bad.

The starling thought that he would have meat to eat when he first arrived, but the beauty really loved it: "Thank you beauty, I love you the most."

"No need." Lin Ling got up and walked towards the kitchen, "I'll boil some water, and I'll leave later."

Starling flew to the yard and wandered around, then landed beside Xia Mo who was reading a book: "What are you looking at?"

Xia Mo said, "Read a book."

Starling glanced at the book, there were pictures and words, but it couldn't understand it, "Can you understand it?"

"I can understand a little bit." Xia Mo didn't know many words, he could only understand the simplest words. He pointed to the page that he just turned to, "One to two or three miles..."

The starling followed suit, and then asked, "What's behind it?"

"Behind..." Xia Mo looked at the last line of the poem, and said with difficulty: "What four or five families."

Starling looked at Xia Mo with disgust: "So you don't know how either!"

Xia Mo explained: "I haven't learned these words yet."

Hearing Xia Mo's voice, Lin Ling walked over to take a look, "I went two or three miles, four or five houses in Yancun... This is a poem, we will learn this poem after we learn more characters."

"Poetry?" Hearing this word, the starling seemed to have turned on a certain button, and said excitedly, "Beauty, I can do it too. I'll read it to you!"

Lin Ling squinted at it, what kind of poems could it know?

The starling opened his mouth and began to read: "Chun Mian doesn't realize it, is it good to be with someone?"

The author has something to say: dears~~

Add more may be later,,

I have a bit of a cold, and I am writing slowly...