MTL - The Married Wife is a Boss: Lord Mo is Super Fond of Him!-Chapter 17 She must be mistaken

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  Chapter 17 It should be her mistake

   Originally, Shen Xingluo thought that only a bodyguard named Jiang Shaomo was following them. Who knew when they got out of the car, only to realize that there was a car behind them.

   Four men in uniform black suits and sunglasses got out of the car.

  The people are tall and tall, as long as the four of them stand by her and Mo Jinyan's side, absolutely no one dares to approach them!

   "Madam, little master, let's go directly to the VIP channel."

   Jiang Shaomo said.

   "Okay, let's go, stepmother."

  Mo Jinyan took Shen Xingluo's hand and followed behind Jiang Shaomo.

   The four bodyguards followed closely behind them like conscientious stalkers.

   After playing two or three projects with Mo Jinyan, she made an excuse for a stomachache and wanted to go to the toilet.

   Immediately, led by one of the men in black, she came to the women's bathroom.

   "Madam, come in."

   The black man spoke, but it was a female voice.

  Shen Xingluo: "..."

   Mo Yuchen is really good, she thought so thoughtfully.

   "You, you are waiting for me outside, I, you are a boy, you can't go into the women's toilet."

  Shen Xingluo twisted and pulled at the hem of her skirt and said to her.


  The woman glanced around and nodded.

   She is guarding the door, so there shouldn't be any big problems.

   After Shen Xingluo entered the bathroom, looking at the people coming and going, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was a gleam in his sky-clear eyes.

   Wearing a **** red dress with bright red makeup, slightly exaggerated eyeshadow, and a pair of heavy glasses.

   She successfully walked out of the washing machine in front of the female bodyguard.

   Turning her head, she glanced at the female bodyguard who was still waiting at the door of the bathroom, and shrugged proudly.

That's it?

  Protect her?


   After not staying for another second, Shen Xingluo hurriedly headed out the door.

   After coming out of the playground, she got into a taxi and raised her hand to look at the watch on her wrist.

   took off the glasses frame and turned the button on the electronic watch.

   In the next second, the timepiece that originally only showed the time and date immediately became a mobile phone.

   found No. 015, she called it.

   "What's the situation now?"

   "Back to Jiujie, Shi Xiangqiang has come to the night bar, and is in the innermost part on the right hand side of the entrance."

   A processed voice came from the phone, which sounded low and weird.

   "Okay, I see, I'll be there in about 30 minutes. Get my makeup tools ready...and forget it, you need makeup tools."

   Looking down at the red dress that vaguely revealed her career line, Shen Xingluo continued to add.

   To speak out, this is the highest state of hard-to-capture.

   After the call ended, Shen Xingluo looked out the car window.

   I wonder if Mo Jinyan will cry in a hurry when she knows she is gone.

   He is just a little crying bag, he will definitely cry.

   Under her conjecture, the car stopped at the door of the bar after a while.

   After getting out of the car, Shen Xingluo went straight to the bar.

   "This is the card."

   Just as she was about to arrive at the door, someone suddenly bumped into her and immediately shoved a gold card into her arms.

   Holding this card, Shen Xingluo successfully entered the bar after passing the card check.

   She did not go directly to the right direction, but asked for the bathroom and went straight to the bathroom.

   Laidu had a cubicle that said it was being repaired, and she pushed the door and entered.

  I saw a hidden trash can in an inconspicuous tool, and then I found a Bluetooth headset and a cosmetic bag from the trash can.

   Carrying her cosmetic bag, she came out of the compartment, walked to the huge mirror, and started applying makeup.

   Heavy makeup, flaming red lips, and the long dress that showed off her graceful figure, Shen Xingluo was still not satisfied.

   Pick up the scissors, grab the skirt corner, click, and cut the long skirt directly into a slit skirt that slits to the thigh.

   Looking at the pair of snow-white and even legs in the mirror, she put everything away in satisfaction, hid back to her original position, and walked out of the bathroom.


   Holding a red wine glass, she stumbled onto the man sitting outside, and the red wine glass in her hand was scattered on his clothes.

   "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to."

   A soft voice came out of her mouth.

   "It's okay, it's okay...Ah, you are so pretty."

  The man was just politely replying, but when he saw Shen Xingluo's beautiful face, he was instantly stunned.

   A word that attracts the attention of others.

   In an instant, Shen Xingluo's body attracted the attention of the surrounding.

   "Indeed, she is a beauty."

   The middle-aged man sitting in the middle looked at her with a sigh and sighed.

   "Can I join you? I'm pretty boring by myself, it's more fun if you have more."

   Said, Shen Xingluo's big charming eyes seemed to be secretly looking at that person.

   "Of course you can, come, come and sit by my side."

   The middle-aged man smiled and pushed the woman in his arms away.

   "Mr. Shi, is this not a good idea?"

   One of them couldn't help but be a little worried, after all, what good stuff could be delivered to the door.

   "What's so bad?"

  Shi Xiangqiang, known as President Shi, waved his hand. He has always refused to come to beauties.

   Anyway, each has its own picture.

  She wants his money, he wants her beauty.

   "Then I'm welcome."

  Shen Xingluo said, tugging at the strands of hair that were hanging around her ears, keeping them behind her ears.

   Every move has an unrivaled atmosphere.

   Shi Xiangqiang was even more itchy.

After    bypassing a few people, Shen Xingluo successfully came to Shi Xiangqiang and sat down, under the colorful lights and slightly drunk.

   She successfully got Shi Xiangqiang's room card.

   "Waiter, come here."

   got up, Shen Xingluo greeted the waiter not far away.

   "Miss, what do you need?"

   "Prepare us some more fruit, dried fruit and some wine. Just a little wine is not enough for us to drink."

  Shen Xingluo glanced at Shi Xiangqiang who was holding her waist and took the opportunity to wipe the oil, the smile on his face never halved.


  The waiter looked at her and left.

  Waiting for her to reappear with various fruits and dried fruits and wine in her hands.

   "Please pass me that bottle of wine."

   Shen Xingluo took the opportunity to say.

   Then the two fought extremely well, and they quickly traded the cards in front of everyone.

   After getting the card, the waiter calmly arranged everything and left immediately.

   "Boss Shi!"

  Suddenly, a deep and magnetic voice sounded in this noisy atmosphere.

   Shen Xingluo, who was pouring wine, was completely stupid.

   Mo, Mo Yuchen?

No way?

   Wouldn’t it be so coincidental?

   It should be her mistake.

   swallowed her saliva, and before she could raise her head to look at the person, she already heard Shi Xiangqiang's voice in her ear.

   "Master Mo, why are you here?"

   (end of this chapter)