MTL - The Moon In My Arms-Chapter 207 Solo

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   Chapter 207 Solo Flight

   The pupils of the four of them collectively trembled, completely dumbfounded there.

  Qiyue coughed lightly and handed the plastic bag in her hand to Song Qiuqiu and the others, "That... hangover medicine... do you want to take it?"

  Song Qiuqiu: "No thanks, I'm sober now!!!"

  Su Xiaotang cried: "Yuebao, we were all woken up by you..."

  Song Qiuqiu felt that he had never been so awake before: "Yuebao, why are you with the Great God? This is too sudden, when did it happen?"

  Su Xiaotang: "Yeah, why didn't we notice at all?"

  Jiang Lang: "So you guys are really cheating on us?"

  Ling Feng: "Really cheating???"

Qi Yue was slightly dark, and said speechlessly: "I said that I didn't steal, I was upright... and we just... just established our relationship not long ago, just after the end of the shooting competition today! I didn't tell you right away. Are you guys?"

  Song Qiuqiu rubbed his chin and muttered, " before our party tonight on the third anniversary of the Single Dog League, you were actually already together?"

  Qiyue nodded: "Yes, so I didn't actually have a sudden change... At least I gave you a time buffer for a meal..."

  Ling Feng roared: "I really thank you!"

Jiang Lang asked in tears: "Student Tudou! How can you do this? How can you betray our single dog alliance! Ling Feng and I have just joined, so what's the matter if you, the leader of the alliance, betrayed? Even if you betray yourself, you still ... You still digested it internally and kidnapped one of our fierce generals???"

   Qi Yue: "Uh..."

  Ling Feng: "So, you promised to devote yourself to agronomy!"

   Qiyue: "Dedicating your life to agriculture doesn't mean you have to be single..."

  Song Qiuqiu: "Yuebao! You are the leader of our single dog alliance!"

   Qi Yue: "The leader of the Single Dog Alliance doesn't have to be a single dog, right?"

  Su Xiaotang: "Yuebao! Would you like to hear what you're talking about? You, you, you are completely obsessed with sex!"

  Qi Yue was probably also a little guilty, and stopped talking: "Well..."

Song Qiuqiu had the expression of his wife running away, and beat Jiang Lang beside him in grief: "Yuebao, Yuebao! I never expected it! You fly alone! You are the leader of the alliance! You actually fly solo on our backs! !!"

  Su Xiaotang: "It's a lie to say that being single together is a lie! On the third anniversary of our single dog alliance, this meal turned out to be a casual meal..."

  Ling Feng: "The Dog Slaughtering Banquet! The Dog Slaughtering Banquet!"

  Jiang Lang almost vomited when he was beaten, and looked at Song Qiuqiu speechlessly, "Can you stop beating me, I'll vomit if you beat me again!"

  Song Qiuqiu sobbed, "I'm so sad... My wife ran away with someone..."

  Jiang Lang: "Your wife runs away and beats me for shit, and I can still pay you one? Whoever kidnapped your wife, who you beat!"

   Hearing this, Song Qiuqiu didn't know what to think, and hurriedly looked at Qi Yue excitedly: "Wait! Yuebao! I have a very important question to ask you!"

   Qiyue: "Important question...what is the question?"

  Song Qiuqiu immediately asked with bright eyes, "That's it... you and Gu Huai... Who the **** kidnapped you two?"

  Jiang Lang and Ling Feng probably came back to their senses, and hurriedly looked towards Qi Yue together.

  Jiang Lang immediately said: "Is there any need to ask? It must be our Gu Huai who was kidnapped by classmate Tudou!"

  Song Qiuqiu gritted his teeth: "Why can't it be Gu Huai who remembers our Moon Treasure?"

  Jiang Lang: "Do you believe what you said?"


   The two began to enter an endless cycle of mutual confrontation on this issue.

   Qi Yue saw that they were arguing again, with a helpless expression: "Is this question important?"

  Song Qiuqiu, Su Xiaotang, Jiang Lang, and Ling Feng looked at each other, and then the four of them said in unison, "Of course it's important! Very important!"

this means! Who the hell! want! superior! sky! tower!

   Qi Yue felt that there was nothing to hide about this question, she confessed it first, so it should be her...

   Seeing that they were so concerned, Qi Yue said truthfully, "That, it's me..."

   In the next second, without waiting for Qi Yue to speak, Gu Huai next to her followed her words, and said in the night breeze, "We are in love with each other."

   The meaning of mutual affection is: Let's go to the rooftop together.



   (end of this chapter)