MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 433 Shot

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Pang Xuelin calmed down, closed his eyes, and the various sounds that had been automatically filtered by the brain poured into his mind like a tide.

The originally quiet carriage suddenly became noisy.

Footsteps, snoring sounds, breathing sounds, whispering voices ... the sounds are endless.

"They're still in the ninth carriage, and they're almost here."

"Be careful, get your money ready, close your eyes and don't look at them ..."

"It's unlucky. Although I heard that there are car bandits on this line, I haven't met many times after sitting there. Why did I just meet this time?"

"Will you fight with them?"

"You are dead, they have guns and axes, but we have nothing."

"Don't think that they dare not kill people. Some people resisted being killed in the past two years. When the police went into the investigation, they couldn't even get in their villages. In the end, they couldn't help it."

"There are more people in the hard-seat compartment than we do. Didn't you see anything in the hard-seat compartment?"


Only then did Pang Xuelin discover that not only did they find out the arrival of the robbers, but many people in the carriage also realized the existence of the robbers.

It is just that most people choose to break their fortunes and dispel disasters. Even if a small number of people have a rebellious mind, they are dispelled by the persuasion of everyone.

Pang Xuelin was a little helpless and focused his attention on another compartment.

"One, two, three, four ..."

Pang Xuelin's brain runs at a high speed, and the position and number of robbers are determined based on the sound of footsteps and the sound of speech between robbers.

Unfortunately, most of the robbers spoke in local dialects in Xiangnan. Pang Xuelin couldn't understand, and there was no way to determine the type and number of weapons they carried.

Pang Xuelin was a little helpless. If he was not sure to disarm all the robbers under the condition of zero casualties, then Pang Xuelin would not plan to take any action.

Time passes by every minute.

As Pang Xuelin's nerves gradually tightened, a voice suddenly sounded.


Pang Xuelin opened his eyes and saw Mu Qingqing looking at himself.

"what happened?"

Pang Xuelin gestured with his eyes.

Mu Qingqing was about to speak. Suddenly Pang Xuelin's face changed. He put his index finger to his mouth to signal Mu Qingqing's snoring.

Immediately afterwards, they heard crippled footsteps coming.

The expression on Mu Qingqing's face suddenly became tense, and she quickly closed her eyes again.

Next, the search sound of crickets remained.

With the lights out in the compartment, the robber took a flashlight and searched from cell to cell.

The robbers seemed accustomed to the passengers' resistance, while taking the money, they even frolicked around.

The passengers were anxious that this group of evil spirits hurriedly took the money and left, one by one pretending to sleep.

Footsteps kept approaching, and finally came to Pang Xuelin's compartment.

Pang Xuelin's eyes narrowed slightly. Only two people appeared in his compartment. One of them held a gun powder and a flashlight in his hand and the other held a canvas bag. They first got money from Liu Qi and Mu Donglai. It was in the hands of Jan An, and finally, the money in Pang Xuelin and Mu Qingqing was taken away.

Just when Pang Xuelin thought that all would pass smoothly, he saw a flashlight flash, and the robber who was responsible for collecting the money suddenly burst into tongues.

Immediately after, another robber aimed his flashlight at Mu Qingqing.


Mu Qingqing screamed.

It turned out that the robber who was responsible for collecting money grabbed Mu Qingqing's hand and tried to drag her off the upper bunk.

"What are you doing, let go of my daughter!"

Mu Dong was anxious, and quickly got up from the bunk, but was kicked back by the robber with a powder gun, lying on the bunk and humming.

The other man said in a blunt mandarin: "Don't move, otherwise I'll shoot you!"

In this moment of time, Mu Qingqing has been dragged from the upper floor by the robber.

"Help, let me go, oh ... what are you doing!"

Mu Qingqing's cries rang through the carriage.

But no one stood out. Except for the laughter of the robber and Mu Qingqing's cry for help, the entire compartment seemed completely empty.

Just then, a scold came from the other side of the carriage.

Immediately after, Pang Xuelin saw five robbers approaching a strong man in black.

"Three guns and four axes."

Pang Xuelin frowned, with more people than he thought. Although he was sure that everyone would respond to kill the three robbers with guns for gunpowder, Pang Xuelin was not sure if they would kill Mu Qingqing. Save Mu Qingqing the first time.

At this time, the man in black came to the corridor where Pang Xuelin was, and spoke a few words with his local dialect. Then he pointed his flashlight at Mu Qingqing's face.

The moment he saw Mu Qingqing's face, the man in black breathed for a few seconds, then he waved his hand and motioned for his men to take Mu Qingqing away.

"What are you doing? Let go of my daughter ... let go of my daughter!"

Mu Dong came up and wanted to steal someone from the kidnappers, but where were these kidnappers' opponents, he was directly knocked to the ground.

"Dad ... help ... let me go ... you let me go!"

Mu Qingqing cried as she struggled, but her arm was locked by two robbers, and she couldn't help it.

When the strong man in black waved his hand, he turned his head and was ready to leave with his young man Mu Qingqing.

At this moment, Jian An, who was still in the middle of the shop, suddenly jumped down and knocked down a robber. Then he grabbed the axe in his hand and seized it with his left hand. The robber's head was in front of him, his axe pointed at his neck, and he said loudly, "Let someone else, otherwise I will kill him!"

Jane was concise.

Click, click, click ...

The brave man in black turned around, and his subordinates aimed the gun at Jane for the first time.

"good chance!"

Pang Xuelin's eyes brightened. The next second, he sprang down from the upper bunk like a ghost, and the rabbits rose up and down. Three robbers holding guns for powder guns were directly hit by Pang Xuelin's neck and lay softly on the ground.

The response of the strong man in black was somewhat unexpected by Pang Xuelin, and he saw that he immediately took out a **** star from his arms and aimed at Pang Xuelin, and pulled the trigger.

Pang Xuelin subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the next second, Pang Xuelin leaned slightly, allowing the bullet to pass through his arm.

And his entire body, like a cannonball, directly knocked out the strong man in black and flew out three or five meters, and then fell to the ground with one head, life or death.

Later, Pang Xuelin quickly retreated, and before the two robbers who captured Mu Qingqing had a response, he stepped forward and gave the two a punch and knocked them to the ground.

Mu Qingqing also took the opportunity to escape from their control.

"Okay, it's okay!"

Pang Xuelin reached out and said to Mu Qingqing.

Mu Qingqing stopped sobbing, looked up, and stared at Pang Xuelin dumbly, as if feeling a little bit strange about what happened in front of her.

After a while, she grabbed Pang Xuelin's hand and got up from the ground. The whole person was still shaking, holding Pang Xuelin's arm tightly and not letting go.

Until then, many passengers in the compartment heard the movements, poking out their heads to see what happened.

Pang Xuelin cried out: "I was stunned by the robbers for a while. Are there any young and strong guys? Come out and tie these people! In addition, we don't know if the robbers have any other associates, so I hope everyone keeps quiet , Control the fainted person first. "

Soon, the carriage boiled.

More than a dozen young and strong passengers stood out, some looking for a rope, some untied their belts, and **** the robber who fainted on the ground.

Pang Xuelin turned around and said to Jane, who was still sluggish, "Old Jane, get this guy in your hand, I have something to ask him."

"it is good!"

Jane An pushed the only sober robber over. The robber was obviously frightened by the scene that happened just now, looking at Pang Xuelin's eyes as if looking at a demon.

Pang Xuelin looked at his eyes and said, "Do you still have any friends?"

The robber opened his mouth and said nothing.

Pang Xuelin grinned at him and said to Jane: "Old Jane, lend me my axe."


Jian An handed the axe to Pang Xuelin. Pang Xuelin dragged the robber to the ground, opened him with one hand, and chopped the axe directly against his little thumb.


The robber made a terrible cry, and Pang Xuelin shook the blood-stained axe in front of him: "I ask the second time, do you still have any associates? If you don't answer, continue to chop your fingers, and then chop your fingers before chopping your palm!"

Seven robbers appeared in this compartment, but the police never showed up.

Therefore, there were either robbers who controlled the police and other staff on the train.

Either simply killed the police officer.

Pang Xuelin thinks that the first possibility is a bit more likely.

The robber was sweating cold on his forehead, half of it hurt and half of it scared.

He shuddered and said in jerky Mandarin: "Yes, there are three on the locomotive ..."

Pang Xuelin patted his face with an axe and said, "If I find you lie to me, you will be dead!"

Then, with an axe on the neck of the robber, he stunned, and the robber also passed out without a word.

It was only then that Fatty Liu protruded half of his head from his bunk and looked blankly at everything around him: "What is happening?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and didn't speak.

Mu Dong, who had just been stunned by the robbers, woke up and saw Mu Qingqing who was next to Pang Xuelin. He quickly got up and said, "Qing Qing, are you all right?"

Mu Qingqing shook her head and said, "I'm fine, Dad, it was Brother Ma who saved me."

"Ma ... Ma brothers, thank you so much, are you okay?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and shook her head, saying, "It's all right!"

Next, Pang Xuelin pointed at the paper money in the canvas bag on the ground and said, "Yes, Professor Mu, you and Brother Liu looked at the money. Brother Jane and I went to cook the three robbers on the train."

"Okay, okay! Brother Ma, be careful."

Mu Donglai was a little excited.

At this moment, Mu Qingqing suddenly said: "Pang ... Big brother, are you injured?"

Everyone followed Mu Qingqing's eyes and found that Pang Xuelin's right hand was bleeding.

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "It's all right, a little hurt."

Then he turned his head and said to the men who stood out in the carriage, "Will anyone go with me to cook the remaining three robbers?"


"Brother, we listen to you!"

"Brother, you were great just now. Are you a master of qigong?"


The carriage suddenly boiled. Several young guys looked at Pang Xuelin's eyes full of worship.

Except for Jane An and the robber just now, hardly anyone could see what was going on.

But Pang Xuelin managed six robbers with axe and shotgun on his own.

In particular, the scene of Pang Xuelin's interrogation of the robber, although slightly bloody, gave a hormonal explosion.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Okay, you ... you ... and you, the three of you follow me, and the rest, watch these robbers!"

Pang Xuelin was about to lift his feet, and felt his arm was being pulled alive by a person.

Pang Xuelin realized that Mu Qingqing was holding her arm and would not let it go.

"Miss Mu ..."

Pang Xuelin looked at Mu Qingqing Road.

Mu Qingqing immediately returned to his thoughts, and quickly released Pang Xuelin's hand, a pretty face turned red, and whispered: "Horse ... Brother, you must be careful!"


Pang Xuelin smiled and nodded.

Then, he picked up the **** star that the kidnapper's boss fell to the ground, and went straight to the locomotive with Jane An and three other young men.

The whole rescue process seemed lackluster.

With Pang Xuelin's ability to deal with three ordinary robbers with mental calculations and carelessness, plus the help of passengers who have actively joined the team all the way, it is almost effortless to take the police who have been controlled by the robbers. And the train conductor was rescued.

Next, the order on the train was slowly recovering.

When Pang Xuelin returned to his compartment, he was welcomed by everyone as a hero.

The train conductor and the police also came to thank Pang Xuelin.

1:30 am ~ ~ The train temporarily stopped at a small town on the border of southern Hunan and Guangdong. All ten robbers were handed over to the railway police.

Pang Xuelin had to get out of the hospital for treatment because of a gunshot wound to his arm.

Mu Donglai came to his father and daughter, Jian'an, and Liu Fat. They also got out of the car because they wanted to assist the police in the investigation.

Pang Xuelin went directly to the hospital. His arm was penetrating and his bones were not injured, but he still needed bandaging and disinfection.

By the time wound treatment is completed, it is almost three in the morning.

The hospital specially arranged a single ward for Pang Xuelin. Pang Xuelin was really a bit tired. He fell asleep on the bed.

By the time he woke up again, it was already around ten in the morning.

As soon as Pang Xuelin opened his eyes, he smelled a familiar fragrance.

He turned his head and saw Mu Qingqing lying on his bed, sleeping soundly.

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