MTL - The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor-Chapter 1108 Foreigners work hard and break them up

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Chapter 1108: The foreigners worked hard to break them up

One hundred and twenty dowries tied with red silk filled the Mo family's yard. Half of them were betrothal gifts sent by the Mo family to the Cui family, and half were additional dowries added by the Cui family.

The two families did not add any water to these betrothal gifts and dowry, so the dowry was extremely rich. Even if they did not open the wooden box and deliberately exposed the dowry inside, the relatives, friends, and neighbors who came to watch the ceremony were not surprised at all. There is no doubt about the value of these dowries.

“Old man, I have seen the world in my life, but only now do I know that the world I saw before is not worth mentioning in front of these dowries.”

“Who says it’s not the case? This is a truly wealthy family. One dowry can support several generations.”

"When the Mo family sent betrothal gifts to the bride's family, I thought of giving so much. I'm afraid the Mo family would have to take out most of the family's wealth. Now it seems that they have a long-term view. No, it will be doubled all of a sudden. Aren’t they all from the Mo family?”


Looking at the dowry all over the yard, some people lamented, some were envious, and some made sarcastic remarks. No matter what happened to this marriage, in the eyes of these people, the Mo family had made a profit, not to mention marrying a powerful in-law. What you marry is a mountain of gold and silver.

These people have forgotten about the bumper harvest in the orchard of the Mo family this year, and they have also forgotten that the Mo family has a rice shop that earns a fortune every day. They have not thought about the current financial resources of the Mo family and there is no need to pay attention to the woman's dowry.

There were many such voices, and they reached the ears of the Mo family intermittently. Except for a few children who were very angry and wanted to rush out to argue, Mo Yan and Mo Qingze were very calm. They had their mouths on others and let them say whatever they wanted. They would always slap themselves in the face.

The married daughter of the Cui family was also very busy. After the wedding bed, wardrobe and other items that should be placed in the new house were put in place, and the other dowries were put into storage, Mr. Cui took the dowry senders and said goodbye and left. The Mo family We are busy again, preparing for the reception and banquet tomorrow.

This time there were a lot of people coming to help. The whole backyard was filled with the sound of washing and cutting. There were more than ten large stoves and large iron pots placed in the center of the yard. Several chefs invited were also busy preparing and cooking dishes. vegetable. Some dishes need to be cooked in advance and cooked again tomorrow to avoid being too busy tomorrow.

As night falls, bright red lanterns rise in the courtyard and eaves of the Mo family, shrouding the entire courtyard in a faint red light. The noise during the day has become much quieter at night. The women who helped him have gone home to rest and will come to help again at dawn tomorrow.

The cooks all lived in the city, so it was not convenient to go back and forth, so they stayed in the guest room of the Mo family. Now that they were all tired, they went back to their room to rest.

There is another highlight in the evening. The Mo family and relatives and friends who came to congratulate in advance did not rest and were gathering together to wait for the arrival of the auspicious time.

At this time, the matchmaker of the Mo family came in with a bad expression and said to the Mo family's father and daughter: "Your Excellency, Junjun, one of the bed-rolling boys we found earlier suddenly fell ill. Now the auspicious time is coming, so we must do it as soon as possible." Looking for a top, do you have a suitable boy here?"

 Bed rolling is one of the important customs of Dachu weddings. On the day before the wedding night of the bride and groom, a few five or six-year-old boys will be found to roll around on the red wedding bed, which means more children and more blessings. Of course, families who like daughters can also find girls and boys of similar age to roll on the marriage bed together. Usually the numbers are even, which means good things come in pairs.

 Generally, a boy who rolls in bed will be found among relatives and friends. After rolling in bed, he will receive a generous red envelope from the groom's family. Therefore, many adults and children are happy to do this job.

The Mo family found two pairs of boys and two pairs of girls. Among the circle of relatives and friends, only Han Zhiyun's youngest son agreed with the request. The remaining one boy and two girls were found in the village. .

 The sick child cannot be allowed to roll out of bed now, so he must find a bed before the auspicious time.

 Mo Yan and Mo Qingze looked at each other. They did not expect such a little accident. It is not easy to find a suitable boy now.

Zhen'er on the side rolled his eyes, stood up, patted his chest and said, "I'm a boy too, so let me go. If I'm not enough, let Brother Zhao and Sister Sheng'er join in!"

Mo Yan looked at the much older "boy" and twitched his eyes. He pushed his younger brother on the chair and sat down: "Don't make trouble, you are an older child and it is inappropriate."

Zhen'er argued: "Why is it inappropriate? Am I not a boy? You can't discriminate against me because I am older!"

Mo Yan stared at his younger brother with a dull face, unable to refute.

Zhen'er's face was bright, and she was very happy to have asked the eldest sister.

Mo Qingze looked helplessly at the matchmaker and pointed at Zhen'er: "If it's appropriate, let him go!"

 The matchmaker looked at the beautiful and cute Zhen'er with red lips and white teeth in astonishment. He hesitated for a moment and nodded firmly: "Suitable!".

  Although it seems awkward for my son to roll on my father's bed, there is no precedent for this, which does not mean that it cannot be done, and no one has ever said that it cannot be done. Good times wait for no one, so make do with it first!

The matchmakers all nodded, and Mo Yan naturally couldn't say anything. However, Mr. Liu, Han Zhiyun and the others felt that this incident was too strange, and it might become a good story if word spread about it. Of course, the premise is that the step-son and the step-mother who have **** can live in harmony with each other from now on, otherwise it will become a joke.

A group of people gathered around the boys and girls to the new house. When the auspicious time came, several boys and girls climbed onto the big bed covered with bright red quilts and rolled around happily on it.

Zhen'er was the oldest and couldn't compete with the children. He was the last one to climb up. As he climbed onto the bed, his brain twitched for some reason. He reached out and pulled Sheng'er onto the bed.

Seeing this, Mo Yan secretly thought something was wrong. When the matchmaker screamed in panic, she quickly pulled Yun Zhao over and pushed him onto the mixed bed. After giving him a fierce look, she realized that she had done something wrong. Zhen'er was too guilty to raise his head.

 No one expected such an episode, but fortunately it was repaired in time and it didn't matter. Just looking at the confused faces of the Yun Zhao brothers and sisters made people laugh, and they smiled and urged them to roll around twice more to give themselves more brothers and sisters.

  After rolling out of bed, it was already getting late. Everyone left the new house and went to rest separately. They had to be energetic enough to go to the wedding together tomorrow.

Mo Yan returned to the room and saw the six beasts already lying in the nest. There were many people during the day, and they were impatient with the noisy environment, so they went up the mountain together, without seeing any shadows all day long.

 Seeing Mo Yan come back, the six beasts got up one by one and circled around her with humming sounds.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll let you in now.” Mo Yan looked at the flat belly of the six beasts, patted their big heads and sent them into the space one by one.

Since the space has a breeding farm and a large amount of rations are stored, the appetites of the six beasts have become more and more demanding, and they are no longer willing to eat prey with rough skin but not too thick meat deep in the mountains. Most of the prey returned from hunting was given to Zhao Mu and the others by Mo Yan.

Mo Yan returned to the bedroom to find clean clothes, and was about to take a shower in the space before going to sleep, when she heard a knock on the door of the small hall.

 People with sensitive ears can distinguish the subtle differences in each person's footsteps. The deep knocking on the door also told Mo Yan who was standing outside the door.

She quickly put down her clothes and ran to open the door, and sure enough she saw Xiao Ruiyuan.

Different from the past, this time, Xiao Ruiyuan was wearing a light cyan shirt. Although the sleeves were also narrow and the waist was tight, which could not hide the sharpness revealed, it was much better than giving people a deep sense of coldness. .

This dress was made by Mo Yan with every stitch in her busy schedule. This was the first time she saw Xiao Ruiyuan wearing it, and she couldn't help but stare straight at it.

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Ruiyuan lowered his head and kissed the woman's pink lips. He was now more and more accustomed to being close to her. Every time they met, he could not restrain this strong impulse, but after the impulse, he would fall into another. A feeling of deep emptiness. This feeling made him even more unbearable. However, this way of drinking poison to quench thirst still made him enjoy it.

It's just that he concealed it so well. Most of Mo Yan didn't know how tolerant a man was. Sometimes when she saw his stoic look, she couldn't help but tease him. Until her lips were red and swollen, her breath was messy and she almost forgot to breathe, she finally Make sure you are still attractive to someone.

Mo Yan came to her senses, quickly let the person in, and asked: "Why are you here? Are you leaving tonight?" She knew that he was very busy, and it was not a holiday these two days, so he probably didn't have time to come over. .

Xiao Ruiyuan held Mo Yan's hand very naturally and said as he walked into the room: "The matter has come to an end. The Holy Father has given me a few days' leave."

"Two days off? That's great!" Mo Yan's eyes lit up and she was so happy that she didn't notice that her focus was wrong at all: "How many days are there for the vacation? My father plans to take us out for fun after getting married. You If we have enough vacation, we will go together."

go together?

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Ruiyuan was looking forward to this outing: "Then let's go together." The vacation was not enough, but he could find ways to make it enough. This feeling of being passive and slacking off at work seemed pretty good.

"By the way, you said that thing has come to an end. What happened? What exactly is that patch?" Mo Yan didn't know what the man was thinking, and finally regained his focus.

On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xiaohua picked up a strange patch on the mountain behind the palace and gave it to Mo Yan. Mo Yan realized something was wrong at that time and handed the patch to Xiao Ruiyuan. Xiao Ruiyuan had a strange reaction, but Mo Yan knew that the patch was involved in things that she might not be able to imagine even with her bright mind.

Xiao Ruiyuan's eyes flashed with anger, and his deep voice revealed a bit of hatred: "Before, the Holy One secretly found a group of skilled craftsmen and arranged for them to secretly study gunpowder in the mountains behind the palace. In this matter, except for a few of the Holy One's confidants, No one else knows except my cousin and me."

Mo Yan nodded. She knew about this matter. It seemed that the piece of iron was related to gunpowder.

 Xiao Ruiyuan's next words confirmed her guess. It turned out that one of these skilled craftsmen had secretly researched gunpowder before, and he actually discovered something. However, due to Emperor Taizong's ban, he did not dare to tell anyone about it for fear of causing disaster.

It wasn't until Emperor Hui'an's people found this craftsman that they gathered together with other craftsmen to study gunpowder and make sure that what they had researched would not only cause no harm, but could even lead to a successful career, he decisively put forward what he had researched for many years. After the results were displayed, he was immediately reused and became the leader among this group of craftsmen.

The thing that this leader researched was none other than a musket that was far more lethal than cold weapons! This musket has a farther range than the longest-range large crossbow, and it causes more serious damage to the human body than a crossbow. This is something that the foreign tribe that invaded the Qiuci Kingdom did not develop before. It is very harmful to Hui'an. The shock caused by the emperor and others can be imagined.

No one will deny that muskets are a good thing, but this good thing is extremely troublesome to make. Not only are the requirements for accessories extremely high, and there cannot be any errors, they are also extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you can easily blow up the chamber and seriously injure yourself.

In order to research this musket, the craftsman spent all his family wealth, lost his wife and children, and had three of his ten fingers blown off. This cost was not small, and it shows how difficult it is to make a musket.

Xiao Ruiyuan told Mo Yan the cause and effect, and finally said to the iron piece: "The Holy One was worried that the news would be leaked and cause unnecessary trouble, so he ordered these craftsmen to make the muskets themselves, and sent heavy troops to guard them. No one was allowed to get even half a step closer to the back mountain. However, making muskets requires a large amount of fine iron, and the fine iron that is constantly transported to the back mountain attracted the attention of the foreign craftsman, and after plotting for a long time, the craftsman successfully sneaked into the back mountain."

In order to obtain the secret of gunpowder, a foreign spy turned himself mute and deaf at the expense of self-mutilation. He also fabricated his identity and sneaked into the kitchen of Houshan, where he worked as a henchman and delivered meals to the craftsmen every day.

The craftsmen were naturally not wary of a deaf-mute who had gone through many rounds of investigations. Several times they saw the deaf-mute touch the secret room where gunpowder was made, but they just thought he had entered here by mistake and didn't take it to heart.

Because of this, this craftsman successfully took the fragmented musket parts outside secretly, and found a hidden place to hide these parts, preparing to find an opportunity to send them to the foreign tribe he worked for.

The area behind the palace is not small. Even if it is heavily guarded, there will still be some omissions. This craftsman stayed in the back mountain for a long time and found a loophole leading to the outside. Finally, on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, he took advantage of the lax defense in the back mountain and quietly dug out the parts buried under the roots of the trees and prepared them. I got lucky in one fell swoop, and by chance, I met Xiao Hua who was going up the mountain to play.

Not to mention a ferocious beast, even a human being, the foreign agent did not dare to confront him head-on in order not to scare the snake, so he turned around and ran away before Xiaohua came close. In the process of escaping, a piece of musket part was accidentally left behind. This part was picked up by Xiaohua and finally fell into Xiao Ruiyuan's hands.

With this piece of iron, Xiao Ruiyuan spent two days working to determine that the deaf-mute was a foreigner. There are more than one foreign spy in Beijing. In order to catch all these spies and get more information about the foreigners, Xiao Ruiyuan stood still and set a trap for them to fall into the trap.

When the craftsmen could no longer restrain themselves and found the back mountain, Xiao Ruiyuan took action decisively and captured them all in one fell swoop. No fish slipped through the net. During these days, he spent his time dealing with Xizuo. Fortunately, his hard work paid off and he finally pried open the mouths of those Xizuo and learned a lot of valuable information.

This time, Xiao Ruiyuan made a great contribution. Emperor Hui'an knew that the Mo family was going to hold a happy event, so he waved his hand and gave him two days off. Two days of leave seems a bit short, but as a general and having received an errand from the Gyeonggi Army, it is already very good to have these two days of leave.

"The iron piece was discovered by Xiao Hua, and it is Xiao Hua's fault that the craftsman did not transport the gun in time. This matter cannot be hidden from the Holy One. I have told the truth. After some time, the Holy One may reward Xiao Hua." Xiao Ruiyuan looked at it. In the house where the six eye beasts live, I didn't see them or hear their voices, so I knew they were not here at the moment.

"There is such a good thing? Xiaohua is so happy, but won't the Holy One blame them for sneaking up the mountain?" Mo Yan was happy at first, but then thought about the big secret hidden in the back mountain, and soon turned into worry .

When Xiao Ruiyuan heard this, something flashed across his eyes: "They are just ferocious beasts. Even if they are seen and heard, they will not leak it out. If the Holy One is to blame, wouldn't he have to kill all the snakes, insects, rats, and ants in the forest?" ?”

 Mo Yan suddenly smacked her head and said in annoyance: "They are so smart, I have even forgotten this."

The intelligence of the six beasts is not as good as that of humans, but it is not far behind. She has always treated the six beasts as humans. She has just forgotten that in the eyes of others, they are still ferocious beasts, but they are more intelligent and understanding. It's just human nature, who would have thought that she (it) could communicate without any obstacles?

Xiao Ruiyuan smiled and rubbed Mo Yan's head and did not continue the topic.

The two of them talked for a long time. The six beasts had long been impatient in the space, especially Hairy Ball. It couldn't see the situation outside the space. It learned from Snow Ball that the two-legged beast it hated most was following it again. Its owner was so angry that he was so angry that he rushed into the breeding area and harmed many animals.

Seeing that Hairball was not only harming the breeding area, but also harming the food that he had worked so hard to grow, Xuedanzi was also angry. A ray of light shot out of the snail's eyes and went straight to Hairball's belly, giving it a severe lesson: "Aren't you happy? Soon Yanyan will marry this two-legged beast that you don't like. They will be together for the rest of their lives. Is it possible that you want to break them up?"

"Humph, so what if we break them up? Yan Yan belongs to us, not the Twolegs!" Mao Tuan lay weakly on the ground, but his eyes were still fierce, and he shouted at Xue Tuanzi unconvinced.

When Xue Tuanzi heard this, he suddenly didn't know how to communicate with this guy who had an Oedipus complex. "Forget it, just pretend that I didn't say anything! However, if you really have the guts to break up Yan Yan and that two-legged beast, Yan Yan will definitely hate you, and then she will throw you into the deep mountains and old forests, oh, it’s really miserable when you think about it!”

 (End of this chapter)