MTL - The Roots of Manga-Chapter 15 Nick Fury's Doubts

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Chapter 15 Nick Fury's Doubts

"Your decision is somewhat wrong."

The white-robed man was wearing a mask, his exposed eyes were full of indifference, and his words were very hoarse.

Natasha pressed against his Hidden Blade, and she smiled and said, "The last man who showed me this look was at your feet."

"Really? Maybe I can teach you a lesson on his behalf."

The white-robed man was none other than Kade. As for Natasha, he decided to take action himself.

Sparks sputtered from the dagger and Hidden Blade, and the two separated briefly.

Card kicked the dead body of the terrorist leader away and walked towards Natasha.

Natasha lifted a table and threw it, colliding with the corpse.

They rushed towards each other again, their weapons kept colliding, both of them had reached the peak of their fighting skills, and they were both good at assassination, so it was like two fierce snakes fighting, avoiding each other's fangs, and trying to kill themselves The fangs pierced into the opponent's body.

Card blocked the punch coming towards his face with his arm, and slid down, trying to cut off Natasha's arm. Following his strength, Natasha moved her arm downwards, and the other hand holding the dagger was inserted horizontally, blocking the Hidden Blade.

The two of them almost broke apart at the first touch, but every blow seemed to be fighting for their lives.

Unknown to the outside world, Natasha didn't want to continue this stalemate, so she suddenly bent her body, and pointed the short belt knife made of special materials from S.H.I.E.L.D. at Card at a strange angle.

If it is maintained like this, both moves will remain the same, and Natasha's upper body will be within the range of Kade's Hidden Blade, but Kade's heart will also be pierced.

This is a posture of dying together.

Kade's two Hidden Blades crossed against Natasha's weapon, and Natasha felt a strong force coming from the hand holding the weapon.

The strength of the other party is absolutely abnormal. Is it to transform people?

Although Natasha was shocked, she was not affected. She used her strength to roll away, came to a table, and took the weapon she had confiscated on it.

"I don't think that changes anything."

Card said coldly, his vision suddenly became black and white, everything seemed to have floating lines, and he could see all the texture details.

He turned on Eagle Vision.

When Natasha confronted Kade again with the triangular army thorn, her feelings were completely different. Every movement of her was seen, and the opponent avoided her attack as if he had predicted it.

In just a dozen moves, she suffered eight or nine injuries.

"This is the gap between you and us."

When Kade's voice sounded again, Natasha's hands were empty, and a huge force directly lifted her two military thorns, and then her fist hit her head very quickly.

Natasha rolled her eyes and fainted neatly.


Card snorted coldly, reached out to pick up the unconscious female agent, put it under his arm, and then walked out, outside there were more than a dozen assassins who were dressed similarly to him waiting for him.

A bunch of spies and terrorists were comatose on the ground. Unlike Kad and Natasha's duel, the assassins directly used drugs for other people outside the cave. After Kad came out, some assassins used Hidden Blade keeps killing terrorists.

"As expected of Master Card, even the Black Widow can be solved so easily."

An assassin couldn't help but sighed when he saw Card.

Before he awakened his memory, he used to be a member of the FBI, and he knew a little about the Black Widow's information, and it was because of this that he admired it.

"This woman's martial strength is really good. From the perspective of fighting, she is even above me." Card shook his head and sighed: "I only win in strength and speed, as well as the ability of an assassin."

"It's just part of who we are."

"I won't underestimate myself because of this. I will imprison these people next time. Soon, we will have an official conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D."

The assassin hesitated and asked, "Is it necessary for us to do this? It seems that we don't need to be an enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"So, we didn't kill anyone. Kenway, you have to know that once we are dispersed, we are part of this society. For S.H.I.E.L.D., we are invisible. This allows us to fear no one, you should know, Heroic spirits have come into the world, and the mystery is about to return. We need some status. Simply put, S.H.I.E.L.D. is the biggest special agency on the surface, and we always have to deal with them, so we need the corresponding right to speak , which will save a lot of trouble.”

"But in this way, I'm afraid we will be defined as them."

Kenway kicked the dead body of a terrorist next to him.

"So, we will let him see the power of the sacred object, and don't forget where our real power lies. With that power, coupled with our capital power around the world, these are enough to make us stop the war."

Card's face was deep. This matter was the result of their seven masters scattered all over the world discussing secretly through secret channels, and the leader Leviathan set the tone.

"I see."

Kenway nodded, and he put his eyes back on the black widow. He looked at the bruise on her forehead, and the corners of his mouth resisted twitching.

"This is a famous female agent. It's really unreal. She was defeated so easily."

"Believe in your bloodline and firmly believe in inheritance, you can do it too." Kade glanced around and said in a deep voice: "Assassins, it's time to go!"

At this moment, all the terrorists were killed, and the assassins picked up the agents, and quickly left the cave with Card.

Soon after, several secret safe houses of S.H.I.E.L.D. were filled with unconscious agents who were on missions, including Natasha.

When Nick Fury learned about it, he looked ugly for a while, and when he saw the same pattern drawn in those safe houses, he was left with a strong sense of crisis.

The handbook that Natasha brought back from Bayek's manor contained the emblem of the Assassin Organization, which was the pattern.

"An ancient organization that keeps pace with the times and possesses terrifying financial resources, Hill. They are much stronger than the Hand."

He solemnly narrated his thoughts to his adjutant Maria Hill, his dark face looked like the real bottom of the pot at this moment, and he frowned tightly, "This is undoubtedly revenge, I asked Natasha after she woke up, and it was confirmed from the costumes that it was the Assassin organization. But we have no evidence, even if we know that the Bayek family must be a part of the Assassin. UU reading www.”

"Director, I have read Natasha's report. To be able to defeat her so easily, there is no doubt that the other party is a superhuman. Due to the connection between the heroic spirit incident, I suspect that it is also related to magic."

"Hill, in fact, whether it's science or magic, what should we do next for what we need now." Nick Fury propped up his chin, sitting on a chair, looking very calm.

In fact, it is true. Years of experience have told him that only calm can bring about a breakthrough, and ignorant panic can only make the brain stupid and numb.

"I believe that you already have a plan."

Hill said.

"You're right, Hill." Nick Fury admitted, he said: "I chose to put them down, I don't know how much they know about us, the counterattack we suffered this time represents a serious leak of intelligence, So I decided to investigate the interior secretly and conduct a major inspection."

Hill was stunned, and then she understood. She asked, "Who do you think is the most suspicious?"

"Anyone!" Nick Fury's voice was heavy, and then he said: "Hill, you understand what I mean."

Hill nodded and said, "I'll go to the interrogation room."

"You go out first, you are in charge of the third and fourth level agents in this matter, and I will give you some confirmed personnel."

After Hill left, a trace of irritability surged in Nick Fury's heart. There were too many incidents caused by Heroic Spirits, such as Rasputin who had already obtained the title of demon monk, Assassin of the Assassin Organization, and Yasin, the law enforcement officer who disappeared.

Everything is connected together, and everything makes him wonder how to solve it.

And according to intelligence, incidents related to the mystery have become more and more frequent recently.

"This is absolutely abnormal!" Nick Fury said to himself.