MTL - The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain-v1000 Chapter 545 bad heart (three shifts)

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  Chapter 545 Bad Heart (Third Watch)

  【Miss Meimei, I have almost recovered from my injuries. Brother Bin helped me get discharged from the hospital. I can go back to work normally after two days of rest. 】

  Backing in the car, Zhao Meimei saw the WeChat message on her mobile phone, her red lips curled slightly.

   He really has some skills, even after being beaten up like this, he still dares to break ties with Qiao Bin.

  Looking at the driver sitting in the driver's seat, Zhao Meimei ordered casually, "Go to Starbucks and buy me a cup of black coffee."

  After the driver got out of the car and left, Zhao Meimei took out another mobile phone from the interlayer of her handbag.

  While waiting for the phone to turn on, he replied to the message from Xiaozhi on WeChat.

  【Relax at home, work is not as important as your body. 】

  【Thank you, Miss Meimei, for your concern. I will work hard and pay off the money I owe you as soon as possible. 】

  It’s only 300,000 yuan, which should be your medical expenses.

   Zhao Meimei thought mockingly, picked up another mobile phone, and sent Xiaozhi's address to Mrs. Qiao's mobile phone.

  Based on what she knew about Xiaozhi, she would definitely lure Qiao Bin to the house to make firewood.


  Today is the birthday of one of Gu Wenyi's girlfriends, so he specially invited her to have dinner at home.

   In normal times, her husband Qiao Bin would definitely accompany her to her best friend's house.

  A few days ago, she was caught naked by her girlfriends. Her husband, Qiao Bin, refused because he felt too embarrassed.

  Gu Wenyi didn't think too much about it, so he took his son to his best friend's birthday party.

  Unexpectedly, before the meal was finished, a strange text message was received on the phone.

  【Your husband is having an affair with his lover, the address is...】

  Gu Wenyi dubiously opened the location location installed on her husband's mobile phone, which showed that her husband was always at home.

   This is also the reason why she dared to leave her husband at home.

  She dialed her husband's cell phone number.

  The other side quickly picked it up, said a few words, and found nothing unusual.

  After hanging up the phone, Gu Wenyi suddenly thought of something and dialed the landline at home.

   "Beep beep..."

   Indicates that the line is busy.

  Gu Wenyi has a vague premonition that something is not good.

  In normal times, she might think it was a line failure or accidentally touched the landline.

  But a text message from an unfamiliar number on her mobile phone was like a landmine planted in her heart.

  The scene of pulling a girlfriend to catch an adulterer has already been used once, and using it again has no effect, and it will only add to the laughingstock. Moreover, today is the birthday of the girlfriend, so she can't disappoint.

  Gu Wenyi found an old classmate who was the section chief of the Transportation Bureau, and asked him to help check the monitoring on the SMS address.

"no problem."

  The other party readily agreed, and she knew what she was looking for without even asking Wen Yiming.

  Gu Wenyi's husband cheating is almost well known in the circle of friends.

  Different from other women who try their best to hide their husband's scandal, Gu Wenyi intentionally made Qiao Bin ashamed, so as to suppress his spirit.

  As Qiao Bin's career became more and more successful, his obedience to Gu Wen was not as obedient as before.

  So, after learning of Qiao Bin's cheating, Gu Wenyi was not sad at the first moment, but took his best friend to catch the adulterer.

  I want to use this excuse to suppress Qiao Bin's anger.

  Qiao Bin had a guilty conscience, and immediately turned over to get dressed after receiving a phone call from his wife.

   "No, I have to go first."

   "I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?"

   Qiao Bin stared at her while buttoning up, "Of course you're not afraid, but she couldn't find you if you hid here, do you know how badly I was dealt with that night?

  My father-in-law’s family took turns to fight, scolded me all night, and finally forced me to kneel down to admit my mistake and write a guarantee letter. "

  Xiaozhi chuckled and said, "Since they are so over the top, why don't you get a divorce?"

  Qiao Bin stepped forward and squeezed her breasts, "You little goblin, don't you wish I could get a divorce so I can marry you?"

  Xiao Zhi patted his hand away, "Cut, who cares! When I save enough money, I will go back to my hometown and find an honest man to marry.

  Do what you want to do every day, it’s much more comfortable than you slouching and asking for life in this city! "

   Soon, Gu Wenyi received a video from an old classmate.

   Seeing her husband rushing out of the unit building in a certain community and driving away in a car, Gu Wenyi almost gritted his teeth with hatred.

  This **** dared to seduce her man!


   Calmly tidying up the assistant who was eating inside and outside, Zhao Meimei was not very happy in her heart.

  Because, she found that she was ignored by Bai Shuangshuang and Wen Ziming at the same time.

  After the lunch broke up two days ago, she sent an explanation to Bai Shuangshuang on WeChat that afternoon. She sent more than a dozen messages in a row, but Bai Shuangshuang didn't reply to a single one.

  Of course, she didn't care whether Bai Shuangshuang would reply, she only cared about Wen Ziming's attitude.

  She pretended to disclose this incident to Wen Ziming casually, in order to let the other party see Bai Shuangshuang's "small belly" and "sensitive and suspicious" face.

  Unexpectedly, Wen Ziming ignored her.

  From yesterday to now, the WeChat messages she sent in the past fell like stones and seas.

   Could it be that the two broke up and were in a bad mood, that's why they didn't reply?

  Thinking about it this way, Zhao Meimei felt a little better.

   It's not difficult for her to solve Bai Shuangshuang, the most urgent thing to solve is Jiang Liuli and Zhong Qin!

  She picked up her mobile phone and called Li Yong from the company.

   Li Yongming's face is Wen Ziming's people, helping Wen Ziming to manage the company's business, but in fact, Li Yongjin's company was originally arranged by her.

  She arranged for Li Yong to go to Wen Ziming's side at the beginning, in order to control Wen Ziming's movements.

   By mistake, Li Yong's talent was appreciated by Wen Ziming, and he was unexpectedly promoted to vice president. He also handed over the business of Xiaoxiao Film and Television to Li Yong.

   "Meimei, what can I do for you?"

  On the phone, Li Yong's voice was tender and affectionate, obviously one of Zhao Meimei's admirers.

  Zhao Meimei was indifferent, "Is everything arranged for tomorrow?"

   "I'll take care of things, don't worry, I've already talked to several other agents, and they want Zhong Qin to step down more than you do."

  Zhao Meimei slightly hooked her red lips, "Ah Yong, thank you for your hard work."

  Zhao Meimei is familiar with how to deal with a licking dog like Li Yong, and also knows that when the time is right, she must give the other party a little sweetness in order to make the other party give up.

   "The water chestnuts here in Nanshan are pretty good. I'll have someone send you a few boxes tomorrow. People with high blood pressure can help lower blood pressure by eating this."

   Li Yong's mother is a chronically hypertensive patient.

  He is a single-parent family. He has depended on his mother since he was a child, and he values ​​filial piety and righteousness.

  He used to have a very good girlfriend, but he broke up because of verbal disrespect to his mother.

  For Li Yong, holding his mother is tantamount to holding his lifeline.

   "Thank you Meimei, my mother was still talking about you a while ago, saying that she hasn't seen you for a long time."

  Zhao Meimei had a sneer on her face, but she readily agreed, "Okay, I haven't eaten steamed pork with kudzu rice made by my aunt for a long time."

  Li Yong was very excited, "You like to eat, I told my mother, let her make a few bowls when she has time, and then send them to your home."

   "No, I don't dare to eat too much, just try it when I go to see my aunt."

   "Okay, it's up to you."

  (end of this chapter)