MTL - The Rich and Powerful Marry: the Rebirth of the Ace-Chapter 396 375: She's not someone you can provoke!

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   Chapter 396 375: She is not someone you can provoke!

   Knowing that God J is coming soon, Cecina immediately went to the bathroom.

   She stood in front of the mirror and carefully looked at herself in the mirror.

  The beauty in the mirror wears delicate makeup, wears a beautiful and luxurious dress, and there is no flaw in her body.

  Cecina took out the perfume that he carried with him, after spraying it, he made sure that there was no other unpleasant smell on his body, and then he left the bathroom.

   came outside, and Cecina went straight to Kalinla.


  Karinla nodded slightly and introduced the people around Cecina, "This is the Minister of International Biology, Mr. Atwood."

  Cecina looked at Atwood, "Hello, I'm Cecina."

  Atwood said with a smile: "I have long heard that Miss Kalingla has a beautiful sister. When I saw her today, she really deserved her reputation."

  The words that Cecina heard most from childhood were surprises and sighs.

   So, she was used to hearing the praise from Minister Atwood.

   After all the same thing happens every day.

  Cecina said very modestly: "You have won the prize."

  Atwood raised the cup in his hand and gave Cecina a slight respect, "I still have something to do, I'm sorry."

   Cecina nodded.

After   Atwood left, Cecina looked at Kalingla and asked impatiently, "Sister, is God J coming?"

   "Not yet." Kalingra said.

   Hearing this, Cecina sighed, "Why hasn't he come yet? Will he not come?"

   After all, the banquet has been going on for a long time.

  Karinla shook his head, "Probably not."

   "Let's wait."

   "Okay." Cecina nodded. Although he was a little anxious, there seemed to be no other way but to wait.

   Time passes by every minute and every second.

   Cecina kept looking at the time.

   But the banquet hall never had the presence of God J.

  Cecina got a little impatient.

   At this moment, there was a commotion at the door, and everyone turned to look.

  It is J God is here!

   Aware of this problem, Cecina immediately turned his head.

   Next second.

  Cecina was stunned.

  I saw that the person who came was wearing white clothes and black trousers, with a pair of Martin boots on his feet, which looked a little wild and a little cool.

This is

  Song 婳!

  Why is Song Yu here?

   Moreover, she was dressed so casually.

  Be aware that all the women are wearing dresses tonight.

   Is Song Jing doing this to do the opposite and attract the attention of other men?

   is so disgusting!

  Cecina was speechless.

   She never thought that Song Jing would also appear here.

  Cecina walked to Kalinla, "Sister, why is Song Wei here?"

  This is a high-class banquet hosted by Mr. Mason.

   Ordinary people cannot participate at all!

  What qualifications does Song Yu have to participate?

  Karinla squinted her eyes, she was also very strange.

  Song Wei was nothing but her face, and her existence simply lowered the level of the banquet.

   After a while, Kalingla continued: "The Song family has a huge influence in the capital. Not only are the elites from all over the world attending the banquet tonight, even God J is here."

   Before Kalinla finished speaking, Cecina continued: "Song Jing must have come for God J!"

   is so shameless.

  Cecina never thought that Song Jing would be embarrassed to appear in such a place.

   Do you really think God J is so close?

  Karinla nodded.

  Cecina bit her lip and looked at Song Yu who was ahead, her eyes were full of hostility.

   Originally, she was quite sure about this matter, but after Song Jing appeared, she suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

   After all, Song Jing has such a beautiful face.

  Compared with Song Jing, she is still a little bit worse.

  If Song Jing appeared in front of J God, would J God still see her?

   The more he thought about it, the more sad he became, and he wanted to bite a silver tooth.

   "Sister, what should I do now?" Cecina looked at Kalingla.

  Karinla frowned slightly and continued, "You don't have to take Song Wei to heart."

  Cecina's eyes widened, not understanding what Kalingla meant.

  Karinla continued: "J God is not so superficial."

  Although Cecina really has nothing, at least she still has such an excellent older sister as herself.

  With a sister like her, Cecina's genes will not be too bad.

  What does Song Yu have?

   She has nothing.

  Song 婳 is just an overpacked vase.

   Nothing but beauty.

   How could someone like God J be interested in a vase?

   Arabian Nights.

  Song Jing thinks of herself too highly.

   She thought that she was beautiful and would definitely attract the attention of God J.

   But in fact, Song 婳 is nothing.

  Cechina tried to calm herself down, looked at Kalinla, "Really?"

   "Yeah." Kalingla nodded and continued, "You follow me later, we must find J God first."


Seeing that Cecina was still restless, Kalingla stopped, looked at Cecina, and said word by word: "Cecina, remember, you must be no worse than Song Hua, Even more than ten times or twenty times better than her."

   With Kalingla, Cecina's confidence instantly increases.

   "Hmm." Cecina nodded to Kalingla with a confident look in his eyes.

  Kalinla took Cecina to meet the bigwigs from all over the world, while watching the movement of the banquet hall. If she saw God J, she would bring Cecina there as soon as possible.


  Karinla took Cecina around the banquet hall several times, but she didn't see any trace of God J.

   These are not only disappointed by Secina, but even Kalinla is a little disappointed.

   It seems that God J really won't appear tonight.

   At this moment, a waiter trotted over.

   "Is that Miss Kalingla?"

  Karinla nodded, "It's me."

  The waiter looked at Kalingla and continued, "Miss Kalingla, Mr. Mason asked you to take Miss Sechina over there."

   "The teacher is looking for us?" Kalingla asked.

   "Yes." The waiter made a 'please' gesture, "You two come with me."

  Karinla glanced at Cecina, and then they both followed in the footsteps of the waiter.

   shuttle from the outside of the ballroom to the inside.

   Seeing Kalingla, Mr. Mason waved to her, "This way."

  Karinla and Secina walked over quickly.

   "Teacher, you are looking for us."

Mr.   Mason nodded and said with a smile: "Karinla, didn't you say that your sister worships God J? She's here."

   Hearing the words, Cecina instantly became energetic, straightened his waist, and showed his best state.

  What if God J is nearby?

   She must let God J see her most dazzling self.

  Karinla was also a little excited, "When did God J arrive?"

   "Just arrived soon."

   "Mr. Mason." At this moment, a nice female voice came from the air.

   is somewhat familiar.

  Karinla and Cecina raised their heads at the same time.

   Seeing this, both of them were a little surprised, and then the surprise in their eyes instantly turned to disgust.

   I saw that the person who came was actually Song Yu.

  I think about it with my toes and know why Song Jing suddenly appeared.

   She must know that J God and Mr. Mason have a good relationship, so she came here.

   This kind of person is really not ordinary thick skinned!

   Really shameless!


   What makes Kalingla a little puzzled is why Song Yu knows Mr. Mason!

   Or is it that Song Wei doesn’t know Mr. Mason at all.

  She is just climbing a high branch?


   Surely so.

   Thinking of this, Kalingra narrowed her eyes.

just wait.

  Song Po is about to make a fool of herself.

   After all, Mr. Mason is not someone who can be casually approached.

   At this moment, Mr. Mason turned his head slightly and said with a smile, "You are here."

   is a somewhat respectful tone.

   And in Chinese.

  Karinla and Cecina frowned at the same time.

   is so weird.

  Song Jing nodded slightly.

Before Kalingla and Cecina could react, Mr. Mason continued: "Introduce to you, this is my student Kalingla, this is Kalingla's sister Cecina, both of them like you very much. "

   After saying a sentence, Mr. Mason turned to look at Kalinla and Cecina, "Kalinla, Cecina, this is Jue, the God of J."

  Karinla and Cecina were immediately stunned.

The expression on   's face is wonderful.

  The two looked at each other, thinking they were hallucinating.

  What did Mr. Mason say?

  He said Song Yu was Jue?

  J God? !

Do not!

   Absolutely impossible.

   How could Song Yu be J God?

  Karinla's face turned pale.

  Cecina's face was even more incredible.

  If Song Yu is J God.

   Then what is she?

  Karinla recalled how she looked at the time when she was aloof and invited Song Wei to join the nationality of country C.

   is somewhat ironic.

   At this time, Kalingla tried hard to calm herself down and looked up at Mr. Mason, "Teacher, you, you're not kidding?"

   How could Song Yu be J God.

   Must be Mr. Mason joking.

Mr.   Mason said with a serious face: "How could I make a joke about this?!"

   After the words fell, Mr. Mason looked at Song Wei again, and continued: "Sorry, I have never seen anything in the world as a student, J God, please don't have the same knowledge as her."

  No one knows the terrifying power of this man better than Mr. Mason.

   She looked young and harmless, but she was actually black-bellied.

  Song Jing smiled lightly, "It's normal for young people to have never seen the world, Mr. Mason don't take this matter to heart."

   Who cares about a younger generation?

Mr.   Mr. Mason looked at Kalingla with a look of disappointment in his eyes, "Kalingla?"

  Karinla didn't react from the shock.

   Mr. Mason frowned slightly. He had always thought that Kalingla was a very talented student, but today Kalingla's performance was really unsatisfactory.

Who is   Jue?

  How can Kalinla be so gaffe!

   Fearing that Kalingla's next reaction will make Song Jing, Mr. Mason continued: "J God, let's go over there. I have another question I want to ask you."

   "Okay." Song Jing nodded slightly and followed in Mr. Mason's footsteps.

  Cecina looked at the backs of the two and licked his dry lips, "Sister, this"

   "Is Song Jing really J God?"

   No one could understand Cecina's mood at this time.

   She dressed up so that God J could be attracted to herself, and then bowed down under her pomegranate skirt.

   Available now.

  J God turned out to be Song Yu, whom he had always looked down on.

   What the **** is this?

   Cecina instantly felt like a clown!

  Perhaps, she shouldn't be here tonight!

  Kalinla's eyes were buzzing, and she couldn't hear anything. It took a long while for her to react, and she looked at the backs of Song Yu and Mr. Mason, her face pale.

  No one in this world can force Mr. Mason.

   No one can let Mr. Mason act with him.


  Song 婳 is really J God.

   She really is.

  Thinking of this, Kalingla's whole body was trembling slightly, with cold sweat on her back, and she took two steps back unsteadily. If Cecina had not supported her in time, Kalingla would have fallen to the ground.

   "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

  Karinla took a deep breath and said a simple sentence, "Song Yu. is God J."

   Hearing this sentence, Cecina's face changed, "No, this is impossible!"

  How old is Song Yu?


   How could she be J God.

   When she thought that the person she wanted to seduce tonight was actually Song Wei, Cecina felt very uncomfortable. She looked at Kalingla, "Sister, tell me, you are joking with me, right?"

  Karinla frowned slightly.

   She also wished she was joking with Cecina.


   is not.

   All of this is actually happening.

  Kalinla knew that it was not suitable to stay here any longer, and took Cecina's hand and said, "Let's go."

ten minutes later.

  The two appeared outside the banquet hall.

  In the capital of October, the night is already a little cold.

  When the night wind blew, people also woke up a bit.

  Cecina continued, "Sister, what the **** is going on?!"

  Karinla took a deep breath, "Song Jing is God J, we have to terminate the Pearl Blood Project immediately."

   "Termination?" Cecina frowned.

  Karinla nodded.

   Now, she finally understands why the Garcia family suddenly gave up looking for Pearl Blood.

turn out to be.

   It turns out that they had already discovered Song Jing's true identity!

   And Naco Garcia.

   No wonder Naco Garcia was expelled from the Garcia family and imprisoned on a cruel uninhabited island.

  Thinking of this, Kalingla's strength seemed to be taken away in an instant.


   Just a little bit, she became the second Naco Garcia!

   If she continues to implement the Pearl Blood Project, the consequences will be unimaginable!

  Karinla continued: "Song Wei is not someone we can provoke."

  Karinla is not a fool.

   If she went to provoke Song Jing at this time, it would be tantamount to pushing herself into the fire pit.

  Cecina was very dissatisfied.

   "Sister! Are you willing?"

  What exactly is Song Yu?

Kalingla turned her head to look at Cecina and said word by word, "If you don't want to, you have to swallow it! If you don't want to bring disaster to your father and family, don't provoke Song Hua anymore. , even if we see you later, you have to be polite."

   Originally, Kalingla still suspected that Song Jing was Suwen.

   Now, she has no doubts at all.

   At this time, Kalingla is very fortunate that she has delayed the Pearl Blood Project, if there is no delay.

  Cecina was still a little unwilling, biting her lip tightly.

  Karinla continued: "Do you know what happened to the last person who provoked Song Yu? Don't question Song Yu's strength casually!"

  Song Wei even abused the Garcia family casually.

   Not to mention them!

   You should stay away from a big guy like Song Yu who can't be offended.

   There is a saying in Huaguo that those who know current affairs are Junjie.

Kalingla looked at Cecina, her face gradually became serious, and she said word by word: "Cecina, listen to me, I'm not joking with you! If you don't have eyes to provoke Song Hua , don't blame me and my father for being ruthless!"

   She will never harm the interests of the entire family because of one younger sister!

  Cecina lowered his head, "Got it."

  Cecina has never suffered such a loss, and I don’t know how Kalinla endured it!

  Karinla knew Cecina very well and knew that she was unconvinced, and continued: "Cecina, do you know why Naco Garcia was expelled from the Garcia family?"

  Cecina did not speak.

   She also knew little about this matter. She only knew that the most favored little princess of the Garcia family was expelled from the genealogy and banished to a deserted island, where she could never step into the P country.

  Karinla continued: "Because she offended Song Wei, if you don't want to be the second Naco Garcia, take care of yourself."

   After saying this, Kalingla turned around and left.

  Some words can be said once, and it is boring to repeat too much.

  Cecina immediately followed in Kalinla's footsteps, "Sister, Song 婳."

   Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted directly by Kalingla, "I'll be called Miss Song in the future! Song Jing is not someone you can call casually!"

  Cecina opened his mouth, "I see."

   She has always been proud of being a noble of country C, and she also thought that one day she would be able to bring Song Jing back to country C, let her lie in the laboratory and become a test subject at the mercy of others.

  I didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

   The experimental guinea pig turned into a big guy who can't even mention his name!

   This is some kind of absurdity.

   and Kalingla.

  Karinla really disappointed Cecina this time.

   In the past, Kalingla was afraid of anyone, but what about now?

   The current Kalingla is intimidated by a Chinese person, and she doesn't even dare to say a word.

   This is nothing short of a humiliation for the nobles of country C!

After half an hour, the two returned to their residence.

   Looking at Cecina's lost soul, Kalingla said, "Wait a minute."

   "What's the matter?" Cecina looked back at Kalingla.

  Karinla continued, "Remember what I said tonight, don't set yourself on fire."

   "Hmm." Cecina nodded.

  Karinla frowned slightly, "I hope you really listened to it, not perfunctory, once you provoke Miss Song, no one can save you!"

   If Kalingla mentioned Song Jing with disdain in the past, now it is extremely respectful.

   This kind of respect is not just words, but from inside and outside.

  Song Jing was only nineteen years old, and she was able to sit in a position of supremacy, which showed that she was a very powerful person.

  Kalinla thought of the past and felt too ashamed and scared.

   She was very fortunate that Song Jing didn't care about herself.

  Cecina looked up at Kalinla, "I see."

   Although he said so on his lips, Cecina didn't think so in his heart.

   She doesn't believe that Song Jing is so powerful!

   Look scared my sister.


   She must take revenge

   made Kalingra look up to herself.

   Isn't it just a Song 婳?

   She believed that she would definitely make Song Jing pay the price!

  When the time comes, she must stomp Song Jing under her feet, and she will be ashamed!

   After the words fell, Cecina continued: "I went back to the room to sleep."

   "Go." Kalingla nodded.

  Cecina turned back to the house

   At this moment, Kalingla seemed to think of something, and then said: "Remember to keep in touch with Miyamoto. Next, let's focus on No. 26."

  Pearl Blood's plan is to be terminated, but the plan to find No. 26 cannot be terminated.


   "Go back and rest." Kalingra said.

  Cecina walked into the house and closed the door.

   Looking at the closed door, Kalinla frowned slightly, she knew that Sechina was very unwilling.

   I hope my sister will not do impulsive things.

the other side.

  Song Jing walked back through the banquet and drove back.

   When passing by a night market, Song Jing couldn't help but stop the car and went to the night market for food.

  Although it was past eleven o’clock at night, the night market was still full of people.

   The smell of food fills the air.

  Song Wei came to a stinky tofu stall and said, "Please give me a small portion of stinky tofu, slightly spicy."

   "Okay, now."

Not long after   , Song Yu got a serving of bean curd.

   She walked and ate, and stopped in front of a fried rice noodle stall again, and asked for a pork tenderloin fried rice noodle.

   was eating happily when a surprised voice suddenly appeared in the air, "婳婳!"

  Song Jing raised her eyes slightly and saw Mr. Bai.

   "Big Brother Bai."

  Mr. Bai smiled slightly, "It's so late, why are you still here for supper?"

   "Just passing by here, how about you?" Song Jing asked.

  Mr. Bai naturally wouldn't say that he came here when he saw Song Jing here, and continued, "I come here often to eat."

   After he finished speaking, he bent down and sat opposite Song Jing, turned to the boss and said, "Please give me some fried rice noodles."

   "Do you want it spicy?" the boss asked.

   "It can be a little spicy." Mr. Bai replied.

   "Okay, wait a minute."

  Song Jing pushed the stinky tofu in front of Mr. Bai, "You try this. It tastes good."

  Mr. Bai picked up a piece of stinky tofu and said with a smile, "I often eat this when I go to school."

   But at that time, my mother was afraid that the things outside were unsanitary, so most of the time she let the chef make it at home.

   In a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

  I thought that the stinky tofu outside was definitely not as delicious as the chef of the Bai family, but I never thought that it tasted so good.

   The two ate supper and chatted.

  After eating, Mr. Bai stood up and went to pay, "How much are two bowls of rice noodles?"

   "A total of eighteen." The boss replied.

   Mr. Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, it is not expensive!

   Sure enough, the things on the street stalls are economical and affordable.

   After paying the money, Mr. Bai looked at Song Yu, "婳婳, do you need me to take you back?"

  Song Jing shook her head, "I drove here."

   "Then be careful on the road." Mr. Bai said.


   Watching Song Yu leave, Mr. Bai picked up the car keys.

   At this moment, a surprised voice appeared in the air, "Old Bai!"

  Mr. Bai turned back and was a little surprised, "Daimo!"

   Dai Mo is not alone, behind him is his sister Dai Xuexue.

   Dai Xuexue was speechless.

  How can you meet this pauper anywhere?

  Dai Mo continued: "Why did you come to the capital, Lao Bai?"

   Mr. Bai replied: "I am from the capital."

   Hearing this, Dai Mo's eyes widened, "Aren't you from the north?"

   Mr. Bai smiled and asked, "Don't the capital belong to the north?"

  Dymo's eyes were full of surprise.

   You must know that the difference between the capital and the north is not a little bit.

   Even Dai Xuexue was surprised.

   As we all know, people in Beijing are the second generation and the second generation rich.

   Good morning, everyone~

   I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival mua! (*╯3╰)

See you tomorrow!



   (end of this chapter)