MTL - The Stand-in Refuses to Become a Regular-Chapter 16

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At five o'clock in the afternoon, the first day of the exam was over.

It was already dark and the rain never stopped.

Xue Yingshuang held an umbrella in one hand and a bag with teaching materials in his arms in the other, and walked forward quickly.

Instead of catching the bus home, he walked in the opposite direction.

The exam room is far from home, and it takes three hours to go back and forth. Therefore, Xue Yingshuang decided not to go home a few days ago, and spent money to book a youth hostel for 20 nights.

Of course, maybe he doesn't have to go back again, after all, it's not his home.

He never had a home.

However, the compensation for dismissal is still to be returned.

The rain is not too big, but the wind is not small, the wind blows the rain into the sky, even holding an umbrella is futile. Xue Yingshuang was wet when he arrived at the youth hostel, but fortunately the bag was still dry.

When Xue Yingshuang arrived at the youth hostel, he first took a shower and then went back to his room.

He lives in a large room with bunk beds for eight people, and he lives in a mix of men and women.

The beds here have some history. When climbing the ladder, the ladder will make a "squeaky" sound, and it will shake a little. Xue Yingshuang spread the sheets and quilt and climbed onto the bed.

He slept on the top bunk near the door. Although it was noisy and the bed was small, it was better than having a light above his head, making it easy to read.

There are no rules in the hostel, Xue Yingshuang sat on the bed while reading a book and ate the bread for dinner.

...I wonder if Xingyun ate it?

This thought suddenly appeared in Xue Yingshuang's mind, and he was startled.

Last night, he was worried, he cooked Xing Yun early and put it in the refrigerator. I don't know if Xing Yun saw it... Forget it, what do you want to do with this, Xing Yun is a few years old, and it's not that he has no ability to take care of himself. What is he doing nosy?

Does Xing Yun want him to take care of it? Does he fit?

Xue Yingshuang folded the plastic bags that he had eaten and put them away. Suddenly, a person stuck his head out of the bottom bunk and said to Xue Yingshuang, "You only eat this?"

It was a college-aged girl, she smiled and said to Xue Yingshuang: "How can I eat so much at night? Little brother, we are going out for a skewer later, do you want to join us?"

"Come on, let's eat together." Another person stuck his head out and said to Xue Yingshuang, while a few others were discussing where to play later.

These people were travelers who shared a room with Xue Yingshuang, and they were a group of college students traveling from the next city.

College students are full of youth, and it is when they love to play. Seeing that Xue Yingshuang is handsome and handsome, and his age is similar, they naturally want to play with him.

Xue Yingshuang smiled gently at them: "I'm sorry, I don't want to go out, you can play by yourself."

The college students urged: "It won't take much time, I'll be back in an hour or two, let's go, we know a lot of fun places."

Xue Yingshuang still shook his head and said firmly: "I want to learn."

College student: "What are you studying? What major are you studying? Why do you still need to study after you come to play?"

Xue Yingshuang: "Self-examination."

The college student was quiet for a while, but still invited again.

Even Xing Yun couldn't tempt Xue Yingshuang, let alone others. Seeing that his attitude was firm and not reluctant, everyone went to play with laughter.

Xue Yingshuang was the only one left in the room. Xue Yingshuang looked at the backs of the group of college students leaving, and lowered his head for a long time to continue studying.

Late at night, the college students came back.

They haven't had enough fun, drinking and chatting in the lobby with the passengers in several other rooms.

Xue Yingshuang had an exam the next day and went to bed early.

He was woken up in the middle of the night by everyone's laughter, and for a while he had the illusion that he was still sleeping in the factory dormitory, but then he remembered that he should be sleeping in Xing Yun's house at this time.

Is it Xing Yun? Xing Yun's voice is not so loud, what's wrong with Xing Yun?

"What ruined the school, how can people live without air conditioning in such a hot weather?"

"The first thing I considered when choosing a school was the air conditioner. Now I blow the air conditioner in the dormitory every day and lie down."

Xue Yingshuang listened for a while, and then he remembered where he was. He pulled up the quilt to cover his head, curled up and continued to sleep.

Faced with such noise, he was not annoyed.

Because he knew that he should return to that kind of life soon, so he might as well get used to it earlier. And he was very happy to hear the college students talk about college life.

Listening to them chatting, he felt as if he had also gone to college.

Xue Yingshuang still took the exam the next day.

The wind and rain were a bit heavier than yesterday, and Xue Yingshuang's pants were wet during the exam and shivered from the cold.

At five o'clock, the exam is over.

Xue Yingshuang heard the news of the typhoon from other people. It was windy and rainy at that time, and everyone dispersed after leaving the examination room.

Xue Yingshuang stood at the school gate in the heavy rain, not knowing where to go.

He still has a place to go, but when is it done? Where should he go?

Should I go back to Xingyun? Yesterday, Xing Yun told him to get out, and he doesn't seem to be able to go back now.

Why don't you stay in a youth hostel for one more night. Yesterday, he heard that there are cheaper hostels nearby, less than 20 per night.

Xue Yingshuang made a plan and walked into the rain with the umbrella that was almost blown by the wind.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered that the day he dropped out of high school was also raining like this, and he also walked out of the school gate with a broken umbrella and walked into the rain alone.

The rain was so heavy that the clothes and shoes that had been hard to dry were soaked in an instant.

The car horn blared harshly behind him, Xue Yingshuang thought he was blocking the way of others, and hurriedly stepped aside.

But before taking a few steps, his arm was pulled.

When he turned back, he saw that the face of the person who came was familiar, it was Xing Yun.

Lightning flashed and the night sky lit up. At that moment, Xue Yingshuang saw Xing Yun staring at him with wide eyes. His eyes were extremely angry, but there was a sense of helplessness that he couldn't understand.

Xing Yun opened his mouth to say something, but was overshadowed by the thunder that followed.

Xing Yun took Xue Yingshuang to the car, he pushed Xue Yingshuang into the co-pilot, and then returned to the driver's seat against the wind and rain.

When the door was closed, the sound of wind and rain outside suddenly became much smaller, making the inside of the car even more quiet.

No one said a word, and the two of them sat in the car soaking wet.

Xing Yun started the car, and the car was driving in the rainstorm.

At the red light, Xue Yingshuang sneezed softly.

Xing Yun stretched out his hand and pressed **** the air conditioner button a few times, and at the same time squinted at Xue Yingshuang, and found that Xue Yingshuang was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other in silence, and time seemed to stop there.

Xue Yingshuang's lips opened slightly, and at that moment, Xing Yun held his breath, waiting for Xue Yingshuang to speak.

"Can I go to the supermarket later?" Xue Yingshuang asked.

Xing Yun was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

At the green light, Xing Yun stepped on the accelerator, and the car ran in the rain again.

In the supermarket, the two people were soaking wet walking among the shelves.

Xue Yingshuang walked quickly in front, Xing Yun put his hands in his pockets, and walked behind with an indifferent expression.

Soon Xue Yingshuang brought a carton of milk, a fruit gift box, and some extra fruit.

When checking out, Xing Yun habitually took out his mobile phone, but Xue Yingshuang said, "I'll do it myself."

People who usually have to pay for everything they do, even take the initiative to pay. Xing Yun just wanted to see what tricks he was going to play.

Carrying the things they just bought, the two got into the car again.

There was still no one talking in the car. After a while, Xue Yingshuang spoke again: "Can you stop in front?"

Xing Yun glanced at him and stopped the car by the side of the road.

Xue Yingshuang got out of the car in the rain with something, and ran into the torrential rain. Xing Yun couldn't figure out what he wanted to do, so he probed to look, only to find that this place was very familiar, it was actually A.

Middle A is the key school with the highest score in city A, and it is also Xing Yun's high school alma mater.

Xing Yun never went back to Middle A after graduation. He felt inexplicable at this time, so he also got off the bus.

The rain outside was a little heavier than before, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, and everyone was rushing to go home. In the guard's room in middle A, Xue Yingshuang said to the uncle guard, "Master, you still have to work in such a heavy rain. It's really hard for you."

"Xiao Xue is here again." The doorman said, "Your teacher Fang's birthday is coming again, right? Tomorrow?"

"Hehe." Xue Yingshuang smiled embarrassedly, and hurriedly handed over the things, "Of course I miss Grandpa, and this fruit is for you."

Xue Yingshuang handed the small bag of fruit to the doorman, and put the fruit box and milk on the table beside him: "Please help me hand it over to Teacher Fang on Monday, don't say I brought it."

The uncle of the doorman smiled and said, "Your teacher Fang has long known that it is you, and she is not a fool. Which student gives her birthday gifts like this every year?"

Xue Yingshuang smiled embarrassedly and said goodbye to the uncle.

When he turned around, he saw Xing Yun holding an umbrella, standing behind him and looking at him quietly.

He put away his smile and politely said to Xing Yun, "Thank you, you can go now."

In the rain, the two of them held umbrellas, and under the umbrellas was a small world.

The wind was too strong, and the rain fell on the two of them, making them even more embarrassed.

Lightning flashed, and the night sky suddenly opened up, like day.

"Squad leader?"

A shout appeared in the distance, mixed with the thunder.

"Xue Yingshuang! Xue Yingshuang, wait!"

When the two of them turned around, they saw a woman in her fifties trotting towards them with an umbrella.

Xue Yingshuang saw the person who came and said in surprise, "Mr. Fang?"

In the guard room, Teacher Fang grabbed Xue Yingshuang's hand and looked at him carefully.

She went out to buy things, thinking that something was left at the school, she wanted to come and pick it up, but unexpectedly in such a typhoon day, she saw a student who she hadn't seen for many years.

"The monitor has grown up." The excitement in Teacher Fang's eyes couldn't be hidden. "The teacher finally saw you, and I almost didn't recognize you, but I felt that the back was you."

"The teacher hasn't changed at all," Xue Yingshuang smiled warmly, "It's exactly the same as before."

"Teacher is getting old and is about to retire." Teacher Fang's hair was half white, and her face was kind. At first glance, she was a soft-hearted person. She looked at Xue Yingshuang and couldn't help crying.

Teacher Fang took Xue Yingshuang's hand: "Why don't you come back to see the teacher? Every year people go to the school, but they don't come in to see the teacher, you, you child!"

Xue Yingshuang was embarrassed and whispered, "How dare I come back, I'm not even an alumni."

"Why don't you count! You will always be a good monitor in the teacher's mind." Teacher Fang said, "Have you been all right in the past few years? Have you suffered a lot?"

Xue Yingshuang shook his head, smiled brightly at the teacher, and showed his little white teeth: "No, teacher, you can see from me that I live very well, I can work and earn money, and I took the self-examination today. exam."

"Really?" Teacher Fang was pleasantly surprised. "I knew that our monitor was the most capable. You didn't give up studying, and the teacher was very happy."

Xing Yun was standing in the back, and Teacher Fang saw that he was also a little familiar, and asked, "Monitor, who is the one in the back?"

Xue Yingshuang didn't know that Xing Yun was also in A, and he didn't expect Xing Yun to stand behind them all the time. He had no choice but to say, "It's my boss."

"Hello, teacher," Xing Yun nodded towards Teacher Fang, "I'm Xing Yun, the boss of Ying Shuang."

"Xing Yun... It used to be Chen Lao's class, right?"

"Yes, I am Teacher Chen's student."

"I knew that you were a bit like when you were in high school."

Xue Yingshuang glanced at Xing Yun in surprise, but Xing Yun looked calm. At this time, the wind and rain were getting stronger, Teacher Fang's cell phone rang, and the family asked her why she didn't go home. Teacher Fang said: "When you meet a student, go back and wait."

After Mr. Fang hung up the phone, he said to Xue Yingshuang: "The wind and rain are getting bigger and bigger. You should go home quickly. Come to the teacher when the weather is good, do you know?"

Xue Yingshuang agreed obediently, and Xing Yun said to Teacher Fang, "How can I get back, teacher? I'll drive the teacher."

Teacher Fang was planning to take a taxi back, but couldn't get a taxi. Xing Yun's words really saved her.

The two held an umbrella to **** Mr. Fang into the car. Mr. Fang sat in the back seat and saw Xue Yingshuang sitting in the co-pilot, and then they thought that today was Sunday.

Teacher Fang asked, "Are you still going to work for two Sundays?"

Xue Yingshuang laughed, Xing Yun said, "Yingshuang is going to take the self-examination today."

Mr. Fang used to be a teacher who cared about his students, so he would inevitably nag: "You send him? Monitor, why are you so embarrassed to ask your boss to drive you!"

Xue Yingshuang said: "Teacher, I can't drive this kind of car, I can only drive a forklift. If this is a forklift, I will drive the boss immediately."

"Nonsense again," Teacher Fang smiled and asked Xingyun, "Does this kid have the same kind of virtue when he goes to work?"

"Occasionally joke, but most of the time it's very stable." Xing Yun said, "Teacher, don't worry, you have a good work ability, high efficiency, and a sense of responsibility."

"Really." Teacher Fang was very happy to hear this.

"Yes, I can rest assured that the matter is handed over to him." Xing Yun replied.

"Although he has endured a lot of hardships, don't feel bad for him, train him well, and the seniors should lead more juniors."

"What the teacher said is."

Xue Yingshuang looked at Xing Yun, but Xing Yun was just looking at the road ahead.

Xing Yun was clearly still angry, but he spoke for him in front of Teacher Fang with a very polite tone. Xue Yingshuang didn't know how to describe his mood at this time.

The car stopped at the gate of Mr. Fang's house, and Mr. Fang suddenly thought, "I have received your gifts, and the teacher should also give you something."

Xue Yingshuang hurriedly said no, but Teacher Fang raised the bag in his hand and said, "I don't have anything good for you. I just happened to buy some sashimi, you can take them back to eat."

Xue Yingshuang could not refuse, and finally had to accept it.

Teacher Fang wanted to get off the bus by himself, but Xue Yingshuang was determined to send her off again.

Outside the car, Xue Yingshuang took Teacher Fang to the gate of the community, and finally said to Teacher Fang, "Teacher, happy birthday."

Teacher Fang said: "I heard your news, it's the best birthday present."

"The teacher is back, monitor, you have to work hard. Study hard, the teacher believes in you."

Teacher Fang entered the community, Xue Yingshuang held up an umbrella and returned to the rain again.

Suddenly, he turned back and shouted to Teacher Fang, who had already entered the door: "Teacher, I will definitely work hard!"

Teacher Fang smiled and waved at him, signaling him to go back quickly.

In the rain, Xue Yingshuang bowed to the teacher.

At that moment, Teacher Fang seemed to have returned to many years ago.

It was also a rainy day like that. Xue Yingshuang, a freshman in high school, did not say goodbye to his classmates before leaving, but came to the office and bowed to her like this.

"Teacher, I can't stay in school anymore, I have to go." Xue Yingshuang said, "I promise you, I will work hard, I will not give up studying."

The two pictures overlapped. After so many years, Xue Yingshuang did not forget the original promise.

Read Kill the Sun