MTL - The Remnants of the Uchiha Are Forced To Save the Ninja World-Chapter 158 War of the Moon Kingdom

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  Chapter 158 The Battle of the Kingdom of the Moon

  The Kingdom of the Moon.


  One after another of black shadows, carrying the sound of breaking wind, landed on a high cliff one by one.

   And on the edge of the high cliff, a stalwart figure stood there, in the wind and snow, looking at the town with faint lights in the distance.

   "Master Raikage!"

  At this time, the black shadows that fell on the cliff saluted the silhouettes on the edge of the cliff.

no doubt.

  These black shadows falling on the edge of the cliff were Kirabi, Yumuren and others who spent a whole day and night traveling from the Kingdom of Thunder to the Kingdom of the Moon.

  The stalwart figure standing on the edge of the cliff is naturally the Fourth Raikage who is going to lead the team himself.

  The Fourth Raikage was still looking into the distance, and asked in a low voice, "Is everyone here?"

  Qi Rabi took a step forward: "Brother, Yumuren team and I arrived first, and your direct subordinate Anbu is still behind, and it will take about half a day to arrive!"

  Fourth Raikage frowned upon hearing this, but didn't say much.

  Because he knows very well that it usually takes about two to three days to rush from the Kingdom of Thunder to the Kingdom of the Moon, even with the footsteps of a ninja.

   Kirabi and the others could arrive in one day and night, purely because this team is too elite.

   In comparison, his direct subordinate Anbu is a little weaker, so it takes a day and a half to arrive.

  The wooden man looked around and saw that there were not only the 'AB' combination of the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi on the cliff, but also her four-member team and a four-member communication team.

   Such a lineup is even enough to launch a surprise attack on the shadows of other ninja villages, so she also stepped forward and said, "Master Raikage, we should be enough to complete the task!"

  Kirabi changed his previous frivolity: "Brother, do you want to wait any longer? Anbu will be there in half a day at most!"

  Fourth Raikage shook his head: "It's too late!"

  Yumu asked: "Master Raikage, has the situation changed?"

"The target's whereabouts were discovered the evening before yesterday. At that time, the target had already completed the bounty exchange. Now two days have passed, and the target is about to leave the border of the Moon Country and arrive in the Country of Tang. If I continue to wait, I will be caught by Konoha first." !"

  Fourth Raikage expressed his concerns.

  The Kingdom of the Moon is close to the Kingdom of Thunder and belongs to Yunyin's sphere of influence. The Country of Tang is close to the Country of Fire and belongs to Konoha's sphere of influence.

  Konoha's intelligence ability is not inferior to Yunyin.

  So Raikage is worried about the target they are staring at, and Konoha has probably discovered it, and is tracking it. If the problem cannot be solved in the Kingdom of the Moon, the variables will be big.

  The wooden man said: "Since this is the case, what are we waiting for?"

  Kirabi pondered for a while, and said: "Brother, let's do it!"

Fourth Raikage nodded, then signaled to the ninjas in the communication class, handed over the information on the target to Kirabi and Yukito, and then said: "Our target this time is Kakuto in the Akatsuki organization, Hidan Both of them. The horns are the rebellious ninja of Takinobu village, and Hidan is the rebellious ninja of Tangnin village, both of them have the strength of jounin."

  Yu Muren smiled lightly: "It's just the rebellion of two small ninja villages, and you don't need to lead the team yourself!"

  Fourth Raikage actually didn’t pay much attention to Kakuto and Hidan, he said in a deep voice, “Our Yun Yin is bound to win this operation, let’s go!”

   After finishing speaking, there was a 'bang', and his whole body was like a cannonball, whizzing away into the distance.

  Kirabi, Yukito and other cloud hidden ninjas looked at each other, and then excitedly followed the fourth generation of Raikage.

   This operation can be said to be the most elite team sent by Yun Yin after the third Ninja World War, and it can be said to be a master!

   Not only did Raikage take the shot himself, but neither of the two Zhu Lili was lost.

  Although the strength of the opponent is mediocre and the task is not difficult, it still makes the elites of Yunyin feel excited for a long time!

  Jue poked out from the ground and said to Obito beside him, "Yun Yin and the others have already started to move!"

  Obito asked, "How many people are here?"

Absolutely replied: "In addition to the fourth Raikage and the two Jinchurikis, there seem to be six or seven Yunyin ninjas following, but half of these people are communication ninjas, and the remaining two or three should be Yunyin's elites! "

   Obito chuckled lightly and said, "Only so few people?"

  Except for the ninja in charge of communication, the manpower that Yunyin sent this time, combined together, is no more than two teams.

  If this manpower is just to deal with Kakuto and Hidan, it is indeed enough, but as the shadow of a village, Raikage should obviously take some emergencies into consideration.

  The fact that Raikage is so reckless only shows one thing, that is, he has absolute confidence in himself.

   Shua Shua

  At this time, Yaoyao and Shennong fell in front of Obito one after the other.

   Obito said: "The target has moved, you are ready!"

   Shennong had some doubts: "Do you really want to fight Lei Ying? That guy is a monster!"

  The sprite glanced at Shennong: "Are you scared?"

   Shennong didn't hide anything, and nodded lightly: "Now the zero tail has not been completed, and I don't have much confidence in fighting against a strong player of that level!"

   Obito ordered: "This time it is the action of the entire organization, you don't have to worry. The goal of the two of you is Rabbi Riki the Eight-tailed Jinzhu. At the critical moment, I will take action!"

  Xiaoyao's complexion sank: "Those three guys will also participate?"

  Undoubtedly, the monsters are referring to Shinji, Shiro, and Xianglin.

   Obito said: "This possibility is not ruled out! So you don't have to worry, our organization is bound to win this operation!"

  Pokemon looked relaxed: "I would like to see how strong the rumored perfect jinchuriki is! Leave the eight-tailed jinchuriki to me later!"

  Shen Nong said: "I'll help you hold Lei Ying!"

   Obito waved his hand: "Go down and get ready!"

  The Kingdom of the Moon, by the lake.

  Jiaodu and Fei Duan sat by the campfire, chatting without a word.

   Fei Duan complained: "Hey, hey, how long are we going to stay in this **** place?"

  jiao added some firewood to the bonfire: "We are the bait, how long we wait depends on when the target will take the bait!"

   "Why are you so troublesome? Why don't you just go to Yunyin and take the two Renzhuli away?"

   Fei Duan spat lightly.

   corner glanced at Fei Duan: "I won't collect the corpse for you!"

   "You bastard!" Hiduan stood up angrily, waved the **** March sickle in his hand, and pointed at Kakuzu: "You look down on me?"

  Jiadu said indifferently: "Those who underestimate Raikage will end badly, even if you are immortal!"

   Fei Duan put away the **** March scythe: "Hey, are you caring about me?"

   Jiao shook his head: "I just think it's troublesome to change partners all the time, and you are more durable than the previous partners, so I don't want you to die too early!"


   At this moment, a burst of paper accompanied by snowflakes floated in front of the two of them.

  Then the pieces of paper gathered into a ball, condensed into Xiaonan's appearance in mid-air, and said: "The target is hooked, you are ready!"

   Fei Duan was overjoyed when he heard the words, twisting his neck while saying, "Heh, finally I don't have to wait in such a ghostly place!"

   Jiaodu looked at Xiaonan and asked, "What is our task later?"

  Xiaonan said lightly: "Your task is to capture the N2o Jinchuriki. Remember, the living Jinchuriki! As for other enemies, you don't need to worry about them, other members will help you deal with them!"

   After finishing speaking, Xiao Nan in mid-air changed into a burst of flying paper again and disappeared into the night.

Lei Ying and his party acted very quickly. According to the information that was constantly collected, they adjusted their route several times, tracked all the way, and quickly locked on the area where Kakutsu and Hiduan had last appeared, and then rushed straight away , came to the forest outside the lake.


  In the dark of night, Yunyin and the others hurried through the forest, as fast as ghosts.

  At this time, a Yunyin ninja from the communication class said: "Master Raikage, a bonfire was found by the lake ahead, and it may be the target's foothold!"

   "Finally found you!"

  The fourth generation of Raikage's complexion instantly turned ferocious, and then without hesitation, he turned on the 'Ray Escape Chakra Mode', accelerated suddenly, and rushed towards the bonfire in the distance.


  At this moment, a giant dark purple tentacle shot out from the shadows, stabbing the Fourth Raikage who was rushing to the forefront of the team, and smashed Raikage hard to the ground.

   "Master Raikage!"

   Everyone in Yunyin exclaimed suddenly.

However, before everyone in Yunyin rushed over, the fourth Raikage who had just been hit by the giant tentacles flew up, tore off the giant tentacles that attacked him, and with brute force, tore the giant tentacles into pieces. for several paragraphs.

  Yunyin and the others looked over at this moment, only to see that the fourth generation of Raikage was completely unscathed by the Thunder Dun chakra!

  The Fourth Raikage looked at the direction where the giant tentacles were coming from, and shouted, "Get out!"

   "Are you Raikage?"

  There was a playful voice in the forest, and then, two figures came out of the shadows unhurriedly.

   Everyone in Yunyin followed the prestige and found that the two figures walking out of the shadows were members of the Xiao organization wearing a red cloud cloak. However, unlike what was shown in the intelligence, these two members of the Akatsuki organization were obviously not the target of their trip, Kadotsu, Hidan.

   "Oops, this is a trap!"

  Xi's face darkened, and she reminded everyone in a low voice.

It was obvious that they Yunyin hunted the Akatsuki organization, but it turned out that the Akatsuki organization attacked them. This undoubtedly shows that the appearance of Kakuzu and Hidan in the Kingdom of the Moon was originally a bait deliberately arranged by the Akatsuki organization to lure them Yunyin to take the bait .

  Yunyin and the others are not fools, they all reacted, with solemn expressions.

   Only Kirabi and Yumuren are still fighting spirits!

   At this time, Fourth Raikage also recognized the identities of the two in the forest, his eyes were full of anger: "You bastard, how dare you appear in front of me!"

  Obviously, the two Akatsuki members who came out of the forest were none other than Yaoyao and Shennong.

Not long ago when Sasuke ran away, it was this monster who slaughtered a large number of cloud hidden ninjas and made the Fourth Raikage lose face at the Five Kages Conference. Immediately burst into anger!


  In an instant, the fourth generation of Raikage turned into a flash of lightning and rushed towards the monster.


Before the sprite could react, the fourth generation of Raikage in the 'Thunder Chakra Mode' bumped into him and sent him flying, knocking down seven or eight big trees without stopping , A large wave of air and smoke was set off in the forest.

  Shen Nong, who was standing next to the sprite, froze for a while: "This"

   "Solved one!"

   "As expected of Raikage-sama!"

   "Hmph, the **** from the Akatsuki organization know how powerful our Yunyin is!"

  The Yunyin ninjas not far away are all excited.

   Being hit head-on by the Fourth Raikage, let alone an ordinary ninja, even the other Four Kages can't stand it, so in their view, the so-called monsters should be dead and can't die anymore.

  Fourth Raikage turned his head and looked at Shennong: "It's your turn!"

  Seeing this, Xi hurriedly shouted: "Lord Raikage, you must survive!"

  Fourth Raikage said coldly: "Don't worry, I only interrupted his hands and feet, I won't kill him!"

  Shen Nong was overwhelmed by the aura of the fourth generation of Raikage, and for a while he thought of retreating.

  At this moment, a spooky laugh suddenly came from a distance: "Hahaha, is the so-called thunder shadow only at this level?"

  Everyone looked over quickly, and found that the monster sprite that had just been blown away by the fourth generation of Raikage was standing unscathed on a broken tree at this moment, laughing wantonly.

  The Fourth Raikage was irritated by the laughter, and immediately flashed his figure, and once again pounced on the sprite in the distance.

   The monster smiled evilly, turned around and fled towards the depths of the forest.

   Seeing this, Kirabi was worried about the safety of the fourth generation of Raikage, so he immediately activated the 'snapshot' and followed.

   Shennong didn't dare to hesitate, and also chased after him.

  In the blink of an eye, the four of them broke away from the brigade and went deep into the forest while chasing and fleeing.

  Yu Muren ordered at this time: "The communication team will spread the news here, and ask Anbu to come to support immediately, and the others will follow me!"


  The communication team all responded.

  Erxi, Karur, and Gesha, the three elite jounin in the wooden figurine team, are all ready to follow the distant fourth generation of Raikage together with the wooden figurine.

   Shua Shua

  Suddenly, two more figures wearing the Xiao organization's red cloud cloak descended from the sky, and stopped in front of Youmuren and others.

  The wooden man sized it up, and found that the two members of the Xiao organization in front of him were the target of their trip, Jiaodu, Fei Duan.

  Jiaodu and Fei Duan are also looking at everyone in Yunyin.

  Hidan, who was carrying the **** March scythe, curled his lips: "Hey, is this leader, Yunyin's Erwei Jinchuriki?"

  jiao nodded, with regret on his face: "Well, it's a pity that I have to live, so I can't exchange it for bounty."

   "Alright, since you are here to die, I will help you!" The wooden man waved his hand without any fear: "The communication team is back, and we will leave this place to us!"

  on the moon.

   Shinji looked at the headless corpse in front of him. He was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted instantly. He squatted down and dug out the white eyes from the eye sockets on the head of the old man from Otsutsuki on the ground, and put them into the small nutrition jar that he carried with him.

  Ningci said: "My lord, I."

   "Stop talking, run away!"

   Shinji interrupted Neji, without looking at the giant Tenseikan behind him, he took the lead and fled towards the entrance of the temple.

   Two chapters in one! Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets! Please everyone!



  (end of this chapter)