MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-v3 Chapter 28 [28] two more

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The vice-president was awakened by a violent shaking. He saw the little girl the night before, and he came back to sleep. He couldn’t say why. He went to the half-moon altar to watch Dabi on the second day. To be honest. It is not difficult to go to sleep in ten days and a half, but this time, he is extremely tired.

He took a nap and leaned on the bed and slept, but he was woken up without sleeping.

When he rushed to spread his knowledge and captured the source of the movement, his face changed instantly.

He rushed to the small attic hidden in the enchantment as fast as possible. The atmosphere in the attic had dissipated seven or eighty. There were some small footprints on the floor. He went down the stairs to the attic. Found that the portrait on the wall is gone!


A young man appeared at the door and looked worriedly at the deputy leader. "What happened? I just heard that there was movement here."

The vice-president said incredulously: "Your mother's portrait is gone."

The young man gave a slight glimpse: "Why didn't the mother's portrait disappear? Was it stolen? Who is so bold?"

"I don't know." The vice-president shook his head and his eyes fell on the incomplete little footprint on the first floor. "Look at the footprints... like a child?"


Ganoderma lucidum Yujian flew, she flew for a while, not sure if she had to fly out of the dead zone, if it flies out, she should go to find the implement.

But just as she was preparing to land, I heard a few familiar voices in the direction of faintness, as if calling her... Ganoderma Lucidum.

"Like Wei Wei's voice." Lingzhi shook his head, this is impossible, Wei Wei sleeps in the small courtyard, how come this place?

"Ganoderma lucidum."

"Ganoderma lucidum."

But the voice was passed from far away, and it was lingering in my mind.

Ganoderma lucidum is worried about what is the high-end Warcraft illusion, and does not want to pay attention to it, but can not control it, worry about what if Wei Wei is coming?

Although Ganoderma lucidum itself feels that this assumption is ridiculous, she throws it away from the forwarding direction and returns to the place where it was difficult to leave.

She is glad that she is back.

Qiao Weiwei holds a thing in her arms and walks deep in the sinister forest, surrounded by fierce beasts.

Ganoderma lucidum slammed a fierce fire, scared away the nearby beasts, and then the body shape was vertical, and fell lightly in front of Qiao Weiwei.

Qiao Weiwei looked up and snorted: "Ganoderma lucidum?"

Ganoderma lucidum simply suspected that she was blind, pinching her small face of white tofu: "You are not a Warcraft change?"

Qiao Weiwei's nephew suddenly became big, and his backhand touched his little butt.

The dragon tail didn’t come out...

Ganoderma lucidum came over: "It's really you, how did you come over? Is it a person? Or... Lu Shishu brought you over?"

Qiao Weiwei spread his small hand and revealed the green beads.

Ganoderma lucidum was even more surprised: "You still get the beads of life and death?!"

Qiao Weiwei bowed her head, like a child who was doing something wrong, staring at her own little ankle.

"These people, the beads are all messed up?" Where does Ganoderma lucidum know that this bead was caught by Qiao Weiwei, and she was accidentally picked up. Ganoderma lucidum glanced at the thing held by Qiao Weiwei in his arms. "What is this?" ?"

"Drawing." Qiao Weiwei handed the portrait to Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum opens up and looks like a domineering beauty figure. Unlike the little girl who is delicate, the beauty of the painting is only one of the backs of the cloak. Even the face is only a small half, but Ganoderma lucidum feels the stock. Unpredictable madness.

"Where is the painting?" Ganoderma lucidum asked Qiao Weiwei.

"There." Qiao Weiwei waved her hand.

Ganoderma lucidum followed the finger of Qiao Weiwei and saw only a black lacquered wood.

Ganoderma lucidum asked: "Is it in the woods?"

Qiao Weiwei said: "Linzi, eh!"

What? No.

She is an honest little cub, she does not lie.

Ganoderma lucidum did not hear this embarrassing little guy only admit the first half, and thought she was in the woods: "If I don't take it first, I will return to the owner and return it to him."

Qiao Weiwei grabbed the portrait and hugged it in her arms. She passed her small body and dissatisfied with the small back of a stalwart of Ganoderma lucidum!

"Hey, you still have a temper." Ganoderma lucidum couldn't help but take a slap-sized Qiankun bag from his arms. "Yes, hold it, this is the Qiankun bag that my brother gave me. You put the portrait. It is convenient and safe to put in."

Qiao Weiwei obediently put the portrait into it.

This is the first level of the Qiankun belt, there is only one box of space, but it is more than enough to install a picture.

Qiao Weiwei tied the Qiankun bag to his own small (fat) waist.

Ganoderma lucidum saw her dirty, took her to the nearby stream, washed her face, washed her little hands and feet, washed her little bedclothes, and licked a law, and dried it. Give her a new look.

"I didn't bring the shoes, you don't walk anyway."

Ganoderma lucidum will hold up Qiao Weiwei.

Qiao Weiwei yawned, his eyelids hanged twice, his head stunned and fell asleep.

Send Qiao Weiwei back, just use the pinch of Qiao Weiwei's beads, but this will be deeper in the middle of the night. There is no one on the altar in the half moon. Ganoderma lucidum does not worry that she will go back, so she will go on the road with Qiao Weiwei.

Ganoderma lucidum Yujian flew in the depths of the mountains.

Shortly after she left, a young man in a cloak, with a two-tailed red eagle, quietly followed.

Ganoderma lucidum used a cloak to put Qiao Weiwei on her back. I don’t know if it was her illusion. I always felt that after Wei Wei came up, the sword was a little shivering...

The monks in the base period still have no way to dispel the gods. Ganoderma can only listen to and see through the five senses, in order to judge whether there are any other monks nearby. She estimated that the instruments have been excavated by the monks, she went looking for them. It is better to grab it.

This is a bit unhealthy, but it is the rule that she is not robbing others. When she finds the instrument, there will be others to grab her.

After flying for a quarter of an hour, Ganoderma lucidum finally heard the movement, and it seems that there are still many people.

Ganoderma lucidum flew a closer look, hey, how much more? Is it really right? !

In addition to her, the other fourteen monks all came to the valley, thirteen people played in joy, one seemed to have been seriously injured, lying on a stone dying.

The group was a bit fierce. Ganoderma lucidum carried a child. For the time being, she didn't want to join in the fun. Just when she was going to fly away, she was discovered by the Tianlingen girl!

The Tianlingen girl, a sword, blocked the monk who had been killed by her, and looked up at the ganoderma lucidum in the air: "What are you doing? Come down and help!"

Ganoderma lucidum raised his eyebrows: "What help? I won't grab it with you, I will find it myself!"

Another monk chopped over to the Tianlingen girl.

The Tianlingen girl took a puddle and blocked him, and carried it to Ganoderma: "Are you still stupid? Didn't you see that something happened here?"

"Ah--" a female monk was stabbed in the stomach, and she screamed, but she did not fall down, but pulled out the dagger on her stomach, and the madman was tied to the side. A magic repair, that magic repair did not provoke her at all!

Of course, now she has provoked people, and people have turned their heads to deal with her.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at it, and the look became dignified: "These people... What happened to these people?"

The otters of the Tianlingen girl couldn’t keep up, they had to fight with a sword: "How do I know? They are all crazy! If you go on like this, everyone will die!"

This fact is too embarrassing. Except for the Tianlingen girl, all the other monks are like a heart-wrenching madman. When they meet someone, they kill, they don't know the pain, they don't fear life and death.

The Tianlingen girl is almost unable to support: "What are you hesitating? Someone wants us to die all here!"

Ganoderma lucidum glimpses, hiding the sleeping Qiao Weiwei in a big tree.

After she landed, a sword forced the monk who besieged the Tianlingen girl: "What happened?"

Tianlingen girl and Ganoderma lucidum back to back, formed a perfect offensive and defensive trend: "I said I don't know! When I arrived here, they had already fought."

Ganoderma lucides a retreat from a monk: "You are still coming over, don't know how to run?"

Tianlingen girl bites her lips.

What Lingzhi realized, the scorpion glanced: "Do you want to miss it?"

Tianlingen girl kicked off a monk who attacked Ganoderma lucidum: "Look ahead! Don't be distracted!"

Ganoderma lucidum cold channel: "I don't want you to pull me into the water, I am gone! Also let it be divided?"

The Tianlingen girl continues to pick up the sword and kill: "The ten pieces of the instruments are all found together, and they are on them. We can't wait for half of us!"

Ganoderma Road: "This time I have to pick!"

Tianlingen girl bites her teeth: "...good!"

The monks who can enter the finals are all very talented. Although the Tianlingen girl and the Ganoderma lucidum cooperate very well, they can't stand them and don't want to take human life. Those people do not care about their lives, not their own lives.

The spiritual power of Ganoderma lucidum has gradually overdrafted: "Isn't it true that you can't take human life? What happened to these monks? Is it evil?"

One word to wake up the dream, the Tianling root girl stunned: "I suspect they are manipulative."

Ganoderma lucidum's scalp is numb: "Can control so many monks, not you and I can deal with it?"

Of course not. The repair of the other party is at least above the knot, and it is very likely that it is a powerful Yuan Ying or even a god.

It seems that there are people from unknown sources who have secretly mixed into the venue of Dabi.

I don't know what the other party's purpose is? Kill the most potential new disciples of the major sects?

The two girls, who are less than 30 years old, add up to the other’s purpose.

Ganoderma lucides said: "You listen to me, we can't beat them. For the sake of the present, we are leaving here."

Tianlingen girl shouted: "Do you want to give up the big ratio?"

It is easy to leave, and the pinch beads can be sent back to the half moon altar, but they return empty-handed, which means no results.

Ganoderma lucidum is awkward: "Is life important or important?"

Tianlingen girl cried: "It's all important, I want both!"

Thirteen monks who built the foundations of the squadron joined hands, and it was not the Ganoderma lucidum and the Tianlingen girl who could overcome it. What is even more terrible is that these monks seem to have inexhaustible spiritual power.

The Tianlingen girl sinks her face and says: "Someone is giving them spiritual power in the neighborhood!"

Ganoderma lucidum wants to swear: "That is going to fight, we are not hacked to death by them, but also consumed alive!"

"Can you hold it for a while? I use the chasing soul card to find the guy!" Tianlingen girl said.

Chasing the soul card is a defensive type of instrument that can trace the source of spiritual power along a trace of clues.

Ganoderma lucidum has no idea to feel how there is such a good thing in her body. Ganoderma thinks that she can't hold it. She turned her head and glanced at the sweet-smelling Qiao Weiwei on the branch, biting her teeth and saying, "You can do it!"

The Tianlingen girl nodded and her body flashed and she withdrew from the battle circle.

The group of monks did not let her go so easily, and immediately surrounded her.

Ganoderma lucidum took a few deep breaths, closed the scorpion, and suddenly opened it. A powerful earth spirit spread and opened, forming an airtight wall in the air, instantly blocking the group of monks.

The Tianlingen girl was stunned. It was not only the firepower, the wood spirit, but also the gimmicks that could mobilize the earth spirits?

Ganoderma lucidum's spiritual overdraft is a mess: "Hello, are you? I can't hold it anymore..."

Tianlingen girl suppressed the shock of her heart, smashed the law, urged the soul-hunting card, and chased the soul plaque and flew out!

------Off topic ------

I thought that this chapter would write out that Mom came out, estimated the mistake, and got the next chapter.

Bully the little magic dragon, watch the big magic dragon, and 嘎嘎嘎~