MTL - The Remnants of the Uchiha Are Forced To Save the Ninja World-Chapter 70 destiny

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  Chapter 70 Fate

  After a while, Iruka smiled and shook his head: "Shinji, medical ninjutsu is not something you can master now!"

  Medical Ninjutsu requires extremely high chakra control.

   Let alone a ninja school student, he can't even master many Chunin and even Jōnin.

   Otherwise, medical ninjas would not be so rare and precious.

   "But I want to try!"

   Shinji looked serious.

   Seeing that Shinji didn't seem to be joking, Iruka also became serious.

  He knew that Shinji's talent far surpassed that of children of the same age, and he really had the talent to master medical ninjutsu.

   After pondering for a moment, he nodded: "Okay, I will apply to Hokage-sama for you!"

"Thank you, teacher."

   Shinji bowed and exited the teacher's office.

   When he came to the playground, he found a corner and ate bento while planning the way ahead.

  Considering that Sharingan may be frequently transplanted and replaced in the future, the mastery of medical ninjutsu must be put on the agenda, which is why he asked Iluka to apply for learning medical ninjutsu just now.

  Although briquettes can do a little medical ninjutsu.

  But when it comes to secrets like Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he doesn't want to pretend to be someone else.

  Come back to his senses, he glanced at the playground.

In a far corner, Ning Ci was sweating profusely and unleashed his soft fist against a wooden post. His palms fell on the wooden post like raindrops. His offensive was so fierce that Shinji felt bursts of shock from such a long distance. Startled.

   "Is it so spelled?"

  He looked away and glanced at Sasuke in another corner.

  Sasuke seems to be practicing ninjutsu throwing. He opened the Sharingan, shooting kunai continuously, and then using the wire to control the flying kunai in various directions.

   "Why does this guy seem to be imitating me?"

   Shinji was speechless.

  Yesterday he discovered that Sasuke's Taijutsu seemed to imitate him.

  However, Sharingan does have nicknames such as 'Copy Eye' and 'Copy Eye'.

  General physical and ninjutsu, as long as they are seen by Sharingan, they also have the corresponding chakra properties, and they can all be copied.

  However, his taijutsu is based on the "breathing method", which is from the inside out, so Sasuke can imitate his moves and the use of chakra, but it is difficult to imitate his breathing skills.

   "One of them has hatred, the other has hatred. If there is a chance in the future, maybe I can recruit them to be my waiters."

  Sasuke's Vengeful Heart and Neji's Hate in a Caged Bird are both cards that Shinji can use when recruiting.

   Especially Sasuke, the potential of the reincarnated body of Otsutsuki Indra, only a few people in the entire ninja world can match it.

   If he can be subdued and recruited as a waiter, it will definitely be a lucrative business.

   As for Neji

  Recalling the ending of Neji in the original time and space, Shinji sighed faintly.

  A genius who has fought against fate all his life, a teenager who will always suppress his emotions, and a ninja who never backs down in the face of a strong enemy, the final ending turned out to be death in Ping A.

   Such an ironic ending is really embarrassing.

  From Neji, Shinji thought of himself.

  He is also trying his best to fight against fate, maybe in the future, he will die in an equal A of fate like Neji.

  Who knew!

  At this time, he remembered the last invasion.

  Xiang Lin took him for a big circle in the forest, but bumped into Didala, which was obviously abnormal.

  So until now, he has not been able to judge whether it was Xianglin's perception error or other reasons.

the other side.

  Iruka acted resolutely. After agreeing to Shinji, he immediately notified Shinji's application to the third generation.

  In Hokage's office.

  Because we were discussing what happened in the Forest of Death yesterday, it happened that the two advisory elders were also present.

  After Iruka left, Xiaochun turned to bed with a puzzled face: "Shinji Uchiha applied to learn medical ninjutsu? He is not even a ninjutsu, what kind of medical ninjutsu is he learning, isn't this nonsense?"

   Mito Menyan said: "Could it be related to what happened last night?"

   Turning to bed Xiaochun asked: "You mean the thing Danzo did?"

  The third generation also looked at Mitomon Yan.

After pondering for a while, Mitomonyan said: "According to the reports from the Anbu who protect Sasuke, Shinji Uchiha may have guessed something about what happened last night, so he applied to learn medical ninjutsu today, maybe he wanted to convey some kind of knowledge to us. information."

  "Medical ninjutsu." Turning to bed Xiaochun smiled and said, "He wants to tell us through this that he is not a threat to the village? Does an eight-year-old child have such a scheming plan?"

  Three generations were thoughtful: "Iruka mentioned to me several times that this Uchiha Shinji is very assertive and not an ordinary child."

   Mito Menyan nodded and said: "I have paid attention to him, he is a seedling with great potential."

  The third generation picked up the pipe and took a puff.

  He is weighing whether it is worth personally intervening for the sake of a Uchiha remnant.

  Before, because of Sasuke, Danzo had already had a very unpleasant quarrel. If he continues to put pressure on Danzo because of Uchiha Shinji, the relationship between the two parties will definitely deteriorate further.

Mito Menyan seemed to see the misgivings of the third generation, and said: "Danzo went too far this time, and moved the method of cleaning up his own subordinates directly to the village and used it on other people. This kind of behavior It must be contained!"

   "That's right, we're also doing it for his own good." After a pause, Xiaochun turned to bed and said, "Besides, he's already been given a chance. It's his subordinates who failed in their mission!"

   Under the persuasion of the two advisors, Sandai nodded.


  Without the direct threat of the Uchiha clan, all three of them feel that there is no need to continue to indulge the increasingly domineering Danzo.

  So the three generations beckoned.


   Soon, an Anbu appeared in front of Sandai: "Master Hokage!"

  Three generations ordered: "Go and inform Iruka to allow Shinji Uchiha to go to Konoha Hospital for an internship!"


  Anbe saluted, turned and left Hokage's office.

   Later, Sandai said to the two consultants: "It seems that we have to have a good talk with Danzo."

   Turning to bed, Xiaochun said: "It's cheap for that Uchiha brat, but he has such deep thoughts, is it really appropriate to keep it?"

  Mito Menyan couldn't help laughing: "The Uchiha clan has been wiped out, are you still worried that he will start a coup by himself?"

The third generation thought about it seriously: "Kakashi is not suitable to stay in Anbu anymore, let Kakashi contact Uchiha Shinji, if he is dissatisfied with the village, we can only deal with it as soon as possible, we must not Let him influence Sasuke Uchiha!"

  Returning to bed, Koharu and Mito Menyan nodded together.

  Three people in high position, with a few words, decided a person's fate.

   The second update is here, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, follow up! please!



  (end of this chapter)