MTL - The Reborn Lady is Farming-Chapter 1428 Extra Jewel (1)

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  Baozhu sat in front of the desk and practiced calligraphy with her wrists hanging on her wrists. Her little face was serious. The girls were satisfied when they saw it. Their little princess finally learned to be dignified and virtuous.

The big girls glanced at each other, and then their faces showed smiles. A burst of footsteps sounded, and the expressions on their faces were cracked. Before they could stop it, the young master Xiaofu Biao blew in like the wind and shouted: "Baozhu, hurry up. Go save the little leopard, Qi Wenmi and the others blocked us."

  Bob immediately dropped the pen in his hand and ran away.

   The girls only had time to reach out and shout, "The county master—"

   The two children disappeared instantly.

   The girls twitched the corners of their mouths and chased after them. Let's wait until the master is caught.

   Four uncles and four aunts returned to Beijing, and the third prince Qi Wenqian took the initiative to bring a few younger brothers over to greet him.

  Xiaofu was bullied by the fourth prince, Qi Wenmi, etc. when he was studying in the palace.

   With a big killer like the little leopard by his side, he stepped forward to provoke him without fear, so the two sides started fighting in a few strokes.

   Of course, none of the ten fourth princes were the opponents of a little leopard, but the other party was shameless, thick-skinned, and had black hands, so he even asked the guards to help.

   Little Leopard and Xiaofu were also accompanied by guards. Naturally, they would not watch the prince's guards beat up their master, so the fight escalated and turned into a big melee.

  Xiaofu immediately became worried and fearful, not because he was afraid that they would suffer, but because he was afraid that this matter would make a big difference and that none of them would be good.

   Fourth uncle's leg skills and father's ruler are still very powerful.

   Therefore, Xiaofu took the time to withdraw from the battlefield and ran back to find the orb.

   Baozhu is the eyeball of the fourth uncle, and his heart is sharp. With her around, they can't suffer any loss.

   Xiaofu dragged Baozhu and ran, and when he left the room, he became Baozhu and dragged him to run. Later, Baozhu disliked him for being slow, so he simply dropped his hand and ran away in a hurry.

  Xiaofu looked at her figure in the back with grief and indignation, obviously he had also practiced martial arts very hard.

Baozhu ran to the place where they were fighting and saw that the guards were slowly fighting in twos and twos. It looked like they were pouring water and making soy sauce, while the little leopard on the other side beat the three princes with one enemy and three princes. The third prince was sweating profusely on the side, telling them to stop beating, and while seeing who was beaten more badly, he stepped forward to stop the little leopard.

   He knew that the cousin of the fourth uncle's family had a high force value. He was not an opponent. Because he was afraid of being beaten, he would push it away every time he stopped him.

  Little Leopard knew that this cousin had a gentle personality and that this matter had nothing to do with him, so he didn't beat him, just pushed him away, and replied domineeringly: "Young master is not afraid!"

  Baozhu stopped, turned around and shouted at Xiaofu, who was out of breath and caught up, "Which side do I want to help?"

  Xiaofu ran up and couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words. He pointed at the little leopard and said nonsense, "Of course he helped the little leopard, didn't you see them bullying the little leopard more and less?"

  Baozhu looked at the three cousins ​​who had been beaten so badly, and was embarrassed to shoot, "But the cousins ​​look very pitiful."

   Xiaofu said with tears in his eyes: "Can they have pity on me? You must know that I was bullied and beaten by them when I was a child. And they never speak morals, and they always unite and bully me every time!"

  Baozhu's mind came to the scene of a small little blessing huddled in the corner and being besieged by three teenagers. She immediately shook her body, clenched her fist, waved it, and rushed to join the battle circle.

   The guards, who were sweating profusely, heard a scream, and turned their heads hastily to see that the county master punched the fourth prince to the ground, and then sat on top of him and pressed him to beat him.

   The guard of the fourth prince felt wrong, and immediately waved away the guard on the opposite side with a palm, lowered his voice and said, "Don't stop me any more, if something happens to the master, I won't be able to live."

   After saying that, Fei stopped the county master's fist in front of him, and quickly rescued his master.

  Little Leopard couldn't help but stop when he saw his younger sister being so cruel. He wanted to beat up a few cousins ​​to vent his anger on Xiaofu, but he wouldn't do such a heavy hand. Otherwise, how would he explain it to Uncle Huang?

   Baozhu didn't want so much. Seeing that the fourth prince was being protected by the guards, he turned around with his fists clenched and ran to the fifth and sixth princes.

   The guards of the two were shocked and rushed to rescue their little masters.

  The guards of the palace touched their heads. After all, they were colleagues. They were too embarrassed to step forward to stop them, so they could only go forward and whispered to the little county master, "The county master, this is almost the end. Several princes are seriously injured."

   "What's this serious? It's just flesh wounds. Back then, Brother Xiaofu was bullied by them when he was so young..."

   Baozhu still wants to beat them even if they don't give up.

  The little leopard held back for a long time and said, "Baozhu, don't beat them, it's rumored that your reputation is going to be bad, what if you can't get married by then?"

   "Why is the reputation bad?" Baozhu's eyes were full of confusion.


  Xiaofu ran up, glared at him and said, "You are talking nonsense, Baozhu is not a Hedong lion."

见宝珠睁着一双圆溜溜的眼睛瞪着大家,他立即放柔了声音安慰她道:“他瞎说的,四婶也揍四叔,四婶的功夫比你还厉害,可她不也嫁给Is the fourth uncle? You will definitely be able to marry in the future, or marry a good person. "

The fourth prince sneered, "There is only one fourth uncle in the world, do you see who can hold back the fourth aunt except the fourth uncle? Baozhu is so fierce at such a young age, and she will definitely not be able to marry in the future. dislike."

Baozhu was only in her early ten years, and she was frightened at once, but instead of crying, she stared at him with wide eyes before slowly saying: "Then can I continue beating you now? Anyway, my reputation is already over. broken."

  The Fourth Prince: "..."

  People: "..."

  Xiaofu breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward to grab Baozhu's chubby hand, and promised, "Don't listen to his nonsense, you will definitely be able to marry in the future. If you can't get married, then I will marry you."

   Baozhu glanced at him with contempt after hearing the words, and said, "I'm not going to make it."

   The fear in her heart slowly dissipated, and she regained her pride, so she raised her chin and said, "My father said, I am his greatest treasure, who in this world dares to dislike me?"

Xiaobao, who was rushing to persuade the fight, heard the words, couldn't help laughing, and quickly stepped forward to touch the little head of his cousin, and said with a smile: "Yeah, our Baozhu is the same as Mingzhu, it is me. Qi's baby, who dares to dislike you?"

   Seeing the prince, the third prince breathed a sigh of relief, but the other three princes who participated in the fight were a little guilty, especially the fourth prince, he still had the idea of ​​pulling down the eldest brother to be the prince himself.

  Xiaobao didn't seem to see the embarrassment on their faces, so he told Qi Wenmi with a stern face, "Fourth brother, who taught you to scare Baozhu? How old is she, how old are you? Really, the more you live, the more you go back."

He turned his head and saw Xiao Fu and Xiao Leopard standing beside him biting his ears, his brows couldn't help frowning, and he reprimanded: "You two stand up, Xiao Fu, although you didn't do anything, your nature is the worst, but thinking of you is excusable, I won't punish you any more."

"Gentlemen teach you to study, the first lesson is about filial piety. All these years, brothers and sisters have all learned from the dog's belly?" Xiaobao hated his younger brothers in particular, "You guys are older than your cousins. The cousins ​​are even older, but they bully them again and again, don't they know how to give in?"