MTL - The Rebirth of Crazy Ger-Chapter 97

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All the orcs were overjoyed when they heard the words, and rushed out to meet them.

When I glanced over, it seemed that many of the orcs who had gone out to look for people had returned, and many of the orcs who had gone hunting before and were dispersed by the tide of beasts also came back.

It's just that all the orcs were wounded, and some of them were even unconscious... Their faces were terribly pale, and they supported each other...

But people are alive, at this moment, for everyone, it is the greatest comfort.

Everyone looked happy when they heard an old voice.

"...Xiao Ruo... Where's the new leader?"

Pharmacist tremblingly stepped forward from behind, his cloudy eyes quickly scanned the crowd, and found that in the returning team... Standing at the front was Qin Ya, not Xiao Ruo, who was leading the crowd. Asked aloud, this time with an anxious tone.

"Where's the leader?!"

"That's right, where is Xiao Ruo?" Xiao Ruo's father, Deng Ming, father Yong Geer and elder brother Danuo just searched for a round in the crowd, but they didn't see Xiao Ruo. Ask the pharmacist.

All the orcs looked bad and remained silent.

The faces of the three of them turned pale in an instant, and they rummaged through the crowd one by one again. Seeing this, Qin Ya gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Don't look for it, Xiao Ruo... the leader..."

Qin Ya paused, his voice suddenly choked up so that he couldn't speak, Yao Shi hurriedly grabbed his wrist with his haggard hands, and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with him?"

"According to the leader's plan, we lured the beasts away for a short time and successfully found someone. We should have returned immediately, but Uncle Qi's son Zhang..." After a pause, Qin Ya took a look and was also looking for someone Brother Qi.

Brother Qi paused when he heard the words, and pricked up his ears to listen.

Qin Ya gritted his teeth and said: "He doesn't want to come back, saying that there are beastmen he brought out in the depths of the jungle, and he wants to rescue them, Xiao Ruo... The leader clearly said that the beast tide is too dangerous, and he must come back to rectify and discuss from the beginning before he can go deep I searched for it in the jungle, but Ah Zhang didn’t listen…”

The blood on Qi Ge'er's face that had just recovered faded instantly.

Qin Ya clenched his knuckles and said: "Not only did he not listen, he also asked the injured orcs to follow him to rescue people in the name of the leader. The orcs he brought out still took him as the leader, so they listened to him. Regardless of our obstruction, he forced his way in, and the result..."


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, only to feel that the cold air penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

During the beast horde, getting injured and going deep into the was almost death.

A trace of pain flashed in Qin Ya's eyes and said: "Xiao Ruo...the leader has no choice but to take us to help... While trying to persuade them, he stopped them from going further. With this delay, the beasts that were lured away by means before gathered together Come here..."

"..." Everyone's hearts seemed to have gone through a cold winter and became icy cold.

Qin Ya choked up and said: "In order for us to come back successfully, the leader delayed the beast by himself and bought us time to escape."

"!" Everyone was shocked, Xiao Ruo was still underage, but he had such courage.

The eyes of Deng Ming and the others were filled with tears: "Xiao Ruo..."

Their orcs are underage...

"What about the **** Zhang?" Deng Ming asked full of hatred.

Brother Qi trembled when he heard the words, and looked at Qin Ya with a hint of hope in his red eyes.

Qin Ya gritted his teeth and said, "He...he insisted on going his own way, and was dragged into the depths of the jungle by fierce beasts."

"..." Brother Qi swayed unsteadily as if he had lost a pillar, and his eyes that were full of hope just now became gray and dull like a stone that had been buried in the ground for many years...

Mu Ge'er and Wang Jin hurriedly stepped forward to support him and looked after him carefully.

"He did it on his own! If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have been injured so badly, and Xiao Ruo... the leader wouldn't have..." Qin Ya's nose was sore.

Brother Yong, Xiao Ruo's father, choked up and said, "Even if he is dragged into the jungle, he won't be able to return to my Xiao Ruo... He really deserves death! My Xiao Ruo..."

Brother Qi was heartbroken when he heard the words, and with the help of Wang Jin and Brother Mu, he walked up to Brother Yong, and suddenly knelt down in front of the three of them.

Both Wang Jin and Mu Geer were taken aback, and wanted to help him, but he refused.

"Brother Yong...Boy Deng, Da Ruo...I'm sorry for you guys."

As he said that, Brother Qi couldn't bear it any longer, and wept aloud. He looked at everyone with red eyes, and everyone had a painful expression on their faces, including the pharmacist. He seemed to want to say something, but because of sadness, he couldn't say a word at the moment.

Brother Qi turned around in a kneeling position, facing the orc who came back: "My son is also sorry for the Danmu tribe..."

After speaking, he solemnly kowtowed to everyone.

Wang Jin couldn't stand it anymore, he went up to help him and said, "This is none of Uncle Qi's business, Uncle Qi, get up quickly."

"Brother Jin, I know that you and Boy Heng have good intentions, son made a big mistake, and I, as a father, have the responsibility. Unfortunately, it's already too late. If I had disciplined him well and persuaded him, maybe I wouldn't have done it." It will be like this..."

Brother Qi was crying sadly, with guilt all over his face. Everyone knew that he was suffering not only because of the loss of his son, but also because his son had caused the tribe and an excellent leader to suffer...

He was originally a middle-aged brother, and he hadn't reached the age to look old, but at this moment, he seemed to be ten years older, and even his hair was slightly reflecting white light in the sun...

"..." Wang Jin didn't know how to persuade him for a while, so he had to stay by his side.

Seeing this, Mu Ge'er knelt down and persuaded: "Uncle Qi, don't be like this, the leader Xiao Ruo may not be in trouble. Didn't A Jin come back safely when he fell out of the beast tide? Then Xiao Ruo was taught by Brother Heng Yes, and the leader of the Danmu tribe, he must be able to turn danger into good fortune, right?"

Brother Mu raised his head and looked at the crowd, hoping to get an affirmative answer from everyone, so as to erase some of the guilt in this poor brother's heart. After all, this matter... can't be blamed on him.

Everyone was stunned, as if they were consoling Brother Qi together, and they seemed to be deceiving themselves... they kept talking.

"That's right, Xiao Ruo may not necessarily be in trouble."

"When he comes back, he must be the best leader of the Danmu tribe."

"I will never say that Xiao Ruo is not an adult and has no responsibility. When he comes back, I will respectfully call him the leader and follow his example."

"You are right, but you must do it." Suddenly, a voice came from above.

Everyone looked over and saw a majestic white tiger falling from above.

The spread wings retracted instantly, raising waves of dust on the ground.

As the dust cleared, the white tiger turned into a human form. In front of him lay two tigers with yellow and black spots, one big and one small.

"Brother Heng!" Everyone was overjoyed and called out to the man.

When Deng Ming and the others saw the small tiger in front of the man, their faces were overjoyed, and they hurried over: "Xiao Ruo."

The little tiger seemed to hear the call and seemed to want to move, but it seemed to be extremely tired and had no strength, so it only moved slightly. The three of Deng Ming were worried, and looked at Yuan Heng. Yuan Heng pursed his lips and said, "It's just exhausted." No, there is no fear of life."

Only then did the three of them breathe a sigh of relief, and everyone felt a lot more relaxed when they heard the words. Yuan Heng raised his eyes, and seeing everyone's appearance, he suddenly understood in his heart that this little Ruo has won the loyalty of everyone...

Those people treat Xiao Ruo like this, and they don't have the previous blame in their eyes, and some are full of trust and joy.

Yuan Heng felt relieved a lot, and said loudly: "Don't forget what you said just now, Feng Xiaoruo is the leader of the Danmu tribe, and you will respect him and listen to him."

"Definitely!" Everyone responded, and began to arrange the wounded in an orderly manner.

Yuan Heng habitually searched for the figure of the little brother in the crowd, but saw the little brother squatting in front of the kneeling and stupid brother Qi.

He paused, walked over, and before he could make a move, the little brother saw him coming, and rushed forward on his own initiative.

Cheng Bai was tightly surrounded by the wounded, and happened to not see this scene.

"Brother Heng..." No matter how many times you hear that little brother's soft voice, it can make your heart surprisingly soft.

Yuan Heng's eyes warmed up, he rubbed his head, walked towards the stunned brother Qi, stretched out his hand to support him and said, "Uncle Qi...go and see him."

Yuan Heng gestured to another adult tiger he brought back. The tiger had strong limbs and looked majestic, but it was a pity that it was covered in blood at the moment and looked extremely embarrassed.

Brother Qi went up, trembling his hands, not daring to touch the tiger. The tiger's body was covered with wounds, and there wasn't a single intact place.

Uncle Qi's tears fell again, his voice trembled so hard he could barely hear: "Ah Zhang..."

He yelled a few times, but the orc didn't respond, so Brother Qi looked at Yuan Heng, who shook his head and said, "When I saw him, he was already injured like this, and the specific injury has to be seen by the pharmacist." ..."

Before Yuan Heng finished speaking, Uncle Qi had already run to pull Cheng Bai to the injured tiger, his eyes begging: "Help me save him."

Everyone was silent for a while, the son of Brother Qi made countless mistakes first...I don't know how to deal with it, so do you still need to save him now?

Everyone looked at Cheng Bai, as if the decision was in Cheng Bai's hands.

Cheng Bai glanced at the orc. He had been in the Danmu tribe for a while. He knew what the injured orc had done to Xiaojiao. , but that doesn't mean he can go and treat people who have bullied Xiaojiaobao.

But that Xiaojiaobao was standing in front of him at the moment, and those eyes seemed to be slightly pleading...

This person bullied him so much, would he also save this person?

Just because this man's father has something to do with Yuan Heng? Would you rather wrong yourself for that little girl like Yuan Heng?

Realizing this, Cheng Bai became more and more unwilling.

For a while, he stood in place and fell silent.

"It's not that simple for Young Master Cheng to save someone."