MTL - The Legend of the Ghost Concubine-Chapter 132 : 婵 really died

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Feng Zhuo Er chased away from another road, and then overtook the Dragon Eight and Feng Xiaoer. Hiding in the hidden place of the stone forest, covered with a towel, waiting for the phoenix to pass by, the silver sword will fly out and sneak up from the back of the phoenix, but unexpectedly, the 蝉 蝉 在 。.

Because the attention was all on the sneak attack on Feng Xiaoer, but he ignored the iron mask mysterious person behind him, so that he could take advantage of it, and a sword was behind him, giving him a head.

Long Jiu started the weight, Feng Zhuoer immediately spit blood, the blood behind the wounds. Feng Zhuoer quickly reacted, and endured the wound pain behind him. He held the sword and the dragon nine.

The silver swords touched each other and sparked. The injured Feng Zhuoer soon lost his battle. The dragon nine swords were ruthless, and the swords and swords forced Feng Zhuoer to be the most important. Feng Zhuoer was surprised, did the dynasty have such a master? It was easy to beat him. Feng Zhuoer always thought that his martial arts had reached its peak, but unexpectedly, in the end, it was so vulnerable.

After a few strokes, Feng Zhuoer was seriously injured. The dragon nine hand held the silver sword and pointed to the throat of Feng Zhuoer. Feng Zhuoer has been so afraid of this, he is also a human being, afraid of death. Strong and arrogant, asked: "Who are you? Why kill me?"

Long Jiu, like the Hell of the Hell, the voice is indifferent and ruthless, said: "You can rest assured that I will not kill you... I will make you both life and death..." The words fell, and the whole stone forest echoed Feng Zhuoer's crying and screaming.

Long Jiu picked up Feng Zhuo's gluten tendons and abolished his martial arts. He left a sentence coldly and coldly: "Go back and tell Shen Biyu, and then dare to think about it. It is best not to go out to live in this life. Otherwise, you will end up playing better than you." Even worse, the sword disappeared into the stone forest.

Long Yao, who was riding the horse, just rode out of Shilin, and he heard the screams echoing in the stone forest. He couldn’t help but stop Lema and turned his head and looked at the left side of Shilin. How is this sound a bit familiar?

"His Royal Highness, I will take the first step." Feng Xiaoer clamped the horse, speeded up, and was in a hurry. Now I don't want anything. I just want to hurry to the refugee village... oh, really, my heart is reading it over and over again. first name.

Long Ba regained his gaze and chased him up.

Finally, at the time of ugliness, the two men quickly reached the refugee village, and Feng Xiaoer jumped off the horse. Because of the haste, he pulled the wound, and the red blood was oozing out from the chest. The five fingers of Shen Jinyu’s fracture were scalp. Ma, but Feng Xiao's children can't take care of these things, their attention is not on their bodies, they have forgotten the pain.

Long Ba helped the phoenix's swaying body and cared: "Can you still hold it? Do you want to rest?"

Feng Xiaoer immediately shook his head: "Fast, fast, my Royal Highness will take me to see you."

Long Ba helped Feng Xiaoer and walked into the refugee village.

The long-lost refugee villages have lost the simple atmosphere of those who used to be in the past, and there are more new sheds around them, and they look at the past. A lot of Mongolian-dressed refugees, many officers and men stationed in the wilderness, opened up the land, and many refugees are digging in the land to plant things.

Feng Xiaoer followed the dragon eight all the way, secretly observing, although the refugee village is no longer embarrassed, more people, more angry, but lost the precious simplicity and tranquility.

Unexpectedly, it was such a scene to come to the refugee village again. I was worried that the refugee village had no legal protection. Now there are officers and men stationed. Soon after, it is development. It will completely lose its original appearance... but it’s all dead. What is the relationship between refugee villages and what?

Walking through the greenhouse where the officers and men were stationed, Feng Xiaoer saw the old village chief in the narrow shed in front. He was excited and had a lot of words to say, but he changed it to a sentence: "The uncle of the village chief..." Stepping forward, I kindly grabbed the old hands of the old village chief. "Hey, really, where is she?"

After a long absence, the old village chief was even thinner, and his eye sockets were deep. Hearing the questions of Feng Xiaoer, the old eyes overflowed with tears, and the wrinkles of his eyes were dense and it seemed to make people feel uncomfortable. Why are such a kind old man so sad?

The old village chief brought Feng Xiaoer into the corner of the shed. On the simple wooden bed, he was lying on the top, and was covered with white quilt from the head to the foot. The whole person wrapped up and could not see it.

When the bad hunch was confirmed, when I saw the facts and saw the cruelty, Feng Xiaoer could not bear it, and the pain in my heart stuck in the throat, so it was uncomfortable.

Feng Xiaoer rushed over, opened the sheet, saw the eyes closed, and the lips were pale and without any trace of sorrow. Feng Xiaoer reached out and hugged his body, without a trace of temperature, a cold dead body.

Feng Yuer is so stunned on the real body, holding on to the truth, letting tears fall on the real body, there is no out of control shouting, my heart really wants to know if she will feel her call, miraculous Live over?

The world is impermanent, I still believe in miracles! This is what modern Ajiu said. Miracles are there. Just as she crosses the general, will she really travel to other countries like her? Feng Xiaoer kept on imagining the good side.

But it is self-comfort!

If everyone can cross, is this world not chaotic? Miracles are there, but not everyone can have it!

Long Ba came over to take the shoulders of Feng Xiao'er and whispered comfortably: "Life and death, let her rest in peace"

The old village chief also comforted: "Hey girl, I really just went to heaven, she went to accompany his family, you don't want to be too sad."

Feng Xiaoer suddenly stopped crying, his eyes were full of sharpness, and he turned around and asked Long Eight: "His Royal Highness, who knows who did it?"

Long Ba shakes his head: "Last night, I really went to the top of the mountain to see the stars. Because it was raining, the earth was damp. Many refugees stayed in the shed. No one saw what happened. Late at night, the old village chief discovered that he was really absent. On the hilltop behind the shed, she found the truth. When she found out that she was really dead, she had already been killed. The six-grandfather checked the truth and determined that she was killed after being raped and had a deep scar on her neck. Six princes speculate that the murderer is very strong and is a strong man."

Feng Xiaoer gnawed his teeth, out of control, clenched his fists, and madly forced his anger. He said: "If you are a traitor, why should you kill her? A murderer who has no humanity, I must seize this metamorphosis and kill him. I am really fair."

"I am really dumb, when I am insulted, I can’t make a call for help, so that the murderer can take advantage of it."

"Can the Prince of God have a skeptical goal?" Feng Yuer was anxious to ask.

Long Ba shakes his head: "The refugee village has recently added a lot of people, and the attention of His Royal Highness and the Six Kings is focused on the development of land cultivation. He did not notice the suspicious people, but he did not want to. This kind of thing happened and caused the village. The girl is guilty and afraid to step out of the shed for half a step."

Feng Yuer stroking the small face that was so cold and cold, and decided in his heart that he must seize the murderer and be fair. This is the last time I contacted you, and Feng Xiaoer’s serious attention was really good.