MTL - The Legend of the Witch Girl-Chapter 165 Mouth hard

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"Girl, since you are so insistent, then the king doesn't have to be so kind to you! Come on! Bring this girl to Di Lao, don't give her food!"

"If you listen to respect, you will!" Bai Yan spit out four words without humility.

"Girl, don't be stubborn! If you want to understand when you are willing to surrender amethyst, just tell the guarded beast and we will let you out to treat you!

As a result, Bai Yan was dragged down by several monsters, thrown into the dungeon, and locked her hands tightly with a chain.

Bai Yan looked around. The cell smelled strange, the smell of wetness after the rain and the dried blood. The entire space was very dim, and only a few oil seals on both sides flashed a faint light. When blown by the wind, two were destroyed. The sky is not visible all year round, even the air is cloudy. A normal person cannot stand for a while. The people detained here may never go out for a lifetime. It turned out that not only the smell of moisture and blood, but also the smell of death.

"Hum, come all the way, there is nothing terrible for me, I am a dead person, I do n’t believe I can't escape this little dungeon." Bai Ai sneered, secretly thinking .

Bai Yan said nothing, staying late at night, thinking that the monsters at the door were asleep, and decided to run away. She took a deep breath, intending to use her witchcraft to break the handcuffs. But never thought that this handcuff had the function of sealing spiritual power, she could not use witchcraft at all!

"Little girl, don't work hard, here, you can't use any spiritual power!" The guardian beast woke up when he heard the voice, and said to Bai Yan with a joke. "Well! Whatever you do!"

"Good enough! Count me up, count me up! You can't even protect your life, don't talk hard! Hurry up and hand over amethyst, and our king will let you go!"

"Oh! Dream!" Bai Ai spit on the monster's face fiercely, "I will never give you the amethyst to you monster! Stop daydreaming!"

"Hey! You girl! Don't toast or eat or drink!" The monster returned to his post in an anguish, secretly complaining, but after a while, he said again, "Actually, our Beastmaster is still very good! Girl, as long as you are willing to obey him and obey his orders, he will not treat you! And the king does not promise you, as long as he is willing to hand over amethyst, I promise to give you a lot of benefits! I am old now , I have been with the Beastmaster since I was young ... "Bai Ai listened silently without speaking.

The dungeon was dark and damp, like a hell. There are endless screams and sorrows in the ear, and the original moonlight has become a pale and cold gloom here. Bai Yan could not help but shrink into a ball to resist the smoldering here. "Squeak!" A shout awakened Bai Xi, who was in a semi-coma. It's a mouse!

Bai Yan was startled. If he was bitten by a mouse and contracted plague, he would be in trouble! So she hurriedly tried her best, jumped up, her legs were against the wall, soaring in the air.

"Huh!" Bai Yan took a breath. At this moment, she looked up, but found a window! The window was worn out, the iron rods had rusted and turned red, and some had broken. "Although this window is a bit small, it should still go out." Bai Yan thought about it. She slammed the wall fiercely, slamming herself into the air. The bigger the swing, the closer she got to the window, the more chance she got.

However, just as she was about to reach the window, her arms pulled her back. This hand is too short to make Bai Zhi reach the window at all.

Bai Yan sighed deeply again, she was exhausted. Bai Yan thought to rest for a while, recover his strength and then escape.

At this time, the incident that a witch brought an amethyst to "Forgotten Forest" has spread in the monster world. The young orc descendants were eager to move, eager to get amethyst, in order to win the throne.

Originally, the beast king of Bebai was already old, his body was not as good as before, and his mana was weakened year by year. Orc descendants have long been in private to figure out how to obtain the throne. Just because the old Beastmaster hasn't died yet, it's not easy to open the prelude to the throne.

But this time, Bai Zhi appeared with amethyst, which means that everything is different! Whoever can get amethyst can get huge energy, which means that they can defeat Beastmaster and other monsters and win the throne in one fell swoop!

The beast world has heard the news: "Get the amethyst and the witch, get the world of the beast!" For a time, the white beast and amethyst became the targets that the beasts were eager to obtain.

"Boom!" Awake the asleep Bai Bai. She opened her hazy eyes and found that the beast who was guarding her had been lying on the ground and was dying, and the gate of the dungeon had been damaged. Bai Ye can't help but be sentimental. Although the monster did not let her leave, at least during the period of being detained, she chatted with her every day, which also brought a little fun to the dull prison life. Moreover, he was old, but now this living life was lying on the ground, and it was about to die.

A monster was staring at her, "You, the witch with amethyst?"

"Yes! What are you!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, so arrogant! I'm here to take you and amethyst! Old Beastmaster is about to die! Whoever can get amethyst and you can get the whole ...

Before the words were finished, another monster rushed in and knocked him to the ground.

Bai Yan was stunned. So many monsters came at her and amethyst? It is already difficult to fight against the old Beast King. With so many young monsters coming back, how can she deal with it, Bai Yan secretly feels sad. However, perhaps, she can just take advantage of this to make the monster world chaos and escape by herself. Thinking of this, Bai Ye seemed to see hope again.

However, now more and more monsters are coming to the dungeon, they are scuffled into a ball, and the earthquake is falling apart and the smoke is suffocating.

"What are you doing! Are you going to rebel? But the king is not dead yet!"

At this time, the powerful voice of the old Beastmaster came in.

"Not ready to retreat to King!"

The monsters can only walk away, giving way to the old beastmaster. The old Beastmaster stood in front of Bai Ye, facing his eyes ...