MTL - The Stand-in Refuses to Become a Regular-Chapter 3

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Xue Ying's double guess was right, Xing Yun regretted it.

Xing Yun lay on the king-sized double bed in the master bedroom, unable to sleep for a long time.

He tossed and turned, and finally sat up, turned his back to the warm yellow light from the bedside lamp, and stared gloomily out of the dark window.


On the day he first met Xue Yingshuang, he just happened to glance at Xue Yingshuang when he was passing by, and stopped involuntarily.

It's this person.

This person reminded him of Bai Qianyi.

As if he was being tricked, his mind was full of wanting to bring people around.

Even if he was confused for a while, he obviously had countless opportunities to wake up, but he had someone invite Xue Yingshuang, but he waited for the phone call for two days with great anticipation, and hurriedly signed the contract.

It wasn't until everything happened tonight that he woke up and realized what a stupid decision he had made.

It's crazy.

Xing Yun picked up his mobile phone irritably. His subordinates had previously sent a few messages asking about his work. He patiently replied two, but his anger grew and he wanted to swear.

But when he clicked on the circle of friends and saw Bai Qianyi's new circle of friends, the fire in his stomach was swept away.

"The boss finally let him go, it's time to take a look during the holiday." Bai Qianyi posted this, along with nine photos of him sitting by the lake drinking coffee.

Xing Yun zoomed in and zoomed in on Bai Qianyi's selfie, savoring every corner carefully.

Bai Qianyi, who was on vacation, was still wearing a straight white shirt and black suit pants. His eyebrows were picturesque, and his gestures showed elegance. Even sipping coffee was very gentle.

Thinking of Xue Yingshuang again, even though he looks a bit similar to Bai Qianyi, the whole person is so different that he has never even drunk coffee.

Xing Yun looked at the photo again and again, and finally couldn't help but click on the dialog box to send a message to Bai Qianyi.

"The busy lawyer Bai is willing to take a vacation?"

Bai Qianyi replied after a while: "The boss is finally willing to let people go, of course he has to take a holiday."

"Since it's a holiday, when will you come back?" After Xing Yun entered, his finger stayed on the send button, but he didn't press it. After a while, he deleted all the text, threw the phone aside, and lay down irritably.

After so many years, he still couldn't figure out whether he liked or disliked Bai Qianyi.

If he liked it, why did he never want to speak.

If you don't like it, then why would you bring someone back as soon as you see Xue Yingshuang.

He doesn't understand, really doesn't understand.

The only thing he knew was that Xue Yingshuang had poor taste and his habits were very different from Bai Qian's, so he had to get Xue Yingshuang out anyway.

He is used to living alone, it is best for him to be alone, and no one can disturb his peace.

Xing Yun didn't sleep well, but got up for work the next morning. His man got up from the bed, but his mind still hadn't woken up.

He pushed open the door and went out, a strong aroma of coffee wafted in his nostrils.

His body automatically followed the scent to the kitchen, and then he saw a tall and slender figure standing with his back to him in front of the coffee machine.

The man's clean and tidy white shirt was rolled up to his elbows, and his suit pants wrapped his straight legs. With the morning light, his back was so beautiful that it seemed to be softly lit.

Hearing the footsteps, the man turned around with a gentle and calm expression: "Good morning."

It's Xue Yingshuang.

Xing Yun woke up in an instant, but the scene just now was less annoying than last night.

"Have a drink." Xue Yingshuang brought the freshly brewed coffee to the table, "I don't know your taste, add milk or sugar?"

Xing Yun sat down and noticed that the sugar bowl and milk jug were already prepared on the table. He poured a little milk into the coffee and took a sip.

This coffee has a strong aroma, a smooth and mild taste, and a really good brew.

Xing Yun glanced at Xue Yingshuang at the same time.

Xue Yingshuang's expression was calm, and the posture of holding the coffee cup was naturally relaxed. He only guessed last night that this guy might not even drink coffee, but he didn't expect to make coffee, which is really unexpected.

Xing Yun is quite satisfied with this.

In fact, Xing Yun guessed right. Today is Xue Yingshuang's first time drinking coffee.

He realized last night that his stand-in career was in jeopardy and immediately began to think about it.

How to be a competent substitute? He thinks that he doesn't have to be 100% like that Bai Yueguang, but he must follow the boss's preferences.

He thought of the coffee machine he had seen in the kitchen when he was packing at night.

There is a coffee machine, either Xing Yun likes to drink it, or Bai Yueguang likes to drink it. If Xing Yun likes to drink it, then making a cup of coffee is just right. If Bai Yueguang likes to drink it, that's fine, it can make Xing Yun recall the picture of Bai Yueguang drinking coffee.

Make sure to get some coffee anyway.

He hadn't even smelled coffee a few times in his life, let alone knew how to operate a machine with all English words, one handle here, several nozzles there.

But he is not afraid, he can go to school if he doesn't know how to go to school, and there is nothing wrong with working as a worker.

So Xue Yingshuang started by looking up the words, and then searched the operation method on the Internet. He tried step by step. If he failed, he would start all over again, making the sky bright, and finally stood there calmly before Xing Yun got up. with coffee.

Now that the murderous look on Xing Yun's face has faded a lot from last night, Xue Yingshuang knew that his strategy was effective.

"Have you breakfast?" Xue Yingshuang asked again.

"No need." Xing Yun said, "The assistant will prepare."

Although he was rejected, Xing Yun was willing to respond to him, and Xue Yingshuang knew that Xing Yun was in a good mood.

But in order to make the ATM slaves happier, Xue Yingshuang moved out another result of his efforts last night. He said: "I don't usually go out, help me prepare a computer and let me study at home."

Xue Yingshuang, a person who has only been to Internet cafes, insisted on getting a top-end Macbookpro from Xing Yun.

Xue Yingshuang was used to being frugal, and when he spoke, he felt distressed for Xing Yun's purse. However, Xing Yun nodded, not only did he not care about money, but he was quite satisfied with this extravagant request.

Xing Yun changed his mood yesterday and commuted Xue Yingshuang, who had been sentenced to death, to a suspended death sentence.

As soon as Xing Yun went out, Xue Yingshuang immediately collapsed and sat down.

He hadn't slept all night, his body was very sleepy, but his spirit was hanged by coffee, which made him really uncomfortable.

He took a short rest and took a breath, then got up to work again, and fell asleep until it was time for get off work at nine o'clock in the morning.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Xue Yingshuang got up, had a light meal, and began to study.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Xue Yingshuang closed his books and started to prepare for tonight's work.

When Xing Yun came home from get off work, Xue Yingshuang was preparing to eat.

Xue Yingshuang got up to greet him, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm only eating now, I'll clean up immediately."

Xing Yun took off his tie with one hand and walked over to see what Xue Yingshuang was eating.

I saw a small plate on the table, and on the plate was a creamy smoked salmon pasta. The portion of the pasta is not much, just a small ball, and the plate is beautiful, and the smoked salmon on top is also arranged in the shape of a rose, which is quite particular.

There is no dried noodles, no old godmother, Xing Yun is very satisfied.

Xing Yun said: "It's okay, you eat."

Xue Yingshuang asked, "Do you want to come here?"

Xing Yun shook his head, nodded after a while, took the fork and took a bite.

Although he doesn't like to eat such things, it tastes good, like what Bai Qianyi usually likes to eat.

"A little more? Does it taste okay?"

"You can eat." Xing Yun put down his fork and said after a while, "It's okay."

The taste is of course okay, Xue Yingshuang ate two large plates in one go when he tried it, and left the last small bite for the boss to show.

Xing Yun didn't rob him, he was naturally happy and ate slowly.

Paid meals are nice.

Xue Yingshuang's change in Xing Yun was in his eyes, and Xue Yingshuang was commuted from a suspended death sentence to a life sentence, and even considered acquittal.

Of course, he's still watching.

Two days later, the weather was calm.

Xue Yingshuang's rich working experience reflected in the work as a stand-in. Xing Yun was not used to having more people at home at first, but after a few days, he became accustomed to smelling the aroma of coffee when he opened his eyes, and the house was spotless when he returned home.

Xue Yingshuang himself was quiet and well-behaved, and he was very comfortable to get along with. If he was dissatisfied, the other party would not make the same mistake the next day.

In short, although unsatisfactory, but not unacceptable.

The computer ordered for Xue Yingshuang arrived. When Xing Yun went home and gave the computer to Xue Yingshuang, although Xue Yingshuang did not smile, his face brightened and he was very excited.

President Xing finally felt the joy of taking care of his little lover.

"Go and try it."

"thank you boss."

Xue Yingshuang carried the computer back to the house and tore off the plastic film outside the box. The silver-gray metal casing of the computer was smooth and easy to touch, and when he touched it again and again, the corners of his mouth cocked up secretly.

A computer, he has never dared to think about it in his life... He actually has a computer!

Xue Yingshuang turned on the computer and groped for the initial settings.

He rarely even goes to Internet cafes and is not very familiar with computer operations, so he does it very slowly step by step.

Xing Yun waited for a while and didn't see Xue Yingshuang come out, so he simply went into the side sleeper.

Xing Yun seldom came to this room, and Xue Yingshuang never even entered after moving in. But this room is not much different from what I saw that day. The only thing that is more is the books on the desk and the people at the desk.

Xing Yun came behind Xue Yingshuang and saw the corners of Xue Yingshuang's mouth hooked, thinking that it is rare today, so let this little stand-in smile.

Xue Yingshuang was very focused, he didn't say anything, just picked up Xue Yingshuang's book.

This person really likes to read books, there are books on the table, and there are also notes on the books.

Xing Yun unconsciously raised the corner of his mouth and picked up the next book to read. It's just that when he carefully looked at the contents of the book, he faintly realized that something was wrong.

He frowned, immediately opened the next book, and finally turned back to the cover...

"You don't have a bachelor's degree?"

Xue Yingshuang, who was concentrating on the computer, looked back to see Xing Yun's face ashen, and nodded slightly in astonishment.


Xing Yun was going crazy, he finally had a good impression of this person, but he never thought that this person did not have a bachelor's degree.

You know, Bai Qianyi graduated from a famous American school, but he found a substitute who didn't even have an undergraduate degree. I really don't know who he is insulting.

"Why don't you go to college?"

Xing Yun's tone was tough, almost pressing. Xue Yingshuang's expression was unnatural, and he whispered like a child who made a mistake: "I didn't take the college entrance examination..."

"Why don't you take the test?"

This time Xue Yingshuang didn't answer, just kept his eyes away.

Xing Yun thought of a more terrifying possibility, and asked again, "Have you graduated from high school?"

Shaking his head.

"You only graduated from junior high school?"


In the room, the two were silent. Xue Yingshuang squeezed his fingers hard, and finally raised his head and said seriously: "So I am taking the self-examination, I will pass it..."

However, Xing Yun didn't listen any more and turned to leave.

You can learn what you can't learn, but some things can't be changed no matter how you learn them.

Xue Yingshuang actually understood.

Xing Yun decided to end the contract.

He didn't hesitate any longer, and decided to take Xue Yingshuang to a break-up meal the next day, and then disbanded on the spot.

The next evening, Xing Yun went home early.

He said to Xue Yingshuang: "Bring something, let's go out to eat."

Xue Yingshuang didn't say a word of nonsense, just picked up the backpack he brought. Xing Yun noticed that the computer was still on the table, and said, "I also bring the computer."

He said so, Xue Yingshuang was not polite, and even took the box and computer away.

Xue Yingshuang knew very well what he wanted to do, and he knew that he was powerless to save it. He thought that he could earn as much as he could. This computer cost 30,000 yuan, and he would not sell it if he didn't sell it for nothing.