MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-v9 Chapter 174 Bottom pay

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Sparkling, illusory and real, as if the years that were invisible but can be felt intuitively, the time knife was quietly placed on the donation table without any unnecessary reaction.

In the face of this, Meng Qi regarded it as normal, and continued to speak on his own, it seems that he never expected to get an answer:

"If the Emperor of Heaven can really return, he will return to the top state directly, then he will not mention it. If he needs time to consolidate, I believe he will not mind one more ally on the other side."

"As long as he or you make a shot at a critical moment, I will prove that the other side will help Heaven Emperor come back to the top."

After speaking in a big wish, he directly retracted his eyes, dispelled the purple meaning in the eyes of the contemporary head of Xuan Tianzong, took away the demon, and did not wait for the response of the time knife, whether it could These words were conveyed to the emperor who had not yet died.

Yuhuang Mountain still exists, Xuan Tianzong is still there, no big man has taken away the time sword, it may be that he is "shouzhuzhututu"!


At the bottom of Jiuyou, the core of the ruins of the Ninghai Sea, there is a young man in a black robe with a clear face, and the corners of his eyebrows are tired and tired of the red world and everything, with a mouthful of three feet and three inches The gloomy, three-pointed sword is as if waving everything, including itself.

There was a flicker of purple awn in front of him, twisted and wriggle, and turned into a figure of Meng Qi.

"You're here." The Seven Killers said blandly.

Meng Qi nodded slightly: "I'm here."

"What do you persuade me?" The Seven Killers seemed to have known his intentions.

"Jiuyou is qualified to intervene slightly in the real world. It is nothing more than you and Jiuzan. He is a lunatic who knows nothing but destruction and cannot communicate." Meng Qi did not directly answer the question of the Seven Killers, but mentioned Nine quiet things.

In the current pseudo-other shore, it is themselves, Yang Yang, Jiuran Tianzun, and the Seven Killing Taoists who are peerless in the other shore. When they are out of Jiuyou, they can barely block the two or three hits of the big men, but Meng Qi does not expect them to mix In the main battlefield, I only hope to disperse the corresponding treasures such as the plain cloud banner, the green lotus swatch, and the tentacle axe.

Stuck. Waiting for the Seven Killers to talk again, Meng Qi continued: "As for the reason, I will die, and the Buddha will be fulfilled and return to the ranks of the ancients. Isn't it enough?"

The Seven Killers' eyes were unhappy: "The Sword of the Underworld has completely awoken. I am in Jiuyou and I am a pseudo-bank. Can he still be afraid that he will fail?"

"The demon Buddha, the first devil, then the Buddha. I am very worried that he will find a way to assimilate and even swallow Jiuyou, and your hypocrisy is just a gift from Jiuyou." Meng Qi slowly dismissed the figure and said a little The purple awn is like a dream bubble, disappearing in an instant.

The Seven Killers saw a little purple awn go out, their eyes gradually became dark.


"My dear! My dear!"

The immature children's voices kept ringing in their ears, as far away as in their last lives, Gu Xiaosang slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils reflected bright stars, dreamy and mysterious.

She looked around. I saw this was a magnificently built bedroom with a valuable guqin, one of the world's most famous tube flutes, and a thick and warm carpet on the ground. Comfortable enough to make you want to lie down.

In stark contrast to these are the black wooden bars nailed horizontally and vertically on the windows, layer after layer, strong and sturdy, not revealing a little bit of light. Even more weird, this bedroom has no door!

"It's really twisted ..." Gu Xiaosang drew a corner of his mouth, revealing a smile that seemed like a joke. Deaf to the call of the "mother-in-law" who is still echoing.

She rose from the bed with her feet up, like a pair of white elves, strolled to one of the windows, and stretched out her hands to rub the layers of black wood.

The hand stretched back, but there was a bit of light coming in from the outside. There was a small gap between the two black wooden bars that were tightly stitched, and several closed gaps were penetrated, showing the perseverance and recklessness of the opener. Work around.

The smile on the corner of Gu Xiaosang's mouth was a little more obvious, and he stepped gently, passing through the gap like a ghost, through the black wood and the window itself.

It's not a courtyard outside, but a wide river that can't see the other side or end. A ferry boat is parked on the shore, and there is an old grandfather wearing a bucket.

Gu Xiaosang walked forward with bare feet, as if leisurely outing on a spring day, it took a long time before he came to the ferry and saw the man-in-law clearly.

He had a yellowish skin and deep wrinkles, and his eyebrows and hair had long gone. Gu Xiaosang said nothing, and boarded the ferry and sat on the boat's head.

The grandfather struck the pole, the ferry started, and sailed into the heart of the river. At this time, Gu Xiaosang smiled and saluted at will:

"I have seen the Buddha."

This man-in-law actually leads the Buddha, the Amitabha in the Amitabha Buddha in the south, the ancient one on the other side?

"Reciprocation is reciprocation, the Buddha has no ancestors." The old grandfather spoke gently, defaulting to Gu Xiaosang's title!

Gu Xiaosang groaned with a smile: "They would all guess that I would use the Emperor's flesh to link the monsters in the heavens, or secretly seek the Emperor or Emperor, but these were not enough, so I hid in the knife and pretended to start a plan. The husband of the family cut off his mother's hand into Jiuyou and blocked the black Emperor. Only with the cover of the absolute sword, he set foot on 'He turned into Heaven', entered the place where 'Heaven of Heaven', and was linked by the source of the devil. Dream, invite Buddha to be a guest. "

"He turned into heaven" is another name for Jiuyou, a paradise of heaven, and Amitabha is the real dream master.

"Compassion, compassion, what is the intention of the donor to find me?" The grandmother said nothing to Gu Xiaosang.

"Of course, I ask the Buddha to help my husband come to the other side." Gu Xiaosang made this request with arrogance. If there are onlookers here, I am afraid it will make his eyes stand out.

In the past, he blocked the palace and prevented the moral deity from making shots, so that it was the Amitabha that made Jin Huang wantonly deal with Meng Qi and Gu Xiaosang?

Form a solid alliance with the Golden Emperor and divide the core of humanity equally, isn't it Amitabha?

She turned to each other for help, even more incredible than trying to hide with Tiger!

The grandmother looked at Gu Xiaosang and smiled, "It is rare for a donor to have this aspiration."

"If the Maitreya friends want to break free of the sea of ​​suffering, the moral deity must be blocked, and the demon emperor certainly will not want all peoples to enter the Buddha country on the ground. Although the emperor was a pharmacist king Buddha, but there was a hindrance in the past. There is a fundamental conflict between the hometown and the Buddhist kingdom on the ground. At this critical moment, how will the emperor think about it? Watching himself weakened? "Gu Xiaosang said, without a pause," Only by The Buddha and the ancient Buddha are afraid that they will be difficult to sustain. The release of the demon Buddha will only increase their rivals. In view of this, when the mother returned early and attempted to kill me and my husband, the Buddha did not make every effort to leave me an introduction. "

In the last sentence, she said that she was extremely determined, as if she had witnessed the release of Amitabha with her own eyes.

"Although the moral donor is the foundation of the world, it will be weakened by the end of the calamity, but it has already achieved the embryonic form of Taoism, and the impact is not great. With the supernatural power of one gas and three Qings, I can hardly stop it." Changes are still gentle and dull.

Gu Xiaosang tilted his head slightly and smiled suddenly: "It doesn't mean that you didn't do your best, but you didn't drive Fu Huang!"

In the last two words, she suddenly raised the pitch, like a thunderbolt out of thin air.

The old grandfather didn't speak, and after watching Gu Xiaosang quietly, he sighed softly:

"Unexpectedly, the donor knew this secret."

He frankly acknowledged that he could drive Fu Huang!

"The end of Taikoo, the three emperors are damaged, not only Haotian and Donghuang, but Fuhuang rose briefly in the early years of ancient times and mysteriously disappeared. I do n’t know what happened, but in the end it was close to the end of Donghuang. Take control. "Gu Xiaosang said a few more words to show that he was by no means bluffing." And even if it is Fu Huang, the situation of Maitreya friends breaking free from misery is extremely dangerous. "

"My husband has a buddhist history. He was born in Shaolin. He also received the master's outline of Rulai's palm. He has practiced several types of palms. It is by no means a natural hostility to the Buddha. If the Buddha can help him to land on the other side, he will wait for him to testify. He will reciprocate, and the moral deity will certainly open one eye and close the other. "

"Furthermore, I am afraid that the affairs of the Buddha kingdom on the ground by Maitreya friends are very important to the Buddha?"

When she spoke, the water was rippling, and the ferry returned to the original shore unknowingly. The old grandfather dug down and covered his eyes without answering.

Gu Xiaosang stood up, stepped out of the ferry, returned the same way, and when Dajiang disappeared, he re-drawn a smile.

When her figure broke away from the dream, but the place did not collapse, Jiang Xin rose a bright moon, perfect, crystal clear, and bright.

"If you can see Su Mengdeng coming to the other side, you who control Fuhuang will not sit and watch one of the three corpses of the ancient Buddha die under the sword of Zhenwu." A cold and misty female voice passed down.

The old grandfather smiled slightly: "What about the donor?" (To be continued.) 2k novel reading network