MTL - The Sickly CEO Asks For Hugs Everyday After Obtaining The Ability To Read Minds-Chapter 24 Who has the ability to let my lover Feng Si Rui go to jail?

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"Shen Yu, how can you be so uneducated? You actually throw tea at people?!"

The middle-aged woman was full of anger and had a loud voice, as if she was afraid that others would not hear, "Apologize..."

"You must apologize to Aunt May!"

Shen Yu looked at his "good stepmother" cynically, "What if I didn't apologize"

"You dare to disobey me?" Li Fenghua glared angrily, put the expensive leather bag he just bought from abroad on the sofa, rushed over and raised his hand just like a slap.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, this habitual action was actually blocked, and before he could react, a strong wind blew from his ear, and almost at the same time, half of his cheeks were burning hot.

"You hit me?!" Li Fenghua covered her instantly red and swollen face, and turned her head to look in disbelief, as if she knew her stepson Shen Yu for the first time.

"Sorry, conditioned reflex..." Shen Yu grabbed the woman's wrist and pushed back hard, her cold eyes flashing sharply.

As the saying goes, there is no good for no reason, and no evil for no reason.

The reason why the original body became a vicious male partner is inseparable from his deformed family.

A few years after Li Fenghua married as a stepmother, her original father died. As soon as the funeral was over, she revealed her greedy and evil nature.

While doting on his own children in every possible way, he abused the original body in every possible way, even in front of others, he did not hide his viciousness in the slightest, and used corporal punishment, beatings, and scolding at every turn.

Not only that, but she also used a strategy to work with the company's chief financial officer to monopolize her original father's property, making her life stretched and she could only step into the entertainment industry early to make money.

In such a harsh growth environment, the original body's character is gradually distorted and unbalanced...

When Shen Yu crossed over, he was already married to Feng Si Rui, and he rarely dealt with his stepmother, so he naturally didn't have time to slap his face and abuse the original body.

Originally, I hated it so much that I didn't have the chance, but now God suddenly opened his eyes.

Shen Yu pushed Li Fenghua onto the sofa with a single effort. The latter was so shocked that he didn't react, and was stunned on the spot.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?!" A hurried voice sounded.

Shen Yu raised his eyes lazily and looked over, and saw a man covered in famous brands running in and pounced on Li Fenghua's side, "Mom, what's wrong with your face?! Someone beat you?!"

The man was shocked, turned his head and asked Shen Yu, "What's going on?!"

Shen Yu stared at her half-brother, too lazy to speak, and Aunt Mei, who was holding tea next to her head, rushed to answer angrily, "It's your good brother, I raised my hand and slapped your mother!"

"I've never seen such a wolf-hearted person who actually kills a stepmother who is nurturing."

Just by seeing the red and swollen half of his face, he knew how painful that slap was.


Shen Yu's lips evoked a sneer, and the whole person looked a little cold.

If an eight-year-old child was beaten until his sternum was fractured, and then thrown into a cellar for a day and night before being sent to the hospital, it would be considered a gift of upbringing.

Then he should really be more ruthless!

"How dare you do something to your mother?!" Shen Chen had a gloomy face, clenched his fist and smashed it at Shen Yu, "I'll kill you today!"

Although he is a younger brother, he has been pampered all year round and fed various nutritional products. He has grown extremely fast. When he was thirteen or four years old, he had already surpassed Shen Yu, and because he had been in the gym for a long time, he had trained a lot of muscles.

So, from a very early time, I cooperated with my stepmother to add fists and feet to the original body.

The habit of beating people without a word was obviously used at this time, and he rushed over to the bridge of Shen Yu's nose regardless.

Unexpectedly, before he got close, he was kicked in the stomach, and he immediately knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

"Yo, that's all you can do?" Shen Yu walked over slowly with his hands in his pockets, "It's said that dogs that bite people don't bark, I think it's true."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes flashed coldly, and he raised his leg again.

Since crossing over, Shen Yu has never been idle, and has tempered her original weak physique into iron, and picked up Muay Thai, Sanda and Karate one by one, waiting for one day to break out after her divorce from Feng Sirui!

Shen Chen was kicked over, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes looking at Shen Yu were full of doubts and panic, "You, don't come here!"

"It's really against the sky, how dare you hit your brother..." Li Fenghua felt distressed when he saw his son's embarrassed appearance.

Shen Yu glanced sideways, but she didn't soften her hand just because she was a woman, and slapped her firmly again.

The violent scene shocked Aunt Mei. She hurriedly fled from the living room, planning to report to the master.

The dinner guests will arrive soon. If they are seen, wouldn't it be the Feng family who would be embarrassed? !

Aunt Mei just made a move, but when she raised her head, she saw two figures at the door, with a solemn and solemn expression.

"Shen Yu, what's going on?"

Feng Si Rui's cold voice sounded, causing Shen Yu to stop the kicked leg in the air, and Shi Shiran retracted it a second later, turning his head to reveal a harmless smile, "Brother Rui, this is all a misunderstanding, I can explain."

- "Damn, the dog man is here at the wrong time!"

- "Two more kicks will definitely break the ribs!"

Shen Yu thought so, and glanced at Li Fenghua's already swollen face,

- "Give me another chance to slap her, her new nose must be crooked!"

Feng Si Rui, "..." Was he so cruel in his heart?

Before he could continue to question, the grandfather standing beside him suddenly coughed twice and said sternly, "Xiaoyu, no matter what the reason, it's always bad to do it."

Li Fenghua seemed to grab a life-saving straw, and burst into tears, "Master Feng, you have to decide for me and my son!"

"Shen Yu, he's too vicious. He doesn't treat the servant as a human being, and even sprinkled tea on Aunt Mei. I just came in and saw this scene and went up to teach him..."

"Shen Yu didn't say a word, he just raised his hand and gave me a slap..."

Speaking of this, Li Fenghua looked at his son, and was even more aggrieved, "Poor Xiaochen, he complained about me and wanted to find his brother's theory, but he was beaten like this!"

Old man Feng looked at Shen Yu with the dragon head crutches, "Is what she said true?"

"Well." Shen Yu nodded without denying it.

- "Although there is a small way out, the overall context is very clear."

Old Master Feng turned his head and asked Aunt Mei, "Why did Xiaoyu pour you tea?!"

The hair staring at the tea is like silent evidence, but Aunt Mei didn't dare to tell the truth, "I-I don't know either."

After all, it was her job to serve people, and logically speaking, she was at fault first.

"Grandpa, don't ask, it's all my fault..." Shen Yu lowered her head, "Just punish me directly."

"More than punishment!" Li Fenghua looked over sinisterly, "I want to call the police, I want you to go to jail!"

"You hit someone when you were recording the show. I think you are a habitual offender!"

"I'm looking for the best lawyer to put you in jail!"

Shen Yu heard the words, swept her cold eyes and opened her lips. Just as she was about to speak, a man not far away spoke first.

"I want to see, who has the ability to put my lover Feng Si Rui in jail?!"