MTL - The Special Forces King In The Mountain Village-Chapter 4214 Lian Ping

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The two guardians looked at each other.

Yu Hufa said: "You're right, the young chief executive of Hongmen is really not an ordinary person, otherwise, I'm afraid we will lose both with Hongmen, and the Wang family will be the happiest at that time."

Feng Hufa's face was ugly: "The Wang family dares to insult us all over the world, I can't swallow this tone!"

Yu Hufa's pretty face darkened slightly: "That's right, Wang Shuyun dared to plot against us, and the Wang family must pay the price."

Li Changfeng sighed and said, "Oh, yesterday the Wang family gave us a donation of 2 billion to the Huashan Charity Federation. I'm afraid this is the Wang family's compensation."

The two protectors immediately shut their mouths when they heard this. The donation of 2 billion is not a small amount for all over the world, and now there is no greater conflict between them and Hongmen.

Li Changfeng said: "However, it's impossible to let this matter go like this. In the future, we should have less contact with the Wang family. Maybe we can consider cooperating more with Hongmen and the Ye family."

Guardian Fengfeng nodded. Of course, they don't have much say in this kind of matter, they can only report the situation to the boat owner first.

As for what will happen to Yan Youming, it depends on the intention of the boat owner, but this time he caused such a big disaster, I am afraid it will not be too easy.

Wang family.

Wang Shuyun turned on the hands-free, and said lightly: "You gave away 30% of Haocheng Group's shares?"

Wang Yun on the other end of the phone was sweating on his forehead, and said with a forced smile, "Yes, grandpa, after all, the Situ family is in charge of Daqingshan, even if we get this part of the shares, it is impossible to make too much profit. "

Wang Shuyun did not speak.

Daqingshan is indeed dominated by the Situ family, but the Haocheng Group is not owned by the Situ family alone, and Ye Yang also owns 30% of the shares.

If the Wang family can get 30% of the shares in Jiang Chen's hands, then as long as they cooperate with Ye Yang, the Situ family can only obediently give up enough benefits. This is also the reason why the Situ family has been reluctant to give shares to the Wang family prematurely, just to prevent the Wang family from cooperating with Ye Yang.

Against the Ye family and the Song family.

But now that Wang Yun has given up this part of the shares, Wang Shuyun has nothing to say.

With the eyesight of an old fox like him, the eyelashes are all empty, how could he fail to see Wang Yun's real purpose?

Isn't it just to suppress his younger brother? Wang Shuyun was indeed a little angry at the beginning. Although there is no family affection in the family, as a person who has half a foot in the coffin, his mentality will always change when he gets old. He hopes to see his future.

Generation harmony.

However, after being angry, Wang Shuyun felt a little relieved. Wang Yun finally seemed to have made some progress. If he wanted to maintain his reputation among the five great families, what he needed was the mentality of being able to use whatever means he could.

Although Wang Yun was cunning enough in the past, he wasn't ruthless enough. Now he has the demeanor of an heir.

"I see." Wang Shuyun simply responded, "How is Yan Youming's reaction?"

Wang Yun said: "I have already guided, Yan Youming has been provoking Ye Qiu, but Ye Qiu has not responded."

Wang Shuyun sighed when he heard this.

Although Wang Yun has improved a bit, Ye Qiu's kid is really too scary, he can compete with old guys like them at such a young age.

However, he also knew that the possibility of triggering conflicts between Wuhu Sihai and Ye Qiu was very small. He already had psychological expectations, but no matter how small the chance was, it was still worth trying.

"That's how it is. Don't do anything else. You go back and be your economic investigation team leader. Take it easy during this time."

After Wang Shuyun finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Looking at the message sent just now on the phone, his face suddenly became a little ugly: "Don't push yourself too hard."

flower city.

In front of an ordinary house, several white Santanas stopped.

Ye Qiu and Jing Hu came down together.

Jing Hulian looked at the private house in front of him and said, "I really didn't expect that it would be planned by him alone. Is what you said, Ye Qiu, true?"

"I didn't expect that either." Ye Qiu twitched a cigarette, looked inside through the bright window, there was a family of three happily eating, the husband was courteously bringing food to his wife, he didn't know what he said, and the wife was blushing He slapped him **** the face a few times.

The child stretched his fleshy little hands and tried hard to touch the chicken legs on the dining table.

"If it wasn't for the news I got from that wizard, I wouldn't have thought of him, I would have thought that this guy was being used by the Wang family, but now..."

Ye Qiu's eyes drifted a bit: "Who knew he had a wife and children outside, it seems that he is the one who really wanted to kill Shen Xi, you and the Wang family were all attracted by him."

Jing Hu twitched his face, stepped forward and knocked on the door.

There was a commotion in the house, and a middle-aged man opened the door shortly thereafter. After seeing Jing Hulian and Ye Qiu, he froze for a moment, and then immediately calmed down.

"You are here."

Lian Ping's eyes looked very calm, even so calm that there was no wave in the slightest, as if he wasn't surprised at the arrival of Ye Qiu and others.

Jing Hulian looked at him with complicated eyes: "Lian Ping, we have received a notice from Fang Lin, and now we are cooperating with his team to investigate you, follow us."

Lian Ping nodded and said, "Can you give me some time to talk to them?"

Jing Hu even glanced at Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu nodded, no matter how you say Lian Ping can be regarded as a person of some status, it is understandable to give him a little time to say goodbye to his family.


Lian Ping nodded gratefully, then closed the door and walked back into the house.

Zhang Hui had already started to clear the dining table, and asked, "Who is outside?"

Lian Ping smiled and said, "Salesman, I let them go."

"Oh, I'm going to wash the dishes, you can watch TV with the little stone in your arms."

"Forget it, I'll wash it today."

Zhang Hui looked at Lian Ping in surprise: "It's so rare that you are happy to do the dishes?"

"It's rare." Lian Ping smiled, stepped forward to take the bowls and chopsticks, and slowly washed the bowls in the sink, looking at his wife and children in the reflection of the glass, his eyes were a little dazed, as if recalling the scenes of more than 20 years , at that time he also had such a

Some days.

But since when did it become?

Maybe it started to change after Shen Bing went back to the Shen clan.

It could also be after Shenxi killed his grandma for wanting money to play games. But no matter what, Shenxi has become too dangerous, not only endangering him, but also endangering his wife and children. Since Xiao Shishi was born more than a year ago, the most nightmare he had was Zhang Hui and Xiao Shitou died in his hands.