MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2953 Mr. Bragging

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A year later, the original world is now a complete world.

The way of heaven is no longer lacking, everything is revived, and the gods, heaven, buddhism, and even the dark world have been merged into the original world, occupying a vast world in the boundless world of the original world, and becoming a super power. They are born from the original world. When Ye Futian was born, he will be one of them and shrouded in it. Now all walks of life allow them to form a big world together.

Today, there are several superpowers in the world.

Heavenly Court is jointly controlled by Emperor Qin and Shu Shen, and there are gods under the seat.

Donghuang Emperor Palace is in charge of Donghuang Emperor Yuan, and there are also many great emperors under it.

Lingshan is still in the hands of the Buddha, and the Buddhas are seated there.

Ziwei Palace was in charge of the original Ziwei Department.

In Sifang Village, this force originally belonged to Shenzhou, but now it is separated from Shenzhou, and is in the hands of the four major disciples of Ye Futian.

In the dark palace, Ye Qingyao inherited the new position of the dark god.

There is also a new superpower, Tianyu Shenting, controlled by Gu Dongliu. There are also many emperor realm powers under the seat. Tianyu Shenting is located in the former Tianyu realm, and the area that they hold is the third of the year. The Thousand Avenues is also the homeland where Ye Futian grew up.

They are just like the eight tribes under the seat of heaven, and they are the seven major forces under the heaven in this world.

As long as the legions who followed Ye Futian fought in the war, as long as they are not dead, they have become the core of the major forces and will be cultivated as the future emperor.

Regrettably, if the Tao is silent today, after the battle between Ye Futian and Renzu, he never appeared again.

Now that news of the battle a year ago has spread throughout the world, Ye Futian incarnates in the world, with today’s Xintiandi, human ancestors returned to the void at the last moment, destroyed everything, and destroyed Ye Futian’s consciousness. At the last moment, Ye Futian sent Yu Sheng and Ye Qingyao out of that time and space, and he was destroyed along with the human world, completely turned into nothingness.

However, Ye Futian has turned into a heavenly way, he and heavenly way are one, the way of heaven is immortal, and Ye Futian is immortal.

Some people speculate that his consciousness was destroyed, but he was still there, in this heavenly path.

It is also speculated that Ye Futian just fell asleep and will wake up one day.

But in any case, the world is full of gratitude to Ye Futian. The battle a year ago was called a battle of extinction. The lives of the world were smashed. I don’t know how many practitioners have fallen. If it were not for Ye Futian to stop this, Human ancestors are really going to destroy the world.

For this reason, the price Ye Futian paid was Huadao to guard the world today.

It can be said that this new world was opened up by Ye Futian.

Therefore, forces such as Heavenly Court and Shenzhou Donghuang Emperor's Palace jointly defined the world today as the Futian Period. Last year, it was the first year of the Futian Calendar.

The seven pinnacle forces in the world all believe in Ye Futian, and everyone in the world is also grateful. Naturally, no one will oppose it, and they all accept it.

Today's era is a new era. After the collapse of the Heavenly Dao, it is known as the God Forbidden Era. Tonight, Ye Futian incarnates the Heavenly Dao, and in this new era, the era of the gods reappears.

In one year, all walks of life have gradually recovered their vitality.

Shenzhou returned to order under the governance of Emperor Donghuang Emperor Yuan. There are also new leaders in the eighteen regions of Shenzhou, many of whom are strong in the imperial realm. Of course, those who once had enmity with Ye Futian The people of, are already in the lower position, and the ancient **** tribe great emperor who did not die in battle has also been abolished by the Donghuang Emperor Yuan.

On the steps of the East Phoenix Emperor Palace, there are two huge statues, towering into the sky, one is the East Phoenix Emperor, and the other is the Ye Qing Emperor, the two emperors incarnate statues, guarding the East Phoenix Emperor Palace.

On this day, a few gods and generals came to visit the Donghuang Emperor Yuan, but they ate behind closed doors and saw no one.

Donghuang Emperor Yuan rectified Shenzhou, regained vitality, and ordered the prosperity of Shenzhou martial arts. After all this, she rarely showed up.

At this time, in the Great Emperor's courtyard in the imperial palace, Emperor Donghuang Yuan sat quietly and listened. An old man sat on the ground beside her, telling some stories from many years ago.

"That kid was smart and naughty back then. To this little junior, the senior brothers and sisters were also kidding. Now in retrospect, it should be the best time." The old man smiled and said, he was caught in the past. Donghuang Emperor Yuan brought Mr. Du back to China.

"Later, what happened?" Donghuang Emperor Yuan asked.

"Your Majesty still want to hear?" Mr. Du asked. His Majesty in his mouth was sitting on the floor with a strange look in his eyes. He seemed to be full of curiosity about these ancient stories. He wanted to know everything, how could he be like the lord of China today? .

"En." Donghuang Emperor Yuan nodded seriously.

"Okay." Mr. Du smiled and continued to tell the ancient story. The protagonist of the story was an 18-year-old boy. That era seemed to be a long, long time ago.


Outside the original realm, in a place of nothingness, at this moment a cultivator stopped, his body was shining with divine light, and his breath was amazing. He was an extraordinary emperor in ancient times.

"Should it be thrown away?" He secretly said in his heart, with cold light in his pupils.

But at this moment, a dark figure appeared out of thin air, and the emptiness became darker. There, a young woman's face appeared. There was no trace of emotion in her eyes, like a living dead, look. When she appeared, the expression of the great emperor changed in shock. He said, "Everything is over. When the ancestors controlled everyone, we were threatened by it when we participated in the war. Why do you kill them all?"

The woman stretched out her hand, and a phantom black lotus enveloped the other's body. In an instant, everything returned to deathly silence. The vitality of the great emperor of the ancient times dissipated instantly, returned to silence, fell quietly, and was then taken by the black lotus. Swallowed down, completely turned into nothingness.

After slaying him, the figure of the woman disappeared and escaped into the darkness.

In the first World War, Ye Futian sent her and Yu Sheng out of the world, and the world was destroyed. After that, Ye Qingyao and Yu Sheng started the road to revenge, and almost cut off those ancient emperors who participated in the war. Even so, Ye Qingyao was still unwilling. She wants everyone to pay the price.

Therefore, those who fled, still have to face her chase forever!


Tianyu Shenting, which controls the Three Thousand Dao Realm, was established in the original Tianyu Realm. There is Tianyu Academy below, which is directly under the academy for training descendants of the Tianyu Shenting.

In addition, today's Three Thousand Dao Realm is no longer what it used to be, and it will definitely undergo transformation over time.

There is no other reason. The practitioners who followed Ye Futian back then have all returned.

Many of those people are strong in the realm of the Great Emperor. Now they are returning to their homeland, not only to go back to practice, but also to be responsible for preaching. Ye Futian will make a new era of Taoism. They will also contribute their strength to the world today.

Many people, including Taixuan Dao Zun and Nan Huang, returned to the old place to preach. There were also Dou Zhao, Xiao Muyu and others who practiced in the Supreme Nine Realms and also served as the elders of the Heavenly Oracle.

The power of the Supreme Nine Realms is so strong, naturally, there is no need to say more.

At the same time, in the Three Thousand Dao Realm, Emperor Xia also returned to the Realm of Xia Huang and continued to sit in the seat of Emperor Xia. He originally intended to pass it to Xia Qingyu, but Xia Qingyu did not agree.

Therefore, there is a legend in Xia Huangjie that the princess of Xia Huangjie is now a strong man in the realm of the emperor. In more than a year, it is said that Xia Qingyu has saved many people. She is the **** of life and has the power to bring back life. .

In addition, there is a sword emperor in the sky of Lihen, the sword emperor of Lihen.

The power of Xia Huangjie can be imagined.

What's more, there is the Nine Provinces Continent under Xia Huangjie. According to legend, there is the homeland of Ye Futian, the lord of heaven.

In this homeland, Fighting and they also returned, rebuilt the Palace of the Most Holy Path, and continued to preach in the land of Kyushu.

Even the Sword Saint returned to the Eastern Wilderness, returned to the Shushan Cottage, and the fourth and fifth elders also came back, accompanied by the senior brothers. The second and third seniors are in the heavenly court. There is no way to govern the entire court. When I come back, I can only come and have a look occasionally.


In Qingzhou City, Qingzhou Academy, there is the sound of Lang Lang reading.

In a school, young people are reading and writing. On the podium, there is a handsome and extraordinary middle-aged man, but he has gray hair. UU Reading

"This class ends here." At this moment, the middle-aged smiled and spoke.

"Yes, teacher." The teenagers got up and saluted, and then the playful teenager asked the middle-aged: "Teacher, do you think those legendary characters are true or false? If you cultivate to the top, can you really control the mountain and reclaim the sea?"

"Don't say moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, you can incarnate the sun and the moon." The middle-aged said with a smile.

"Have you seen the teacher?" someone asked.

"Of course, my former disciple can do it." The middle-aged smiled and said: "He has one eye turned into the sun, the other eye turned into the moon, and he can spit out the gods of thunder."

Hearing the words of the middle-aged, there was a roar of laughter in the school.

"Teacher, you can imagine too?" A young man laughed and said with a pure voice.

"It's bragging."

"Then teacher, where are you disciple now?" a girl asked innocently.

"He's everywhere." The middle-aged replied, and the teenagers naturally didn't believe it. Although their teachers were very good-looking, they were too big to talk.

"Senior Sister Nianyu." Someone shouted at a figure outside the school, Hua Nianyu smiled and nodded. The teenagers all flocked up, surrounded Hua Nianyu, Hua Fengliu smiled and left the room alone.

Outside the door, a gray-haired old man looked at Hua Fengliu’s back, with unspeakable respect and even admiration in his eyes. As the helm of Qingzhou Academy, he had heard some legends, and Mr.’s disciple , Is the pioneer of the legend.

Now, the husband took his daughter back to Qingzhou Academy to teach the younger disciples. Of course, he understood what an honor this was.

But, can you cultivate another legend in the future?

I'm afraid it won't be possible anymore, maybe coming here is also the sustenance of the soul for the gentleman!