MTL - The Legend of Futian-v10 Chapter 2922 Space channel?

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The powerhouses also agreed with Xia Qingyu’s ideas. After all, there were few people in the battle of the Emperor Realm, and if a war broke out under the Emperor Realm, it would be extremely chaotic. Xia Qingyuan participated in the battle to save people and had a chance to save many people. life.

To refrain from walking on the path of God for this has made all the emperors look at him with admiration, especially the Buddhist monks, who prayed to Xia Qingyu with their hands together and chanted the sound of the Buddha.

"This war is ultimately decided by top figures. Therefore, I will try my best to avoid the battles of people who can avoid the lower realm. I plan to go to the human realm to see how I can spy on the cultivation of the human ancestors." Ye Futian said.

Now that his cultivation has reached another stage, it is a temptation to go to the Human Shrine for a while, of course, if he has the opportunity, he doesn't mind killing.

"Your Majesty Tiandi's move is a bit risky, and his subordinates don't agree with it." Yu Tu said. Although he is Ye Futian's foster father, he also calls Ye Futian the young master, but now he is called the Emperor of Heaven.

"I also don't agree." Emperor Qin also said, Ye Futian wants to go to the Human Palace to test?

If the power of the human ancestor's true body in the human temple awakens, it will undoubtedly be dangerous.

These people who followed Ye Futian's mother were the first to oppose. They were all true loyalties of the emperor back then. Ye Futian was the only descendant of the emperor, and they naturally wanted to be extra nervous.

"If the human ancestor's true body recovers, he will be killed. In those days, Ji Wudao went to the human shrine and retired all over his body." Ye Futian said, "What's more, even if the human ancestor's true body has recovered a lot, it is not necessarily true. Can keep me."

Ye Futian has strong confidence in his voice, and now his strength, as long as he is more careful, it is difficult to keep him.

"I also think there is no problem." At this moment, the Great Emperor Donghuang who was sitting next to Ye Futian said: "If the human ancestor's vitality has not recovered, maybe it is an opportunity. If there is danger, immediately evacuate. What will be worth going."

The Great Emperor East Phoenix is ​​Ye Futian's father. How would he be willing to let Ye Futian take risks, but now Ye Futian shoulders the fate of the Seven Realms. He sits on the seat of God and should do what the Emperor of Heaven should do.

Ye Futian and the father and son of Emperor Donghuang spoke, and the others would naturally not say much.

They all could see that Ye Futian wanted to avoid large-scale wars as much as possible. He could solve the best by himself, followed by people from the realm of the Great to solve this war dispute. People are involved.

"Father is right. It is indeed worth trying. Don't worry, I will proceed with caution." Ye Futian said, and the powerhouses nodded one after another, even Yu Tu and the others did not persuade.

"Huh?" At this moment, Ye Futian raised his brows, and then he stretched out his hand and waved, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

In the land of Tianmen outside the Ninety-Ninth Heaven, a group of strong men appeared there, with extraordinary temperament, and they were all in the realm of the Great Emperor, with divine light lingering on their body, looking towards the Ninety-Nineth Heaven.

"I'm waiting to come and visit the Emperor of Heaven." Hearing only one voice, the leading emperor realm powerhouse said loudly, the sound was ninety-nine times into the sky, and everyone could hear it.

"Go out and have a look." Ye Futian opened his mouth and said with a thought. A door appeared in front of the palace. He stood up and took a step forward and walked directly out. Other strong men followed and walked into the door. In the middle, suddenly the same door of the void appeared in the Tianmen outside the ninety-nine layer, and the figures of Ye Futian and others walked out of it.

Ye Futian and the others stepped out, looking at those great emperors who appeared outside the Ninety-Nine Heaven, they hadn't seen them.

Moreover, Ye Futian keenly perceives that the aura on these emperors is somewhat different.

Now that Ye Futian has reached the level of Heavenly Dao, he naturally understands that the reason for this feeling is because these great emperor figures come from other universe worlds and people from outside the domain.

"Why are you looking for me?" Ye Futian looked at these great emperors and asked.

The headed man is dressed in gorgeous clothes and has a magnificent appearance. He looks more than forty years old, and his body is faintly surrounded by golden brilliance, giving people a sense of dignity, as if from an extraordinary origin.

"The Emperor of Heaven must have known that I am from the outside world." The emperor who only listened to the head said: "Now, the Emperor of Heaven seems to be in conflict with the gods of the human world. I waited from afar to witness the outbreak of this war. , I can’t bear to continue to do this, so I want to ask the emperor, do I need help?"

Ye Futian showed a strange color and looked at the other side and said: "Help? You guys want to join the war?"

"As long as the emperor is willing," the other party responded.

Ye Futian is a little curious, why is the other party confident that he can help them?

"How to help? What are the conditions?" Ye Futian asked, if these people really help from the heart, he would not mind, but Ye Futian also knows that there is no such good thing in the world.

It is still unclear whether these people from outside the territory from other universes are enemies or friends. According to his judgment, most of them will be enemies.

If they are not my race, their hearts will be different. How can they have no purpose if they come from afar?

Back then, my mother wanted to recast the Dao of Heaven because she spied on other universes and wanted to prove the Dao in order to protect this universe.

"No special conditions are required, only His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is needed to help open a space channel, so that the practitioners of our world can come to help the Emperor of Heaven to participate in the war." The other party said.

However, Ye Futian frowned, and the other party wanted to forge a space channel across the cosmic level, so that the powerful cosmic world they were in could come here.

Under this condition, UU reading is enough to make people think about it.

What if this cosmic channel is an invading channel?

The point is that he doesn't know what level the top powers in other universes are now. Because of this, he wanted to find an answer before, what is the ultimate in practice? Whether there is an end point.

However, it can also be seen that it is not easy for the other party to open a cosmic-level space channel, at least not now, so it will find him to cooperate.

"I want to know the situation of the universe and world you are in." At this moment, Emperor East Phoenix took a step forward and asked: "Also, are the seven emperors who fell before are also yours?"

The Great Emperor East Phoenix developed a strong sense of vigilance after hearing the other party's words. If this space channel was opened, it would attract the strong from the outside world to their world, which was obviously impossible to agree to.

Therefore, he now wants to know what level of the overall strength and top combat power of other universes are?

When Ye Futian heard his father's words, he immediately remembered the seven emperors he had killed with a single shot!