MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 83 Seven seven

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Before long, Leng's came with Xie Xun.

Xie Xing was infected with wind chills a while ago, and it was only a few days ago that I saw it well. I saw it today, and I was still sick. Since being pushed into the water last time by Lin's maid, her bones are not very good and she catches cold easily. She has n’t been raised for so many days. Xie Yan felt sorry for her. She didn't want her to come, but she said she missed her and had to come with Leng's.

Leng Shi could not help her, so she added two extra clothes and took her to the university scholar's house as a guest.

As soon as she came to the backyard, she jumped to Xie Xing cheerfully and complained: "Sister A did nothing in the house all day without visiting me?"

Xie Yuan caught her and shaved her nose funny. "Did I just see you the day before yesterday? Did you forget it in a blink of an eye?"

She thought about it for a while, as if that was the case.

Leng went aside and talked to Liu's side, leaving the scene to a few girls. Yan Yaoan and Gu Ruyi walked recently. They often came to Shifu of the University to know that there was a magnolia flower in the backyard of Fuli, and pink flowers bloomed every spring. The magnolia period is very long, and it has been invincible until now.

It probably has something to do with Gu Ruyi's cultivation method.

Yan Yaoan proposed to take them over to take a look. There is a stone table and a stone bench under the tree. They can sit under the tree and drink tea and talk to pass the time. Xie Yan heard Yan Yaoan said that Gu Ruyi's elder brother would paint, and the painter was absolutely incapable of wondering what he wanted.

When he came to the Yulan Academy, Gu Ruyi asked the girl next to him to bring Gu Fu's grandson Gu Ce's painting.

Soon, the girl returned with two paintings.

Gu Ruyi unfolded in front of them, a painting of water lilies in a pond in summer, and a silhouette of Gu Ruyi sitting under a tree. The water lily is lifelike, lying lazily on the water, the petals are gorgeous, and even the water drops on it can be clearly seen. Gu Ruyi in the other painting leaned sideways, just blocking the birthmark on the other face. The beauty smiled and was gentle and graceful, as if the person in the painting was right in front of her, and she could touch it easily.

No wonder Yan Yao'an praised Gu Ce's painter constantly.

Xie Xuan praised: "It really looks good ..."

In his own house, there were only a few of them in the Magnolia Courtyard. Gu Ruyi took off the tulle on his face, exposed a dark red birthmark under his eyes, and showed people the true face. At first she was a little embarrassed, but after seeing Xie Yuan and Xie Xun's attitudes were calm, and she did not look at her with a different look, she felt relieved and gradually let go.

Gu Ruyi personally made tea for them, leaving aside the foam from the tea soup, and each person put a cup in front of them. "This is the Biluochun sent only in the spring of this year, you have a taste." Staring at the two paintings, she couldn't help laughing, "If the Seven Girls like it, it happens that my brother is at home today, and I'll let him draw one for you, right?"

Xie Xun appeared happy, and then shook his head suddenly, "It's not a problem ... I'll just look at it."

Gu Ruyi said it was not troublesome, and he opened the conversation box unknowingly. "... The elder brother just lifted the test this year, and his family celebrated him. My father let him rest for a while, and now he is idle at home and doing nothing. Let him draw a picture to pass the time. "

Xie Xing was moving.

A few days ago, Leng's had just reorganized her room. At present, there is still a mural hanging on the wall. It would be better if Gu Ruyi's brother could paint it.

Xie Xun looked at Xie Yi subconsciously.

She can take control of these things by herself, and Xie Yan does not influence her opinion, "You decide for yourself."

She nodded gently. "Then trouble sister Gu."

Gu Ruyi asked her what pattern she wanted to draw. She said she wanted a bamboo rhyme evergreen. Gu Ruyi wrote it down and asked her to tell her brother.

In the end, Xie Yun thoughtfully thought, "After Gu Gongzi finished painting, the girl in your office told me that I asked my brother to pick it up and thanked Gu Gongzi by the way."

Gu Ruyi nodded his head, not talking yet, but Princess Yi Yi heard Xie Rong's name and couldn't help thinking about it, and blushed.

I did a while in the Magnolia Courtyard, and just before lunch, a few girls got up and went to the front yard hall.

Passing by a rockery, I heard someone talking behind me.

It was two or three girls who spoke.

There were rockery and trees behind them, as if they didn't notice the people coming from behind, talking to themselves.

"I heard that Border Pass is messy now ..."

"Why not, dozens of people dead!"

Another girl wearing a goose yellow spring shirt made a mysterious and mysterious look and whispered to the other two people, "The sixth prince and the third master Xie San of the state government, as well as the young master Xie, haven't also gone ... I heard that Grandpa got sick and did n’t know if he could come back. My dad said that the Holy Lord sent him to the border, and I do n’t know whether to value him or to ... ”

Without saying a word, I made a crooked expression.

Several people were amused by her expression, and Jun Jun couldn't help. When he was laughing, he saw a face with frost standing next to Xie Yuan, his face turned pale and he couldn't say a word.

The few people who had just come alive still looked like chickens with their throats pinched.

Xie Yuan came to them, and asked expressionlessly, "Who are you girls?"

Several of them looked at each other, crying: "The prince and concubine ... please go around us, just don't hear anything ..."

Xie Yan sneered, "You said my dad was sick, why didn't I hear that? Who taught you this?" Thinking of their bold remarks, I couldn't help getting angry, "If it's not honest, I will Pass on your words to the saints today, and dare to speculate on the saints privately, do you not die? "

Speculation on the divine will, talking about the royal family, this is a great sin to copy the house!

The three immediately trembled like a sieve, thumped to kneel in front of Xie Yi, banged his head, and regretted asking Xie Yi to forgive: "We knew something wrong ..."

One of them was afraid that she really came to the Emperor Yuan Hui and immediately honestly explained: "We are just hearing the story, and there is no real evidence. The news of Xie Sanye ’s serious illness was still heard from the Lin family girl ... , Go around us this time. "

Xie Xiemei, "How did they know about my dad?"

The three shook their heads together and said they didn't know.

I ca n’t ask any more. Xie Ye just scared them. He did n’t really send them to the Emperor Yuan Hui, and let them all go in a cold voice. “If I let you hear your arguments next time, It's not that simple! "

The three of them thanked, and retreated with soft legs.

Princess He Yi, Gu Ruyi and Xie Xuan, who were hiding behind the stones, came out, and Princess Yi stared in dissatisfaction at the direction of the three of them leaving. tongue!"

Xie Yan frowned, her face solemn, "Does the princess know what my father is doing at the border? Has he really contracted the disease, but has anyone said it on the holy side?"

Yan Yaoan shook her head, just as Xie Yi was relieved, she said, "I know everything about the situation around the father, even if he is really sick, he will not tell me. So, I will go back to the palace today to help you ask When asked, if there is news, they will go to Prince's House to tell you. "

She nodded solemnly.

Then thought of the three people saying that the Lin family girl rumors.

Yan Yaoan is also wondering. It is reasonable to say that Lin Rui has been quitting his home recently. He shouldn't understand the situation in Central Korea. So how do they know?

Xie Xuan said Xie Xing's fall into the water at General's Mansion, "... we suspect that it was done by the girl next to Lin Huaping."

She didn't say Xie Xun went to Lin Fu to recognize people, but only said that Xie Xun recognized that it was Lin Huaping's maid. Yan Yaoan listened and shook his sleeve angrily. "This Lin family really doesn't have a good thing!"

Xie Yuan nodded in agreement.

Yan Yaoan walked and made ideas for them. When he was about to reach the flower hall, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he muttered a few words in Xie Yi's ear.

After listening to her, Xie Yan followed with a smile, and Lulu Huihui said, "Isn't the princess afraid of Lin's resentment?"

Yan Yaoan's lips were not thoughtful, which was rather unreasonable. "Her family is going to fall. I'm afraid her father won't succeed?"

Besides, she is a princess!

Xie Yi heard a bit of truth.

The party was eating in the flower hall.

Leng's and Liu's and one of his elders ate in Dongjian, and their girls' homes ate in Xijijian. On the table, Xie Xie and Xie Xun just happened to make Lin Huaping and Sister Lin Jinping. After a meal, Xie Xie didn't eat much, and even Xie Xun ate less than usual.

Xie Yun asked her why afterwards, and she hummed, "No appetite ..."

After having dinner, Liu invited them to sit in the backyard gazebo, cooked the tea, and moisturized their throat after meals.

The sun in the afternoon is much more pungent than in the morning. Before the summer, the weather began to get hot.

Xie Yan and Xie Xuan stood by the lake, talking one after another.

At this time there were not many people by the lake, most of the girls hid to stop and let cool, and a few came out to walk around.

It didn't take long for them to see Yan Yaoan walking out of the pavilion with Lin Huaping and stopping on the river not far from them. Lin Huaping's face was a little flattered. They all knew that it was not easy to get close to Princess Yi, and they only talked to the people they liked, and they always ignored them.

Suddenly, Lin Huaping has a glimmer of vitality. If she can deal with the princess, ask her to say a few words in the presence of the Holy Father, will her family be saved?

Because she was too happy, Lin Huaping couldn't even think of why Princess He Yi suddenly changed her attitude towards her and walked to the lake.

Yan Yaoan looked at Hu Xin and asked with interest: "I was walking in the hospital just now, and I heard someone say that Xie Sanye was sick at the border. Do you know this?"

Lin Huaping's face looked as usual, and smiled. "Is this the case? Back to the princess, I don't know."

"Really?" Yan Yaoan looked at her with a smile on her lips. "If this is true, you should be happy, right?"

Lin Hua held his breath and kept a quiet smile on her face. "The princess laughed and laughed. Master Xie and the six princes went to the border to sacrifice the common people and share their concerns for Da Jing. If they had an accident, we were too late to worry, how could we do it Gloat? "

It's true.

Yan Yaoan was almost fooled by her, thinking that Lin Rui really has the ability, two daughters, one is a famous talented girl in Beijing, and one with a mouth open will flicker. She bends her lips, smiling with ridicule, "Girl Lin is so big ..."

Lin Huaping laughed and said nothing.

"If Ling Zun's corruption and bribery were exposed, I wonder if you can still be so calm?" Yan Yaoan asked with a smile.

Guo Jianlin's face became frightened.

Yan Yan, Yan Yaoan asked again: "Do you think your father can escape this disaster?"

Lin Huaping's voice trembled, "What does the princess say ..."

"I can help you say two words in front of the Father." She raised an eyebrow. "But you have to promise me one thing."

Lin Huaping asked urgently, "What is it?"

She said it was not difficult. She pointed her finger to the lakefront in front of her. "I see that the bonsai in front looks good. How about you picking it for me?"

Lin Huaping followed her line of sight and saw that the seat near the center of the long lake near the lotus pond had no place to borrow. The heart of the lake is about ten feet deep, and she does not know how to swim. It is almost impossible to swim past!

Lin Huaping's face was embarrassed. "If the princess really likes it, I will let the wife who knows water come over for you ..."

She smiled and shook her head. "How can you prove your sincerity if Lin doesn't go in person?"

There is no room for discussion in the words.

Lin Huaping said for a moment. If she really passed by, let alone take off the lotus flower and come back, maybe she lost her life! "Why did the princess want that one?"

Yan Yaoan blinked, and she was naive, "I think it looks good. Go back and let the lotus root boiled lotus fungus soup at night. It must be delicious."

After talking for a long time, there was no movement in Lin Huaping. She glared on her hips and said, "Whether you can go or not? The only chance is this time, but don't regret it."

Lin Huaping gritted his teeth. "The princess talks?"

She snorted. "When did Princess deceive someone?"

Because of her words, Lin Huaping rushed out. As long as you can save her father through a calamity, what would it take for her to pick a lotus flower? What's more, there are so many people on the shore of the lake, and Lin Jinping is also there. In case she falls into the water, can no one save her? Thinking about this, she jumped into the lake without hesitation, and the whole figure did not enter the water. After a while, she flew up and down two rivers, and wanted to swim to the lotus that Yan Yaoan talked to, but she overestimated herself after all. Not to mention picking a lotus flower, she now has no ability to go ashore to save her life.

Lin Huaping called for help in the water: "Help ... Save me ..."

Seeing the movement here, the people in the pavilion sat up and showed panic.

Yan Yaoan stood on the shore in a hurry and complained: "You say you don't know how to water, what else do you want to jump into the lake? Even if I say you want to eat a lotus flower, you can't ignore your life!"

After talking for a long time, I finally remembered that I could be pulled by her.

Unfortunately, she was some distance away from the shore of the lake, Rao could not reach her with her arms extended.

Lin Huaping drank a belly of water in the water. Seeing that he was about to die, his eyes rolled to the bottom of the water and scared his wife. Lin Jinping was pale, and constantly called his sister on the shore, "Who can water? Save my sister, save the screen!"

Yan Yaoan finally remembered that he had a tadpole who could understand the water, and that tadpole jumped into the water and fished Lin Huaping out of the water.

Lin Huaping was unconscious at this time. The mother-in-law pressed her belly, and she spit out a spit of water, which was regarded as salvation.

Lin Jinping fluttered on her and cried red eyes, and asked the people: "How did she fall into the water?"

The girl who saw it yelled: "Girl Lin jumped off by herself ..."

Lin Jinping didn't believe it, who would be good at jumping into the water? Someone must have killed her! She subconsciously thought of Xie's two sisters, but turned to look at Xie Yi and Xie Xun, both of them were standing on the periphery with bright expressions on their faces. And Lin Jinping saw it just now. The two of them were far away from Lin Huaping, and it was impossible to harm her ...

At that time, the princess nearest to the screen was the princess. Was it the princess?

She looked at Yan Yaoan doubtfully. Yan Yaoan was also distressed, showing anxiety. "It's all my fault. I said that I wanted to eat a lotus flower. Girl Lin said that she would pick it for me. If I knew she would not have water, How could she not let her go! Fortunately, no one was killed, otherwise how could I be happy? "

Lin Jinping was very skeptical of this rhetoric.

However, almost everyone who saw it said that Lin Huaping jumped in by himself, and no one pushed her. Even if Lin Jinping didn't believe it, he couldn't say anything.

I asked the doctor to show Lin Huaping the screen. After sending away the Lin family, several people were sitting in the octagonal gazebo.

Thinking of the scene just now, Xie Ye still felt funny, "After Lin Jinping went back and asked Lin Huaping, he probably hated the princess."

Yan Yaoan didn't take it seriously, "There are more people who hate me. I still care about them both?"

Full overlord temperament.

"Then how do you plan to end it, do you really want to speak for the governor in front of the holy?" If so, then Lin Huaping will not lose money today.

Who knew that Yan Yaoan asked the question rightly: "She didn't pick me a lotus flower, why should I say something good for Lin Rui?"

Xie Yuan and Xie Xun were stunned.

"Say it again." She took a sip of tea, calmly said: "Even if I speak for Lin Rui in front of the Father, I did not agree that she must say something good ... I have long seen Lin Rui displeased, Like a hob, it ’s not bad to see people talking and talking to people. ”

Xie Yi can be regarded as turning over his face and not acknowledging his account.

In any case, it was she who gave Xie Xing a sigh of relief, and Xie Xie thanked her with heart: "... I can't think of Lin Huaping jumping."

Xie Yan and Xie Xing were standing on the other side at the time, thinking that Lin Huaping would turn around and leave, but unexpectedly she jumped into the water without hesitation, and surprised both of them.

Yan Yaoan saw the blood at once: "She's stupid."

It was a pity that she sighed first, "But it was really cheap for her. When Ah Xing fell into the water, it was late autumn, and the lake was cold. Now it is late spring, and at least she has given her a little lesson."

This lesson is enough for Lin Huaping to remember for a lifetime.

It is estimated that she will not dare to take a step closer to the water and never want to eat a lotus flower again.

Lin Huaping and Lin Jinping returned home. Lin Huaping recounted the agreement with Princess He Yi at that time. Thinking of the fear of falling into the water, she still shivered a little: "Sister ... Go and help me to ask the princess, she promised me to return Do you count? "

After listening to her, Lin Jinping didn't hold much hope.

However, I still had a chance to ask Princess He Yi.

Unexpectedly, Princess He Yi said, "I have spoken in front of the Emperor, and if he does not listen, then I can't control it."

Lin Jinping took these words with Lin Huaping. Lin Huaping was frightened by falling into the water and lay on the bed for three days. "She ... she lied to me ..."

It was angry at first, but then calm down and think, why should the princess deal with them?

Who did Princess He Yi go nearest?

The two sisters looked at each other, and saw anger in each other's eyes. "It must be Xie Xie and Xie Xun, they must be the idea that they made the princess do!"

He shook his fist in anger, red eyes.

As the summer is approaching, Xie Yan finally received a letter from Yan Yu.

In the letter, he wrote in a few words about his situation in Jiang, almost all of which are irrelevant. He said that his routine for the day, and then said that Xie Liqing and Xie Rong were all well, so that she did not have to worry about it. After reading Xie, I didn't expect there was a second page. I read it carefully and asked her how she has been recently, what she has done every day, and where she has been. I can't wait to ask her three meals a day.

After Xie Xuan looked, he raised his lips and smiled.

She came to the study and asked Pisces to prepare a pen, ink, paper, and a pen to write a letter. After thinking about how to speak for a long time, she was about to write, and Shuangyan suddenly walked into the house with anxiety, neglecting to salute and said: "Girl, cousin girl happened in another hospital!"

Xie Yan did not raise his eyelids, "Which cousin?"

Only then did Shuang Yan realize that she had made a mistake and rephrased: "It's Ouyang Yi."

After Ouyang Yi moved to another hospital, she was fairly honest at first, and she was completely guarding Li's tablet after seven or seven. After seven or seven, it began to be dishonest and got along very badly with the neighbors' homes. A few days ago, her two cases of dowry were lost. She suspected that it was the neighbor Liu's family. She and Liu's daughter-in-law smashed into a ball on the spot.

The Liu family didn't admit to stealing her things. She bit the bite and the Liu family stole it. Now the two sides are in trouble, and they even want to see the government.

Xie Yan listened, only felt a headache, "Is n’t it that she had nothing to do with us last time? Tell me what I do, I do n’t care

Shuangyan knew that she didn't want to see Ouyang Yi, so she knew that she shouldn't be nosy, she said yes, and retreated without saying a lot. 2k novel reading network