MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3313 Crystal monument

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Volume One, Chapter 277

The female player also checked the body and said, "He was seriously injured and died!"

Zhao Fu guessed, "Although he managed to steal the Bafang Water World, he was severely injured by that person, and he would die here!"

The beautiful woman cried, "I want to take my husband back to be buried!"

Zhao Fu said, "Well, yes."

The female general looked at the black cloth woman and asked, "Do you know he was killed by water?"

The black cloth woman's face solemnly said, "It should be a great power!"

The female player said coldly, "Do you think we have the possibility of revenge?"

The black cloth woman shook her head, "Although I have reached the Void Realm, I don't have the confidence to become a mighty power. If that mighty power knows about our existence, it will definitely kill us and take back the water world of Bafang."

Everyone looked ugly and fearful, and they couldn't provoke the existence of that great power level.

Zhao Fu said at this moment, "I will help you find him, now we don't owe each other, I'm leaving!"

The women couldn't help but feel a little complicated when they heard that Zhao Fu was leaving too.

The lady looked at Zhao Fu coldly, "What do you mean by not owing each other? Don't even think about leaving like this!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Do you still want me to do anything?"

The black cloth woman said, "I think you should be able to avenge us!"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, "However, I don't want to help you, and there is no need to help you."

The black cloth woman said angrily, "You can go now!"

Zhao Fu immediately disappeared in place.

The lady looked at Zhao Fu really leaving, feeling a little bit reluctant, "In fact, there is no need to let him go!"

The proprietress said, "I feel that his status is very unusual. It will be of great help to stay with us. What if that great person comes to him? Now Bafang Water World is taken away by him."

The female general’s face is also a bit complicated,

The black cloth woman said angrily, "I didn't expect this guy to go so swiftly. I just said angrily."

The gentle woman sighed, "I don't know if I can meet again in the future!"

The next day, Zhao Fu came to the village of the beautiful woman, and now they have buried the thief.

Seeing Zhao Fu's return, the lady who was most affected by Zhao Fu rushed into Zhao Fu's arms, "Don't leave!"

Zhao Fu's previous departure was to refine the eighth Octagonal Water World. The power of this matter rose to a level. Originally, Zhao Fu really wanted to leave, but he felt a little unaccountable in that way, so he returned.

When the women saw Zhao Fu's return, they all smiled. Unconsciously, Zhao Fu became their support.

The proprietress stepped forward and hugged Zhao Fu and complained, "You guy made me sleepless all night, now you make up for me."

Zhao Fu smiled.

There was chaos in the room, and afterwards the girls snuggled in Zhao Fu's arms, showing a contented smile.

The black cloth woman's face was a bit complicated, and she did not expect that she would accept Zhao Fu as her man so soon.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I really want to leave this time!"

The lady boss said, "Huh? Are you leaving again?"

Zhao Fu explained, "I will continue to collect the water world from all directions, and I cannot stay with you all the time."

The lady said, "I don't want to be separated from you, I think it's all you in my heart."

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I know!"

The female player asked, "Why do you collect Bafang Water World?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Because there are very important things, I will come back in the future. If you encounter anything in the future, you can go to the Shadowfish Clan and just tell them my name."

The black cloth woman was surprised, "Shadow fish clan? That is the power of the Rogue Alliance. It seems that they hate men. What is your relationship with them?"

Zhao Fu smiled, "They are all my women!"

The black cloth woman looked at Zhao Fu in shock, and found that Zhao Fu hadn't lied to her, and she understood why Zhao Fu was not afraid of the Rogue Alliance, it turned out that there was Shadow Fish Clan support.

The female player looked at Zhao Fu with her eyes, realizing that Zhao Fu's identity was terrifying and said, "Then what do you plan to do with our man's hatred?"

Zhao Fu said, "I will try to help you solve it, are you satisfied with you?"

The female player showed a slight smile.

The lady boss showed a slight smile, "Msang Gong, you have to come back to see us often!"

Zhao Fu smiled.

Two hours later, Zhao Fu left this area, went to the next area, and continued to collect news about Bafang Water World.

Zhao Fu got another accurate news that there is an all-around water world in a sect. The strength of this sect is also very powerful. No one dares to attack it. It is definitely not possible to use Zhao Fu's ability to grab it. It can only rely on other tricks. Way.

It happened that Zhao Fu heard that this sect recruited disciples, and Zhao Fu planned to use it to get involved.

This sect is called Pure Water Sect,

Zhao Fu came to the place where he signed up. There were a lot of people who came here to sign up, because this water purification sect is the largest sect in this area, and it has a good reputation in the waters.

After signing up for his name, Zhao Fu waited until the next day to start the sect assessment. It is not so easy to enter the Water Purification Sect, and certain conditions must be obtained.

The first assessment is the qualification assessment.

Now countless people have come to a square. At the front, there are twenty huge crystal monuments, 10 meters high and three meters wide, with three large-character water purification monuments written on them. These crystal monuments can test their qualifications.

Countless people lined up and stood in front of the crystal monuments. These crystal monuments can automatically test their aptitudes without touching them with their hands.

A young man stood in front of the crystal stele. The crystal was quickly emitting a white light, and the young man showed a lost expression, because white light means very ordinary and is not eligible to join the Water Purification Sect, which means he will be eliminated in the first assessment.

Another woman stepped forward, and the crystal monument glowed white again, indicating that this woman's aptitude was also very ordinary.

The third is a delicate young man who walked to the front of the crystal monument, UU reading that crystal monument emits a gray light, on the surface, the youth potential is very poor, worse than the potential of ordinary people.

The fourth is a teenager. Although his face is ordinary, he stands in front of the crystal monument. The crystal monument emits a blue light, indicating that this teenager has excellent aptitude and can undergo the second assessment.

The teenager walked down happily, and everyone looked envious. Judging from the current performance, most people were eliminated in the first assessment.

After waiting for more than an hour, it was Zhao Fu's turn soon, but a black-clothed young man came up from behind and walked to the crystal monument before Zhao Fu.

This behavior of jumping in line made Zhao Fu a little uncomfortable, because he honestly waited in line for more than an hour, but this person came directly in front of him, and didn't take him seriously.

The elder who maintained order frowned and was about to step forward to stop it, because this was a violation of the rules of the Water Purification School, but an accident happened suddenly.

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