MTL - The Little Fairy Wife Dressed As a Villain-v1000 Chapter 541 Eat noodles (midnight)

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  Chapter 541 Eating noodles (three shifts)

  Wen Ziming stood at the door and watched silently for a while before stepping forward.

  His eyes finally felt better, Bai Shuangshuang picked up the chopsticks and was about to eat noodles when a shadow suddenly fell in front of his eyes.

  She raised her head subconsciously.

  Wen Ziming wasn't angry at first, but instead had an indescribable joy in his heart.

  Bai Shuangshuang's appearance when he was teasing him in the private room just now was very lively and cute.

  Now, she looked at herself with red eyes, and she was very pitiful.

  It seems that I will cry at any time.

   It was him who was scolded, why was she crying?

   "Little boy, sit down, what do you want to eat?"

  A middle-aged aunt moved a stool and put it behind Wen Ziming, and asked enthusiastically.

  Wen Ziming had never been to this noodle restaurant, so he casually pointed to the bowl in front of Bai Shuangshuang, "Be the same as her."

   "Okay, a bowl of pea pepper noodles."

  Bai Shuangshuang hesitated for a while, seeing her aunt turned to greet other guests, she simply didn't remind her to put less chili peppers.

  The single table is a small square table, just enough for one person to sit, but it seems crowded for two people.

  Wen Ziming was tall at around 1.8 meters, so crowded that it was inconvenient for Bai Shuangshuang to eat noodles, and he kept touching his chest.

  She put down her chopsticks angrily, "Go and sit next to me."

  Wen Ziming didn't seem to hear her words, his eyes fell on the oily noodles in her bowl, "Is this delicious?"

  Bai Shuangshuang sneered, "It must not taste as good as steak."

   "Did you put vinegar in the noodles?"

  Bai Shuangshuang looked at him inexplicably.

   "It smells a little sour."


  Bai Shuangshuang ate the noodles with her head down, her ears were slightly red.

  The pea noodles were served quickly, in a bamboo hat bowl with a big face, with a dough the size of an adult's fist in the middle, and a layer of yellow, yellow, green and green pea scallions on the surface.

  Wen Ziming pushed the noodles in front of Bai Shuangshuang.

   "You eat this bowl."

   Bai Shuangshuang looked at him with "what's wrong with you".

  Wen Ziming took a third of the noodles she had eaten with a natural expression, "Your bowl looks delicious."

   Bai Shuangshuang's lips moved, but he didn't say anything in the end.

   "Cough cough cough!"

   Before Bai Shuangshuang could mix the noodles evenly, the man next to him coughed violently.

  The old noodle restaurant has a Sichuan-Chongqing flavor, full of spiciness. For a man like Wen Ziming who doesn't eat spicy food, not to mention super spicy, even slightly spicy is enough.

   Seeing Wen Ziming's face flushed from choking, Bai Shuangshuang couldn't bear it, so she got up and brought over a can of iced black tea.

   After drinking half a can of iced black tea, the burning feeling in my throat was finally suppressed.

  Seeing Bai Shuangshuang took the noodle bowl back and ate the noodles without changing his face, Wen Ziming felt that the pores of his body were sweating.

   "You eat so spicy?"

   Mainly the two of us usually eat at home, and Bai Shuangshuang takes care of his taste, even if he cooks one or two spicy dishes occasionally, he only puts a little chili.

   This gave Wen Ziming an illusion that he could eat whatever Bai Shuangshuang could eat.

   Bai Shuangshuang ignored him.

  Wen Ziming is the boss, it doesn't matter if she is late, she is an employee, not only will she be deducted for being late, but she will also be reprimanded by the leader.

   Finished the noodles in the bowl as quickly as possible, drank two sips of tea, and suppressed the taste of noodles in his mouth, Bai Shuangshuang took a tissue and wiped his mouth before getting up to pay the bill.

  Seeing her go, Wen Ziming made up his mind to get up and follow her.

  The aunt who cleared the table called him, "Liangzi, do you still want to eat noodles?"

   "Don't eat."

  Auntie stopped him, "You didn't eat this one bite, our noodles are delicious, try it, don't waste it."

  Wen Ziming had no choice but to explain, "I'm going to work, I don't have time, you can give it to others."

   "The noodles on the table can't be served to others, you wait, I'll get you a packed box, and you can take it home to eat."

  Wait for Wen Ziming to go out with the packed noodles, only to see the back of Bai Shuangshuang walking quickly into the opposite business building.

  Getting out of the elevator, Bai Shuangshuang walked towards the office area of ​​her department, when someone behind her suddenly patted her on the shoulder.

  She looked back and saw a familiar employee from the same company, but she didn't know his name.

   "Hi, you are Bai Shuangshuang, right? I'm Wanyi from the marketing department."

   Wanyi, last year's sales champion, is now the head of the marketing department.

  Bai Shuangshuang looked at each other in surprise and surprise, "Manager Wan, hello."

  Wan Yi smiled, "You don't have to be so polite, I have something to ask you, can I have a few words?"

  Bai Shuangshuang raised his wrist to check the time in embarrassment, there were two minutes to 1:30.

  Wan Yi took out her mobile phone in understanding, "How about this, you add me on WeChat, and we can talk on WeChat later?"

"it is good."

  Wen Ziming returned to the company, and handed the packaged noodles to his assistant Luo Wen, "Heat it up."

  Luo Wen, who didn't have time to eat lunch because of overtime at the company, held the packing box and remembered Wunei, "Thank you, Mr. Wen."

  Wen Ziming took off his coat, turned around and looked at him inexplicably, "You didn't eat?"

  Rowan smiled awkwardly but politely.

  Why didn't I eat lunch, didn't you count?

  You trained several department heads early in the morning, and all the plans were sent back to be redone. Could those people pull him to ask for advice (complain)?

   "Leave the noodles to the secretary to heat up, and give you half an hour to eat."

   "Thank you Mr. Wen."

  I cried on the spot when I received the hot-faced secretary.

   The noodles are all lumpy, why is it hot?

  Another secretary came up with an idea: "We have an old noodle restaurant downstairs, or we can go downstairs and buy a new one."

   There is no other way.

   After 20 minutes.

  The secretary tremblingly placed the re-bought pea and pepper noodles in front of the big boss.

  Wen Ziming didn't realize that this bowl of noodles was not the one he brought back, staring at the ruddy and shiny noodles, he said, "Bring me a bottle of iced black tea, it needs to be frozen."


  Everything was ready, Wen Ziming picked up the chopsticks, picked out a small strand of noodles and put them into his mouth.

  Fresh, spicy, and full of strength.

  Although the spiciness is still beyond the standard, it is much better than the bowl at noon.

   One sip of noodles and one sip of iced black tea. After four or five mouthfuls, I couldn't eat anymore. My tongue was hot and painful, as if it wasn't my own.

   Wen Ziming wiped the sweat from his forehead and neck with a paper towel, and at the same time ordered the secretary to bring in another bottle of iced black tea through the internal line.

  When the secretary saw that his boss was sweating profusely, he thought it was the air conditioner that was not working.

   "Mr. Wen, do you need to lower the temperature of the air conditioner?"

  Wen Ziming shook his head, downed half a bottle of iced black tea in one gulp, and finally came back to life.

   "Secretary Yang, do you like spicy food?"

  Secretary Yang nodded quickly.

   "What about your boyfriend, does he eat spicy food?"

  Secretary Yang blushed, "Mr. Wen, I don't have a boyfriend right now."

  Wen Ziming was a little strange, "I remember you received flowers on Valentine's Day, didn't they come from your boyfriend?"

  Secretary Yang smiled embarrassedly, "Ah, he is already an ex-boyfriend."

  Wen Ziming was slightly startled.

   It was rare for Secretary Yang to see his boss being so talkative, so he took the initiative to explain: "My ex-boyfriend doesn't eat spicy food at all, and every time I go out to eat with him, I can only order light dishes.

  Supper is always porridge and wonton noodles, with him, even eating is not fun, not interesting at all, so we split up. "

  Wen Ziming: "..."

  (end of this chapter)