MTL - The Male Supporting Roles Who Are Lonely and Old All the Time-Chapter 43 .The prince of the enemy country who retreated for the heroine 6

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Mu Jingyuan listened to Xiaoqi's talk about the lives of women in the country, and the concepts formed since she was a child were broken little by little.

Yes, why women can't stand on their own, but can only rely on their father, brother and husband, and count on their character to live.

Ming Yang and the others are only here to protect Mu Jingyuan, not to take care of daily life. The person who served her was a maid from the former Chen Palace, who was assigned to plant land a few days ago. Because she has performed well in the past two months and is practical and capable, she was transferred back to take care of Mu Jingyuan.

Mu Jingyuan looked at the shy maid of honor, and then at Ming Yang and the others who were in high spirits, with complicated eyes.

On the second day, after He Dongchen finished handling government affairs, he went to Mu Jingyuan's bedroom, and keenly discovered that the other party was different.

Seeing He Dongchen staring at her, Mu Jingyuan asked in confusion, "Your Highness?"

He Dongchen withdrew his gaze, and asked instead: "Your veil?"

"No need." Mu Jingyuan shook her head, her clear eyes said seriously, "I want to see this world for myself, and I don't need to hide it."

Women who had not left the court in the morning state had to wear veiled hats when they went out, and their faces would lose their reputation and become unclean when they were seen.

Mu Jingyuan used to wear a veiled hat with the crowd, and there was nothing wrong with it, but now she suddenly realized why women can only cover up, but can't walk in the world openly.

He Dongchen was very pleased to see her transformation. Because the customs of the two countries are different, the status of women is completely different. The people of the DPRK are tough, and from time to time they have to fight with the barbarians of the Northern Yi, and many famous female generals have emerged, so the status of women is not weak, and it is not uncommon for women to be officials in the DPRK. The style of writing was prevalent in the early state, and the etiquette was strict. There were many restraints on women. Women were virtuous and women were precepted.

Mu Jingyuan grew up in such an environment, and she was able to awaken the consciousness of resistance so quickly, which is better than countless others.

"Your Highness, the carriages and horses have been arranged, and we can start the morning at any time." Ming Yang entered the hall and cupped his hands.

He Dongchen nodded, and greeted Mu Jingyuan to leave the palace together in a low-key manner.

Mu Mingda's article has been printed overnight and announced to the world. Every teahouse in Nandu City is discussing this matter. Ordinary people feel at ease and their days are more hopeful. Backbone to speak of.

He Dongchen took Mu Jingyuan into a teahouse, and the blushing crowd paused when they saw Mu Jingyuan's beautiful face, and then looked at He Dongchen, who was standing tall and straight and dressed in court dress, and Ming Yang, a few female soldiers behind her. , looking a little displeased.

A thin man in a green shirt curled his lips in disdain: "It's indecent to show your face in public."

Although the sound is low, the quiet needle drop in the teahouse can be heard at this time, and no one can hear it.

The few people around stayed away from him calmly, so as not to harm the fish pond. These days, do they know that all the women of Chaoguo are tough and not easy to mess with.

The thin man also came to his senses, and glanced at He Dongchen in fear. Being stared at by everyone, he couldn't get off the stage, so he could only hang his neck and say, "Am I wrong? A woman shows her face in public, ruins the atmosphere, and humiliates the family! If my daughter is like this, Let her throw herself into the well a long time ago, what face will she have in the world?"

Ming Yang and the others were furious when they heard the words, and Xiao Qi was even more irritable. He stepped forward and pulled out the thin man and threw him on the ground. You still look down on us women!"

The man was trampled so badly that his face was red and his ears were red. He was so ashamed and angry that he was trampled under his feet by a woman he looked down on in public.

Seeing him like this, Ming Yang and the others burst out laughing, while the others in the teahouse were afraid of their swords and dared not speak out.

The Chao Guo soldiers who were passing by on patrol outside took a look, not only did not stop them, but cheerfully said: "Hey, General Xiaoqi is teaching the trash again?"

In the eyes of the men from Chaoguo, the men from Chenguo are skinny, they just gossip all day long, they bully the weak and fear the hard, and the cowardly ones go home to bully women, it's really useless.

Mu Jingyuan's expression was complicated, it was just such a group of bullying men who bullied the women of the Chen Dynasty for hundreds of years with some messy fallacies.

In the end, Xiao Qi grabbed the thin man by the neck and threw him out of the teahouse like he was carrying garbage.

He Dongchen led the people to the private seat on the second floor, and ordered a pot of tea.

Originally, I wanted to come to listen to the various attitudes of the world, but after such a commotion just now, no one knew that there was a group of Korean people who were not easy to mess with in the teahouse, so everyone stopped talking and gradually dispersed.

The group had some refreshments in the teahouse, left here, and continued wandering around Nandu City.

At the end of the day, Mu Jingyuan felt a lot.

In the next few days, Mr. Mingda's article spread all over the world, and other cities in the Chen Kingdom surrendered one after another. He Dongchen hurriedly dispatched people to take over, and there were still several cities huddling together for warmth. Never ambiguous.

When the war resumed, He Dongchen wanted to avoid unnecessary casualties, so he decided to go out in person

At this time, there are only two days left before the ten-day agreement.

Mu Mingda is in the reopened Qingshan Academy where the gods are, sipping fine wine.

The day before the expedition, He Dongchen found time to meet Mu Jingyuan.

Without waiting for him to speak, Mu Jingyuan took the lead and said, "I am willing to be the imperial concubine of the dynasty."

He Dongchen raised his eyebrows, it was the imperial concubine of the court, not his wife. Looking at Mu Jingyuan who was not shy when talking about marriage, He Dongchen sighed in his heart, did he lose his charm?

Seeing his delicate expression, Mu Jingyuan frowned, thinking of something, her face paled: "Or did His Highness find a better candidate?"

There are tens of thousands of women in the Kingdom of Chen, and not a few of them have outstanding family backgrounds. She is not the only candidate for the crown princess.

Seeing that she had misunderstood, He Dongchen explained: "You think too much, the position of Crown Princess is yours. When I return from the expedition, I will immediately perform the canonization ceremony."

Mu Jingyuan heaved a sigh of relief, and realized that she felt a little resentful for her behavior just now, her red ears turned red, she turned sideways and said uncomfortably: "I want to go back to the academy and tell my father."

"Naturally, in this troubled time, I will let Ming Yang accompany you to protect you."

Mu Jingyuan knew the seriousness, so she didn't refuse. She turned around and saluted him solemnly, and said seriously: "I hope that His Highness will return in triumph without incident."

Before going down the mountain, Mu Jingyuan was brooding in her heart, more or less thinking about the dead Chen Kingdom, but what she saw and heard during this period made Mu Jingyuan focus on other things.

She thought that calling from Chaoguo would be a great blessing for the women of Chenguo.

And what she has to do is to stand in a higher position and help those poor women who are still stuck in the mud.

He Dongchen looked at her firm gaze, and also solemnly said: "Sure, I will marry you when I come back."

After speaking, he strode away, and the tall and straight figure gradually elongated under the dusk.

Mu Jingyuan stood behind her and watched him leave. After a long time, she raised her hand and touched her chest. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised. Perhaps, there was still a selfishness in it.

On the second day, He Dongchen led an army of 100,000 troops and set off with armor.

Mu Jingyuan stood far away on the tall building, watching Haohao Tangtang's army leave.

Ming Yang failed to go out this time, and was a little disappointed, but knowing that Mu Jingyuan would be the future princess, it meant a lot, and he dutifully took on the role of guardian.

"Miss Mu, the carriage is ready and ready to go."

Mu Jingyuan withdrew her gaze and said softly, "Please trouble General Ming."

Castle Peak Academy.

The atmosphere was dignified, and the students who came and went were silent.

This time, Qingshan Academy restarted, and less than 60% of the students returned. Those who refused to come back thought that Mr. Mingda was not upright, and they were ashamed to worship under him. There are still many students who are afraid of people's words and dare not be contaminated.

Mu Mingda knew this would happen a long time ago, so he calmed down and asked the soldiers of the imperial court sent by He Dongchen to take back the books that had been distributed before. Most of the books in the academy are treasured by the Mu family for generations, which are of great significance.

Some people were reluctant to part with the precious classics, and refused to return them on the pretext that Mu Mingda was not worthy of owning the book of a sage.

The soldier of the North Korea had a question mark on his face: "You take other people's books and say that they are not worthy, what the hell, you are still a scholar!"

The soldier snatched the book and walked away.

Afterwards, Mu Mingda found out and remained silent.

As soon as Mu Jingyuan entered, she saw her old father sitting in the gazebo with a book, his figure was a bit lonely.

She couldn't help but speak, breaking the heavy atmosphere: "Father, my daughter is back."

Mu Mingda tilted his head, seeing his daughter whom he hadn't seen for a few days, his face brightened: "I'm back."

Then he looked up and down at his daughter, her figure became a little more streamlined, but her expression became more firm, her face was still the same, but overall she had a strange aura, her eyes were bright and energetic, looking forward to shine.

It seems that people who have been drifting with the tide have found a way forward.

Mu Mingda's heart skipped a beat, and he asked tentatively, "How does Prince Chaoguo treat you?"

Mu Jingyuan thought about her treatment these days, Ming Yang arranged for her wherever she went, and treated her politely, so she said, "Treat me very well."

Mu Mingda was heartbroken, and clutching his chest, he said, "I knew that fellow was uneasy and kind!"

Mu Jingyuan came to her senses and quickly explained: "I have only met Prince Chaoguo three times, and we haven't had much contact."

Without waiting for Mu Mingda to calm down, Mu Jingyuan continued: "Father, I want to be the princess of the dynasty."

Mu Mingda looked at his daughter with firm eyes, was silent for a moment, and asked, "Why?"

Before going down the mountain, Mu Mingda clearly analyzed the pros and cons of being a crown princess. This is a thankless job for both sides. In the long run, it will be of great merit, but in the future it will be infamous, just like his current situation.

Mu Jingyuan described in detail what she had seen and heard these days: "Father, women in the dynasty can make great achievements and establish their own families. My daughter has seen a different life. It turns out that women can also be so energetic and free."

Mu Jingyuan is lucky. She has an enlightened and great Confucian father. Even if she doesn't want to marry at an old age, no one talks too much. However, the handkerchiefs she handed out when she was young, she married into her husband's family long ago, took care of the housework, took care of her husband and taught her children. She was originally cheerful and lively. The girl turned into a boudoir and resentful wife, lifeless.

"If I become a princess and set an example, then the women of the Chen Dynasty will have an example and a shelf that can stop talking about tigers. Whether it is walking out of the back house or continuing to Zhou Xuan in the back house, I will be able to add confidence. .”

"Even if the world scolds you for being a follower of power and coveting glory, you don't care?"

"I don't care." Mu Jingyuan said seriously.

Mu Mingda looked at such a determined daughter, heaved a long sigh, raised his hand to touch her bun, and said: "My son has his own opinions since he was a child, so let's go."

To walk in the world is to live vigorously.

for faith.