MTL - The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return-v3 Chapter 2426 Sea sniper

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Yunzilong is also extremely distressed. His shoulder burden is too heavy now. Qin Ji holds the core strength of China. Once he has to kill him, his energy is undoubtedly terrible.

"At present, I can only do it according to your strategy. Brothers, let's act separately and take care."

Yun Zilong took a picture of Yunrong’s shoulder, and the two brothers said goodbye.

Yunrong immediately led the people to another dragon boat, and changed the mortal merchant ship waterway. Yunzilong turned left into the foggy area and belonged to the special waterway of the martial arts.

The Yun family brothers went their separate ways, and everything was under the strict surveillance of the old ghosts.

In order to complete this mission, the old ghost brought a ghost, and at the same time there was a short fierce man with a small beard.

"Taicang Jun, this waterway is the closest to your Dongyin country. It is also the place where the Yun family warships must pass. Are your people ready?"

Old ghost road.

"Mr. Ghost is assured that Qin Bangzhu has already given us a greeting to Prince Minden. The Prince has orders. This time, I must do my best to cooperate with Mr. Ghost and destroy Qin Yu’s embers on the sea."

"On the avenue of water, the pirate mercenary group recruited by me took the lead. As for the martial arts world, there are more than 30 warships of the Yamato that our prince personally improved. Even if the dragon boat of the Yun family is hard and unmatched, I still want to escape. Our encirclement."

Taicang Jundao.

"With the cooperation of Prince Akihito, I am naturally at ease. It is almost time, let's act."

"The lord said, as long as it can successfully kill Qinhou Yuxi, the future king of Dongyin must belong to the Prince of Mingren."

The old ghost is satisfied with the smile.

"Hey, Qin helped the master to take the shot, there is nothing that can't be done in this world, you will wait to accept the head of the Qin family."

Taicang Junjiao laughed.

As soon as I stepped into the waterway of the martial arts, Yunzilong’s heart became more and more embarrassed. On the road, occasionally passing by other merchant ships passing by, it would be extremely vigilant.

"Zilong, where is it before?" Yunxiao walked up the deck and asked Emei.

I saw that this water area is extremely dangerous. Even the merchant ships that have passed in the past are gone. Surrounded by the misty fog, if someone sneak attacks, they must be prevented.

"This is a big snake bend, belonging to the waters of Dongyin Hokkaido, which has always been a dangerous place."

"But we have had friendship with the thousand princes of the Dongyin royal family. As long as we have used the dragon flag of our Yun family, we can pass smoothly, and we will not have any problems." Yunzi Longdao.

When he spoke, he ordered: "Dragon flag, all the shells are on the shelves, ready to fire."


Under the command of the men, the world's best martial arts ship and dragon boat were all armed, and hundreds of super-fired spar cannons all explored the hull. The Yunjia soldiers quickly filled the aura of various elements.

The Yunjia merchant ship is a world-class business, and the sea is invincible. The Yunjia dragon boat is the world's top in terms of cooperation, personnel, and equipment.

Often, whether it is a pirate or an official ship of other countries, the dragon boat that meets the Yun family will retreat from the house, fearing to touch its edge.

However, this time the situation seems to be somewhat different.

In the fog, the end of the deserted waterway, suddenly came to a battleship group, the battleship is dense, at least 100 ships.

Judging from the flag played above, it is like the official of Dongyin State.

The Dongyin country has always loved to play tricks and tricks, and it is very savvy. It suddenly appears at this time, which is too unusual.

Moreover, the warships that appeared this time seem to be somewhat different from the warships of Dongyin Guoping. Not only should the shape be bigger, but the armor and guns on the battleships must be more attractive.

"Yunhu, shout."

Yun Zilong shouted.

Immediately on the dragon boat, Yunhu’s vigorous voice was heard: “This is the Yunzi Long Department of Daqin Jiandao. The front battleship immediately notified the name and dared to approach it. Our department will be devastating.”

Yunhu repeatedly called three calls, and the warships on the opposite side did not have any reply. Not only that, but also the madness began to accelerate. Those guns began to shine out of the spar. This is a typical posture to start.


Yunzilong took the initiative.

For the Dongyin people, he has always had no good feelings. When the Prince of Thousands of Thousands was in charge of Dongyin Buddhism, the two sides were only limited to each other, but rarely cooperated with Dongyin. Now that the ship is coming to the forefront, it is not a good class at first glance, and Yunzilong will naturally not be used to it.


The cannon was like a raindrop, mixed with heavy air and heavy blasting to the warship opposite.

Seeing that the shells were full of energy, there was some panic in the old ghosts sitting in the boat. "Ming Mingren, the battleship of the Yun family is so powerful, it is notorious. Can you live with this boat?"

"You have a story in the east called Kong Ming borrowing arrows. I don't know if you know it." Mingren didn't have a small beard and laughed.

"Of course I know that Zhuge Kongming borrowed arrows from Cao Cao... Can you still hold the spar shells?" the old ghost asked with amazement.

Although he has been following Qin Ji’s secret affairs in Jiangdong, he has to say that playing a conspiracy is a good hand, but he does not know much about the naval battle.

"Of course, our ship is equipped with a new device developed by the world of foreign powers can receive the destruction energy of spar, and can transform this energy into combat power."

"To put it bluntly, my ship is sent to be beaten today."

"Brother, if today's aura is exhausted, it is time to be armed with technology, and you are out of date."

Ming Ren patted his shoulder and was proud of it.

Then, he ordered the battleships of hundreds of warships: "Stop up and open the receiving device."

At the same time, hundreds of warships were turned at the same time, and they were arranged in a line above the waters. At the same time, a concave mechanical barrier on each ship quickly rose. The baffle was black and bright, with a mysterious rune on it. These runes have the curse of the Western Holy See, the East, and the Dongyin. Not only that, but there is still a faint glow on the top, like the power grid.


The shells hit the baffle, and the devastating energy that erupted, whether it is the fire element or the ice element, at the moment of the explosion, the energy is like a sailor plunging into the deep water, just a little bit of light, and instantly absorbed into the invisible It is.

Yunzilong’s artillery shells are dense, and the Dongyin warships over there are also the reception of music.

"I saw it, dude, I tell you, at most 50 years, the cost of martial arts and power to rule the world will be completely over, and it will be replaced by a powerful new technology."

"The old corrupted machine like Yunjia will sooner or later die. If your Qin gang can't keep up with the pace of the times, the consequences are the same."

Mingren’s stunned old ghost road.

"My heaven, this is simply an invincible existence."

"The cloud home should be finished."

The old ghost looked at the cloud home artillery for a little consumption, and excitedly shook his fist.


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