MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 452 Red chips

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"Mr. Pang."

In the evening, Pang Xuelin sat on the terrace of the Peninsula Hotel, the neon view of the Victoria Bay opposite flashed, Huang Zaixing stood beside Pang Xuelin, his eyes filled with gratitude and excitement.

In a month, more than 30 Xinyi'an and 14K and even Yu Shenghe's internal contradictions with Huang Zaixing either disappeared, or were killed in a car accident, or were killed by a gang.

And Huang Zaixing also used a variety of means to merge a large number of Xinyi’an and 14K assets, and the prestige in Hesheng and internal was even higher than ever before, and many veterans of Hesheng gave up their confrontation with Huang Zaixing. Thoughts.

Up to now, Huang Zaixing's forces have greatly increased, and he is already a veritable emperor of the Xiangjiang underground world.

"How about, the New Territories are almost under control now."

"It's all under control. In addition, for the 40 kilograms of gold you shot, I have changed to 10 million Hong Kong dollars, and I will hit your account tomorrow."

Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "Next, you should stabilize your territory and slowly digest the newly expanded forces. When things in the Tao stabilize during this time, we can advance the CVD promotion plan in Xiangjiang."

"Mr. Pang, don't worry, we have been acting according to the plan you specified, and will definitely not delay the Star Ring Company by that time."

Pang Xuelin smiled faintly and said, "This is fine."

Although he cleaned Xiangjiang's underworld, but it was like a leek. After harvesting a stubble, a stubble would grow soon. At best, it would be a personal change. The dark side would still exist.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin's next consideration is how to let Huang Zaixing slowly wash the white, and even let the entire Hesheng and transformation, as far as possible to reduce the negative impact of the gang.

And now there is an excellent opportunity.

Because of various reasons, Pang Xuelin cannot use too many resources in a short period of time to make it popular in the mainland.

However, Sangyu, which was lost in the east corner, Xiangjiang became a good place for CVD to start the first shot.

On the one hand, Xiangjiang has a high-income population of nearly 6 million. When faced with a CVD of nearly 5,000 Hong Kong dollars, the purchasing power is no less than that of the mainland market.

On the other hand, Pang Xuelin chopped Huang Zaixing's DP business, which just happened to allow some of his men to turn it into whitewashing and do pirated CD sales.

This will undoubtedly create good conditions for the promotion of CVD.

More importantly, in this era, Xiangjiang is a well-deserved international metropolis. Although Xiangjiang Film has begun to come to an end, its global influence is still there.

Once CVD can gain popularity in the Xiangjiang market, then the Southeast Asian market, the Japanese market and even the European and American markets will all embrace it.

Pang Xuelin and Huang Zaixing were talking about CVD, and they saw Mu Qingqing and Mu Donglai carrying big bags into the living room.

"Huge brother, you are back."

Seeing Pang Xuelin, Mu Qingqing put down what was in his hand and came over excitedly.

Pang Xuelin said: "Qingqing, have you bought anything."

Mu Qingqing pulled her finger and said, "I bought two sets of clothes for Aunt Three and Three Aunts, a set of cosmetics for Sister Wanying, and a CD Walkman for Sony, which I bought for Brother Shuiwa ..."

It is about to enter September now. Tomorrow Pang Xuelin is going to return to Lancheng. Mu Qingqing just went back with him, ready to go to school officially.

Therefore, Mu Qingqing spent a day outside to buy gifts.

Fortunately, Xiangjiang is a shopping paradise, plus Pang Xuelin directly prepared 10,000 Hong Kong dollars for her, as long as she did not buy luxury goods, it would be enough for her to spend at will.

At this time, Mu Donglai also came to the balcony and sat down. Huang Zaixing poured tea to Mu Dong with great eyesight, and some flattery chatted with Mu Dong.

But he could see that Mrs. Pang's title was properly hung on Mu Qingqing's head in the future, and now of course it must have a good relationship with Mu Dong.

Pang Xuelin asked with a smile: "Professor Mu, Changshi's stocks have all been listed."

Mu Donglai nodded and said, "A total of 80 million yuan, all transferred out, most of them were invested in red chips such as Guangchuan, Tsingtao, CITIC Pacific, etc. The remaining 20 million has been given to Liu Qi, just fine For him to expand production on the mainland. "

After a pause, Mu Dong came to curiosity: "Mr. Pang, do you really believe that China and Britain can reach agreement in the next few months, and red chips will skyrocket?"

The so-called red chip stocks refer to stocks with Chinese background.

Due to the special historical background, the division of British and Chinese companies has always existed on the Xiangjiang capital market. Later, as Xiangjiang's economic ties with the mainland became closer and closer, the mainland's funds gradually entered Xiangjiang, forming a third type of institution-Chinese-funded enterprises.

Since the early 1990s, CITIC's acquisition of Tai Fu and a series of subsequent successful operations have set off a wave of acquisitions of Chinese companies in Hong Kong.

According to incomplete statistics, only in the one and a half years from July 1992 to the end of 1993, there were 28 Xiangjiang listed companies that were acquired by Chinese companies or became shareholders with more than 10% of their shares, accounting for 477 of all listed companies in Xiangjiang at the end of 1993. 5.9% of homes. The concept of red chips was initially formed.

From 1996 to 1997, Shenzhen City Holdings, Yuexiu Transportation, and China Telecom were listed one after another. Red chip stocks began to be re-invested by the market and the concept of reorganization of funds was officially established.

Now, the early stage of the formation of formal red chips is also the best time for Pang Xuelin to enter the game.

During this time, Pang Xuelin successfully earned the first pot of gold through the wool of Gang Gang's Gangsters.

The money was put into the stock market by his brain.

In just one month, Pang Xuelin's personal assets successfully doubled through the rapid rise of real estate stocks such as Changshi ~ ~ reached 80 million.

This money, Pang Xuelin took out 20 million to Liu Fatzi, let him use to expand the scale of production in the deep city.

The remaining 60 million were all invested in red chips by Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Professor Mu, it is now in the second half of 1993. It is getting closer and closer to the return of 1997, and the time for solving political problems is getting less and less, both for China and Britain. It is impossible to let political issues drag down the Xiangjiang economy. So I estimate that if it is fast, the end of this month, and if it is slow, there will be good news at the beginning of next month. Moreover, the turmoil caused by the consolidation of the financial market in the past few months has been far less than everyone ’s It is expected that the Hang Seng Index is now only over 6,000 points, and it will not be surprising that it will rise to more than 10,000 points next year. At this time, it is the best time to bet on red chips.

Mu Donglai nodded thoughtfully and said, "It makes sense."

At this time, Huang Zaixing said: "Professor Pang, if you say that, otherwise I will invest an additional 10 million yuan."

Pang Xuelin smiled faintly: "This is up to you."

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