MTL - The Stand-in Refuses to Become a Regular-Chapter 49

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On weekends, Xing Yun accompanied Xue Yingshuang to make PPT.

Xing Yun started from the basic operation method, and gave Xue Yingshuang a lot of practical suggestions.

"PPT looks simple, but it's actually quite complicated," Xing Yun said. "Advanced content involves a lot of skills, and some people even make money by making PPT."

Hearing that someone was using this to make money, Xue Yingshuang's spirit suddenly came.

Xing Yun looked? He saw Qian's eyes widened, and continued: "But that's not something you can learn in a day or two. Don't pursue dazzling skills at the beginning of PPT, just have a certain aesthetic feeling. The most important thing is to express, you must master the teacher's skills. Ideas, and then? Reorganize the content.”

Xing Yun also showed several PPTs to Xue Yingshuang, and analyzed their design ideas one by one.

Seeing that Xing Yun had prepared so many materials, Xue Yingshuang said, "You prepared this last night? Thank you for spending so much time teaching me."

Xing Yun said: "It's alright, most of them were made by me before, and the files are kept. I found them yesterday and re-read them."

"You did it all?" Xue Yingshuang was surprised, "You are amazing!"

Xue Yingshuang recalled the PPTs he just watched. They were beautiful, generous, and clear. There were ingenious ideas hidden in many places.

Xing Yun raised his eyebrows: "You don't think I can only draw ugly dogs, do you? I'm in the home decoration industry, so there is still some beauty in it."

Speaking of this, Xing Yun simply turned on the computer and took out a bunch of pictures to show Xue Yingshuang one by one: "Look, these product pictures were all taken by me, and this one, the artist is me."

Xue Yingshuang was stunned: "What are you? Can you do it?"

Xing Yun smiled proudly: "I started a business when I was in college? How could there be so much money back then? Asking people for help? As long as I can do it myself, I will do it all by myself? So the art, photography, delivery, and customer service , what? I've done it."

Xue Yingshuang: "Have you been a customer service?"

Xing Yun: "Yes, the kind of shop assistant who kisses one at a time."

When Xingyun University started his business, he started from a Taobao store. He first sold some small and fresh cups, bowls and plates. Later, when he had a certain income, he simply found someone to design the products and make them into a small brand. After that, he slowly expanded the product content, ornaments, slippers, floor mats, bedding... A home should have all the arrangements, and he even has his own factory.

After Xue Yingshuang heard it, he said with admiration, "You are born to do business."

Xing Yun laughed at himself: "No, I lost money too."

Xing Yun lost money, and more than once. On the table was the cup that Xue Yingshuang brought back from the store that day. Xing Yun pointed to the stick figure puppy on the wall of the cup and said, "This will cost me a lot of money."

Xue Yingshuang was puzzled: "Why?? Isn't the puppy cute?"

Xing Yun took a deep look? Xue Ying gave him a double look: "...You're probably the only one who thinks it's cute."

At that time, Xing Yun had just made a small sum of money, just in time to launch a new product. He thought to himself, if others can design, so can I, isn't it just painting, why not save the money?

So he used his own brush to draw a series of ugly dogs. He was quite satisfied after the painting, and regardless of the opinions of others, he put money into it and produced a bunch of them.

In the end, not only did he lose all the money he had earned earlier, but he also owed another sum.

"This series hasn't been sold out yet," Xing Yun said, "I let it be displayed in the store, just want to see? When will it be sold out. Oh, you helped me get this, and finally let the stock go after a long time. One less."

Xue Yingshuang couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He never thought that there was such a story in this cup.

Xue Yingshuang knew that Xing Yun's family was good, and he always thought that Xing Yun's career was inseparable from his family. It was not until Xing Yun said this today that he knew that Xing Yun turned out to be self-made.

Thinking of this, Xue Yingshuang admired Xing Yun even more.

Xing Yun is really an amazing person.

"By the way," Xue Yingshuang asked again, "Why did you want to be a home decoration?"

"Because..." Xing Yun smiled and whispered, "...I want to have a home of my own."

Hearing the answer, Xue Yingshuang felt it again.

Xing Yun is sometimes pitiful.

Xing Yun taught seriously, and Xue Yingshuang also learned seriously. Xue Yingshuang studied for one day on Saturday, and after completing his study progress on Sunday, he also devoted all his time to PPT.

At work on Monday, the first thing Xue Yingshuang did was to apologize to Professor Ma.

He lowered his head and said honestly: "Teacher, I realized my mistake. I was really lazy last week? Please forgive me."

Professor Ma glanced at him and responded lukewarmly.

"I have made two copies, please take a look at the teacher." He handed over the USB flash drive, "Please give me some time for the other copies."

Professor Ma glanced at Xue Yingshuang's finished product and nodded.

Professor Ma: "Just do the rest before school starts."

After Professor Ma finished speaking, he looked up to see Xue Ying staring at him with a puzzled expression. Professor Ma: "Why?"

Xue Yingshuang was uneasy: "The teacher doesn't scold me?"

Professor Ma said angrily: "It's changed, it looks good? What am I scolding you for??"

Hearing the teacher say "good-looking", Xue Yingshuang immediately laughed and became elated.

"Is there something wrong? I have nothing to scold." Professor Ma muttered, no longer? He ignored Xue Yingshuang.

In the next few days, Xue Yingshuang made other PPTs one after another. And when he prepared the other teaching materials instructed by Professor Ma, the school day came.

On the day of school, Xue Yingshuang was stunned by the sudden crowd.

Although some students have returned to school in the past few days, they can't compare with the people who are full of mountains and valleys on the opening day. Xue Yingshuang just thinks that these people just appear out of nowhere.

The campus is full of people, and the quiet campus becomes lively.

Xue Yingshuang looked at the students who came and went, and couldn't help but admire.

These people can be admitted to this school, they are all extremely smart people, unlike him, who have not even finished the undergraduate exam.

On the first day of school, Professor Ma had a class to teach, and Xue Yingshuang went to the classroom in advance to prepare equipment for Professor Ma. He prepared the equipment and saw the students entering the classroom one after another, intending to leave.

But he just walked out of the classroom when he met Professor Ma who was about to enter the classroom.

Professor Ma frowned: "Where are you going?"

Xue Yingshuang said honestly: "Go back to work, the work that the teacher ordered has not been completed."

Professor Ma glared again: "Go to my class! Is doing errands more important than studying?"

Xue Ying Shuang Yixi: "Really?"

Professor Ma: "I can't lie to you! Go!"

Xue Yingshuang couldn't describe his mood at the moment.

In fact, he also wanted to listen to the class, always wanted to. It's just that he didn't pay the tuition fees, and he wasn't a student of this school, so he didn't dare to expect Professor Ma to let him attend the class.

At this time, Professor Ma allowed him to listen to the lecture, and he almost thought he was dreaming.

He is so happy?.

Going home in the evening, Xue Yingshuang and Xing Yun shared the good news.

"Mr. Ma's class is so good?!" Xue Ying's eyes lit up, "It's much better than the teacher in the online class?!"

Although Professor Ma has a bad temper, his lectures are not very interesting, but the content is detailed and coherent. Two hours have passed, and Xue Yingshuang has become more and more eager to learn. He can't wait for another two hours.

Xing Yun smiled: "Just like it."

Xue Yingshuang said again: "But it's good or not, but the difficulty of the class is too high? Guess what? How much did I understand?"

Xing Yun cooperated very well: "I guess... 70% of you understand?"

Xue Yingshuang laughed: "It's actually 90%!"

"Because I made those PPTs, and I printed the textbooks," Xue Yingshuang said, "So I've secretly previewed it many times? So when I listened to it today, I was really enlightened!"

Xing Yun applauded vigorously.

"More than that," Xue Yingshuang said, his smile suddenly faded, his expression mysterious, "I also heard the students say after class..."

"say what??"

"Say that the PPT is so beautiful!" Xue Yingshuang grinned again. "They didn't know that the PPT was made by me, so they said it in front of me!"

When Xue Yingshuang said this, his eyes were bright and he smiled sweetly.

Seeing him happy, Xing Yun was also happy.

This is exactly what Xing Yun wanted.

Xing Yun knew that what Xue Yingshuang needed was never just praise for his good cleaning and delicious cooking. What Xue Yingshuang really needed was affirmation of his professional ability.

Seeing Xue Yingshuang's happy look in front of him, Xing Yun took the opportunity to say, "Let's find a day to go out to eat next week, we haven't gone out together for a long time."

Xing Yun also understood that Xue Yingshuang was both soft and hard.

When you show weakness, he will pity you, but he is very insistent in his heart. Therefore, showing weakness is not always good. If you are tough at the right time, Xue Yingshuang will cooperate instead.

Xing Yun didn't wait for Xue Yingshuang to refuse, and then said again: "Don't deduct the money."

Sure enough, Xue Yingshuang immediately said: "Go! Of course go!"

Xing Yun said: "Then it's settled? Next Friday night, we will have dinner together."

Since school started, Xue Yingshuang's life has been busier every day.

He not only has to prepare for the self-examination in April, but also has to work with Ma Zengyue. After work, he also has to attend lectures and run around every day. But busy and busy, life is full, he is always happy.

Only a little bit bad.

It is that he has a lot of computer problems that have not been solved.

After class this day, Xue Yingshuang saw that Professor Ma was not very busy, so he brought a few unclear questions that he had accumulated these days to Professor Ma.

"Mr. Ma, I don't understand some questions..." Xue Yingshuang pointed to the questions in the book, "Can you explain it to me?"

He blinked, expecting that Teacher Ma was just like Teacher Xing and Teacher Bai before. When he saw the question, he felt like he was hit with blood, and he answered very quickly.

However, he saw Professor Ma glanced at the topic lightly, and then looked away again.

"Teacher?" Xue Yingshuang was puzzled.

"Don't come to me with that kind of stupid question." Professor Ma said coldly, "Lower my IQ." "…"

Xue Yingshuang was embarrassed for a moment, so he had to silently take the book back.

The clock rang, Professor Ma got up and left the office, Xue Yingshuang quickly followed.

Today is a fixed group meeting time. On this day, the graduate students under Professor Ma will gather together to start a week of experimental reports and literature reports.

Previously? Professor Ma didn't let Xue Yingshuang participate, and this was the first time Xue Yingshuang was watching the group meeting.

As soon as he entered the conference room, he saw that all graduate students were typing with a computer, and several of them were discussing something in a low voice.

When everyone saw Professor Ma entering the door, they suddenly became quiet, and at the same time cast curious glances at Xue Yingshuang. Professor Ma didn't introduce who Xue Yingshuang was, he just sat down on the seat and compared his hands, signaling to start.

In the next two hours or so, Xue Yingshuang opened his eyes and understood why Professor Ma didn't let him ask questions.

Because it's not a level issue at all.

Compared with the questions asked by the students in the group meeting, and the questions asked by Professor Ma to the students, his question is almost kindergarten level, which is too embarrassing?!

Xue Yingshuang listened to the content of the group meeting in a daze. He tried to concentrate and listened, but he still only understood? 10%. It was finally over, he was sorting out some questions that he wanted to go home and figure out, so he heard Professor Ma call him over.

In front of Professor Ma, besides Xue Yingshuang, there was another male student.

Professor Ma said: "Xue Yingshuang, what do you have in the future? Just ask Wang Hao. Wang Hao, take him with you."

The student named Wang Hao was about the same age as Xue Yingshuang, wearing a pair of black thick-rimmed glasses and a red plaid shirt, dressed as a programmer. However, if you look closely, you can see that under his glasses, although his appearance is not very handsome, he is very clean and his demeanor is very gentle.

Wang Hao nodded respectfully: "Okay."

After Professor Ma left, Xue Yingshuang and Wang Hao were left in the conference room.

Wang Hao was the same as his appearance. Although he didn't talk much, he was very polite. Xue Yingshuang had been thirsty for a long time, and he was a little reserved at first, but after a while, he couldn't care about so much?, and asked questions frantically.

Wang Hao knew all the answers, and solved several major problems of Xue Yingshuang in a row.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and when Xue Yingshuang regained his senses, he saw that the time had passed so long, and quickly said, "Student Wang, thank you, sorry for taking a lot of your time."

"Don't say that, those questions also gave me some new thinking." Wang Hao smiled politely, "If you have any other questions, you can ask me at any time, or come to the laboratory to find me."

Xue Yingshuang saw that the other party was so gentle, so he simply added Wang Hao's WeChat.

Wang Hao's WeChat avatar is a mountain, Xue Yingshuang slipped it? Swipe Wang Hao's circle of friends, saw that he posted a few pictures of the scenery, and asked casually, "Where is this scenery? It's so beautiful."

Wang Hao: "My house."

Xue Yingshuang: "Oh?"

Wang Hao smiled calmly: "I came out of the mountains, a poor man, don't laugh at me."

Xue Yingshuang also smiled and said, "What a coincidence, I am also poor."

"I met today? A new friend." When Xue Yingshuang entered the house in the evening, the first thing he did was to report to Xingyun, "His name is Wang Hao, he is a second grader this year, and he is a little bit smaller."

"That's it." Xing Yun stood by the door and nodded.

Xing Yun wasn't so busy at get off work these days, so he got off work early. As soon as Xue Yingshuang entered the door, he didn't find it strange to see Xing Yun standing by the door.

"He was the first person in their village to be admitted to university." Xue Yingshuang chatted with Wang Hao a little later, and probably came to Wang Hao's background, "It's really amazing."

"You don't lose him." Xing Yun said, "If you have a chance to test, you will definitely not lose him."

"What's the matter? Today, I have to ask him for a lot of questions to figure it out. He is really good, and he can explain it clearly."


"What's wrong??"

"Nothing? Your nose is itchy?"

Xue Yingshuang even complimented other young men in front of him, Xing Yun enjoyed it, but he did not dare to show his jealousy.

"Come back late today? Are you hungry?" Xue Yingshuang said, and was about to go to the kitchen, "I'll cook."

Just as he took a step out, Xing Yun stepped on his legs and stopped in front of him: "No?, I ordered takeout?"

Xue Yingshuang: "Then I'll cut some fruit after dinner first."

Xing Yun: "Don't go, I don't want to eat fruit today."

Xing Yun does not eat fruit? Xue Yingshuang felt something was wrong.

He took a closer look, only to see Xing Yun's eyes erratic and his brows slightly wrinkled. After further observation, Xing Yun's shirt sleeve was rolled up to his elbow, and the rolled up part was actually wet.

Must be a demon!

Xue Yingshuang smiled: "Okay, then I'll study first, and call me when the takeaway arrives."

Xing Yun: "Okay! Go and study!"

Under the watch of Xing Yun, Xue Yingshuang entered the house to study.

He didn't want to frighten the snake, and he planned to pretend to read the book first, and wait for Xing Yun to take off his guard before attacking.

ten minutes later.

Xue Yingshuang, who was addicted to learning, suddenly remembered that he had forgotten about the raid, and hurriedly closed the book.

He quietly opened the door and tiptoed out of the room.

The living room lights were dimmed, and Xing Yun was not there. In the direction of the kitchen in the distance, there is a faint light.

What is Xingyun doing in the kitchen?? Shouldn't you be cooking?

Xue Yingshuang suddenly remembered the joke that takeout was too unpalatable, and his dog learned to cook four dishes and one soup. But he immediately realized that something was wrong. The light was not coming from the kitchen, but from the laundry room in the same direction as the kitchen.

Laundry room?

Xue Yingshuang quietly walked to the laundry room. Before anyone arrived, he saw bubbles floating out of the laundry room.

Taking a closer look, he was immediately dumbfounded.

I saw white bubbles everywhere in the laundry room, and many bubbles were flying in the air. And these bubbles all came from the washing machine that was frantically foaming at the mouth.

In front of the washing machine, Xing Yun was busy wiping the foam.

Xue Yingshuang now understands that Xing Yun stopped him from going to the kitchen just now, because he was afraid that he would discover the tragedy in the laundry room...

As he was watching, he saw Xing Yun stepped on the bubble on the ground and almost slipped.

Xue Yingshuang couldn't hold back, and laughed out of conscience.

"Why are you here?" When Xing Yun saw Xue Yingshuang standing by the door, he immediately knew what happened? He blushed and said, "You, you go back and read your book!"

"Let me help!" Xue Yingshuang laughed.

"Go go go! Go to study, you got your undergraduate degree? No? Go to study if you don't, don't come here!" Xing Yunshang blushed, pretending to drive Xue Yingshuang away.

Xue Yingshuang ignored him at all, went straight into the laundry room, and picked up a mop? Mop bubbles. Xing Yun couldn't, he could only let him clean up with him.

The more and more those bubbles were cleaned up, Xue Yingshuang asked inexplicably, "How did you come up with it?"

Xing Yun innocently pointed to the empty laundry detergent bottle on the ground: "They did it."

"You added? How much?"

"It's only half a bottle."

"It's only half a bottle???"

"Because there are so many clothes to wash!"

Xue Yingshuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why don't you stay and wait for me to come back to wash?"

"Your job now is to study, not to do housework," Xing Yun said seriously, "and this is our home, so I have to learn to do housework too."

Xue Yingshuang shook his head helplessly.

Suddenly, Xue Yingshuang stepped on the slippery laundry detergent on the ground, slipped his feet, and fell backward. Seeing this, Xing Yun hurriedly reached out to pick him up. As a result, Xing Yun was in a hurry, but he slipped, and the two fell into a ball in the laundry room.

The fall came too fast, and it took a few seconds for the two of them to realize what happened.

Xue Yingshuang looked at himself and Xing Yun covered in bubbles, and was so embarrassed that he couldn't help laughing.

Xing Yun laughed when he saw him, and laughed along with him as if he had been flipped.

The two laughed foolishly, and laughed a string of brisk pig calls.

Finally tired of laughing, Xue Yingshuang wanted to get up, Xing Yun stretched out his hand to let him borrow. However, he just stood up with one foot, and he didn't know whether it was his slippery foot or Xing Yun's hand shaking? The two of them fell into a ball again, and they immediately laughed again.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped.

The two looked up, realizing that their posture was too ambiguous.

Xing Yun had his back against the washing machine, while Xue Yingshuang was almost sitting in Xing Yun's arms. The two were so close to each other that they could feel each other's body temperature.

Xue Yingshuang subconsciously wanted to avoid him, but before he moved, Xing Yun tilted his head and kissed him on the lips.

Xing Yun is an inexplicably innocent person.

After he signed the support contract, although he and Xue Yingshuang had an intimate relationship, the two never kissed.

At that time, he hadn't fallen in love with Xue Yingshuang, or he didn't know that he was in love? Xue Yingshuang, he once told Xue Yingshuang: "Kissing is something only two people who love each other can do? Don't you? Delusional kiss me."

At this point, it was their first kiss.

Xing Yun's movements were clumsy, and he didn't know where to put his hands. He lightly licked Xue Ying's lips, feeling that it was not enough, so he leaned up again and kissed lightly.

Xue Yingshuang wanted to run away, but at that moment, he left. God.

He looked at Xing Yun's big eyes with slightly drooping tails, and suddenly thought that these are the so-called dog eyes.

Who in the world can refuse a puppy's kiss that is hot, soft, wet, and scented with bubbles?

After kissing for a while, Xue Yingshuang came back to his senses, pushed Xingyun away, and fled.

And that night, Xing Yun was happily circling the room.