MTL - The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return-Chapter 34 Hedong Li Zizi

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In the main hall of Fugui Villa, there are two sets of huanghuali wood chairs in the hall of 200 square meters. The east and west sides are arranged in a concave shape. At this moment, everyone in the seat is solemn and solemn, and the atmosphere is very depressed and sullen.

Sitting in the middle of the middle of the first position is a majestic old man who must be white. He is the old man of Wanjia.

Wan Fugui is the lord of Wanjia. When he falls, the whole family has no heads, and the three children of Wanfugui are fighting each other and plotting the heirs.

At this time of crisis, only this uncle can suppress his position. The main purpose of this ceremonial meeting tonight is to exorcise the evil for Wan Fugui. Once the evil spirits fail, it is necessary to determine the new successor.

"How come Xiaoxiao has not come, come and bless, you will remind me again." Wan Lao took the lead to break the dull and greeted the next generation.

"No, Xiaoxiao is coming." Wan Xiaoyu walked into the hall proudly, first asked the old man, and then sat down in the east. Zhang Daling and Qin Lan also sat down on her side.

"Very good, people have a meeting. According to the rules, the three of you who are invited tonight can cure your father's strange disease, who is the first heir to the future, to filial piety, you have not Opinions." Wan Lao glanced at the bottom of the crowd and asked.

"To talk about filial piety, our family treasure has traveled all over the province of Jiangdong for half a month. It has been painstakingly painstaking, and we have come to Bodhisattva and the gods to be able to solve the problem of wealth." Sitting in the north, an extravagant The woman said with a smug face.

"Mom, Jiabao is difficult for his father to solve problems. It is necessary to be tired. I have invited seven masters this time, all of whom are famous people from all over the world. It will be successful tonight." Sitting in the south The handsome young man got up and rushed to the top of the woman with a slight smile, and waved his hand.

The seven people sitting on his side are also full of spring breeze, each of them caressing, all of them are high-level people, with this prestige, Wanjiabao has a strong momentum to win.

"Well! Jiabao filial piety is good." Wan Lao and others nodded and praised.

Wan Xiaoying was quite worried about Zhang Daling and Qin Dao: "He called Wan Jiabao, the son of my Sanniang, my mother and Auntie went early. Sanniang and Jiabao are very important to their fathers, but he is a great success. Playboy, Wan Jia will fall on his hand, will definitely be finished."

"Miss, don't worry, the wine bag, can't enter the eyes of this real person, not enough to hang the teeth." Zhang Daling glanced at him, his face was proud.

"Yes, yes, I have a real person sitting in the town, I am relieved." Wan Xiaoyu slightly relieved.

"The ruthless is the richest home!"

Wan Fugui is still not dead. His three children are fighting to die. Although this is to ask the master to help the boxing, it is actually the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, showing their magical powers. In order to compete for the key battle of the heirs, the secret of the smoke It’s audible.

"Square, what about you?" asked the old man.

The 10,000-square-year seems to be a lot bigger than Wan Xiaoying and Wan Jiabao. The figure is slightly fat, and the face always has a faint smile. It looks like a timid and affluent thing. However, Qin Hao can see through it at a glance. This person is a smiling face tiger. Under his pair of gold glasses, he hides the ambition of grievance.

"The square ability is limited, only one person is invited." Wan square helped the glasses, humble.

Sitting next to him was a thin, dark old man in a burlap coat. The old avatar was very popular. He lowered his head and said nothing, and stared at his sandals in a daze. Compared with the masters of Wanjiabao, the dirt of the soil is very unsatisfactory.

"Big brother, you just pull a lot from the street, it is too filial." Wan Jiabao seized the opportunity, sneer and fall.

Hundreds of squares of humility smiled a bit, and did not dare to argue. For a time, the uncle who was sitting at the top of the house shook his head and shook his head. He saw that Wanfang wanted to be the new head of Wanjia, and he basically had no play.

"Jiabao, you are too much, do you have a lot of people in this world?" Wan Xiaoying frowned.

"Yeah, if you have two sisters, you can even bring your own little white face. It seems that we are really no one in Dongzhou." Wanjiabao is a fuel-efficient lamp, and immediately the hippie smiles.

Everyone noticed Qin Hao, seeing his face white, a student looks like a person who has the ability to look at it, suddenly laughed.

"What do you say, people are famous to live..." In the face of so many people, Wan Xiaoyan's face was red, and he did not have the ambition to call Qin Qin a living god, and his voice was awkward and he hated to sit down.

Qin Xiao sneered, his eyes have been locked in the old man's body, and his heart secretly said: 'Wan Xiaoyan, it is also your good luck, met my Qin dynasty, otherwise this 10,000 home will not have you It is. ’

As I said, there was a strange and strange smile in the big house. The laughter was not yin and yang, but it was extremely harsh, and it was uncomfortable to scratch the heart!

The people who were still laughing, the look suddenly dignified.

I only heard the door upstairs, hehe! A loud noise.

Then a black shadow flew downstairs and slammed into the hall. Everyone saw it, it was a corpse.

The dead is the female nanny who waits for the wealthy, the poor nanny is sucked up with blood, his eyes are round and the death is extremely embarrassing!

The courage is small, such as Wan Xiaoying’s Sanniang Liu Wei’s screaming and screaming, and she dares to open her eyes.

"As for your wine bags, dare to come to me, I will dig your heart tonight, drink your blood, eat your meat, hehe!"

Qin Lan looked up and saw a middle-aged man in pajamas and obese standing on the second floor of the railing. He was laughing at the people underneath, and the strange voice of half male and half female was heard in his mouth.

During the conversation, the fat man slammed on the big chandelier on the top of the hall. He gently swayed and steadily fell down. He laughed and despised the masters of the door. There was no fear at all.

"Dad!" Wan Xiaoyu was shocked and forth to come forward.

"Miss, the boss of Wan has been possessed by the devil, and it is close." Zhang Daling quickly took her.

Wan Fugui's fat head and big ears, the original red face of the big face, at this moment pale as paper, covered with a strip of **** cracks, eyes reddish like blood, smoldering sinister, is the possession of the devil.

"It's a good yin, it's not bad, even in the bloodthirsty, it should be considered strong." Qin Hao gently stunned his nose, his face faint smile.

Wan Jiabao was eager to make meritorious deeds, earning a face in front of the elders of the family, and the masters who had been invited to make a look.

"Bold and devil, dare to be so rampant, really deceive me Dongzhou Taoist no one?" When the time came, a long-haired shawl made a loud drink, holding a mahogany sword in the left, the right hand sticky, went to Wan Fugui.

"This is?" The old man saw the momentum as a rainbow, could not help but ask.

Wan Jiabao proudly introduced: "This Xue Dongshan Dao is a high man in Nanhe County. There is a small bell in the local area. Any monsters and ghosts are in front of him, and they only have a hand."

"Well, Jiabao has a I got the help of Dongshan Road, and I was saved." Wan Laoxin nodded with relief and paid another point to Wanjiabao.

Xue Dongshan, while drinking, meditation on the curse, driving a lightly familiar paper, straight to the face of wealthy.


The paper broke out and there was a burst of yellow light.

"Good! Good way to do it! Play a good hand!" Everyone was surprised, and they should have a good call!

"Hey, the district Huangfu paper, dare to bring ugly?" Wan Fugui sneered, suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed the fire.

"This!" Xue Dongshan was shocked and lost his experience. He bit his finger and made a blood stroke on the mahogany sword. He stabbed it in the heart of Wan Fugui.


He only felt that the mahogany sword was tied to the steel plate, but it was broken. It was too late to be retired.

Wan Fugui reached over his neck and relaxed like a chicken. The big hand was buckled on his head and tightened hard. Only heard the sound of the broken neck bones, Xue Dongshan’s head had already turned a 360-degree turn around his neck, and he died on the spot.

"On this point, I dare to come out and catch ghosts. Do you have a powerful role in your mortal world?" Wan Fugui threw away the body of Xue Dongshan, and asked Yin.

One person was killed between the hands raised, and the people of Wanjia’s cheers swallowed their stomachs, and they looked at Wanjiabao with embarrassment.

Wan Jiabao did not expect Xue Daochang, who had spent a million to come, to be twisted off his neck by a devil. He immediately looked at the person next to him. "Li, Master Li, can you see this?"

"The young master is relieved, there is my Donghe Li Zizi, the district is a ghost, is not a generation to die?" The man took a table, grew up, and limped into the hall.