MTL - The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain-v1000 Chapter 549 Lin Dangdang is online (one update)

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  Chapter 549 Lin Dangdang is online (one update)

  No one expected that Lin Qianxiao, who looked at the charming and vulgar, would be so ignorant of martial arts, and be rude in public.

  Zuo Liyuan turned blue with anger, "Why do you curse?"

  Lin Qian smiled and lifted her chin, "I didn't curse anyone."

   This statement can have a double meaning.

   1. What I scolded was not a human being;

  But no matter from which meaning it is understood, Zuo Liyuan feels humiliated.

She has worked in the entertainment industry for more than ten years. Although her strength and status are not comparable to that of Zhong Qin, she is still a senior manager in the industry. Whether it is the company's senior management or outside partners, she is willing to give her some points Thin noodles.

  Jiang Liuli, a newcomer who didn't even make a splash, dared to speak rudely to her in public.

   But she can't do anything to Jiang Liuli, because behind him is a big backer she can't afford to offend!

   What made her even more chilled was that all the executives in the company, including Li Yong, who was on the same front as her, all pretended to be deaf and dumb, watching her in an embarrassing dilemma.

Lin Qianxiao didn't care if Zuo Liyuan was embarrassed or not, she folded her arms, her soft and sweet voice implied the aura of a superior person, "You just said that you were too ashamed to lift up after being asked a few words." The first artist, regardless of his personal professional ability.

   I wonder, is he a mimosa? Can't hold your head up after just talking?

  As an entertainer, enjoy the glory and honor, but can't bear doubts and discussions?

  If you have such a psychological quality, you should go home as soon as possible, wash and sleep, don't do this job, stay at home and be a good baby loved by your family, it is safe and comfortable.

  As an agent, you don’t think about how to develop the artist’s potential, improve the artist’s competitiveness and business level, but form cliques to intrigue and make the company a mess.

  You have the time and energy, why don't you think of a way to get the lost resources back?

  Look for the reasons in yourself, don’t blame the earth for not having enough shit, I really don’t know who gave you face, so I’m ashamed to say that Zhong Qin is not suitable to be a manager. "

  Zuo Liyuan's face turned red and white, very exciting.

  She never imagined that after being immersed in the entertainment industry for nearly ten years, she would be trained like a grandson by a little girl in her 20s.

  If it was said that she was jealous of the person behind Jiang Liuli before and did not dare to offend him, but now, she is really speechless.

  Jiang Liuli seems to be arrogant and domineering, but in fact every word is on point.

   Those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

  Lin Qianxiao stayed by Jiang Zhi's side for a long time, and more or less learned a little about men's black belly and poisonous tongue.

   Dealing with someone like Zuo Liyuan is no problem at all.

  After a brief ideological struggle, Zuo Liyuan decided to go all out.

  Anyway, she loses face and offends others, so she and Zhong Qin have to leave.

   "Today's meeting was initiated and held by Vice President Li, and it is an internal management meeting of the company.

  Jiang Liuli, you are just a fledgling newcomer. It is not your turn to comment on who is not suitable to be a manager, Zhong Qin or me. "

  Li Yong said in a timely manner, "Today's meeting mainly has two cores, one is to decide on the punishment method for Zhong Qin's dereliction of duty, and the other is to discuss how to restore the company's reputation and reduce losses.

  Jiang Liuli, what you said just now has two points of truth, and it is worth our deep thinking.

  However, you are really not suitable for attending management-level meetings. "

   Want to drive her away?

  She doesn't!

  Lin Qianxiao sat on the seat as firmly as Mount Tai, squinting at Li Yong, "Not suitable? Where is it not suitable? When you called my assistant and asked me to come to the company, did you think clearly?

  Now I’m all sitting here, you said it’s not suitable, why did you go earlier? "

  Lin Qianxiao's attitude is tougher than granite, but there is no sign on his head: It is easy to invite God, but it is difficult to send God away!

  Li Yong explained dumbfoundingly, "Jiang Liuli, I invited you here to verify whether Director Zhong violated the company's rules and harmed the company's interests when signing the contract with you.

  Now, the signing has been clarified, Zhong Qin has not violated the rules, so you can go. "

"I do not go."


   Is this still messing around?

   Li Yong wanted to say something else, and Wen Ziming, who was sitting in the middle of the main seat, said nothing, "It's okay, Jiang Liuli is very suitable to stay."

  Li Yong looked at Wen Ziming in surprise, "Mr. Wen, isn't this in compliance with the rules?"

  Not to mention Zhao Meimei is not in the company, Yang Xin is in Zuo Liyuan's office at the moment, but even if she is a popular traffic floret, she has not acted recklessly like Jiang Liuli and forcibly participated in the management meeting.

  This is too arrogant...

  Wen Ziming looked at Li Yong with a half-smile, "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

   Li Yong suddenly realized how overstepped his behavior just now was.

  The man sitting directly above is not only the top decision maker of the company, but also the helm of the Wen Group, and the person who controls his career and destiny.

  Li Yong's face turned pale, and he quickly explained, "Mr. Wen, that's not what I meant."

  Wen Ziming's face was very cold, he couldn't tell whether he was angry or not, and he scanned the crowd lightly.

   "The meeting continues."

  Jiang Liuli's participation in the meeting, no one dared to object.

  When Wen Ziming looked at Lin Qianxiao again, she finally gave him a slightly better look.


"Director Zhong didn't violate the rules in signing Jiang Liuli, but as the director of the artist department, she had a scandal with her artist Bai Hao, which seriously affected the company's reputation and normal operation. The company has recently lost a lot of resources and cooperation. She You have to take responsibility, everyone has no objection to this, right?"

  The high-level leaders nodded in agreement.

  Li Yong looked at Zhong Qin, "Director Zhong, you can be outspoken about what you think personally."

  Zhong Qin smiled lightly, "I obey all the company's arrangements."

"it is good!"

  As if he was afraid that Zhong Qin would go back on his word, Li Yong couldn't wait to take the words, "In this case, let me just say it straight, Director Zhong has made great contributions to the company over the years, and his working ability is beyond doubt.

   But this scandal is too big, and the impact on the company's future is even more unpredictable.

  The artist department is the core department of the company, and the selection of the director of the artist department is even more related to the company's image.

  Director Zhong is now full of negative news. If he continues to serve as the director of the artist department, it will inevitably affect the maintenance of the company's existing resources and the development of new resources.

  So, I suggest that Director Zhong temporarily transfer to another department to take charge of the internal management of the company, and wait for this turmoil to fade before making other considerations. "

  The atmosphere in the conference room became lively.

  The high-level executives exchanged opinions in low voices.

  Just as Zhong Qin was about to make a statement, Lin Qianxiao suddenly clapped her hands.

  The unusual behavior attracted everyone's attention, even the high-level people stopped talking and looked at her one after another.

  Among all kinds of gazes, Lin Qian smiled and nodded: "I agree with this resolution!"

  (end of this chapter)