MTL - The Spirit of God Million Domain-Chapter 4231 Curse of the Green Devil?

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Chapter 4231 The Curse of the Green Demon King?


The ancestor of Feihe had no idea that Xu Feng, who was about to collapse, could still perform such a powerful attack, his face changed greatly, and he wanted to avoid Xu Feng's sword, but found that it was too late to escape.

You must know that the ancestor of Feihe is the strongest in the heavens and heavens of the heavens.

Relying on the sword method attacked by Xu Feng, between the electric light and the fire, he analyzed that he could not escape, and could only fight with Xu Feng to resist the sword of Xu Feng.

As the ancestor of the flying crane that is ninefold in law and heaven, since he knows, he can't escape the sword attacked by Xu Feng.

Then it can only fight with all its strength. The ninefold spiritual power of the law heaven and earth is violent, and the void becomes distorted.

The extremely violent wind howled past, and the ancestor of Feihe also burst into the second-order peak of uprightness.

The following moment, the ancestor of Feihe held the sword in his hand without any hesitation. The sword was severely cut out, forming strong sword awns, as if it were Wanjian Chaozong.

The other members of the Feihe family watched Feihe's ancestors go all out and showed the strongest Holy Spirit skills.

Each one was excited, and felt that Xu Feng would definitely die, and it was impossible to resist the swordsmanship of Feihe's ancestors.

However, the ancestor of Feihe felt that everyone was not prepared to help himself, and all of a sudden he screamed, "What are you all doing? Prepare to shoot and kill this son. I am not his opponent, and I will do it together ..."


The strong men of the Feihe family were all at a glance, and they did not dare to have any hesitation immediately. They exhibited their strongest Holy Spirit skills and killed Xu Feng fiercely.

For a time, the world was shaken by the spiritual force, bringing an endless wave, the wind and the surrounding trees and flowers were burning instantly. The ground was filled with soot, dancing wildly.

You can imagine that more than a dozen high-ranking celestial powerhouses have shot at the same time, and the entire Northern Territory has rarely been seen for decades.

"God! That kid is so tough ..."

Fei Hexi and others also caught up.

They never expected that the ancestors of Feihe chased them out for such a long time and had not yet captured Xu Feng.

At this moment, staring at Xu Feng holding the blood knife, it was like a **** killing, and he was all afraid of it.

"I really hope that the ancestors will be able to kill Xu Feng, and then suffer endlessly." The elder could not help but said, "This Xu Feng, now Danyuan Realm is seventh, has such a powerful strength. It is really impossible to imagine his future Breaking through to the seventh level of the French heaven, how horrible the combat effectiveness will be. "

"Hey ... we Feihe family, maybe we shouldn't provoke this child!" An old man couldn't help but say.

Everyone heard the words, with resentment in their hearts, and felt that they were all troubles caused by Feihehong.

Had it not been for Feihehong, grabbing the kitten on Xu Feng's shoulder, it would be better to die of torture, and Xu Feng would not have come to their Feihe family for nothing.

"I don't know how Xu Feng cultivated this way? Seeing how young he is, how can he be so strong?"

Someone stared at Xu Feng and couldn't help voicing.

Really more deadly than popularity.

Feihehong claimed to be a rare genius in the Feihe family for a century.

However, compared with Xu Feng in front of him, it is simply the difference between the light of fireflies and Haoyue.

"I guess this Xu Feng is at least a six-genius genius, and maybe even a seven-genius genius."

Some people also expressed doubts about Xu Feng's talent. Six geniuses, can they really be so powerful?


Uh ...

The power of the Bloodknife was revealed again.

The dreaded sword is invincible.

Wherever the blood knife went, the void burned and shattered.

Feihe's ancestor's long sword, accompanied by the sword, touched Xu Feng's blood knife, and the moment of the fire triple knife.

The sound of a click sounded, and the long sword in the hands of Feihe's ancestor cracked from the middle, making a click sound, and it broke into two pieces.

"not good……"

The ancestor of Feihe felt a dangerous breath, and the whole man avoided the attack from Xu Feng madly.

However, the Blood Knife did not hesitate, and severely cut it on Feihe's ancestor.

The moment the blood knife touched the blood of the ancestor of the flying crane, he began to devour the blood of the ancestor of the flying crane frantically.


The ancestor of Feihe made a scream, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

Blood spewed from the mouth of Feihe's ancestors, and several people from the Feihe family not far away also killed Xu Feng.

Xu Feng gritted his teeth desperately, trying to rely on his body to resist the attack of everyone, and also wanted to kill the ancestor of the flying crane.

Uh ...

Xu Feng's body erupted. The body of Dan Yuan he condensed is really broken.

The whole person was blown out with a heavy blow, and the ancestor of Feihe was also cut off with a blood knife, panting heavily, his face was pale, his blood was weak, and the whole person almost fell to the ground.

"Boy, I want you to die without a burial place ..."

The ancestor of Feihe could obviously feel that his blood was absorbed by the blood knife too much, causing his vitality to follow. As if in an instant, stepping into the ghost gate.

Xu Feng stood up from the ground, swallowed the last nirvana, and swallowed a lot of elixir. The whole body's spirit flowed toward the left side, quickly. Escaped.

The Xun Peng's wings were violently violent, and the blood knife was still fighting back Xu Feng, trying to control Xu Feng.

"Catch up!"

The ancestor of Feihe took out the eighth-level Holy Spirit Dan, and after swallowing it, he shouted at everyone.

All the figures, chasing out to Xu Feng in desperation, were madly insane.

Mud River Forest!

Before Xu Feng killed Feihe City, he had long wanted to leave Feihe City in the direction of the mud river forest.

This boundless forest is the junction of the Northern Territory and the Qingyang Dynasty. It is rumored that in this mud river forest, there are very dangerous monsters, and no one dares to cross.

"Catch up quickly, that kid wants to hide in the muddy forest." The ancestor of Feihe made a violent drinking, if he was not weak and did not dare to burn blood, he really wanted to continue to burn blood and chase Xu Feng .

The Nihe Forest is not far from Feihe City. The ancestors of Feihe naturally know that the terrain of this forest is complicated.

If a person is hiding inside, Mo said that they have only a dozen people, even thousands of people, it is difficult to find each other.

"Second-order space mystery!"

The moment Xu Feng first stepped into the muddy forest, the old man at the peak of Fatian Realm in Feihe Family caught up.

However, Xu Feng exhibited the second-order spatial upright meaning, and fled towards the deep forest of Nihe.

"Catch up!"

Seeing Xu Feng disappear in front of his eyes, the old man of the Feihe family was full of faces.



Xu Feng repeatedly performed the second-order space uprising one after another, and found a hidden valley. He just paused, his face was pale, and blood poured from his mouth, and the whole person fell to the ground, his breath was disordered, and his veins were broken.

"Quack ..."

Just as Xu Feng swallowed some elixir, a cold laugh sounded not far away.

A figure came out, it was Yang Haolin who followed him all the way, looking at Xu Feng with a look of surprise.

However, when Xu Feng looked at the opposite Yang Haolin, he suddenly found that the mysterious energy left by the Green Devil burst out in his body.

"not good……"

(End of this chapter)