MTL - The Public Enemy of Tower Defense-Chapter 427 brood coming

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"Where is the righteous spirit of Doubu? Come to Weihu Mountain quickly!"

At this moment, Lei Chi wanted to see the actual combat effect of the joint attack of [Great Tiger] and [Sky Crane]. After a while, Merris, whose priesthood is the Mermaid General, led the team, and 35 Doubu righteous gods launched a trial on Weihu Mountain .

As soon as the trial started, Lei Chi saw [Great Tiger] growl and stood up from the squatting state!

This totem beast immediately launched a joint transformation. It has a humanoid body, and its body is colorful and shining. The sky crane naturally also launched the [Colorful Feather Clothes] skill. Behind him, it looks like a set of long-feathered cloaks. This kind of [Great Tiger] is strong and sturdy, and its combat power is unparalleled. It is too lazy to use [Detention]. It is extremely fast and has the ability to fly. As long as you catch it The righteous gods of Doubu who live at the peak of the lower gods can be killed with one punch.

The deterrent effect of [Great Power Halo] is also very significant. Those fighting heads entered the mighty tiger mountain, trembling one by one, and their hands and feet became uneasy. Indiscriminate killings, all 35 Doubu righteous gods were killed in less than ten minutes, and they were so powerful that they collapsed.

"That's right, that's right, if you raise [Sky Crane] to a high level, you'll be invincible!"

Lei Chi was overjoyed, very satisfied with the performance of [Great Tiger], and thought that his hard work was not in vain, and then he appeased Doubu Zhengshen, and began to study the totem suit again.

The totem suit provided by [Great Tiger] can be regarded as a first-class good equipment. Even a god-level powerhouse can greatly improve his combat power after wearing it. However, the output of this suit is not very high. Popularization is unrealistic, and it can only be given priority to the strong, or used as a reward.

"After Dobu Zhengzheng received the Conferment of the Gods, the Conferred Gods List created official uniforms for them, but the official uniforms are just fashion and cannot increase their combat power. Maybe they should all wear totem suits first..."

Lei Chi pondered silently.

The totem suit can now be dyed in five colors of red, black, white, blue, and yellow. Lei Chi made up a set and dyed it in white for the divine-blood mermaid to try on. After the white totem suit, he is even more heroic, deliberately showing his figure to Lei Chi, perfectly blending the two temperaments of beauty and domineering.

Lei Chi nodded again and again, but Deedlit beside her was frowning. She seemed to feel the provocation, saluted Lei Chi, and said: "This white color is not suitable for the mermaid general, I think it is better to change it to black, my lord, Let the subordinates distribute this totem set, and after General Zhang Taichu returns, the subordinates will discuss with him carefully, and there should be a regulation on how to distribute these strategic materials."

"That's right, I'll leave it to you. I'm at ease when you do things. Work hard. The Lord of the City will not treat you badly, but don't work too hard!"

Lei Chi patted Deedlit's shoulder. During these days, with Deedlit's assistance, Lei Chi has relaxed a lot, and has already intentionally let her take over the government affairs.

"The subordinates will do their best..."

Deedlit's pretty face flushed slightly, she puffed out her chest, and had the urge to confess to Lei Chi in her heart, but she still didn't dare and endured it.

The time is not yet here!

You have to make the city lord like you more!

Lei Chi couldn't notice the change in her expression, let alone try to figure out what she was thinking, so he turned his head and went to study the mutation of the Beast Tower, which caused the great priest to snort softly and curse heartlessly.

Time passed slowly, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye. The City of Elysium is thriving, and the Meris has gone to sea again. The 10,000 newcomers recruited by the Ten Thousand People's Order and the talents brought by the Meris are in the city management team. Under the auspices of the captain of the brigade, Victor, the military training has already been completed. A very small part of the more than 10,000 people have become watchmen, and most of them have entered Bliss Mining and Bliss Construction. Their participation has greatly accelerated the construction of Bliss City Ascension, and with it, many affairs.

Such as salary distribution, such as housing arrangements, such as welfare distribution, etc., etc., and various social problems have also begun to appear, including work, life, marriage, education, and medical care...

Some people fell in love, some gave birth to children, some fought and fought, and some children were mischievous...

The fireworks in Elysium City are getting more and more intense. Deedlit sits in Mogu Castle, and she is very busy every day, from the construction of large facilities to the resident association, she has to ask about everything, this Elf players also have obsessive-compulsive disorder. They pursue perfection in everything, and there is no time to rest when they are busy. Although she is gentle and considerate in front of Lei Chi, in fact, she has a strong personality, but she is quite capable, and her prestige in Elysium City is getting higher and higher.

Thanks to his hard work, Lei Chi was able to stay away from the smoke and fire. He occasionally visited in secret, saw a lady with a big belly, and saw a child crying for candy. Only then did he realize that the residents of Elysium City were no longer NPCs in the game.

"My city lord still needs to strengthen self-cultivation!"

Lei Chi sighed, took out the "Self-Cultivation of an Excellent City Lord" that he hadn't read for a long time, and read it again.

During this period of time, more players came to the main world, more previous generation players appeared, and turmoil was happening everywhere in the main world.

Asa Empire, the new imperial city, is quite lively today.

During this period of time, 24 star envoys have come to the Asa Empire, and the empire has undergone tremendous changes. Today, the Son of Heaven religion is flourishing, and today is the "Day Day Ascension Ceremony" of the Son of Heaven religion.

The so-called "flying up in the daytime" is a term in the classics of the Son of Heaven Sect, which means becoming a god. According to the records of the sect, the real dragon of Huangtian revived and pardoned the world.

In fact, becoming a **** is true, it’s the star envoys who come with job-changing tokens, and select some people to grant them, which can make them become false gods, but they can also directly increase their level, making them directly become the peak lower gods of level 300 .

This "Day Ascension Ceremony" is a grand event for the Asa Empire. At this time, 24 star envoys have arrived at the venue, and Lu Qizhen and Ma Lianli are also among them. Judging from the positions of these two people, they seem to be ringleader.

"The universe is renewed, the reincarnation of the heavens and the earth, and the yellow sky is just around the corner. Today, at the Ascension Ceremony, there is a treasure bestowed by the Heavenly King. Five people, the Queen of the Imperial Capital, the First Assistant Dazai, the Prime Minister, the Fengguo Eunuch, and the Huguo Taishi, will have the opportunity to ascend in the daytime." , listed as Heavenly Court..."

A star envoy spoke loudly.

The auditorium was also quite lively, Zhao Zilong was sitting in it, and Zissinger was also here.

The two were talking quietly.

"Aaron, why don't you go back to Paradise City, what are you fooling around here?"

"Brother Six, you are the fool, go back and have a baby!"

"Don't mention this to me, your sixth brother and I have more than 600 children, and there are not many obedient ones!"

"Sixth brother, seriously, when will you go home?"

"I want to practice martial arts in the world of mortals. When will I succeed in martial arts? When will I go back! By the way, I'm leaving here tomorrow. I want to cross the Mangchuan Mountains and go to the Central Plains for a walk!"

"By the way, Boss Lei Chi told me just now that he sent someone to watch the ceremony. The person who came seems to be a big shot named Krulu, you know him!"

"I know a devil!" Zissinger slapped his forehead, feeling uncomfortable, "Why didn't you say it earlier? Krulu, upon hearing this name, it must be related to Nakesusu. If you met me, maybe If you want to take me back, I can't do it, I have to run away!"

After saying that, Zissinger didn't delay for a moment, and ran straight away. Suddenly, he saw a handsome little girl wearing a white tiger hat coming from a distance. His mind flickered, and he said: "What a pretty girl, Alas, it would be nice to have a female ticket like this..."

He sighed, and didn't dare to have any thoughts at this time, and continued to run.

The little girl opened her eyes, stomped her feet and said, "You have no conscience, why are you running away!"

She immediately rose to catch up.

This little girl is none other than Krulu, Zissinger doesn't recognize her, but she recognizes Zissinger.

Originally, she was ordered by Lei Chi to come to watch the ceremony, and she also brought a batch of gold bricks and special products of Bliss City as gifts, but now she couldn't care less, and entrusted the trivial matters to the high priest of the evil god, Hua Piao, and lifted her skirt Just go after Zissinger.

Seeing her chasing after her, Zissinger thought that she must be Kesusu's helper, so he ran faster.

After chasing and fleeing, these two people left the capital quickly, entered the forest, and went straight to the Mangchuan mountain range.

Zissinger ran resolutely, and Krulu pursued resolutely. One day, two days, three days... they didn't even give up. There was always a distance of six or seven hundred meters between the two.

Five days later, Krulu suddenly let out a scream, spewed out blood from his mouth, fell to the ground, and passed out in a coma.

Zissinger didn't know what was wrong with her, so he took the opportunity to run away quickly. After running for a while, he felt uneasy again. He circled back and looked close. Seeing that Krulu was in a coma, he didn't seem to be lying. Xin, said to himself: "What's wrong with this girl? Could it be that there is some emergency? If I don't save her, will she die... The so-called men and women can't understand each other, I am a married woman, but this time I am saving her. People, sister, offended, don't blame me in the future!"

After saying that, Zissinger picked up Krulu, he didn't have any means of treatment, so he thought about finding a hospital or something to arrange him.

Also on this day, far away, in the south of the Central Continent, at the end of the Yongjiang River, a huge meat moth flew out of the glacial river channel on the cliff of the snow mountain.

There are many cocoons on the back of this meat moth. If you look carefully, you can find that there are humans, orcs, elves, and other alien players in those cocoons. They have obviously lost their lives and were sealed in the cocoons. Among them, he still maintained a terrified expression.

On the top of the soft moth's head, lumpy sarcoma piled up to look like a seat, on which sat a strange man with gray-brown skin.

The strange man was wearing a fishnet-shaped combat uniform and an iron face-protecting helmet. He had twisted hair on the back of his head, sharp nails on his hands and feet, and loose bristles on his body. He was equipped with armor on his shoulders, wrists, and waist. Iron equipment.

"The Bliss Islands, the light of beasts, kill, kill!"

There was an indistinct sound in the mouth of the strange man. If Lei Chi was here, and he used the Haotian mirror to visit, he would find that this strange man was a mid-level **** at the peak of level 600, named [Iron-Blooded Hunter·Earth Snake]. This is one of the three bosses who invaded the eternal forest in the certification.

It's just that this boss didn't recover, but was captured by the giant brain worm bred by the Zerg player, and now it is obviously completely controlled by the giant brain worm, or it has become a part of the Zerg player.

The huge meat moth is actually a giant brain worm bred by Zerg players. It has obviously undergone many changes, and now it also has a strong combat power, but it flew out of the eternal forest.

It moved along the Yongjiang River, its intentions were not obvious, but judging from the occasional voices from the mouth of the Iron-Blooded Hunter occupied by him, it seemed that it had a strong hostility towards the City of Elysium.

Half a day later, the giant brain worm discovered the sacred territory of a goblin player and directly launched an invasion. After three points of its body was blown up, it successfully occupied the sacred territory and devoured all the goblin players.

A day later, the giant brain worm digested all the resources in this sacred territory, and its body was repaired. It set off again, and after another day, it found a sacred territory of Kobold players, and invaded again...

In this way, Zerg players marched along the Yongjiang River, whenever they encountered the player's sacred territory, they invaded, and when they encountered aborigines or large protozoans, they would also devour them directly, like a ruthless killing machine.

One and a half months later, along the Yongjiang River, as many as 20 sacred territories were wiped out by this Zerg player, and hundreds of players from various races were swallowed by him. It was completely different when it flew out of the eternal forest, it was just like a giant sky fortress at the moment.

It has rebuilt its mother nest impressively, and this mother nest is no longer fixed, and has powerful flying capabilities. Zerg players have also evolved many bugs with specific functions and developed a unique technological system, making this mother nest Nest is more like a technological spaceship.

After destroying another sacred territory of an ant player, the Zerg player digested all the resources in it, and evolved two tentacles more than a hundred meters long. These two tentacles trembled violently for a moment, causing a sudden change in space, and the assimilated [Iron Blood Hunter·Earth Snake] With a roar outside the brood, a wide space crack was suddenly torn open.

Then, the huge Zerg brood slowly crawled into that space crack.

After it completely entered, the space crack also dissipated.

This scene is quite sci-fi, as if a spaceship opened a space channel and then passed through it.

Also at this moment, in the square of Bliss City, the divine beasts [Zhaojian] and [Duowen], who were sleeping with their eyes closed and basking leisurely in the sun, roared fiercely. They flew into the sky, unfolded their supernatural powers, The sky above the square projected a scene more than 20,000 miles away.

"No, there are foreign enemies invading!"

"Who dares to break into my Paradise Islands!"

"My God, what kind of monster is this?"

"Everyone, don't panic, no one can break through Paradise City!"

"Great Lord Leichi, have mercy on your people, and expel the ugly invaders quickly..."

In the screen projected by the two great beasts, it is the brood of the Zerg players, which suddenly appeared in the stormy sea, not far from the first hill of The people on the square exclaimed Continuously, the urban management brigade and Mogu Castle also received the notification immediately.

The great elf priest Deedlit walked out of Mogu Castle wearing a gorgeous official uniform with a serious face. She looked around and ordered: "Everyone performs their duties, the intruders come at just the right time! "

Lei Chi is currently undergoing retreat on the Experience Island. He has been monitoring Kesusu in the world of the other side recently. As early as January, Kesusu was in a coma. Gray smoke was emitting from her body, and something that Lei Chi could not understand was happening. Variety.

Obviously, it should be the great evil **** Bibis who launched the means, and perhaps soon, the great demon **** Hasadon will appear from Kesusu's body.

This is what Lei Chi cares most about.

And since this period of time, Li Daxing has sent some sacred stones of faith. There is no information from Katinaz, Zisinger has gone, Krulu has gone out and has not returned, Zhao Zilong has been in the king's capital of the Asa Empire...

Suddenly, Lei Chi had a feeling in his heart, and he flicked the Haotian mirror, and saw the Zerg brood in the sea area.