MTL - The Protagonist Is in the Right Position to Get Along With the Villain-Chapter 13

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"..." Li Jinzhi's body was stiff, his clothes were loose, his complexion was flushed, and his slightly wet eyes were half squinting and looking out of the car, Zhiwu said, "Hot ... hot."

Qing Mu looked embarrassed, her eyes doubted, "This way ..." But she was busy putting down the curtain, and said to Li Zongyin outside, "Master, you have to adjust your breath slightly."

"The immortal said it was reasonable." Li Zongyin smiled.

Li Jinzhi listened to Tokyo outside, what else would he like to say, the little chopsticks in his arms sharpened the molars and released his mouth, "Ao Ao Ao !!!". finish dressing! !! !!

Listening to the possessive words in his arms, Li Jinzhi drew his cheeks, quickly pulled the placket, wiped his face fiercely, and said, "Brother, I'm fine."

Qing Mu glanced at him from the crack of the curtain, with a questioning look, and finally nodded, "Your parents miss you so much, come down."

Li Jin got off the car, raised his eyebrows, "miss me?"

Whether in the original world or here, it seems that there is really no one who really misses him.

As soon as I got out of the car, I saw a lot of people around the hall. A woman with a full body hurriedly rushed, "Be careful, have you suffered a lot in Xianmen this year? Have you been bullied by you? "It was my aunt, Liu, who cried with tears. After doing the show, she looked around," Your brother, didn't you come back? "

Li Jinzhi's face was faint and did not cause any waves at all. Just when Liu said that he could bully you, his fellow teachers and brothers were already unhappy. "It's better to be at Xianmen than at home. "

Qing Mu looked at Liu's face unpleasantly, then looked up at Li Jinzhi again, and asked Chuan Yin, "Li Jintang's mother?"


"Natural and natural." After a long while crying, Liu was also consciously boring, wiped his tears with a puppet, and smiled gently. "This time you are here. Your cousin is also taking the test this time. Your cousin was shining in the door, and the mother always had to be at ease. "Then he pushed the woman behind him up.

Hu Sisi was so beautiful, his features were exquisite, his hair was black and bright, he was beautiful and generous, and when he came up, he screamed, "Cousin." It was a lot more advanced than a year ago.

Li Jin looked up and down, suppressing the hatred and nausea in his heart, and replied lightly, remembering the arrangement last night, inadvertently ticked.

"The next tester, Hu Sisi." Xu Ming held a dial and called out.

There was a hint of joy on Hu Sisi's face, and he was "good for work" towards Li Jinzhi, who walked towards the middle of the hall with the paragraph owed by him.

The boy Xu surname seemed to have a good opinion of Hu Sisi. The seriousness on his face faded a little, and said softly, "No matter, I also asked Shimei to put her hand on the front of the magic circle to condense Dantian aura."

"Yes." Hu Sisi smiled softly.

Only then asked Hu Sisi's new disciple staring at each other tightly, clenching his fists with both hands, and the obsession in his eyes came out. I saw the girl resting her hands on the disc, closing her eyes and condensing her breath. The room was suddenly silent, all eyes were staring at the cylinder disc, holding her breath.

The blindfolded Hu Sisi frowned suddenly, and the soft hand on the disc was suddenly forced, scratching uneasily.

"Well?" Li, the master of the seat sitting on the main seat, gave a light whisper and stood up, "Can't even a little spiritual power be mobilized?"

"What!" Liu whispered softly, with an incredible expression on his face, "How could it be, Si Siming is the root of firewood!

At this time, Hu Sisi had opened his eyes in astonishment, looked at Liu's helplessly, his eyes were dazzling with water, so sorry, "Aunt?"

Li Zongyin took a step forward, grabbed Hu Sisi's wrist, closed his eyes, and opened his eyes for a short while.

Li Jinzhi smiled, lowered her eyelids, blocked the haze in the black pupils, and sealed the hundreds of big caves of Hu Sisi with ice, which made her missed the avenue ever since, and watched her face grow old a little bit. It was even more uncomfortable to kill her directly.

The corner of the mouth is too late to evoke, and the pleasure in my heart is filled with suppressed guilt. Even the enemy of the hand can't call back Ye Yu's return. Skinny hands, thin body, sullen teenager, his only partner in the world, because of his wrong decision, may never return ...

Li Jinzhi was recalled by a tingling pain.

"Don't make trouble." Li Jinzhi frowned, and the fingers in his robes rubbed Xiao Xiaolong, his wrist gently.

"Mama, don't be sad." The voice was small.

"..." Why do you feel sadder? "Aren't you only able to speak birds?"

"Mana's blood is fused, and I can also speak Ma's language." The ice-blue tadpole in the sleeve gown took a head and stabbed Li Jinzhi, and his face made an infatuated look.

"Don't call me Ma Ma," Li Jinzhi said weakly. "I'm a man and can't be Ma Ma."

"Huh?" Xiaoyu motioned lightly, hesitating.

"It's up to you." Dad is always better than his mother. Li Jinzhi comforted himself, and then hesitated, "Why do you have this piece of jade? Have you ... ever met the master of jade?"

"..." Xiaoyue's body was stiff, she didn't speak immediately, and hesitated after a long time, "I don't remember."

"Then why do you think ... I'm close?" Li Jinzhi's pupils blinked, and then he asked.

"Smell, my temperature is familiar to me, very close." Xiao Yan said, rough scales rubbed Li Jinzhi's arm lightly, and his voice was sticky and nostalgic. "It seems that a voice told me that I was waiting The smeller ... "Come back and pick me up.

"..." Li Jinzhi froze, wait?

Why do you suddenly feel like you're covered with hair?

In the dark place of the wide robe sleeve, Xiaoyao Bing's white head lightly rubbed the jade white arm, and the pale white scales on his face slowly stroked a ray of black gas. The dark mung bean eyes were deep, seemingly hiding thousands of emotions ...

Sincerely ...

"This is impossible!"

The sharp female voice broke the quietness in the room. Hu Sisi gasped with a gasp in his expression, and his nose twitched quickly. He grabbed the disc in Xu Ming's hand, Xingmu opened his mouth, and kept talking in his mouth, "Impossible Impossible, I am the root of the wood fire dual spirits. I can practice in the ice seal. Impossible is impossible. There must be something wrong. ”Turning his head, he grabbed Liu ’s,“ Aunt you say, you Looking at the Linggen test when I was one year old, how could there be no Linggen, aunt you say! " Liu was frightened by Hu Sisi's expression, and his wrist was hurt. "Sisi let go first. The test at the age of 1 is not very accurate. You see, you My cousin did not have any spiritual roots when I was at the age of testing. Last year, I also tested a pair of ice and wood roots, so I can't do it. "

"Impossible!" Hu Sisi screamed, his hair was scattered and his eyes were red. "Li Jinzhi's age test was obviously aunt's hands and feet, otherwise the age test could not be allowed. Hands and feet? Is there something someone has done on my body ?! "I rushed to Li Zongyin in two steps, and repeated my thoughts in a panic." Uncle, you have to decide for me, there must be someone who wants to insult me! "

Li Zongyin shook away Hu Sisi's hand suddenly, and turned his head fiercely to look at Liu's. He was furious, and his lips were half-plumped. He couldn't even say a word, "You ... you you you !!!"

Liu's face turned white, and then a bunch of eyebrows were raised, waving his hand to Hu Sisi's cheek.

'Snapped! ’

"Who told you to talk nonsense! Waste is waste. It doesn't matter if you don't have roots. We ca n’t afford to lose this person. Let your father take you back tomorrow!" The slender nails straightly scratched Hussi's face, and the bloodstains that rolled up the flesh were shocking. "Li An Li Quan, drag this crazy woman down!"

Rushing in from the outside, two tall and large urn, hurriedly raised Hussi and dragged out, the woman's screaming and cursing went away gradually, and the room was quiet again.

The owner of the Li family looked at Li Zongyin with a blue face and laughed loudly, "Hey, it's just a distant relative with a surname. Why bother to work hard, who will test next? Hurry up, the time of the fairy teacher is precious ..."

Li Jinzhi watched the whole farce, and could not help feeling a little bit. He thought that the new disciple who asked Hu Sisi on the carriage would speak for her, but he did not expect that the other side watched the whole farce coldly without saying a word.

If you think about it, you will understand that the other party just likes the sweetness of the heavenly girl rather than the wasteful vixen who has no spiritual roots. There is no need to help out and anger the future brother and Li family, really not worth it.

The Xiu industry didn't have any true feelings. After Li Jinzhi's feelings, he silently hit the word "harem" in his heart by a dozen or so.

After the farce, the entire hall returned to order, and the juniors waiting for the test stepped forward one by one. After half a column of incense, the entire test was nearing completion.

Qing Mu rejected the proposal of the host Li to stay, and led the new disciples back to the door. Since then, the three-day mission has been officially completed.

Li Jinzhi said goodbye to his brothers and sisters on Sendai, but was stopped by Qing Mu.

"Master, stay." Qing Mu waved Feng Gu to take the new disciple down, and took Li Jinzhi to the corner of Sendai, "Master, brother wants to invite you to participate."

Li Jinzhi nodded in disapproval, "brother said."

"That's it. Half a year later, the day when Yibingbing Grottoes will be open will be followed by the disciples of the entire North Cold Polar Region." Qing Mu said slowly.

As soon as Li Jinzhi thought about it, he became transparent. "Brother has already set up the foundation period. These events have nothing to do with Brother. Brother came to me, I'm afraid it is because of Sister Butterfly?"

He is an inner door non-reliance repair without the support of a teacher, and he has the rare strength and arrogance. The opponent should be attracting attention.

With a calculation in his heart, Li Jinzhi's look toward Qingmu became more and more strange, and he pushed the female host to the male host, and the heart of this man was almost leaking.

However, the male lead in the original text seems to have encountered the injured heroine Ye Dieer in a secret place, and Ye Dieer was already dumb at that time ...

If it was put in the past, there might be plots related to the pseudo-hostess, Li Jinzhi could not avoid it. But this time, he hesitated. He actually expected that the dumb leaf butterfly was Ye Yu. Maybe then he could find each other and know that he was still alive.

Although he is not completely sure, this leaf domain is not that leaf domain.

Qingmu's earlobes are getting red, but her face is still calm. "Well, don't hide the master, Butterfly is not deeply involved in the world. I'm afraid she is involved in a secret situation. "Qingmu smiled," Besides, the younger brother has no teacher to rely on. If he enters the secret place by himself, even if he encounters an opportunity, he may not be able to keep it after he comes out. "

Li Jinzhi heard the words for a moment, and after thinking about it for a moment, he made up his mind and said firmly, "The words of my brother are extremely powerful, and I am afraid that I will be forced to surrender the benefits if I come out. My brother must propose me to agree.

"Okay, I'll talk to Shimei now." Qingmu's face flashed with joy, "The younger brother will be busy. We must improve our strength as soon as possible within six months. We must know that there are more than ten training periods in the ice maze. Countless. "

Li Jinzhi nodded cautiously and left. After returning to Dongfu after taking the task with the quest hand card, the ice room was as empty as the ground, and he never added anything new except for the ice furniture that had just arrived.

Sitting cross-legged on a futon but inadvertently practicing, Li Jin was a little at a loss for a while. The original practice was to receive Ye Yu. To this end, he worked hard to reach the foundation period.

But the other party was missing, no one could see a dead person.

When he first came to this ghost place, he was so helpless that he quietly turned up again ...


Very light whine, chest slipped over a bit of numbness, Li Jinzhi had to interrupt the sorrow, expressionlessly reached into the placket, dug out, missed the target, small chopsticks have been around the chest very quickly, after the attack Back.

Helplessly, he stretched his hands to his back again, still missed the target, "consciously, come out by myself." Threat.

"Not coming out! I do n’t want to go on a date with a nun!" Xiaoyan said in a high tone, and her sharp voice brought a little grievance. "I want to eat her! I am alone!"

"You're a puppet." Li Jinzhi steadily corrected, "And that was not a date, it was just a purposeful and conditional mutual help behavior."

"That ... that one is my one!" Hesitated.

"I'm not a stingy." It seems strange.

"Anyway, I can't go!" The strip-shaped creature in the placket tossed up and down, and the small claws with hooks scratched randomly, trying to show dissatisfaction.

Li Jinzhi's face sank, and his lips were patience. After being plucked by a sharp object at a certain point, he was exhausted patiently, stood up, unfastened his belt, undressed, pinched, threw away, and closed the door ...

The little sister-in-law who was thrown into the outer room unexpectedly stopped all the movements, adjusted his posture to squat on the ground, and the dark mung bean eyes glanced at the closed ice door dimly.

A ray of ice-white yuan beads spit out from the small mouth, the beads dripped and twirled, the cold air overflowed, and Xiaozhu raised his two claws to gently lift the beads. With a sound of "peng", the ice mist spread away, and one of them was generally not Two dragons appeared in the stone room.

Beads turned into pupils with dimmed pupils, eyes blank, lying on the ground quietly.

"Don't drink his blood or allow him to have close contact with others." The small chopsticks and mung beans showed a satisfied look in his eyes. After giving the order, he closed his eyes to the stone gate and turned to Dongfu forbidden. Shem went out.

And the two-way stone room ban did not cause the slightest ripples.

The ignorant Xiao Xiaolong lay on the ground quietly and abnormally ...