MTL - The Spirit of God Million Domain-Chapter 4226 Kill two elders

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Chapter 4226, killing two elders

The mysterious woman is shocked inside, she thinks Xu Feng is really crazy about cultivation.

If you let those people know that the district's Dan Yuanjing six peaks, they dare to use blood knives to cultivate and improve, and fear that they will be shocked.

Mo said that the district of Danyuan, even if it is pure Yang, for the blood knife, it is also an ant.

However, the most mysterious woman was horrified. She found that as time went by, the blood knife seemed to be against Xu Feng’s counter-attacks, and it became not so strong. The heart secretly hesitated, and said: "Does this guy actually get this handle? Is the recognition of a peerless knife?"

This kind of thought was directly vetoed by the mysterious woman in a short moment. We must know that this knife is in the spirit of the mainland, and those powerful existences cannot be surrendered. Finally, under the joint hand, the knife is almost destroyed.

In the end, the blood knife disappeared and I wanted to come to the knife. I don’t know how many years it will take to recover.

As you can imagine, at the peak of the blood knife, how terrible it is, it is really destroying the earth.

After all, the blood knife that is still in the process of damage has such powerful power. If it is in its heyday, this knife may be able to kill.


Heaven and earth spiritual power madly converge toward Xu Feng's body, accompanied by the pure spiritual power, into the twin Danyuan.

The powerful knives, the constant eruption, the **** red knife condenses, forming a burst of shock waves.

The surrounding voids seem to have been torn apart. Knife Mang will completely wrap Xu Feng's body.


"Where are you coming to know what you are doing, dare to kill in our family of flying cranes, are you afraid of being tired? Don't know the name of the Feihe family?"

Not far away, a pale old man with round eyes and wrinkles on his face is the second elder of the Feihe family, flying cranes.

Many people around the family of Feihe, watching the old people appear, have stabilized their hearts.

"The two elders, I can't think of the two elders coming out to face the battle. It seems that this Xu Feng really angered our family of flying cranes."

Feihe Yong’s strength is very strong, but it’s the six-fold cultivation of the French environment. It is a top-ranking strongman.

The appearance of Feiheyong, for everyone, is like a centering stone, so that everyone will not be so scared.

"The two elders are the six major repairs of the French environment, and they will inevitably kill Xu Feng and give us all the bad luck."

"This Xu Feng is really daring, not only killing the young master, but also dare to kill the three elders of our family of flying cranes. It is a sinful crime to kill the family of flying cranes."

"I really hope that the elders will stop him when I will be there. I want him to die and die in our family of flying cranes."



The last youth voice just fell, not far from a kitten, the second-order folding of the body broke out.

When the sharp claws attacked, they brought a burst of strong air and the void was twisting.

As the paws swept away, the neck of the speaker broke into two pieces in an instant.

"Since you want to make your brother's life worse than death, Benedict will kill you first." The kitten's eyes are deep, filled with crazy fierce light, and instantly rushed out to other people.

"Ah! Help!"

Several people who were still talking about have fled. It is really the strength of a kitten, and it is also very scary.

"This cat is so horrible, it is no wonder that the young master, trying his best, wants to surrender the cat."

The kittens continue to kill and kill, and the bodies of the road are poured into the blood.


Fei Heyong discovered that his appearance did not cause Xu Feng to look at it, but Xu Feng was still practicing himself.

In the depths of the old eyes, there was an outburst of anger. He was a strong man of Dan Yuanjing, and he was not a respectable presence.

Now, a small, stinking kid in the district, Dan Yuanjing six peaks, dare to pose in front of himself, how he is not angry.

"I don't know what to do with the dead dog, and give your face a shameless face. I will teach you the lesson."

Feihe Yong’s six-dimensional cultivation of the heavens is an explosion, stepping out in one step, and the spiritual power is like a raging wind.

Immediately afterwards, the hands suddenly condensed, forming a mad palm print, it seems that the world is falling apart.

"The sixth-order best of the Holy Spirit, the glazed king palm."

A palm, as if it is a glass king, forms a violent shock wave, and the palm print appears crystal clear.

The tide is rolling, and the earthquake is like a wave of circles, which is constantly spreading.

"Your Majesty!"

Feihe blasted forever, and the palm prints went hand in hand, heading toward Xu Feng and smashing.

At this moment, Xu Feng knows everything outside, and is wholeheartedly wrapped in the knife of the blood knife, and the crazy improvement is a breakthrough.

Feeling the horrible turbulence, the instinctive grasp of the blood knife, so smashed out.

Above the blood knife, the blood red light becomes more intense and seems to be angry.

Xu Feng’s heart is shocking, and this blood knife is really more and more magical and more and more horrible.

He can clearly understand that when Fei Heyong is killing himself, the blood knife is obviously trembled, the blood gas bursts, the knife stalks are constantly broken, and the heavens and the earth can be swallowed.


Feihe always felt the moment when the knife attacked, and his face suddenly changed.

As a strong man of the six heavens, his sentimental mood has reached the initial state.

It is very dangerous for danger and for all kinds of predictions. At this moment, the heart is shaking, the face is full of horror, and the eyebrows are incredible. The whole person went backwards madly, but he was suddenly smashed by a blood knife.

Flying cranes continue to retreat, the ground is cracks. The hands could not resist, Xu Feng's blood knife.


The blood knife madly went out, Xu Feng only felt that the tears of the meridians and the physical strength seemed to be drained.

The blood rushed toward the arm, forming a strong wave of impact, and the knife was broken.

"No... damn... what is this knife?"

Fei Heyong Ming Ming felt that Xu Feng was holding a knife and could not attack him.

I know, it’s not a long time since I left.

However, Xu Feng also clearly felt that his body was dragged by the blood knife, and he stung into the chest of the flying crane.


Fei Heyong wants to escape, but when the blood knife touches his body, the blood of his body is completely uncontrolled. He is moving toward the blood knife and madly flowing. He has wide eyes and stares at Xu Feng. "Damn... you are a bloodthirsty person... you..."

Xu Feng only felt that the spiritual power of the whole body was instantly shocked. On the twins of the Danyuan, the original six halo, instantly differentiated, became more powerful and increased to seven.

However, the blood of Feiheyong was completely drained by the blood knife, and the whole person became a dry body, wide-eyed, and looked empty and indifferent, so he fell to the ground.

The blood is drained, and it is said that even if it is a spiritual god, it will die.

However, Xu Feng’s cultivation has completely broken through to Dan Yuanjing’s sevenfold.

(End of this chapter)