MTL - The Salty Little Cannon Fodder Was Targeted By the Prince-Chapter 68 Accident by the river

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Chapter 68 Accident by the River

There is more than just a garden built here.

 The surrounding construction is also very well done.

 For example, stone-paved river embankments and stone pillar guardrails. Willow trees, flowers and plants are planted along the river, and viewing pavilions are built at regular intervals. During this period, you can also see several cabins.

 Visitors who have been here know that these cabins are toilets.

Of course, if tourists want to stay in a cabin for convenience and pay, it is not expensive. If the guest does not want straw paper, only one penny is required. If the customer wants straw paper, it will be charged separately.

Du Wan was led to a pavilion.

The pavilion is filled with all kinds of beautiful river lanterns, as well as the river lantern from the Fairy Palace Banquet.

 Among them, there is a small pile of ordinary people's models. Du Wan still recognized the things she bought.

On the stone table in the center of the pavilion, a small stove burned charcoal and a pot of boiling water, and there were two food boxes, which were very well prepared.

There are several guards guarding the pavilion.

The personal guards of the Princess Mansion came forward to negotiate with the guards guarding the house, and found out that they were the guards of the Pei family.

Du Wan curiously asked: "Did Pei Hao prepare these?"

“Reporting to the princess, this is Prince Pei.” The maid at Wangyue Tower replied respectfully.

Du Wan lifted up her skirt and sat down, "Prince Pei knows how to enjoy it. Ningqin, is my brother ready?"


Ningqin hesitated for a moment, how to answer without hitting the princess.

Luo Qi answered for her, "Back to the princess, the eldest young master has not asked anyone to inform the servant."

"It means it's gone. My brother lives a rough life, so it's not surprising that he's not prepared." It's probably not easy for a young man who even eats solid food to think so carefully.

 The villain is different.

 The villain Pei in the book seems to live a very delicate life.

 The food, clothing, housing, transportation, and daily necessities must all be of the best quality. I still remember a description in the book that Pei Hao is particularly picky about food. Because the food cooked by the chef did not suit the taste, I requested that it be removed and cooked again. He cooked the same dish five or six times before he could barely eat it.

Of course, the above are all described in the book. The Pei Hao that Du Wan knew did not have the turtle hair described in the book. Although she and Pei Hao were quite unhappy most of the time they met.

  The next thing was taken over by Luo Qi and Ning Qin.

Luo Qi first checked the hot water in the pot to make sure there was no problem, then scalded Du Wan's tea bowl three times with boiling water, and then wiped the tea bowl with a clean handkerchief to make sure it was spotless. Then he took out the tea leaves and started making tea. The movements are smooth and natural, you should have practiced them.

Du Wan sat aside and watched the maid making tea.

It is said that her four maids were all taught by the maids in the palace. She knows more than the average young lady from a rich family. It's a pity that two of the four were fascinated by Xie Zhang.

Du Wan has not yet decided whether to give away the fragrance of books and paintings. Even if you want to send him away, you must find a suitable reason.

“After playing for so long, it’s really refreshing to suddenly have a cup of warm tea. Of course, the tea made by Luoqi is delicious.” Du Wan finally drank the tea and ate some snacks.

 “It’s fine if the princess likes to drink.” Luo Qi was praised and felt very happy.

 A cup of tea passed by.

 Du Wan was a little unable to sit still.

 Out of the pavilion, stood up and walked towards the stone railing of the river embankment.

The river embankment is made of big stones, with a total of nine stone steps leading to the beach under the river.

Thinking about walking to the river, we have to cross a beach.

 People gathered together in twos and threes under the beach. There are also places where men and women match each other and put river lanterns together. Sure enough, it is a gathering place for gossip.

Du Wan was going down to the river beach to light up the river lanterns.

 She only asked Ningqin and others to bring the river lanterns she bought, but she didn't touch the others.

 Arrived at the river, Du Wan refused Ning Qin's help, "You all step back, I want to be alone for a while."

"Yes." After hearing this, the others all retreated a few feet away.

Du Wan knelt down, took out the fire stick, and silently lit a river lantern.

I walked to the river again, gently placed it on the water, and then gently pushed it out, letting the small lotus river lantern float on the water, drifting farther and farther.

Everyone thought that the princess would be happy if she put the lanterns on the river. Unexpectedly, the princess was very pious and quiet. There was a touch of nostalgia and sadness around her. I wonder if she was thinking of something bad.

Du Wan lit another river lantern and gently placed it on the water.

 At this moment, she thought of her parents in another world.

 In the past, it was difficult to see each other all year round, but you could still see them. What about now?

 I will never have the chance to see you again in my lifetime...

Du Wan lowered his head and gently pushed the last river lantern out.

 Carrying everyone on his back, he wiped away his tears.

 In fact, this world is quite good, with loving parents and a big brother who dotes on her very much. As long as we get through the chaotic period ahead, there is still hope for the future.

 “Dad, mom, take care.”

 Du Wan is not worried about them. According to their contribution, the country will take good care of them.


There was a shock behind me.

Ningqin also shouted loudly: "Princess, be careful!"

 There was a strong force behind him, pushing Du Wan into the river.

Du Wan was pushed down unexpectedly and fell into the water. Then someone grabbed her hair and pushed her into the water. While holding her down, he dragged her deeper into the river, shouting angrily, "Drown you! Drown you bitch! Die! Die! Die... let's die together!"

 I couldn’t react for a moment and was forced to take a sip of water.

Du Wan suddenly counterattacked, raised his hand, grabbed the crazy woman's wrist, and bent it hard.

The woman screamed in pain and let go of the hand holding her down.

Du Wan seized the opportunity to fight back with all his strength, throwing the woman over his shoulder and throwing her into the water.

 Near the river, the water is very shallow and a person cannot be drowned if he falls into the water.

The woman was stunned for a while and was about to sit up.

Du Wan raised his foot in anger and kicked the woman into the water.

She used all her strength to kick this kick. The woman was in so much pain that she could not get up from the water.

The entanglement and fight between two people only happened within ten seconds. Du Wan's transformation from being pushed into the river to kicking him into the river took only seven or eight seconds.

The personal guards arrived and controlled the crazy woman.

"Princess!" the guard captain asked Du Wan nervously, "Is the princess injured?"

"It's okay." Du Wan took a deep breath before standing firm.

At this time, I finally saw who the person who attacked me was.

She is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl. When she opens her mouth to speak, she is missing two front teeth, which is quite funny. I only think of her ferocious face and her random yelling and cursing, which only makes her look abominable.

The guards held her arms and let her struggle wildly, but did not let her go.

 Some people gathered on the river bank, including a group of distinguished ladies.

Du Wan saw the girls from the previous banquet, such as Du Yunrong, Murong Jiaojiao and others.

When these noble ladies travel, in addition to their regular maids, they will also be accompanied by some escorts.

 (End of this chapter)