MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2929 The world

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"What's the matter?" The Devil Emperor raised his head to look at the door of space and said.

"This seat wants to restore the order of the seven realms and restore the age of the gods. Can the Demon Realm be willing to fight with this seat?" The human ancestor's voice resounded through the void, and the powerhouse of the Demon Emperor's Palace stared at the face and pupils that appeared outside the door of the void. There was a cold magic in it.

Renzu, he did not conceal his ambition to re-establish the order of the heavens and the earth and restore the age of the gods, but this age will be controlled by him, and now his subordinates rule the gods.

"Not interested." The Devil Emperor raised his eyes and glanced at Ren Ancestor's face.

There was a cold snort, a horrible aura descended from the door of space, and a horrible light of destruction shot out from the door of space, turned into a chaotic divine thunder, and pierced directly into the demon abyss. Yuan oscillated violently, dropping countless calamities, making all the powerhouses of the Demon Realm look shocked, looking up at the rioting Demon Abyss.

For the practitioners of the Demon World, Demon Abyss is a holy land, but it is also a land of destruction.

The history of the Demon Realm is a history of blood and tears that fought and matched the Demon Abyss.

The terrible black magic light shot out from the eyes of the Devil Emperor, staring at the face of the ancestor, only listening to the ancestor continue to say: "This seat knows that you can use the power of the devil, but don’t forget, this seat can also let the devil Yuan riot."

The Devil Emperor was silent when he heard the words of the ancestors, his eyes shot out the catastrophe of destruction, and the words of the ancestors were his weakness.

If the Demon Abyss rioted, it would be a disaster for the Demon Realm.

For many years, it was he who carried the Demon Abyss on his back and endured the power of the Demon Abyss, so that the Demon Abyss did not run away.

"This is your justice?" The Devil Emperor said coldly.

The justice of human ancestors is to destroy the devil world?

"Don't forget the identity of the Demon World, the land of the Demon Abyss is originally a prison." Renzu said lightly: "Now, when the Demon World is justifying its name, only by re-establishing the world order and the identity of the Demon World can it be changed."

Human ancestors were obviously satirizing, the Demon Realm was just a prison in the ancient times, and the practitioners of the Demon Realm were prisoners.

Only by reforming the order of the heavens and the earth, the identity of the prisoners can be stripped off, thus allowing them to participate in the war.

Practitioners in the Devil Realm have always thought that this was their humiliation. Unexpectedly, human ancestors would even mention it now. I saw that the strong men in the Devil Emperor's Palace were full of anger, and their devilish intent roared, as if they were about to go to war.

But the Devil Emperor was extremely calm. Ren Zu found his weakness and wanted to make him compromise. He saw Ren Zu's arrogance and impossibility. This existence from ancient times has only truly revealed his true colors. .

Seeing the Devil Emperor's silence, Human Ancestor continued to speak: "The Devil Emperor, the Human Realm, the Sky God Realm, and the Dark World have all been summoning an army to invade. Now you immediately mobilize the Demon Legion to join the battle, enter the heaven and the land of the Divine Land, and unify the seven realms. "

As the voice fell, the face gradually disappeared, but there was still a voice from it: "If you don't agree, the Demon World will feel the blessings from the Demon Abyss."

This voice resounded through the void, and the faces of the practitioners in the Devil Emperor Palace were extremely embarrassed, and the ancestors threatened them unabashedly.

"Your Majesty!" The strong man in the Demon Emperor's Palace raised his head to look at the Demon Emperor above the sky and shouted.

The Devil Emperor still stood there silently, his figure tall and stalwart, but it was a bit sad.

The overbearing master of the demon world, the Devil Emperor, has never been threatened by anyone in his life, but now, the human ancestor threatens him with the lives of all beings in the demon world, asking him to give in and bow his head and fight with the ancestors.

The Devil Emperor raised his head to look at the unclosed space passage, and said, "Call the practitioners of the Devil Realm, and prepare to participate in the war."

At this moment, all the practitioners in the Devil Emperor's Palace were silent. They knew that His Majesty the Devil had succumbed.

When Human Ancestor arrived last time, he was ready for a battle. Even if it started, it was the will of their Demon Realm, not being coerced. This was their attitude.

But this time, the Devil Emperor compromised.

Not because of myself, but for the demon world.

After giving the order, the figure of the Devil Emperor disappeared, he came into the Demon Abyss and looked towards Yu Sheng.

Now, the entire Demon Realm is being held, and only the power that controls the Demon Abyss for the rest of his life can break the situation.

It seems that when Ye Futian sent the treasure, he might have predicted that he would have a catastrophe.


The human world, the devil world, the empty **** world, the dark world, UU reading www., a more terrifying and more extensive group of practitioners, is gathering.

Especially since Ye Futian led the six major legions to strangle and retreat last time, they were all unwilling. Now they are coming back, carrying the power of the four realms, and they are no longer scattered forces, gathering together, preparing to attack at the same time and invade the heavens and the Shenzhou. .

This time, the army will occupy the heaven and the Shenzhou, and then the world of the Western Tian Buddhism.

The land of the seven realms will eventually be unified.

In the human world, there are continents and countless cities, and people from all walks of life are walking in the sky, rushing to the continent where the human temple is located.

In the land above the many continents in the human world, the mighty and powerful Yukong, they are all discussing.

At this time, over a continent.

"Brother Wang, are you going there too?"

"Such a grand event, how can you not participate in it, people will live forever, this kind of feast, I am afraid there will be only one time."

"Yes, there has been only one time in thousands of years. Now, it is such an honor to be able to participate in it personally."

"Everyone, be careful." Someone shouted in the sky, waving goodbye.

"You can rest assured that when you return this time, when the seven realms are unified, we are all the pioneers of the new order of heaven and earth." The cultivator in the void said loudly, "Farewell."

When the voice fell, the sharp sword under his feet pierced through the air, disappeared in a flash, and disappeared in an instant.

Such scenes happened everywhere in the human world, and they would all fight for ‘justice’, for the ancestors, and want to conquer, unify the seven realms, and take control of the order of heaven and earth.

Outside the Human Shrine, the door of the human world is here. Countless practitioners gather in this area. They look in the direction of the Human Shrine with solemn expressions. Many people bow and bow and worship.

That is the place where the ancestors were practicing, the gods of the human world, their beliefs.