MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 561 chance of promotion

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   There is no way to avoid it, and the ancient style simply does not hide.

   The magic wand in his hand moved forward, his lips moved, and a drowsiness magic was cast.

  I saw a flash of light from the top of the magic wand, and a bright light struck the old man of the Zhang clan.

   Elder Zhang obviously did not expect that the other party would ignore his attack. For a moment, he groaned in his heart. Young people do not know the depths! How is it so easy to deal with your own poisonous needle?

   What's more, the toxin that was forced out with internal force just before the action, and the wind that is brought along with the body shape spreads out now.

   This young man is finished!

  Clan elder Zhang was thinking so, that light flashed, at such a close distance, it was unavoidable, and it just hit the head.

  Old Zhang Clan only felt that his eyelids were heavy and his whole body was weak. He secretly said something bad. Then, his body softened, and with a bang, he fell to the ground.

  Before he lost consciousness, he saw several of his poisonous needles floating in the air a few centimeters away from the opponent's body, as if caught by an invisible big hand, motionless.

How is this going?

   Congenital master? Can the internal force be strong enough to be as real?

   This thought was just a flash, he had no time and had already passed out.

   Ding Ding Ding!

   In the crisp voice, several poisonous needles fell to the ground.

   Gu Feng sighed, what a waste of the first level of armor ban!

With a wave of the    magic wand, a wind swept around, carrying the toxins in the air and blowing them out the window.

  Gu Feng’s body was surging by the wind attribute magic element, and the poison did not touch him at all.

Then. With a slight lift of the magic wand, there are four wind blades again.

   puff puff puff!

   Blood splattered, and the limbs of the elder Zhang were cut off.

   Immediately afterwards, the soft light of the magic wand flashed, a low-level healing magic, and the blood on the limbs stopped.

   This method seems a little cruel, but the ancient style does not hesitate. To be soft-hearted towards the enemy is to be cruel to oneself... This is the most basic truth.

   This Zhang clan elder took action as soon as he saw Gu Feng, so ruthless. I don't know how many people have been killed in my life. The poison he made. I don't even know how many targets Maple Leaf used to assassinate.

   Such a person is not a pity to die.

   His limbs were cut off and he became the same old Zhang clan, no matter how strong he was. There is no threat to the ancient style.

   Gu Feng was relieved. A wake-up call. wake it up.


   "Boy! What did you do to this old man!"

   "The old man is going to kill you! Kill you!"

   The old man of the Zhang clan just woke up and found his condition, and he let out a shrill scream.

   Sisters Shao Shiyin and Xiaoxin, who were waiting outside, couldn't help shivering...ancient style. What the **** did he do to that old guy?



   Antiquity is pressed for time, and I am not in the mood to talk to this old guy. After cutting off Zhang Clan's limbs, he started to ask for the information he wanted after there was no threat. Directly took out a bottle of Veritaserum, popped the cork with a "Boom" sound.

   A blast of wind, wrapped in Veritaserum, floated into the nostrils of Elder Zhang.

   "Tell me, where did this herb come from?"

   Waiting for the effect of the Veritaserum to take effect, Gu Feng took out a stalk of Obsidian grass and asked.

   "Seven Luminaries? It was brought out when I left the sect."

  The old man of the Zhang clan originally saw that he had lost his limbs, and was constantly cursing. When Gu Feng asked this sentence, his tongue seemed to be out of control and he answered immediately.

   This strange scene made him stunned.

   "Sect? Which sect? Didn't Maple Leaf cultivate it since childhood?" Gu Feng asked.

"Tangmen! I am a disciple of the Tangmen! The Tangmen of Sichuan are the best at using poison. I was born in the Tangmen and made a name for themselves in the arena. Maple Leaf came to me because of my fame, and lured me to betray my teacher. Yes." Zhang Clan said. The shocked look on his face has become more and more serious.

   "It's that bottle of potion! What kind of potion is that bottle? How can it control my thinking and let me answer all my questions?" After all, he was a master of poison, and he quickly saw the way.

Of course   Gu Feng ignored him and continued to ask:

   "You call this Yaofeng grass Qiyi grass? Does Tangmen still have this grass?" Gu Feng asked.

   "Yes, this is Qiyi grass. Because of its leaves, each branch has seven leaves similar to small stars, so it is called Qiyi grass. There are Qiyi grass planted in the Tangmen Hundred Grass Garden."

   "Where is the Tangmen Baicao Garden?" Gu Feng asked, also getting nervous.

"In Sichuan, in the depths of the continuous Emei Mountains. You can't find it! There is no sect token, even for Tang Sect disciples, after leaving the sect, they can't find a way to go back. Don't say it's you! I Admit it, you are very powerful. You have some methods that are unimaginable and unpredictable. However, just based on this, it is impossible for you to deal with the Tang Sect. The power of the Tang Sect is simply beyond your imagination.” Zhang The clan elder laughed strangely.

   Antiquity was naturally not affected by him, so he asked a few more questions. After getting the information he wanted, and making sure that nothing could be squeezed out of the old man of the Zhang clan, this was the wind blade that ended his life.

   Then, walk out quickly.

   "Come up! Let's go!" Gu Feng said.

   "Yeah!" Sister Shao Shiyin nodded. They were waiting outside just now, listening to the noise in the town and watching the helicopters flying in the sky, and they were also extremely anxious. For fear of being discovered here. Now that Gu Feng came out, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

   The three of them immediately rode up.

  Gu Feng rode his broomstick, continued to stick to the ground, and galloped away.


   A streamer quickly rushed out of the island, stuck to the sea, and disappeared into the distance.

   At this speed, at this flight altitude, even if the island has an air defense system, it is completely useless, and I can only watch the ancient wind fly away, leaving a video shot in the distance.


  Yaofengcao, here, should be called Seven Luminaries Grass, it has a fatal temptation for wind magicians.

  This grass is rich in wind elements, and it is extremely pure. Gu Feng is confident that as long as there is a sufficient amount of Yaofeng grass to refine a large amount of potions, he will be promoted to a senior magician, and it will be just around the corner.

   Unexpectedly, the Maple Leaf Village and his party could have such an unexpected harvest, and Gu Feng was extremely excited.

  This settlement has not been destroyed yet?

   Antiquity can no longer be taken care of.

   Compared with improving strength, everything is a cloud.

  High-level magicians are two completely different levels from intermediate-level magicians. As long as you can advance to the advanced magician, all the difficulties you are facing now will no longer be any difficulties.

   For example, in this small settlement island, for a senior magician, just one spell and one forbidden spell can all be solved.

  Senior magician, flying in the sky, even if he competes head-on with a modern army, he will win but not lose.


  Be sure to advance as soon as possible!

   This is the only belief of Gufeng now.

   galloped all the way without stopping, and after a few hours, he had returned to the health care villa.

One can imagine the shocked look in sisters    Shao Shiyin's eyes.

   Of course they know that the small settlement island where they were originally located is in the southern hemisphere! In just a few hours, he was already in the hinterland of the Huaxia Kingdom in the northern hemisphere?


   It was shocking!

   At this speed, even if the jet is flying straight, is it inferior?

   They experienced the feeling of swift and fast speed along the way, and I am afraid they will never forget it in their lifetime.

   After Sansheng Pavilion landed, Gu Feng took out his magic wand and held it on top of Xiaoxin's head. A spell was chanted, and light spots fell on Xiaoxin's head and penetrated into it.

   Soon, Xiaoxin slowly fell asleep.

   Shao Shiyin and Shao Meiyin watched this scene without blocking or worrying. They knew that Gu Feng did this for the sake of Xiaoxin.

   "I put an oblivion spell on him. When he wakes up, he will forget everything that happened on the island in the past two days. You can guide him well, and in the future, try to let him live a normal life." Gu Feng said.

   "Thank you!" Shao Meiyin was full of gratitude.

   "You're welcome. This is something the fox asked me to do, and of course I will do it well." Gu Feng said, "You guys wait here! I have already told the fox that the fox will be here soon."

   "Yeah!" Shao Meiyin nodded. The thought of meeting her long-separated husband is also very exciting.

  Gu Feng did not stay here to watch the reunion of husband and wife, he has more important things to do. (To be continued..)